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Sony appreciates "the CMA’s focus on protecting gamers" as it welcomes the announcement to further investigate the Activision acquisition

Update: Sony has responded to the CMA's decision to further investigate the acquisition, and says it "welcomes the announcement."

"By giving Microsoft control of Activision games like Call of Duty, this deal would have major negative implications for gamers and the future of the gaming industry," the firm said in a statement to GamesIndustry.biz. "We want to guarantee PlayStation gamers continue to have the highest quality gaming experience, and we appreciate the CMA's focus on protecting gamers."


Gold Member
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Gold Member
Add up all the gaming revenue COD does per year. Then do some math what % of industry business it contributes to the pie on an annual basis. I think the numbers are already there showing COD's portion of Sony' game division. I forget what it is but I think people did the math posting it, or it was publicly released data.

And that's what Sony is arguing about.

On any platform, most gamers dont even play COD.
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Sony out there looking real pitiful and showing their whole ass. They're trying to make a deal that, due to its size, was always 100% expected to enter a phase 2 appear like merely entering phase 2 is somehow a sign things are going in their favor when in fact nothing could be further from the truth, which phase 2 will expose.

Deals at this size were always going to get a phase 2 investigation in order to pass. The pricetag alone guaranteed that much. It will be very difficult for Sony to play the victim as God of War is lighting it up this November in the UK and all around the world right as they've risen prices on gamers in the UK at a time when energy costs are expected to be going up as much as 80% for people in the UK.. as they're making record playstation profits. But remember the price increases are to protect gamers, not Sony. :)

Hell, things already aren't looking very good for them in the EU, which was a surprise considering the extensive prenotification process. EU apparently suggested they had no objections or problems with the deal despite an exhaustive look at it. Microsoft is almost ready to submit for approval in the EU also. Now surely at some stage they'll raise specific concerns, they always do, but then the deal will be investigated more deeply and it will pass.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
You know what I love about this is just how seriously Sony is taking this compared to some of the posters on this board who initially dismissed this as 'PS doesnt NEED CoD'. They will be fine they said. Clearly Sony themselves think this will destroy their business.

There was a stat posted in those acquisition threads that pointed out how 45% of the console online playerbase plays call of duty. Thats a huge chunk of players that Sony relies upon to keep their 46 milllion PS+ userbases going. Not to mention all the other revenue these players bring in as they invest in the PS ecosystem. Sony will simply be a different company without the cod userbase. They would have to completely trim down and become more like Nintendo because their revenues which rely heavily on PS+ subs and PSN digital sales will take a massive hit from losing the CoD userbase. That means fewer revenues, fewer profit, fewer first party games, cheaper and thus less powerful consoles just to stay competitive.

Nintendo pretty much had to merge their handheld and console business to reduce costs and stay relevant. Their industry leading devs forced to work on a 0.19 tflops hardware in 2022. But they dont have a choice and had to kill off either the handheld business or the console business and they basically chose to merge them the best they could. Sony can also cut down and be leaner business, but it will not be the same Sony AAA after AAA business as we know it today. Cost cuttings alone will result in fewer first party studios and fewer third party deals like FF7 and FF16. If you're a Sony studios fan like I am, people need to fucking worried about this deal going through. They will survive of course, but at what cost?
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You know what I love about this is just how seriously Sony is taking this compared to some of the posters on this board who initially dismissed this as 'PS doesnt NEED CoD'. They will be fine they said. Clearly Sony themselves think this will destroy their business.
Its not going to destroy Playstation at all imo. They may lose a bit of market share but that will be it.
I must admit i keep saying how i feel this deal is a waste of money, but seeing Sony like this is making me think maybe i'm totally wrong. Never seen Sony panic this much.
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Sony is without a doubt the biggest bitch and most Karen platform owner in the industry. They use money to keep games exclusive to their platforms, they use money to keep games off of certain other platforms (ie. Nintendo), they make other publishers promise not to let their games go to Game Pass, etc., and so what else do they probably do? It wouldn't at all surprise me to learn that they moneyhat other publishers into not putting their games on sale on Nintendo platforms and other similar tactics.

I may like Sony's products and video games, but I do not like how Sony conducts themselves with the competition. Too many bitch moves and the like. I personally don't even care whether MS owns Activision except or unless it means we get some really awesome games as a result of focusing on a single platform.
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You know what I love about this is just how seriously Sony is taking this compared to some of the posters on this board who initially dismissed this as 'PS doesnt NEED CoD'. They will be fine they said. Clearly Sony themselves think this will destroy their business.

There was a stat posted in those acquisition threads that pointed out how 45% of the console online playerbase plays call of duty. Thats a huge chunk of players that Sony relies upon to keep their 46 milllion PS+ userbases going. Not to mention all the other revenue these players bring in as they invest in the PS ecosystem. Sony will simply be a different company without the cod userbase. They would have to completely trim down and become more like Nintendo because their revenues which rely heavily on PS+ subs and PSN digital sales will take a massive hit from losing the CoD userbase. That means fewer revenues, fewer profit, fewer first party games, cheaper and thus less powerful consoles just to stay competitive.

Nintendo pretty much had to merge their handheld and console business to reduce costs and stay relevant. Their industry leading devs forced to work on a 0.19 tflops hardware in 2022. But they dont have a choice and had to kill off either the handheld business or the console business and they basically chose to merge them the best they could. Sony can also cut down and be leaner business, but it will not be the same Sony AAA after AAA business as we know it today. Cost cuttings alone will result in fewer first party studios and fewer third party deals like FF7 and FF16. If you're a Sony studios fan like I am, people need to fucking worried about this deal going through. They will survive of course, but at what cost?

At the end of the day, it's a choice between ps Cod competing game pass COD. Why would Sony put themselves in that position?

Wouldn't be better to let call of duty go, then to let it advertise gamepass on a Playstation?
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