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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


Game of Thrones (2017)


lol. Amazing
I'm going to just take this weeaboo L and say it:

I want a full blown anime battle between the Night King, Dany, and Jon all riding on dragons.

Yes it's cheesy. YES, it's low brow. BUT



SMH at Jon Snow continuing to fight when everyone is ready to leave on the Dragon. So much time wasted to display his bravery.


Sansa and Arya have to be putting on a show for Littlefinger. They know he's watching/spying on them, they're setting him up for something. I refuse to believe otherwise.

The fact that LF tried to get Sansa to involve Brienne but Sansa sent Brienne to King's Landing instead (which was the smart play) tells me that LF doesn't have Sansa's trust or confidence.

Most likely Sansa will go to Bran to ask for help with Arya and the truth will come out. Arya will then kill LF and they'll all be a happy family again.

It would be fitting if the only way the greatest schemer in the show is brought down is by someone with literal psychic abilities who can see everything. Actually maybe it'd be lame - killed by fantasy rather than poltiics. But Kat's kids doing LF in... that would certainly be fitting.

I think what made those Arya scenes so bad is that no one is actually buying that any of the Stark kids will hurt each other at this point.


Well, guess that resolves who will be riding what. Guess Night King on undead dragon counts.

Wife and I were legit holding out hope they wouldn't resurrect the dragon, but as soon as it cut to the wights with the chains it was obvious what was going down.

That episode was pretty awesome. Gendry running back to the wall + raven + dragonflight back was a bit much on the timescale side, but I'll deal with it (they held out pretty fucking long on that rock).

Stark sisters need to get their shit together, but for a moment I was legit wondering if the show was going to go Season 1 on us and have Arya shank Sansa. That certainly would have made things epic, but giving Sansa the dagger makes me wonder what she has up her sleeve.

6 seasons of storyline converging all at once into the grand finale. Not everything is going to stick, but they've made it one hell of a ride.

SMH at Jon Snow continuing to fight when everyone is ready to leave on the Dragon. So much time wasted to display his bravery.

We were yelling at him to get on the fucking dragon, but at the same time turning and booking it isn't exactly easy - as soon as he turns around he'll get swarmed. He's basically fighting to stay alive as much as he is to buy them time, as shown by when he did try to run.


Gotta say, bit weird they didn't show both surviving dragons at the end. Made it feel like one had just died off screen. Guess that's just the CGI budget making decisions.

The Llama

Honestly that was easily the worst episode of this season for me, and down there with Season 5 generally. As others have said, it felt like daytime soap opera writing. Entertaining, but oh so bad.


Really, really good episode after the spastic teleportation nonsense of last week. Loaded with great character stuff. The Arya/Sansa and Jon/Dany scenes felt years in the making and really showed how far all of those 4 have come as actors.

For a show that has relied on deus ex machine repeatedly, Benjin was really pushing the limits of what I can take especially when we just had yet another dragon ex machine minutes before. There was too much to love about this for me to care but it still stood out.

Next week should be a doozy.

heh this week's teleportation was worse considering the stakes
Remember, the night king shares the abilities of the three eye raven as far as we know.

His intent could have been a dragon from the very beginning.

We have no indication he can see anything beyond the wall, he can detect magic and Bran warging, but there is no reason to think any of what just happened was some grand scheme (unless I missed or don't remember a piece of dialog). Let alone the fact, they could have killed all of them and still had Danny set up for a trap.

If it turns out that the Night King set up this entire battle as some elaborate trap to kill a Dragon, and not kill the group, then I'll eat crow!


Dany should have just left. I could be surmised that she did so soon after they left for Eastwatch. Would have been an easy fix. And D&D had no clue what to do with Arya and Sansa at Winterfell.


Sure lucky the Night King happened to have a couple of giant dragon spears handy.

They weren't that big, certainly not like the ones Bronn shot off. Besides, did you not see the size of the polar bears in the north? I'd have a wagon of those things on me at all times.


imagine being Sansa I'd be so confused and scared like wtf you have faces in your fucking bag betch explain yourself

And then Sansa starts confiding in Little Finger... They've both lost their damn minds. Meanwhile Bran, the great and powerful all seeing, all knowing TER is like:

Seriously this episode pissed me off!


You mean the dragon that was only a few hundred yards away from him and could have easily turned and killed him by dragonfire? As opposed to the dragon that was way further away and flying, thus increasing his chances of missing?

