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Indie Game Development Thread 3: Indie Jones and the Template of Doom


Hello, wastewater treatment building.



Ah I see, cool yeah I did mean adding volume with tone as opposed to engine shading; probably a poor choice of words on my part! I look forward to seeing it, especially with the sky being a health indicator! Do you plan on changing the whole colour scheme on the fly too, or just the sky?

I finally have a full cutscene to show, with music, foley and VO!


Yeah, I'm planning to test a few stuff for changing colors - I'm not sure exactly what I'll be able to affect, and how far I can push things through shaders only, but that's what tests are for :-D At base level, I'm planning to color filter the whole background plane and all its elements, and have a diminished effect on the background parallax stuff. We'll see if the foreground needs to be affected as well, that'll be the trickier part!

Also, fantastic cutscene as I said on TIGsource, brings back a lot of memories from the great ear of 3D platformers :-D


congrats, it looks great :)


That's right, it's a goblin suicide bomber! This little guy targets the closest party member and explodes dealing significant aoe damage based on each party member's distance from the explosion.

Thanks! This is great, I'm very interested to hear what those little guys sound like!

Yeah, I'm planning to test a few stuff for changing colors - I'm not sure exactly what I'll be able to affect, and how far I can push things through shaders only, but that's what tests are for :-D At base level, I'm planning to color filter the whole background plane and all its elements, and have a diminished effect on the background parallax stuff. We'll see if the foreground needs to be affected as well, that'll be the trickier part!

Also, fantastic cutscene as I said on TIGsource, brings back a lot of memories from the great ear of 3D platformers :-D

Cool, well I look forward to seeing what you come up with during experimentation.

Thanks, it's really cool to hear it brings back those sort of memories, especially given that it's those memories that inspire me in the first place!


Neo Member
Wow, gorgeous!

That's really amazing work. I'm usually not that impressed with interior designs in even the best of games but this is quite atmospheric (even if it is a looping video).

Wow, this looks pretty cool, it reminds me of classic PC adventures (Myst and the likes) - very atmospheric!

I like the tone youre going for here.. good stuff

Thank you all for the compliments guys, I'm glad you liked it!

Ooh, interesting. So is it rendered out from Unity first, or through something else?

Yeah, since this is a remake of an old project I made when I was younger and I didn't know much about realtime 3d graphics in games, I decided do the pre-rendered route, like Resident Evil and the old graphics adventures of the 90s. In this remake, I wasn't sure if I should keep the pre-rendered backgrounds or go full 3D. But in the end I decided to go with the pre-rendered approach, in order to keep the same essence from my original game and in order to differentiate from a lot of the first person horror games out there.

So yeah, in Unity I only show static images or videos with some real-time effects on top. The whole game is made with its UI system.


Neogaf indie devs, lend me your ads!

Hey guys. As some of you know we recently released a VR football game on steam. It's a 2 minute drill arcade game where you lead your team of tackle dummies to victory. We created 8 fictional teams complete with their own stadiums (think along the lines of characters and stages from a fighting game).

Anyway, this is "Raster Field", home of the "Pixels"

It was modeled after a DOTA or MLG arena.

Anyway, see those large jumbotrons in the center of the field?

Well, I need videos to populate it. Currently I have some placeholder stuff, but I'd like some ACTUAL games playing on the screens

And I thought, this is very much a game-themed arena . . . why not have videos highlighting other Indie-gaf's works? Maybe help other devs out with some free advertising? (such as it is, it's not like we're blowing up steam right now :) )

I'd actually planned on posting this request here while the game was still in development, but other priorities took my attention. I got time now, though.

So! if you want to participate, here's what I'll need-

My only requirement is that your footage can't include any licensed or copyrighted logos other than your own. complete games are desired, but early access and words-in-progress / beta stuff is fine too. it doesn't have to be VR either!

If you want in, here's what I'll need.

10 second MP4 clip,
426x240 res, 24 fps.
fade in from black, your game's logo for about 2 seconds,
followed by any gameplay you'd want to highlight (think along the lines of those short facebook ads preceeding trailers),
and a 1 second fade to black.

