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EVO Apologizes And Cuts Off 'Dead or Alive 6' Stream For Being Too Sexy


Deleted member 738976

Unconfirmed Member
The Queen of Fighters says big jiggle titties are here to stay. I welcome her return to DoA 6.



Thread rebooted. Do not dismiss concerns about female objectification in this thread, and do not attempt to derail the discussion with irrelevant tangents about violence in video games: one does not excuse the other.

Keep in mind that we have a diverse community and insensitivity or immaturity in topics like these can make many members, especially women, uncomfortable.


I’m not saying you can’t agree with Mr. Wiz here, but I love the way ERA handles controversial topics it’s so funny.

“Read Mod post (where we tell you how you are allowed to think)”

Ulysses 31

Thread rebooted. Do not dismiss concerns about female objectification in this thread, and do not attempt to derail the discussion with irrelevant tangents about violence in video games: one does not excuse the other.

Keep in mind that we have a diverse community and insensitivity or immaturity in topics like these can make many members, especially women, uncomfortable.
The problem is more that people see it as female objectification rather than 2 gravure models objectifying themselves. These models are individuals with their own agency and they don't represent half the human population. The reason I think people bring up violence whenever a fuss is made about too much sexiness is because the standards applied seem inconsistent at these events. I'd love too see their reasoning for allowing extreme violence in games at these events because I'm willing to bet that a lot of those reasons can also be applied for allowing lewd/sexy content.


You know, I have a sneaking suspicion that, despite acting as heroes for women, SJWs really have an axe to grind against physically attractive women.
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Ulysses 31

You know, I have a sinking suspecion that, despite acting as heroes for women, SJWs really have an axe to grind against physically attractive women.
Of course, they see it as setting an unreasonable standard of appearance because it requires works to achieve and maintain.


Thread rebooted. Do not dismiss concerns about female objectification in this thread, and do not attempt to derail the discussion with irrelevant tangents about violence in video games: one does not excuse the other.

Keep in mind that we have a diverse community and insensitivity or immaturity in topics like these can make many members, especially women, uncomfortable.

Especially women.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
You know, I have a sneaking suspicion that, despite acting as heroes for women, SJWs really have an axe to grind against physically attractive women.
Like the banned fitness ads in the UK. It's literally just a fit, attractive woman lol.


The problem is more that people see it as female objectification rather than 2 gravure models objectifying themselves. These models are individuals with their own agency and they don't represent half the human population. The reason I think people bring up violence whenever a fuss is made about too much sexiness is because the standards applied seem inconsistent at these events. I'd love too see their reasoning for allowing extreme violence in games at these events because I'm willing to bet that a lot of those reasons can also be applied for allowing lewd/sexy content.

How do you explain the pause at the powerbomb on the girl? Is that the way to advertise your game?

down 2 orth

Great promotion for Dead or Alive 6.

It's funny how using sex for promotion has been a fad since... well, forever. I don't think that's going to change all because our very special egos are existing in the present day.

Ulysses 31

How do you explain the pause at the powerbomb on the girl? Is that the way to advertise your game?
What's there to explain? The producer showed what he wanted to, I can't read what went through his mind when he did that and I don't understand Japanese so I don't know what was being advertising exactly. Main thing is that no one's right got violated I guess?

They do things differently in Japan... >.>


You know, I have a sneaking suspicion that, despite acting as heroes for women, SJWs really have an axe to grind against physically attractive women.

I think there might be something in this. This kind of issue might be better explained by intra-sexual competition than politics. In the UK, with recently had a couple of women strip off to protest Brexit, without having this type of reaction. The reason could be political (there may be considerable overlap between anti-Brexit and anti-objectification of women people, so they let it slide in this case), but I think it's more liekly due to the fact that said women are unattractive and middle-aged, and so don't trigger the same kind of sexual competitive anxiety that younger and more attractive women do.




Namco-Bandai will provide EVO with a special no-jiggle physics edition and without revealing clothes. Mark my words.


This is so farcical it's hilarious. These women make their livings selling their sexy image.
Cross promotion like this is a massive source of free promotion for themselves.
Almost every PR event of stream has some beautiful or sexy women. It's totally the norm in Japan and a win win for everyone involved. Why should women be ashamed and forced to cover their bodies!? Being against this is putting women out of jobs. These people need to go shove their regressive moral standards and take them elsewhere.
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The problem is more that people see it as female objectification rather than 2 gravure models objectifying themselves. These models are individuals with their own agency and they don't represent half the human population. The reason I think people bring up violence whenever a fuss is made about too much sexiness is because the standards applied seem inconsistent at these events. I'd love too see their reasoning for allowing extreme violence in games at these events because I'm willing to bet that a lot of those reasons can also be applied for allowing lewd/sexy content.

You're forgetting the part where they then claim the models have been brainwashed by the patriarchy, thus the only women with true agency are those who are on their side of this debate and who always want to wear pants and have their chests clothed to a 95% ratio.

(TBF I would be embarrassed if I owned the company and PR people were doing a photomode that looked like ass/pussy eating . I have no issue with the apology itself, and find it pretty reasonable.)
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Esports is ruining the fighting game genre.

A video game should always be first and foremost for actual paying customers, not "professionals", if you want that then design games or versions of games specifically for tournaments, not change what's available in stores to reflect tournaments.