Yeah, the dragon that seemed poise to attack him, as opposed to the one that wasn't paying him any attention.

That was the flow of the scene. Once you're at the point where you're debating the degree of threat on the basis of yards, you've descended to a place where joy doesn't reach.
This thread has gotten toxic. So much complaining.

It's always so bizarre every week watching people's reactions in the real world and how everyone thinks the show just keeps getting better / viewers keep rising.

Then you come in the threads here and you would think the show has gotten terrible. It's a night and day difference
Seeing so many people defending the writing makes me understand how The Walking Dead continues to be on air.

GoT is at a point where its too big for people to accept criticisms on the show. Happens when you have a strong history of home-run award winning episodes. bound to happen.


A lesson for you whiny man-babies:

Suspension of disbelief is not limitless.

Calling people man-babies for having legitimate criticism is immature. That criticism may not bother you or detract from your enjoyment of the show, thats fine. But they are not wrong to point it out.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
We have no indication he can see anything beyond the wall, he can detect magic and Bran warging, but there is no reason to think any of what just happened was some grand scheme (unless I missed or don't remember a piece of dialog). Let alone the fact, they could have killed all of them and still had Danny set up for a trap.

If it turns out that the Night King set up this entire battle as some elaborate trap to kill a Dragon, and not kill the group, then I'll eat crow!

We are not likely to have confirmation of it until the books are finished... but him touching bran showed he shares the power. To what extent, we don't know. But the show will likely not go into great detail.


heh this week's teleportation was worse considering the stakes

I think it works if you view it as a movie rather than an episodic type of thing. It's inconsistent with the rest of the series, but maybe its not as much as an issue as some think. It didn't bother me this episode at all. It added to the suspense if anything.

Also, Dragonfire does nothing to the NK, he walked through it.

We've seen the night king is fire proof before.
What a weird coincidence that everyone """"predicted"""" that the dragon would be killed and resurrected by the Whitewalkers.
Yeah, you know it's funny, there was a Yahoo article that somehow "predicted" exactly every moment of the ice dragon transformation. Hell they even called which dragon specifically got killed.

Man, must have just been a lucky prediction!!



Yeah, the dragon that seemed poise to attack him, as opposed to the one that wasn't paying him any attention.

That was the flow of the scene. Once you're at the point where you're debating the degree of threat on the basis of yards, you've descended into a place where joy doesn't reach.
Poised to attack him is such an overstatement of events considering it wasn't even flying in his general direction.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
SMH at Jon Snow continuing to fight when everyone is ready to leave on the Dragon. So much time wasted to display his bravery.
They clearly telegraphed that there was at least one of them needed to hold the other wights off while the rest boarded.

Sure lucky the Night King happened to have a couple of giant dragon spears handy.
Have we seen them use anything BUT spear weapons?


The One and Done™;246586374 said:
I don't think she needed to say anything. When she saw the scars you can tell she understood. Emilia has been excellent this season.

Ah I had to step away for a minute there so that's why I was wondering


The One and Done™;246586374 said:
I don't think she needed to say anything. When she saw the scars you can tell she understood. Emilia has been excellent this season.

the last thing she was thinking bout were the scars though
heh this week's teleportation was worse considering the stakes
It didn't come off that way to me because the pacing was much, much better and it was filled with the character interactions that make this show to me. Plus, I felt the passage of time was more clearly conveyed.

Last week was jarring scene after scene. You can definitely tell Benioff/Weiss miss Martin's plotting but this was still better than it was a week ago.
But the dragon got killed by it's flame on sack being pierced... So if that got punctured it couldn't make flames even as a zombie. Unless now it some how shoots ice.

I think it got killed by bleeding out. But, I'm sure it's still going to breathe something like fire because of magic—which is fine by me.

Plus, how else is the NK going to melt the Wall?
To be fair we don't know how much time passed between the battle and them coming back with the chains.

I never complain about time travel, don't put me in the same pool as those who do.

Those are still some big ass chains to have in the middle of nowhere. Regardless of time, would you expect him to keep chains like that around even back in his ice castle?

Where his catapults and ships at while we're at it?
I'll admit, I'm holding out hope that this Arya Sansa business will end satisfyingly and with LF death. If it doesn't, it literally will have ruined Arya as a character for me.
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