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EA shuts down Visceral, moves Star Wars game to EA Vancouver/others


Well this sucks...

I really didn't care about the Star Wars game, but Dead Space was one of the best new IPs last gen. Even the third installment's mixed bag of ideas and execution didn't deserve to see the franchise's abandonment.

Plus, doesn't Star Wars stuff pretty much print money?

To me it sounds as if they didn't want to make a single player game. Yet how many people complained about Battlefront not having a single player component?

Sucks for the folks at Visceral; sucks for Amy Hennig, sucks for us.
But what with big conglomerates like Vivendi and Tencent?

Ah yeah if you are talking about massive investment companies sure that's possible.

I was just saying none of the big 3rd parties are doing much shopping anymore. And even then Vivendi is unsure if they are going to complete the takeover of Ubi or not. The game that the big publishers are in is hugely expensive and that's why you saw companies like THQ for example collapse. AAA development has become so hugely expensive there's only a few players in town and it takes an enormous amount of money to try to either buy into the market or try and compete with them.

It's why Ubisoft,Activision, and EA etc are so happy about the current industry state


Neo Member
Of course that's assuming Anthem releases in a timely manner and before the market has moved on.

Great point, EA appears to be going all in on games that can be monetized in perpetuity a short sighted move. There aren't enough people dedicated enough to video games for all of these publishers to have a Destiny or Overwatch level success. As we've seen with games like Battleborn and even The Division which didn't workout long term these ventures fail more often then they succeed. Anthem could very well end up on Activision's trophy rack.
It was inevitable but I just finished replaying Dead Space 1 & 2 so fuck EA especially hard. What an enormous waste of talent for no good reason.


The first one semi-bombed despite being wonderful (except the damn Meat Circus). TBH I don't think the sequel will be all that successful, sadly :'(

To be fair the first came out in 2005/2006, a little bit too early for the internet indie/digital revolution. The PS2 days had fierce competition on retail shelves.

This time around steam should really help Psychonauts 2 if they can make a quality game. As will PSN/XBL.
Just a list of the games Visceral made. Some of the GOAT 007 games.

  • Future Cop: LAPD
  • CyberTiger
  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour
  • NASCAR Rumble
  • Road Rash: Jailbreak
  • 007: Agent Under Fire
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
  • James Bond 007: From Russia with Love
  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
  • The Godfather
  • MySims
  • The Simpsons Game
  • Dead Space
  • MySims Kingdom
  • The Godfather II
  • Dead Space: Extraction
  • Dante's Inferno
  • The Sims 3: Ambitions
  • Dead Space 2
  • Dead Space 3
  • Battlefield 3: End Game
  • Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel
  • Battlefield Hardline

I believe that devils cartel was made by another dev that was renamed to visceral and then shut down after that game flopped. Edit I looked it up and I can’t find anything so maybe I wrong

Just looking at this list you can tell that EA hardly game them any creative freedom to make anything interesting besides Dead Space.


Not surprised to see Visceral get shut down, but I am surprised it happened before they ever even showed anything of the Star Wars game they were making. I figured that was a shoe-in for next year. Guess things weren't going well.

Best wishes for those who lost their jobs; hopefully they can find another one quickly. Job hunting is the worst.
I'm so glad everyone complains about Linear Action Adventure games so publishers are scared to ever make those types of games. Don't want my favorite genre to get too much play, we need more open world, with gameplay that's fun to watch on twitch.


Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Great point, EA appears to be going all in on games that can be monetized in perpetuity a short sighted move. There aren't enough people dedicated enough to video games for all of these publishers to have a Destiny or Overwatch level success. As we've seen with games like Battleborn and even The Division which didn't workout long term these ventures fail more often then they succeed. Anthem could very well end up on Activision's trophy rack.
Anthem has been in development since 2012.



Not again, its StarWars 1313 all over again. Why EA you must crush our dreams

Your evil corporation



Junior Member
Way back when they first announced this story-based game with Visceral and Henning, I kinda saw something like this coming. I was wondering why a company like EA would still bother to do a game mainly sold on the back of its story without multiplayer. Actually, I was kinda wondering that as far back as Battlefield Hardline. Even then Visceral's focus on singleplayer games seemed at odds with the new games-as-a-service future.
Damn, I wish that Star Wars gaming license wasn't exclusive to EA. They have not done much good for the brand. I wonder if Disney regrets that deal.
EA seems to have been the wrong choice to partner with for the Star Wars franchise. Only Battlefront has come out since the partnership was announced in like 2013. Not a great look.
I would absolutely love a battle royale mode for horizon 2. 100 players and robo dinosaurs running every where. And if there are cosmetic microtransactions needed to fund such development, I'm all for it. But you see, I don't have an adverse and allergic reaction to GaaS like a lot of posters here. I've been good with them for over a decade now. I loved shit like borderlands 2.

Same. I'm totally down for single-player, and my most-wanted games have strong single-player modes. But man, Killing Floor 2 sucked a lot of time from me this year and still does on and off, Starcraft's map creator and multiplayer had me playing until SCII released in 2010, I've been playing a lot of Uncharted: 4/LL Survival Mode, and heck, with Mass Effect 3 and MGS: Peace Walker, I actually did a lot of multiplayer on both.

Plus, expansions, especially along the lines of Left Behind, Lost Legacy (which is its own game, honestly), The Old Hunters, Scholar of the First Sin, and hopefully Frozen Wilds as long as it's high quality, all are in that service model, AFAIK, as they extend the life of a game, and are all great. Many of them have enough content to constitute full games from a decade ago and then some.


