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Millionaire to Millennials: Stop Buying Avocado Toast If You Want to Buy a Home


Where the fuck are people getting this impression that 20-30 year olds are just buying Starbucks, iPhones and fucking Avacados all the time then wondering "Where'd all my money go" at the end of every day? I spend money on toilet paper, rice, gas and fucking pain medicine. This moronic stereotype literally only serves to convince dumbass legislators to make my life harder

Why do you need pain meds?

I mean, seriously, what condition do you have? Out of curiousity
You guys laugh but even mainstream democratic politicians like Paul Krugman have expressed similar statements about how millennial spending is frivolous and hurting the economy, though he never made the mistake of pinpointing avocados. At the end of the day, the fact of the matter is that the wealthy, and even those just getting by absolutely hate you. They hate that you have food. They hate that you have healthcare. And they hate that you exist. What are you going to do about them as they leech all resources so they can run up the numbers on their bank account?


He ain't wrong though, when saving to buy your first house getting rid of bad spending habits is key.

That, and not living where housing prices are ubsurd. My last house cost me 100 grand, it would have been a 2 million dollar home in some cities.

Yep, Chick at my work always complaining about rent and credit card bills, crying into her big cup of Starbucks, 3 or 4 a day... Or showing off her latest tattoo.. I once asked a millionaire why he didn't fly first class, he said you don't get rich pissing money up the wall.
Wouldn't you rather buy a house?

The articles are talking about the hilariously​ overpriced stuff you buy pre-made at swanky coffee places not that you make yourself.

Making Avacado on toast probably costs about 60c a slice tops, the pre-made smashed avocado on sourdough usually with some tomato and feto goes for $10-$20.
You guys laugh but even mainstream democratic politicians like Paul Krugman have expressed similar statements about how millennial spending is frivolous and hurting the economy, though he never made the mistake of pinpointing avocados. At the end of the day, the fact of the matter is that the wealthy, and even those just getting by absolutely hate you. They hate that you have food. They hate that you have healthcare. And they hate that you exist. What are you going to do about them as they leech all resources so they can run up the numbers on their bank account?

Well Occupy Wall Street didn't do anything so I guess we're kinda fucked


Yep, Chick at my work always complaining about rent and credit card bills, crying into her big cup of Starbucks, 3 or 4 a day... Or showing off her latest tattoo.. I once asked a millionaire why he didn't fly first class, he said you don't get rich pissing money up the wall.

did you ask about his tattoos?


You guys laugh but even mainstream democratic politicians like Paul Krugman have expressed similar statements about how millennial spending is frivolous and hurting the economy, though he never made the mistake of pinpointing avocados. At the end of the day, the fact of the matter is that the wealthy, and even those just getting by absolutely hate you. They hate that you have food. They hate that you have healthcare. And they hate that you exist. What are you going to do about them as they leech all resources so they can run up the numbers on their bank account?

It's so backwards too, spending is really healthy for economies


I am just surprised at the number of people that eat out for lunch everyday, especially at expensive area, those really add up.

People without saving that pay 5 bucks for a coffee really need to rethink their life.


It's almost like if all the Millionaires'd didn't keep buying every single property that's developed and renting them out at insane prices that people might be able to afford a home.
Yep, Chick at my work always complaining about rent and credit card bills, crying into her big cup of Starbucks, 3 or 4 a day... Or showing off her latest tattoo.. I once asked a millionaire why he didn't fly first class, he said you don't get rich pissing money up the wall.

People in general buy frivolous shit. A lot of people just happen to make enough money to where they can afford it, or otherwise they never would. Typically they aren't so efficient that that's how they afford it, rather they just make the doe.


At the end of the day, the fact of the matter is that the wealthy, and even those just getting by absolutely hate you. They hate that you have food. They hate that you have healthcare. And they hate that you exist. What are you going to do about them as they leech all resources so they can run up the numbers on their bank account?

The clearest sign that you have never met or even had a simple chat with a single wealthy person. I can understand why some might be frustrated or even angry at a capitalist system, but I hate to break it to you -- the wealthy are nothing like you portray. Maybe the occasional gold digger / spoiled brat, but by and large they are normal, caring / empathetic individuals. Just because their bank account is larger doesn't make them hate others.
Well Occupy Wall Street didn't do anything so I guess we're kinda fucked

It's so backwards too, spending is really healthy for economies

Mhm. It's fucked up morally and economically. They're telling you that they think you should eat crumbs. They do so because their ideology demands that those lower than them are not allowed to thrive, but must be made to suffer. What are you going to do about it?