Dropbox or google drive links are best. Send them here (quote to reveal) or PM me. (Oh in the body of your message, please include a statement that you're giving us permission to use this footage as-is.)

I've no idea what kind of response to expect from you all, but I thought this would be a fun way to engage everyone. If this isn't anyone's cup of tea, no harm, no foul. :)

I think it's a super cool idea, and it's super cool of you to offer that :-D I'm not going to take up a spot yet, but if you still have some spots open in a little time, we could see about having a vid for either Honey or Pacha - hopefully I'll have some more BG stuff to make a pretty video? :-D Either way, cool stuff!


Neogaf indie devs, lend me your ads!

Hey guys. As some of you know we recently released a VR football game on steam. It's a 2 minute drill arcade game where you lead your team of tackle dummies to victory. We created 8 fictional teams complete with their own stadiums (think along the lines of characters and stages from a fighting game).

Anyway, this is "Raster Field", home of the "Pixels"

It was modeled after a DOTA or MLG arena.

Anyway, see those large jumbotrons in the center of the field?

Well, I need videos to populate it. Currently I have some placeholder stuff, but I'd like some ACTUAL games playing on the screens

And I thought, this is very much a game-themed arena . . . why not have videos highlighting other Indie-gaf's works? Maybe help other devs out with some free advertising? (such as it is, it's not like we're blowing up steam right now :) )

I'd actually planned on posting this request here while the game was still in development, but other priorities took my attention. I got time now, though.

So! if you want to participate, here's what I'll need-

My only requirement is that your footage can't include any licensed or copyrighted logos other than your own. complete games are desired, but early access and words-in-progress / beta stuff is fine too. it doesn't have to be VR either!

If you want in, here's what I'll need.

10 second MP4 clip,
426x240 res, 24 fps.
fade in from black, your game's logo for about 2 seconds,
followed by any gameplay you'd want to highlight (think along the lines of those short facebook ads preceeding trailers),
and a 1 second fade to black.

Dropbox or google drive links are best. Send them here (quote to reveal) or PM me. (Oh in the body of your message, please include a statement that you're giving us permission to use this footage as-is.)

I've no idea what kind of response to expect from you all, but I thought this would be a fun way to engage everyone. If this isn't anyone's cup of tea, no harm, no foul. :)

Neat! I could get a video ready for Horizon Vanguard in the next day or two.


I've been eager to start working on this one; the roulette table boss arena that sees you fighting off hordes of voodoo dolls!



Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Neogaf indie devs, lend me your ads!

Hey guys. As some of you know we recently released a VR football game on steam. It's a 2 minute drill arcade game where you lead your team of tackle dummies to victory. We created 8 fictional teams complete with their own stadiums (think along the lines of characters and stages from a fighting game).....

That's a pretty cool idea and very nice of you. Hopefully it helps people out.


Neo Member
I've been eager to start working on this one; the roulette table boss arena that sees you fighting off hordes of voodoo dolls!

Really like the DOF you have going on here, helps sell the scale nicely!

Finally put together a launch trailer for Mini Hockey Champ!, will be good to stop relying on the greenlight trailer to show the game off:

youtube encoding did something weird to the color/contrast tho, but at least the steam store version looks accurate.

Originally, I was dead set on the game having zero HUD while playing which is why the scoreboard was built into the gameplay space. Over time I realized new players were struggling so I started adding things like the aim marker and button hints and while it adds some visual clutter, ultimately I think it was a good choice to have all that on by default. Everything can be toggled with gameplay settings, so you can still turn off all the UI elements if you want it to look like this:



Wow, this looks pretty cool, it reminds me of classic PC adventures (Myst and the likes) - very atmospheric!

Here're some progress gifs from this week to finish this page, basically placeholder attempts at background dressing (still trying to figure out the exact size/behavior needed for most of them, and how to assemble them to use the least amount of memory overall, so their visual aspect is currently not my priority - a lot of words to say this is ugly, but don't mind it, it shouldn't be when all is said and done... I think? I hope!)