Purple Drazi
I got shit on for expressing this opinion in the E3 topics about it. But yeah that was my exact reaction. That plus indignation that Mass Effect had to die for this to live.

It doesn't look interesting to me either but not necessarily because it strikes me as uninspired. I'm neither a fan of Destiny's format nor mechanized exosuit stuff though, so neither the probable gameplay loop nor the key visual language in the trailer did anything for me. So I'm tentatively just straight-up out of luck.
Gemüsepizza;252316490 said:
Gotta love the trolls trying to stirr up shit with this "singleplayer games are dead!!1" crap.

Because they aren't. There are plenty of nice AAA singleplayer games coming in the near future:

Assassin's Creed Origins
Call of Duty WWII
Wolfenstein II
Red Dead Redemption
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
The Last of Us 2
God of War
Metro: Exodus
Detroit: Become Human
Death Stranding
Far-Cry 5
...and several more.

Also, new games from companies like Rocksteady, CD Project RED, Bethesda and countless other, unannounced games. And no, games from these companies will not suddenly be multiplayer-only games. Their speciality is SP games. You don't just stop doing what you are good at, that's not how business works. People claiming this are simply trolling.

And thank God because not having SP games anymore or just very few is not how I want to keep being a gamer. But yes you're right, plenty good stuff is coming. This is still very sad though. Why not just keep Visceral and let them go back to the drawing board, why completely shut down Visceral?

Man sometimes I wonder how a proper Dead Space game could look on these systems. 3 should never have been like that. I bet if it had been similar to 1 and 2 the sales would have been better.


EA, killer of studios. It's probably going to be some kind of PUBG knockoff now, or whatever shit they can get loot boxes into.


From EA’s statement you can clearly see that the original vision didn’t fit the GaaS model, so they decided to scrap it.

Fuck you, EA and fuck GaaS.
Do you work at Platinum? Do you work at Viceral?
Games take a long ass time to make and clearly the game was in decent shape if they aren’t scrapping the work.

No, but a publisher doesn't cancel or change developers on a game they have confidence that is going to perform. Look at all the games that EA has put to market that are not even close to good, and think how bad this was to warrant this action.


The Birthday Skeleton
Fucking EA. Why the hell did they get the rights for Star Wars in the first place when all they want to do is Battlefield and now practically Destiny. Let somebody else fucking do an adventure Star Wars game, that's fucking rare these days, not the thousandth shooter in a year.

Hip Hop


I honestly don't want to pay $60 for linear single player games anymore. Fuck that.

Hopefully it becomes open world or a "game as service".

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Goddammit there is nothing wrong with linear action games with story focus.
The expense is the main issue, game development got more expensive and as the post above mine says, many players would want to get more out of their initial $60. People keep citing Sony, but all of their games are shifting to the market trend of being much more open. Uncharted just got two entries with pseudo open world segments, TLOU2 is most definitely gonna advertise how much player agency is there compared to the first and how levels are larger. God of War devs are advertising how you can go off the beaten track and explore much more than previous entries. Days Gone, Spiderman, and Horizon are open world. Detroit is advertising about how replayable it is compared to other Quantic Dream games. You can see similar trends in Nintendo.
Gemüsepizza;252316490 said:
Gotta love the trolls trying to stirr up shit with this "singleplayer games are dead!!1" crap.

Because they aren't. There are plenty of nice AAA singleplayer games coming in the near future:

Assassin's Creed Origins
Call of Duty WWII
Wolfenstein II
Red Dead Redemption
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
The Last of Us 2
God of War
Metro: Exodus
Detroit: Become Human
Death Stranding
Far-Cry 5
...and several more.

Also, new games from companies like Rocksteady, CD Project RED, Bethesda and countless other, unannounced games. And no, games from these companies will not suddenly be multiplayer-only games. Their speciality is SP games. You don't just stop doing what you are good at, that's not how business works. People claiming this are simply trolling.

And here I was making my own list like this. To expand, here's a number of rather acclaimed single player games that have already come out this year. Some indie, some from big publishers. Some western, some eastern.

-Resident Evil 7
-Yakuza 0
-Horizon Zero Dawn
-The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
-Nier Automata
-Persona 5
-Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
-Divinity: Original Sin 2
-Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

And since it's not out yet but you didn't include it:
-Super Mario Odyssey

Single player is not going anywhere, people. Even if AAA publishers DO reduce their SP output, indies and Nintendo will always carry the torch.

For all the people who proclaim 2017 has been such a great year for gaming you all seem to forget that rather easily when confronted by one publisher doing what it's always done. The fact there's a meme for how frequently EA closes studios really should point that this is nothing new and doesn't really indicate any shifting stance in the industry at large.

Edit: Hello, Resetera/Pokechat Discord! Shrike here.


Purple Drazi

I honestly don't want to pay $60 for linear single player games anymore. Fuck that.

Hopefully it becomes open world or a "game as service".

By chance, pray tell, were you at any point in time contacted by EA and asked your opinion? If so, did they happen to inform you that you'd be the sole gamer responsible for the fate of this project?
No, but a publisher doesn't cancel or change developers on a game they have confidence that is going to perform. Look at all the games that EA has put to market that are not even close to good, and think how bad this was to warrant this action.
It could be a million things and assuming that the hard work these people put into this game was bad is insulting towards the developers especially when you look at they’re track record.


Huh, when I read the blurb, I was interpreting it as making the game an open world design like Assassin's Creed... But evidently what they mean is they intend to make it a microtransactions addled affair?

Fuck, EA never should have gotten exclusive rights to anything, let alone the Star Wars IP.
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