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Resident Evil 6: Bro-Splosion Announced, Nov 20 PS3/360, PC Later, PR/Trailer In OP


I am all about this. Loved 4, really enjoyed 5 (never played the campaign solo), and am pretty convinced I'll love this too. Hopefully they can somehow keep cheeky Leon in there, but I get the sense he's going to be serious and boring. Aside from that, I'm very excited by this.
Halo 3 sold 8, AC2 sold 9, CoDBlkOps sold 25.

RE is very big, but fall 2012 it's only one of the boys.

Halo is usually in September. Elder Scrolls was historically a smaller franchise than RE before Skyrim, but that was able to break out amongst the CoDs and ACs last year.

This game will do fine.


Looks nothing like Resident Evil, but it does look pretty fucking badass. The graphics are insane, and the gameplay looks intense.

Oh yeah, lol at the weeaboos crying about the "westernization" of the game.


The physical form of blasphemy
The only thing I don't like about this trailer is that Chris' section looks like it should be Gears Of War 4 instead of Resident Evil 5-part 2.

Leon's section is where it's at. From the brief footage they showed, it looks like what an older RE game would look like, with the RE4 camera. I guess we'll be able to use the melee weapons some of the zombies throw at you?
That's the price you'd have to pay to get more of the games you want. If you want the games as badly as the rest of us, you'd pay it. Put up or shut up.
That attitude is hilarious. I already paid for a 360, PS3, Wii(with big hopes on this one) and I had a GC so I was there urley for that RE goodness on just about every occasion post 2000.

Don't give me that bs because I'm not willing to pay up instantly. I'll pay when I'm good and ready. Until then... I'll continue to be civil about the subject and genuinely interested in what they have to offer for RE outside the main titles. Had it not been for this thread I would not have found out so much about Revelations.

I'm not made of money though. Get off your high horse. I'll get it when the redesign comes up and not a moment sooner.
Looks nothing like Resident Evil, but it does look pretty fucking badass. The graphics are insane, and the gameplay looks intense.

Oh yeah, lol at the weeaboos crying about the "westernization" of the game.
Now people are weaboos for liking classic Resident Evil?

Angry Fork

It's a trailer dude. Slow and scary does not make a very exciting hype-piece.

Fuck hype piece. Every trailer in existence this gen is hype piece, people would be even more excited if the trailer focused on horror elements I guarantee you. Everyone would be screaming Resident Evil is back and hyped as shit. There are plenty of ways to cut a slow trailer so that it keeps you on the edge of your toes and can be much more exciting than what you'd expect in a Gears trailer.

Leon! Awesome
Zombiee! Fuck yeah they're back
Chris! I don't mind this character
Raccoon City! Could this be an open Raccoon City perhaps?
*Gets a bit much pauses video for a breather*

*Resumes Video*
Running and jumping zombies, Ashley, Mercenaries/hostiles, Guy with super virus powers, Helicopters, Matrix Jumps, Playable Tank Section, Running dive Cover.

Hey Capcom...


What would have impressed you? I mean that seriously.

If at least half the trailer showed slow tense scenes of atmosphere, tension and dread I'd be satisfied.

GOOD Resident Evil:

Gameplay of scenes reminiscent of the RE1 mansion or RE2 police station, going down dark dirty hallways with flickering lights. The sounds of clinging pipes and minimalist ambient noise in the background. Being in the woods at night with nothing around you for miles but trees, occasional cabins and not knowing what's coming your way. ABSOLUTE SILENCE, only being able to hear your own footsteps, rain, lightning, wind pushing windows open as you walk down a corridor. The absolute relief when entering a save room, healing yourself and being worried you might not have enough ammo if you're in a tight spot. The feeling of inescapable isolation and desperately hoping you'll open a door to see another human being in the game so you know you're not alone.