As an extra bonus, here's my current WIP for an "intention image/style guide" for the temple levels - still a long way to go (needs detail, lighting, line color, figuring out exact colors/contrast, etc, so it's less than half finished at this point), but since I'm sharing WIPs, might as well this, so it's there for reference's sake some time down the line? :-D


Good stuff! Are you still using Construct?


Good stuff! Are you still using Construct?

Absolutely - with the help of someone who knows it wayyyyyy better then I do, so for now it's working out all right! Though I understand Yonder has run into some of the problems I fear in the long term (too many objects, can't preview, etc - André, if you're lurking, maybe you'll be willing to talk about those here?), so we're debating whether to move to Unity sooner or later (both scenarios have strong arguments for and against, so it's not as clear cut as it would seem, even considering the need to port down the line). For now, if all goes well, we'll stick to C2 and port after the game is done based on player feedback for porting purposes, but... well, best laid plans and all that :-D

What about you? We haven't heard much for a while!


Okay, here's a quick and rough attempt at filters-only coloration for background planes (no foreground) for "sky as health color" idea. The idea is to use only color filters, no additional gradients, switch BG elements or other techniques - it might give much better results (for instance for recoloring clouds or light on the far BG panels for an actual "sunset" coloring), but it's to get an idea of the possible baseline effect, see if it works or not. Thoughts?



Where does the noise in this animation comes from, form the renderer,
dithering, or perhaps some artificial one?

Sky Town costume for Sophie for all the weathers.

I was thinking this wold be a good kickstarter stretch goal, Given how much i'll have to do.


The ogre is a MASSIVE tanky enemy with an aoe spin that does damage to all party members in range. ...


That's right, it's a goblin suicide bomber! ...
Cool and pretty funny! :) But man can you rework the textures?! ;)


Okay, here's a quick and rough attempt at filters-only coloration for background planes (no foreground) for "sky as health color" idea. The idea is to use only color filters, no additional gradients, switch BG elements or other techniques - it might give much better results (for instance for recoloring clouds or light on the far BG panels for an actual "sunset" coloring), but it's to get an idea of the possible baseline effect, see if it works or not. Thoughts?
The idea is sort of interesting. I currently don't know whether it's cool or
irritating. xD So if my health varies quickly in some environments due to
whatever reasons, the background color will do so as well, right?


Okay, here's a quick and rough attempt at filters-only coloration for background planes (no foreground) for "sky as health color" idea. The idea is to use only color filters, no additional gradients, switch BG elements or other techniques - it might give much better results (for instance for recoloring clouds or light on the far BG panels for an actual "sunset" coloring), but it's to get an idea of the possible baseline effect, see if it works or not. Thoughts?

This is goddamn gorgeous mate! I really like this idea, can't wait to see it in motion.

Really like the DOF you have going on here, helps sell the scale nicely!

Thanks! It's not truly DOF unfortunately, but a Gaussian blurred skybox. If only Unity 4 supported post fx!


The idea is sort of interesting. I currently don't know whether it's cool or
irritating. xD So if my health varies quickly in some environments due to
whatever reasons, the background color will do so as well, right?

Yup, at least going by the current idea - though it won't flash wildly between the different states, they'd all transition from one another through fades of some sort, so if your health drops quickly, you'll simply have a seamless transition from "healthy" to "critial" for instance!

Also to note: there's no health pickups, health only regenerates naturally, so it won't flail wildly up and down in a very short time, either.

This is goddamn gorgeous mate! I really like this idea, can't wait to see it in motion.

Ah, thanks for the vote of confidence :-D The more I look at it, the more I'm like "what am I thinking", but this needs to be tested to really see if it works or not, I suppose...


