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Prey review thread


I hate to ask and I am probably going to look quite stupid, how does this review embargo thing even work? Is that not a clear violation of the first amendment(using American law as an example)?
With Bethesda's policy it's not even an embargo. All they're doing is just not sending out early copies.
Wow, i'm really impressed by this. It seems like it doesn't worry about if you fuck yourself over.

I got the first "gun" and wasted all my ammo trying to do something stupid that kind of works but doesn't really work.

Had to do some clever workarounds to kill some powerful enemies that the wrench barely does any damage to. I'm playing on hard and i'd recommend that. Actually had to be stealthy and play careful.

But now i have the second weapon and it feels good to be able to destroy those things that you had to be so scared of before.


I hate to ask and I am probably going to look quite stupid, how does this review embargo thing even work? Is that not a clear violation of the first amendment(using American law as an example)?

The first amendment only extends as far as the United States Government's relationship with its citizens. There are a great deal of limitations that can be placed on people's right to free speech (for instance, people have the right to gather, but the government has some say over where they gather).

This is why, say, Twitter can ban people for saying things Twitter doesn't like. Twitter is not the government, therefore, it is not possible for Twitter to violate your first amendment rights. Only the government is capable of violating those rights.
There's a cynical logic in bethesda's policy. It essentially acknowledges that many reviews are just a form of marketing, and so much of it compromised by poor writing or uncomfortable industry relationships, that they've just said "eh, we'll just do our own direct to consumer pre-release marketing." I understand and agree with claims that it is certainly not pro-consumer, but in general (PC Dishonored frustrations aside), these have all been really great games on release, so it's not really like they're trying to hide something - just acknowledging that this is a hugely flawed system.

I hate to ask and I am probably going to look quite stupid, how does this review embargo thing even work? Is that not a clear violation of the first amendment(using American law as an example)?

companies are not obliged to provide advance review copies of any product. Again, it's marketing when they do it.
The first amendment only extends as far as the United States Government's relationship with its citizens. There are a great deal of limitations that can be placed on people's right to free speech (for instance, people have the right to gather, but the government has some say over where they gather).

This is why, say, Twitter can ban people for saying things Twitter doesn't like. Twitter is not the government, therefore, it is not possible for Twitter to violate your first amendment rights. Only the government is capable of violating those rights.

It's also voluntarily agreed upon by the media organizations working with bethesda.

So ordered at Best Buy and got the steel book, but was it supposed to include a soundtrack?



Has been for me so far in a variety of ways in the first few hours, but it doesn't have (at least not in the beginning) a lot of propaganda or villain figure of Bioshock level. That of course can be built up and exposed as we go.

Maybe others can comment in that regard.

The rest though? Its there and very well done.


It's so freaking good.

Great sci-fi set up with a surprising amount of choice in how you can approach parts of the game. It's also enormously open and rewards exploration.


Has been for me so far in a variety of ways in the first few hours, but it doesn't have (at least not in the beginning) a lot of propaganda or villain figure of Bioshock level. That of course can be built up and exposed as we go.

Maybe others can comment in that regard.

The rest though? Its there and very well done.

From the gameplay style, this is definitely Bioshock.


Wait. The PS4 version still has that awful latency from the demo yet it's still getting those high scores? Fucking lol I see continued mistrust of 95% of reviewers is the correct position to hold
Wait. The PS4 version still has that awful latency from the demo yet it's still getting those high scores? Fucking lol I see continued mistrust of 95% of reviewers is the correct position to hold

I guess it depends on which system they play the game on. It sounds like the PC version is great. Any word on XB1?

But yes, if one version of a game performs significantly worse or has big issues it should be reflected in the score for that version of the game.


Wait. The PS4 version still has that awful latency from the demo yet it's still getting those high scores? Fucking lol I see continued mistrust of 95% of reviewers is the correct position to hold

I haven't looked at the reviews thus far, but do they explicitly say they reviewed the PS4 version?


Wait. The PS4 version still has that awful latency from the demo yet it's still getting those high scores? Fucking lol I see continued mistrust of 95% of reviewers is the correct position to hold

The latency has been greatly reduced. Still there, but I'd say about 80% fixed. I have the game and have played through the PS4 demo as well.
Where are all the reviews? Outlets haven't had enough time to complete it or just have no interest?

Bethesda declined to send review copies out until 24 hours before release (which has been their policy for a while now) so outlets are having to complete the game, basically.
Wait. The PS4 version still has that awful latency from the demo yet it's still getting those high scores? Fucking lol I see continued mistrust of 95% of reviewers is the correct position to hold

"Fucking lol"

When a game is multiplatform, should the review score only represent the console of your choice? It's going to go down as a classic on PC.
I would agree with the bioshock comparisons though i know its probably more closely tied to system shock. The deus ex like upgrade trees and exploration also really allows you to play anyway youd like. To me, its the second best bioshock game after the first one.
*Forgive me if I'm not super-versed in all the hottest new Youtube channels, but I liked this guy's review.

I went looking for some Prey talk while I showered this morning, and found this Skill Up review. 33 minutes long (!!) with a good framing of the history of these types of games.

I just wanted to say I think the guy does a nice job.

*Forgive me if I'm not super-versed in all the hottest new Youtube channels, but I liked this guy's review.

I went looking for some Prey talk while I showered this morning, and found this Skill Up review. 33 minutes long (!!) with a good framing of the history of these types of games.

I just wanted to say I think the guy does a nice job.

How spoilery is the review?
*Forgive me if I'm not super-versed in all the hottest new Youtube channels, but I liked this guy's review.

I went looking for some Prey talk while I showered this morning, and found this Skill Up review. 33 minutes long (!!) with a good framing of the history of these types of games.

I just wanted to say I think the guy does a nice job.


Keep in mind that the first 10 minutes talks about OG Prey and Prey 2 and focuses on the history of immersive Sims and Prey 2017's relation to the genre. So if you are not interested in that, skip to 10:30 for the meat of the review


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
*Forgive me if I'm not super-versed in all the hottest new Youtube channels, but I liked this guy's review.

I went looking for some Prey talk while I showered this morning, and found this Skill Up review. 33 minutes long (!!) with a good framing of the history of these types of games.

I just wanted to say I think the guy does a nice job.


Great review. I 100% agree with everything he said.


Pretty crazy that Bethesda held back pre-release review copies for this game. Did they expect it to review badly?


The demo's impressions made me think this game was going to be a complete disaster. What a 180 this has been.


Yes, but why not make an exception when you have an obvious gem on your hands that will be universally liked by hardcore gamers/gaming press?

Because when they do have a turd on their hands it would make it even more obvious when there's no review copies. If every game has no review copies then people won't be able to tell when it's because a game sucks.
this makes no sense. You could exercise patience then and simply read reviews as you're playing and get the same result. You don't need an embargo for that crap.

In cinema, when a movie isn't allowed to be reviewed before release almost everyone knows that means it will suck. In games, that's mostly the case as well. If you don't want consumers to assume that, release your game for early review. No sound reason not to, except to be assholes. Or you know your game will suck.
It's all about taking away the narrative control from the Fake News and speaking directly to the people..
How well did Dishonored 2 sell? I think the lack of pre-release review failed to generate any kind of hype for the game.

From all accounts... Not very well. Which is a true shame because it's a great game.

This might do better because it didn't launch in a super stacked end of year period.
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