BAD Resident Evil:

Action jackson missle cannon nuclear fusion gas canister save the hostage call in backup chopper in i got a man down unlock predator drone, zombies adapting on the fly raccoon city is a battlefield zombies picking up weapons and fighting back xxxplosion shoot the turret as fast as you can before the big oversized "SO EPIC EPIC DOOD!" monster gets you you escape in the nick of time just to be blackbagged by the organizations henchman you get tortured in CIA facility you have to break out the last mission is a firefight for your life get out of the warehouse break jill out of her cell and save her jump out of the window together the facility blows up behind you you roll down a hill and chris and/or leon says "you know... your hair... it's so soft, you light my fire baby" and they kiss as the fire is in the background the most corniest dumbest insufferable garbage imaginable.


Neo Member
Taking place in China eh? It's gonna be great. Nice. Having both Chris and Leon playable is awesome. Wouldn't mind having 7 be Jill and Claire. Looking forward to more information on the game.


Is it confirmed they're going to infect the game with co-op mode? No matter what, games where you're not alone are never scary, zombies or not zombies.
As a long time fan of the series, I really think Capcom made a smart move here. They're pleasing old school fans with the Leon campaign, while still keeping the action parts that newcomers who started with 4 and/or 5, have enjoyed, by adding the Chris/Bald guy campaign.

Sure I'm hoping that the Leon campaign will be the longest one of all, but I'm still super stoaked and am looking forward to see how all these stories could converge. Maybe they'll do something similar to RE2, adding great replayability to the campaign. Who knows?

I really don't understand all the hate.


Looked absolutely terrible to me.

The Leon stuff had my interest piqued, took a very survival horror vibe, reminiscent of the earlier Resident Evils and the earlier parts of 4.

Then the whole thing took a turn for the absolute shit when they had Chris Redfield stoppin' and poppin', and then some dickhead bald guy doing kung fu.

Just what the fuck happened to this franchise.


hide your water-based mammals
Fuck hype piece. Every trailer in existence this gen is hype piece, people would be even more excited if the trailer focused on horror elements I guarantee you. Everyone would be screaming Resident Evil is back and hyped as shit. There are plenty of ways to cut a slow trailer so that it keeps you on the edge of your toes and can be much more exciting than what you'd expect in a Gears trailer.


If at least half the trailer showed slow tense scenes of atmosphere, tension and dread I'd be satisfied.

GOOD Resident Evil:

Gameplay of scenes reminiscent of the RE1 mansion or RE2 police station, going down dark dirty hallways with flickering lights. The sounds of clinging pipes and minimalist ambient noise in the background. Being in the woods at night with nothing around you for miles but trees, occasional cabins and not knowing what's coming your way. ABSOLUTE SILENCE, only being able to hear your own footsteps, rain, lightning, wind pushing windows open as you walk down a corridor. The absolute relief when entering a save room, healing yourself and being worried you might not have enough ammo if you're in a tight spot. The feeling of inescapable isolation and desperately hoping you'll open a door to see another human being in the game so you know you're not alone.

BAD Resident Evil:

Action jackson missle cannon nuclear fusion gas canister save the hostage call in backup chopper in i got a man down unlock predator drone, zombies adapting on the fly raccoon city is a battlefield zombies picking up weapons and fighting back xxxplosion shoot the turret as fast as you can before the big oversized "SO EPIC EPIC DOOD!" monster gets you you escape in the nick of time just to be blackbagged by the organizations henchman you get tortured in CIA facility you have to break out the last mission is a firefight for your life get out of the warehouse break jill out of her cell and save her jump out of the window together the facility blows up behind you you roll down a hill and chris and/or leon says "you know... your hair... it's so soft, you light my fire baby" and they kiss as the fire is in the background the most corniest dumbest insufferable garbage imaginable.


I've been preaching this for YEARS. I swear some just take what they can get. I was there day 1 for the very first game. I've been there day 1 for every RE except 5 (got that shortly after launch). All I want is good survival horror RE like 1-CV and less action and BS like 4 and 5.
That attitude is hilarious. I already paid for a 360, PS3, Wii(with big hopes on this one) and I had a GC so I was there urley for that RE goodness on just about every occasion post 2000.