... Thanks! It's not truly DOF unfortunately, but a Gaussian blurred skybox. If only Unity 4 supported post fx!
That's what I thought as well, a simple gaussian blur. ;) But indeed, your
game would profit from some nice DoF effects, because for those scale
difference you have here such an DoF would increasing the background blur
a lot. And with some cool bokeh on top would look rather stunning, I guess.

Yup, at least going by the current idea - though it won't flash wildly between the different states, they'd all transition from one another through fades of some sort, so if your health drops quickly, you'll simply have a seamless transition from "healthy" to "critial" for instance!

Also to note: there's no health pickups, health only regenerates naturally, so it won't flail wildly up and down in a very short time, either. ...
Or you lowpass filter the health signal for controlling the change in BG
coloring, i.e. making the BG controller inert. If you use a lowpass filter
which allows to set the cutoff frequency you could control the inertia of
the BG controller. That means, for some scenes, fights, etc. the cutoff
frequence could be increased to make the BG controller react faster to any
changes in health (boss fights whatever). However, you could also lower the
cutoff considerably to make the BG controller very inert leading to smooth
changes no matter how quickly the health changes. Just an idea.


Or you lowpass filter the health signal for controlling the change in BG
coloring, i.e. making the BG controller inert. If you use a lowpass filter
which allows to set the cutoff frequency you could control the inertia of
the BG controller. That means, for some scenes, fights, etc. the cutoff
frequence could be increased to make the BG controller react faster to any
changes in health (boss fights whatever). However, you could also lower the
cutoff considerably to make the BG controller very inert leading to smooth
changes no matter how quickly the health changes. Just an idea.

That's very interesting, thanks a lot for the idea!


That's very interesting, thanks a lot for the idea!
You could use such a filter to inert everything, basically, dumping out many
of the high frequency components of many (digital) signal. This concept isn't
much used because many of the filters are fixed in cutoff and sampling
frequency. But with a dynamic one, i.e. one where you can set the cutoff, you
can give inertia to any system by just controlling one parameter. A variable
cutoff just means the filter coefficients need to be recomputed each time,
which isn't an issue for short filters like a simple lowpass one.


That's what I thought as well, a simple gaussian blur. ;) But indeed, your
game would profit from some nice DoF effects, because for those scale
difference you have here such an DoF would increasing the background blur
a lot. And with some cool bokeh on top would look rather stunning, I guess.

Absolutely it would, unfortunately there just doesn't seem to be a workable solution beside and upgrade to Unity 5 or 2017 (which is out of the question at this stage). Looks like I'll just have to fake it!


Man seeing all these games that Indie-GAF is working on really is motivating me to finish my multiple game projects I haven't ever gotten around to finish.


Absolutely it would, unfortunately there just doesn't seem to be a workable solution beside and upgrade to Unity 5 or 2017 (which is out of the question at this stage). Looks like I'll just have to fake it!

Didn't Unity 3 and 4 have DoF as a 'pro' image effect?

Which I guess is moot if you're on Unity Free, but I think there were some community workarounds to get certain image effects in the free version


Didn't Unity 3 and 4 have DoF as a 'pro' image effect?

Which I guess is moot if you're on Unity Free, but I think there were some community workarounds to get certain image effects in the free version

A fair shout, I'm not sure actually. Either way I can't afford the upgrade unfortunately, I've looked into a few workarounds but so far haven't found anything that works in U4 Free.


A fair shout, I'm not sure actually. Either way I can't afford the upgrade unfortunately, I've looked into a few workarounds but so far haven't found anything that works in U4 Free.

What the main reason for not switching over to U5 minimum? if you don't mind me asking.

I've forgotten how much actually changed between 4>5.


A fair shout, I'm not sure actually. Either way I can't afford the upgrade unfortunately, I've looked into a few workarounds but so far haven't found anything that works in U4 Free.

Yoooooo gimme a sec, let me work some google-fu.

FYI, if you want a sorta-shady workaround to try out Unity Pros image effects, the old Oculus SDK would unlock access to them for that session / project by running the test scene (because I'm pretty sure render to texture is a requirement for the way they implemented VR), so adding the oculus sdk, then running the test scene would then allow running any other scene with Pro image effects enabled afterwards.