The last time the aristocratic class mocked the lower classes this much the French Revolution happened. Surely we can manage at least some protests outside their homes?

The clearest sign that you have never met or even had a simple chat with a single wealthy person. I can understand why some might be frustrated or even angry at a capitalist system, but I hate to break it to you -- the wealthy are nothing like you portray. Maybe the occasional gold digger / spoiled brat, but by and large they are normal, caring / empathetic individuals. Just because their bank account is larger doesn't make them hate others.

I have met dozens of millionaires in my life, most of which were during the 2016 presidential campaign. Small sample size overall to be sure, but they are fundamentally not caring or empathetic. Not one of which were even pleasant people to be around. Unless they actually came from poverty, their worldview is that the poor are parasites and don't deserve public serves. Even democratic donors were primarily concerned with cutting public education and health care. They want you to eat dirt.


I don't know... I think there's some truth to what he's saying minus the hyperbole.
A couple of my friends and I have been working similar hours for a couple of years while attending college, I have zero dollars saved up, while they have tens of thousands saved up. The difference between us? I waste money on food and the latest in technology, they live off potatoes.


Lol GAF you're so slow, Avocardo home loans has been a meme since 2016

”I have seen young people order smashed avocado with crumbled feta on five-grain toasted bread at $22 a pop and more," Salt penned on behalf of ”Middle-Aged Moralisers".

”I can afford to eat this for lunch because I am middle-aged and have raised my family. But how can young people afford to eat like this?"

”Twenty-two dollars several times a week could go towards a deposit on a house."

His words have caused millennials to spit out their soy flat whites in disgust.

Bernard salt can pry my smashed avocado from my cold dead hands pic.twitter.com/4Pjz8y4aJG
— Simon R (@Rugbysmartarse) October 16, 2016

@BernardSalt is right of course, just give up $22 a week and you'll have a deposit on a median priced house in Sydney in... 175 years.
— Kyle Sheldrick (@K_Sheldrick) October 15, 2016

Skipped smashed avocado for breakfast this morning. Excited to buy a house next week.
— Tony Broderick �� (@brod) October 16, 2016

I hope the state forcefully expropriates bernard salt's house and then beats him to death with avocado
— danyell ghoulan (@dannolan) October 15, 2016

The response has been so great that home lender ME bank has even launched a marketing campaign for its home loans with the words ”Have your smashed avo and eat it too".

@MarkDiStef @BuzzFeedOz giving up your smashed avocado in lieu of a home is not an option! https://t.co/0hKNkE7wPD pic.twitter.com/qKnLugft4X

— ME (@mebank) October 17, 2016
”I clearly touched the avocado zeitgeist in Australia," a bemused Salt told The Australian this morning.


Try to eat this every morning. I will never own a house.
I don't know... I think there's some truth to what he's saying minus the hyperbole.
A couple of my friends and I have been working similar hours for a couple of years while attending college, I have zero dollars saved up, while they have tens of thousands saved up. The difference between us? I waste money on food and the latest in technology, they live off potatoes.

They've saved 20k+ at part-time jobs while studying? And they pay their own living expenses?
They've saved 20k+ at part-time jobs while studying? And they pay their own living expenses?

I have a friend who did same, 30k in bank.
basically got 500 odd dollars a fortnight to waste after renting a room, didnt do the dero thing and get a large car loan or spend 100 a week on beer.
I have a friend who did same, 30k in bank.
basically got 500 odd dollars a fortnight to waste after renting a room, didnt do the dero thing and get a large car loan or spend 100 a week on beer.

He must be making at least 1700 a month to pay bills and food and have a grand left over. And that's a part time job while he studies. I understand it can be done, but you must realise that doesn't apply to everyone as society would be a lot happier if everyone could make 20k working part time while studying.


Most people could stand to save some money, avocados or not. If I stopped taking the train to work and rode my bike instead, and made my own sandwiches instead of buying lunch I'd save nearly £200 a month. Which is insane really, but willpower is hard.


Neo Member
There seems to be a correlation between having a lot of money and saying stupid things.
Is a cool million really all it takes for well adjusted people to start shouting from elevated surfaces?



Can't decide whether avocado toast sounds delicious or disgusting. ...oh sorry were we talking about something else?