Don't give me that bs because I'm not willing to pay up instantly. I'll pay when I'm good and ready. Until then... I'll continue to be civil about the subject and genuinely interested in what they have to offer for RE outside the main titles. Had it not been for this thread I would not have found out so much about Revelations.

I'm not made of money though. Get off your high horse.

It just looks silly when you bemoan the lack of actual survivor horror Resident Evil and worry about the future of such games when one will be coming out in a couple weeks and you refuse to get it. There is game that includes what you want, and there is something you can do to increase the chances of getting more--buy it and prove that the audience for it still exists.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Looks nothing like Resident Evil, but it does look pretty fucking badass. The graphics are insane, and the gameplay looks intense.

Oh yeah, lol at the weeaboos crying about the "westernization" of the game.

Really, at this point, Resident Evil is not about any one archetype. It's more or less a generalized saga about relatively frail, normal human protagonists fighting your bio-engineered monster of the week. I'm not saying that's a bad thing.

But I'm not attached to the series being penned in by remaining tied to a limited definition of "horror". Besides... zombies are so overdone, why would people really want a "classic" Resident Evil that was another zombie outbreak redux?

I loved RE5. I don't think it was as good as RE4 in SOME ways, because it seemed clear the game suffered development troubles and was restarted. (But that seems to happen with every RE.) I really liked it as an action-oriented, arcade style RE and wasn't disappointed.

Based on the trailer for RE6, it looks like a bigger, more robust game with more locals, enemies, set pieces, and characters than RE5. Basically, RE5 if the development cycle hadn't stumbled repeatedly. I think they were very, very wise by not overpromising too early this time. Seems Capcom waited until the game was in final stages of development before the reveal.

At least, now people can't sit for 2-3 years and spin up impossible hope over what they want it to be! We get the game in less than a year and that's that.

They stopped innovating and started copying.

Resident Evil was Alone in the Dark, Japanese camp style. It was well done, but it wasn't very innovative. RE4 wasn't that innovative either. It was just very well done.


Fuck hype piece. Every trailer in existence this gen is hype piece, people would be even more excited if the trailer focused on horror elements I guarantee you. Everyone would be screaming Resident Evil is back and hyped as shit. There are plenty of ways to cut a slow trailer so that it keeps you on the edge of your toes and can be much more exciting than what you'd expect in a Gears trailer.


If at least half the trailer showed slow tense scenes of atmosphere, tension and dread I'd be satisfied.

GOOD Resident Evil:

Gameplay of scenes reminiscent of the RE1 mansion or RE2 police station, going down dark dirty hallways with flickering lights. The sounds of clinging pipes and minimalist ambient noise in the background. Being in the woods at night with nothing around you for miles but trees, occasional cabins and not knowing what's coming your way. ABSOLUTE SILENCE, only being able to hear your own footsteps, rain, lightning, wind pushing windows open as you walk down a corridor. The absolute relief when entering a save room, healing yourself and being worried you might not have enough ammo if you're in a tight spot. The feeling of inescapable isolation and desperately hoping you'll open a door to see another human being in the game so you know you're not alone.

BAD Resident Evil:

Action jackson missle cannon nuclear fusion gas canister save the hostage call in backup chopper in i got a man down unlock predator drone, zombies adapting on the fly raccoon city is a battlefield zombies picking up weapons and fighting back xxxplosion shoot the turret as fast as you can before the big oversized "SO EPIC EPIC DOOD!" monster gets you you escape in the nick of time just to be blackbagged by the organizations henchman you get tortured in CIA facility you have to break out the last mission is a firefight for your life get out of the warehouse break jill out of her cell and save her jump out of the window together the facility blows up behind you you roll down a hill and chris and/or leon says "you know... your hair... it's so soft, you light my fire baby" and they kiss as the fire is in the background the most corniest dumbest insufferable garbage imaginable.

dude.hahahahaahaha I actually have tears from laughing, hahahahahah


Good trailer. Lots of gameplay footage. And a release date that's within a year from the initial announcement? Capcom deserves points for that alone.