I'm pretty sure this was the major reason why image effects just became a part of Unity Free, because VR development only available for Pro users is a pretty big hamstring for adoption.


What the main reason for not switching over to U5 minimum? if you don't mind me asking.

I've forgotten how much actually changed between 4>5.

Oh not at all. I did actually try U5 with it once but it broke a myriad of things. The main character controller relies on U4's physics engine quite a lot, so immediately that had to be changed, this would have meant I'd have spent weeks rewriting and fine tuning things just to get back to square 1 (and I'm not a good coder). Additionally there's quite a few shaders I use that are no longer supported (fur etc). Finally the plugin I use for vertex painting didn't work either. I'm sure it's all possible to fix, but it'd require hiring someone to fix it for me, and I simply don't have the budget!

Yoooooo gimme a sec, let me work some google-fu.

FYI, if you want a sorta-shady workaround to try out Unity Pros image effects, the old Oculus SDK would unlock access to them for that session / project by running the test scene (because I'm pretty sure render to texture is a requirement for the way they implemented VR), so adding the oculus sdk, then running the test scene would then allow running any other scene with Pro image effects enabled afterwards.

I'm pretty sure this was the major reason why image effects just became a part of Unity Free, because VR development only available for Pro users is a pretty big hamstring for adoption.

Huh, what do you know... I wonder where I'd stand legally with this though? I do plan on eventually releasing the game commercially, so I wouldn't want to risk my legal standing on something reasonably minor!


Huh, what do you know... I wonder where I'd stand legally with this though? I do plan on eventually releasing the game commercially, so I wouldn't want to risk my legal standing on something reasonably minor!

I mean.... its clearly an exploit, but the Oculus SDK is available to all users on the official asset store, so theoretically it would be completely legit to use that workaround during development to get the settings you're happy with, then sign up a new account and use the one month free trial of Pro to make the actual build with, but yeah, its not a long term solution.


I'm pretty sure these are probably less performant than the 'official' solutions, but they're legit free, and if you have the overhead to spare, you have the overhead

If you get to the point where you're selling stuff, AFAIK Unity 4.6 doesn't work with any current consoles, so you'd need a move to a newer version anyway if you had aspirations in that direction.


I really need to start finding motivation when busy to work on my games. I have 2 which are mostly simple and in a "gameplay complete" state, I just haven't had any time to work on the levels for them :(


I really need to start finding motivation when busy to work on my games. I have 2 which are mostly simple and in a "gameplay complete" state, I just haven't had any time to work on the levels for them :(


I go in spurts. I did a month of good work and then I went on holidays. Took my Surface with me to do development, but I didn't do 1 thing.

I am now putzing with updating my Project from 5.5 to 2017.2 and see how good/bad the update is.


I mean.... its clearly an exploit, but the Oculus SDK is available to all users on the official asset store, so theoretically it would be completely legit to use that workaround during development to get the settings you're happy with, then sign up a new account and use the one month free trial of Pro to make the actual build with, but yeah, its not a long term solution.


I'm pretty sure these are probably less performant than the 'official' solutions, but they're legit free, and if you have the overhead to spare, you have the overhead

Apparently I need to brush up on my Google skills... well looks like this will be part of this weekends work! Even if it does give a performance hit, it'd be more than fine on a less demanding level like this boss battle arena.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Cool and pretty funny! :) But man can you rework the textures?! ;)

I know, that cave wall looks horrendous, well the cave in it's entirety is awful honestly. I plan to remodel it entirely. I'd like it to look more natural and be part of the mountainside as opposed to being a dorky rocky dome.
This is less of a design question and more of a User Experience question I'm coming to right now (and also a console-standards question as well should the issue of a console port ever become a thing):

Would it be in poor form by present day design standards to pull a 90's-style "Physical DRM" trick (The old LucasArts Code-Word wheels, or the Codec Frequency on the back of the case from MG2 and MGS) as a Meta-Joke? In the example I'm going for, a character says they forgot their phone number and that they have it written in a screenshot on the Store Page (IE, the Steam/GOG/Humble store page) - Which will inevitable require the player to call them to advance the plot.