It's a funny point about feminism coming full circle to men telling women how to act again.

Weird how that works isn't it? In the 2000s telling women who wanted to dress and act provocatively to "tone it down" would have been seen as sexism, not the other way around.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Esports is ruining the fighting game genre.

A video game should always be first and foremost for actual paying customers, not "professionals", if you want that then design games or versions of games specifically for tournaments, not change what's available in stores to reflect tournaments.

Weird how that works isn't it? In the 2000s telling women who wanted to dress and act provocatively to "tone it down" would have been seen as sexism, not the other way around.
Hell, that would be seen as sexism in the 1960s. We had a whole sexual revolution, hippies and everything.

This is literally regressing back 60 years. What those women were doing is less risque than Baywatch, which is on basic daytime cable TV. It's less risque than any mainstream music video that teenagers watch. Acting like this much of a prude is completely indefensible, and that's an American speaking. Imagine what the rest of the world thinks of this stupidity.
Hell, that would be seen as sexism in the 1960s. We had a whole sexual revolution, hippies and everything.

This is literally regressing back 60 years. What those women were doing is less risque than Baywatch, which is on basic daytime cable TV. It's less risque than any mainstream music video that teenagers watch. Acting like this much of a prude is completely indefensible, and that's an American speaking. Imagine what the rest of the world thinks of this stupidity.

It's all due to the context of it being related video games, in a post Tropes vs Women and Gamergate world some people are extremely sensitive when it comes to women and games beyond the point of any logic or reason.


I find it fairly offensive that two young women were acting a bit flirtatious and having fun in between streams of a game the camera zooming in and all of that and Cuellar feels the need to apologize for them! The white knight that he is..:messenger_pensive:

:messenger_clapping:bravo sir you have saved us from this scourge:messenger_clapping:

Where are the calls of sexism when this chucklehead clearly thinks he is above these two women and their depravity?

As if they sullied his event with their filthy mammories and gyrations that he must apologize on their behalf.

ironically the girls were making fun of the game by mocking the sexuality of the game they were looking at...they weren't depraved, or slutty, they were being meta lol

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
It's all due to the context of it being related video games, in a post Tropes vs Women and Gamergate world some people are extremely sensitive when it comes to women and games beyond the point of any logic or reason.
Yeah. It's the same people that watch Game of Thrones sex scenes, and then get online to complain about bikinis in a video game.

In literally every single other artistic medium on earth, sex is fully permitted. Music, photography, film, sculpture, painting, TV, literature. All have graphic sex and nudity.

Games are the most heavily scrutinized and puritanical medium in existence. And people act like it's the worst one.
Yeah. It's the same people that watch Game of Thrones sex scenes, and then get online to complain about bikinis in a video game.

In literally every single other artistic medium on earth, sex is fully permitted. Music, photography, film, sculpture, painting, TV, literature. All have graphic sex and nudity.

Games are the most heavily scrutinized and puritanical medium in existence. And people act like it's the worst one.

Right, that's exactly what chaps my ass about it so hard, games have to follow strict rules no other media does.

Game of Thrones is a perfect example, cable and streaming shows are often loaded with sex and nudity, but you'll never hear a peep from an SJW over sex in Game of Thrones or Orange is The Black, but if a video game so much as has a girl in a bikini they'll riot.

Hypocritical, anti-gaming jackasses...
...but you'll never hear a peep from an SJW over sex in Game of Thrones or Orange is The Black...
I've actually heard plenty of peeps. It's just that nobody cares. Gaming, as a hobby, has been so desperate for attention from those of a female persuasion that they convinced themselves that there was something wrong with them. Then when someone comes along as says, "Here's what's wrong with you. If you do A, B, and C, you'll have lots of women", they buy the snake oil by the gallon. Meanwhile, on HBO, someone complains about Game of Thrones, all the normies go, "fuck off. We don't have any deep seated insecurities for you to exploit. I get laid plenty and by women way hotter than you. Go fuck with the gamers some more and let me enjoy my escapist entertainment, or I swear to God, I'll help elect Trump for another term." To which the response is, "oh, okay. Sorry for bothering you. Please enjoy your show.... Hey gamers! I am a woman! Who wants to touch me? Well, you can't because wanting to touch me proves you are a misogynist! Grovel beneath my talons unless you want me to label and shame you! Muuuhahahahaha!"

... I'm paraphrasing, of course.


This is worse than the religious right in the 90's trying to get developers to censor their games. Mainly because the regressive left are getting so entrenched in the industry. And this social disease is starting to infect Japan. And regarding Cuellar shaming those girls.....fuck I'm so pissed off I can't even think of the words to describe how I feel about that.


Why are people surprised? Evo is now a business with sponsors. Maybe they should have have coordinated and planned that japan evo better, but still why act surprised? This happens when you have stakeholders to please and any controversy would be damaging. It's just the way it is when you have more than just fans to cater to and different regions have different standards.
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I wonder if these were white women with obnoxious hair and tattoos would they still kill the stream? :unsure:


I guess thanks for protecting our core values from those ladies core assets, Mr. Cueller. You are a beacon of hope for all SJW’s.

You know, I have a sneaking suspicion that, despite acting as heroes for women, SJWs really have an axe to grind against physically attractive women.

Maybe deep down they are closet incels.
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