Right now I don't really care whether this is survival horror or whatever, what matters is how fun the set pieces and gameplay segments are going to be. They're obviously trying to regain fans of RE4 who hated RE5 (like myself) while catering to fans of the latter as well. Hope they find a middle ground that's closer to RE4, somehow.

That would be freaking awesome.
I still remember hearing about RE5 back in 05 but the damn game didn't come out till 09. That was a hell of a wait. I just hope Capcom don't get scared off by the next COD/Assassin's Creed/Halo or whatever else is coming in late 2012 and decide to push it into spring 2013.

This thread has been moving faster than a Ferrari but, is it known for sure that you can move and shoot in RE6 now? In the trailer I didn't see strafing/moving while the character was shooting.

News Bot

Unless the PR guys got it wrong in the press release, the game takes place one year before RE5.

Also; it appears to tie in directly with the "BIOHAZARD marhawa desire" manga. The manga is set in Asia, so it will likely explain why Chris ends up in China. As I stated elsewhere:

One of the new characters isn't actually new, it's Beards Nevence from the "BIOHAZARD marhawa desire" manga.
Go buy me a 3DS then. It's not as easy as you'd think. This isn't like the gamecube that already had years on the market or the Wii which had a predecessor with the greatest RE game of all time. There were no expectations on a handheld that people couldn't judge.

Shit, most people couldn't even believe that Capcom could get the graphics and atmosphere of Revelations on there(I believed). This was not a surefire or expected bet.

it wasn't, no. but now that a bunch of us have played it, and are telling you it's good, it's time to go get that 3DS because it's got a game on it that you really want.
Unless the PR guys got it wrong in the press release, the game takes place one year before RE5.

Also; it appears to tie in directly with the "BIOHAZARD marhawa desire" manga. The manga is set in Asia, so it will likely explain why Chris ends up in China. As I stated elsewhere:

The idea of RE5 being the conclusion to the Umbrella storyline is an embarrassment. Get rid of that shit, Capcom, thanks. Or remake RE5 with Leon and have the real hero of the series finish it off.


Who used that?

Thats exactly why.

We've played chris already in RE5. The next step would of been leon and claire. But you know, dat western market.

What a joke this game is.

Let me guess they ditched the females and are using Hulk sized chris and Leon to A) appeal to a western "dude bro" audience (despite the fact the first seven RE games sold gangbuster without trying so hard) and B) because they want to keep emulating RE 4 and RE 5.

Forget the sonic cycle, its more like the Resident Evil cycle

Well, here's two. I'm sure you can find more if you wanna sift through 20 pages of posts.
Looks fantastic. Leon's side seems to be more survival horror while Christ is the action stuff, not unlike Revelations.

RE hasn't been 'scary' since REmake. Code Veronica doesn't hold up in terms of jumps in my opinion. Even RE3, way back when, was way more action-oriented than any of the other games at that point. Nemesis provided some quick moments of tension, but I'd hardly call it fear.

RE4 was stressful and tense, and I found that still carried over into RE5.

I'm still not entirely sure what people want from this franchise. Enemies jumping out of lockers and stuff? Something closer to Silent Hill? It's pretty hard to capture the old feel especially when 90% of the 'fear' seemed to come from having awful controls and limited vision.

That's just how I feel about it. Everyone wants something different from RE, but I'm perfectly satisfied with what we've been getting. Would have preferred less of a focus on co-op in RE5 though. That was my biggest issue.

RE has always been over the top and crazy, so none of that stuff bothers me (KILL NEMESIS WITH A RAIL GUN!). I just want fun, exciting, tense games.


5 bucks bald dude is alex wesker and the virus is based on albert's blood thus through some convenient plot science chicanery bald alex wesker is literally the cure
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