Would this be considered a poorly-aged annoyance (or unsolvable) to modern audiences? Or more importantly, would this be something that would get flagged in Cert on services other than Steam?

EDIT: Actually I suppose the "DOH!" here would probably be it being a de-facto Online Check-In DRM. Will probably want to have an offline-backup of that screenshot in the local install then.


This is less of a design question and more of a User Experience question I'm coming to right now (and also a console-standards question as well should the issue of a console port ever become a thing):

Would it be in poor form by present day design standards to pull a 90's-style "Physical DRM" trick (The old LucasArts Code-Word wheels, or the Codec Frequency on the back of the case from MG2 and MGS) as a Meta-Joke? In the example I'm going for, a character says they forgot their phone number and that they have it written in a screenshot on the Store Page (IE, the Steam/GOG/Humble store page) - Which will inevitable require the player to call them to advance the plot.

Would this be considered a poorly-aged annoyance (or unsolvable) to modern audiences? Or more importantly, would this be something that would get flagged in Cert on services other than Steam?

EDIT: Actually I suppose the "DOH!" here would probably be it being a de-facto Online Check-In DRM. Will probably want to have an offline-backup of that screenshot in the local install then.

Perhaps if inputting the code granted some bonus, but there were still a 'no' option that let you carry on regardless? Could be a nice middle ground and an amusing moment.


Neo Member
Where does the noise in this animation comes from, form the renderer,
dithering, or perhaps some artificial one?

The gif has some added noise. But yeah, the render has some noise. I'd like the animations to have less noise, but they are already taking too long to render.


Finally put together a launch trailer for Mini Hockey Champ!, will be good to stop relying on the greenlight trailer to show the game off:

youtube encoding did something weird to the color/contrast tho, but at least the steam store version looks accurate.

Originally, I was dead set on the game having zero HUD while playing which is why the scoreboard was built into the gameplay space. Over time I realized new players were struggling so I started adding things like the aim marker and button hints and while it adds some visual clutter, ultimately I think it was a good choice to have all that on by default. Everything can be toggled with gameplay settings, so you can still turn off all the UI elements if you want it to look like this:


It looks like a very nice little game, mate!

Is always nice to see more indie sports games being made, specially a hockey one since I love hockey but there are very few games of the sport nowadays. Definitely gonna check it when it's released.

Your low poly art style is really good!
You guys are all so awesome and I'm so terrible XD
I haven't been able to do anything for a long while now because work got so busy and my struggles with some voxel stuff have me discouraged.

This thread keeps me going with inspiration though, so as doggedly slow as it is, I'll keep at it.

Speaking of which: anybody checked out the new Unity 2017.2 features? The new 2D stuff looks pretty nice!


Neo Member
It looks like a very nice little game, mate!

Is always nice to see more indie sports games being made, specially a hockey one since I love hockey but there are very few games of the sport nowadays. Definitely gonna check it when it's released.

Your low poly art style is really good!

Thanks! That's actually a big reason why I made it, figured I might as well fill that void! It was fun to combine 2 things that I love doing too.


Man, we're finally making some progress with trying to add proper camera collision and jumping mechanics after almost 2 years :D Turns out borderline sabotaging our jump code by creating new character meshes was the push the programmer needed :lol Good amount of work done today, had some new level design inspiration and reworked a couple of areas in our levels, and dove back into the Skyrim Creation kit as well.


I'm using Corona renderer. I love it's ease of use and it's quality. And it's pretty affordable compared to the bigger ones like VRay.
The light sources in your scene, are they explicit or implicit for the
renderer, meaning, does the renderer know about the light sources in
advance taking care of them (for example an area light you've put there)
or can everything be a light source giving some emission?

I stay with the ARCADE.

Nice graphics. Keep going! :)
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