I have a friend who did same, 30k in bank.
basically got 500 odd dollars a fortnight to waste after renting a room, didnt do the dero thing and get a large car loan or spend 100 a week on beer.

He had an extra grand a month, AFTER RENT, while studying? I call bullshit on that. Assuming he's working a low paying job since he's working part time, even if he's working 24 hours a week, after taxes he's going to be lucky to end up with 1k-1.2k per month. And he somehow has that amount left over? Does he not eat or pay rent?


He's right y'know.

I've never bought an avocado and I'll be buying a house this year. Only took literally a decade of saving.

And on the plus side that first avocado after I move in is going to taste amazing.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
He's right y'know.

I've never bought an avocado and I'll be buying a house this year. Only took literally a decade of saving.

And on the plus side that first avocado after I move in is going to taste amazing.
Sometimes to consume more avocado you must consume less.

- Ancient Millionaire Zen Koan


He's right y'know.

I've never bought an avocado and I'll be buying a house this year. Only took literally a decade of saving.

And on the plus side that first avocado after I move in is going to taste amazing.

It's been my 7th year and I still need about a year or two of saving to buy one. I also never bought an avocado or anything avocado related.
Never heard of people spending $19 on avacodos, is this an Australian thing?

He's talking about if you order it out at breakfast. Buying same thing from shop Avocado itself is about $2. Remember our wages are high, eating out is expensive compared to America, if that's where you're from.


"Half of all poor American families who rent spend more than 50 percent of their income on housing costs. In May, rental income as a share of GDP hit an all-time high. Meanwhile, in 2015, the federal government spent $71 billion on the MID, and households earning more than $100,000 receive almost 90 percent of the benefits."


Just think about that for a minute. I'll be over here dreaming of avocado toast and the house I'll likely never own.
This idea that the reason we are poor is because of our day to day spending is wrong, sure, we would get save more money by the end of the month but it's not realistic to expect to save enough for a current market price house at the expense of some mental welfare. Frivolous things, gym, that special food item you like, etc.. are what keeps us going day to day.

Funny how rich fatcats never cry when we spend our income on their products.
Housing shouldn't be so expensive

That way more money could be spent on the wider economy

Housing in Australia is super expensive because one of our Governments deliberately turned it into an investment vehicle, you can write losses on rental properties off your personal income (negative gearing) and there's a generous tax discount on capital gains relative to income for those on the upper end of the income scale. This makes it attractive for investors to borrow and outbid people who want to occupy, since you write off the loan repayments on personal income and make money in capital gains.

The low interest rates since the GFC sent the process into overdrive. We'll get a pretty big bubble pop, if rates go up as a result from people who overextended to invest in property.

Its a house of cards.
You guys laugh but even mainstream democratic politicians like Paul Krugman have expressed similar statements about how millennial spending is frivolous and hurting the economy, though he never made the mistake of pinpointing avocados. At the end of the day, the fact of the matter is that the wealthy, and even those just getting by absolutely hate you. They hate that you have food. They hate that you have healthcare. And they hate that you exist. What are you going to do about them as they leech all resources so they can run up the numbers on their bank account?

I'm not going to believe that until you provide a link. I read almost everything he writes and don't remember him saying that you
Housing in Australia is super expensive because one of our Governments deliberately turned it into an investment vehicle, you can write losses on rental properties off your personal income (negative gearing) and there's a generous tax discount on capital gains relative to income for those on the upper end of the income scale. This makes it attractive for investors to borrow and outbid people who want to occupy, since you write off the loan repayments on personal income and make money in capital gains.

The low interest rates since the GFC sent the process into overdrive. We'll get a pretty big bubble pop, if rates go up as a result from people who overextended to invest in property.

Its a house of cards.

Its absolute nuts

The only way I could afford a house where I lived was by buying one that needed a total refurb,

Two years later I've finally moved into my living room/bedroom.

Just the kitchen and bathroom to go!


has calmed down a bit.
I have an avocado tree in my yard.... Does this mean I'm rich? Is this like discovering you have oil under your back yard?


He's right y'know.

I've never bought an avocado and I'll be buying a house this year. Only took literally a decade of saving.

And on the plus side that first avocado after I move in is going to taste amazing.

Don't do it! You'll miss your mortgage payment!


We have done it, we live on a society that people can't think for themselves, the dictators and emperors of the old times would be really jealous.

edit: I'm getting a new car next week because I don't spend all the money I make, and I live in Greece of crisis...
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