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Spring Anime 2012 | Welcome Home, Space Cowboy

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The Light of El Cantare
I wonder if this thing will bomb, since it clearly feels like a money grab.

Almost assuredly. Though, I still hope that it sells enough to get a S3 greenlit because there's always the chance that they'll adapt more material from the game or have Hibiki/teacher arcs.
So I just marathon'd Usagi Drop and it was an absolute delight. Really good stuff. It even ended in such a satisfying way. But I was curious so I decided to wiki the differences between the show and the manga... the fuck!? The things I read completely mess with the show's message, characterization, and tone. I mean, I get that you can take them as two separate narratives, but I can't unsee these things. I just can't.


So I just marathon'd Usagi Drop and it was an absolute delight. Really good stuff. It even ended in such a satisfying way. But I was curious so I decided to wiki the differences between the show and the manga... the fuck!? The things I read completely mess with the show's message, characterization, and tone. I mean, I get that you can take them as two separate narratives, but I can't unsee these things. I just can't.

The manga is fanfiction.
So I just marathon'd Usagi Drop and it was an absolute delight. Really good stuff. It even ended in such a satisfying way. But I was curious so I decided to wiki the differences between the show and the manga... the fuck!? The things I read completely mess with the show's message, characterization, and tone. I mean, I get that you can take them as two separate narratives, but I can't unsee these things. I just can't.

You could always read it to see how well it's handled instead of just complaining.


Piano: Melody of Nothing Happening 1-3

So RightStuf does these blind grab-bag items you can buy, wherein they send you some unnamed anime-related thing based on whatever they're trying to get rid of and the dollar value of your blind buy. So I bought the $10 one out of a combination of curiosity and wanting to buy something to meet their free shipping limit. In turn, they sent me all three Piano discs, shrinkwrapped together. All I really knew about the show going in was that it had a reputation for being boring.

And, well, the reputation is pretty well earned. It's a slice-of-life show, but it's a slice of the life of someone whose life is so boring half the 'conflict' is just her feelings about minor problems other people are having.

Episode 1: Miu, the main character, has misplaced her sheet music for her piano lesson and is stressing. She almost skips her lesson, but doesn't. Her instructor almost gets mad at her, but doesn't. She loses her umbrella, and almost has to walk home in the rain, but doesn't. She almost gets in trouble with her mom, but doesn't. Then, at the end, a plot twist appears:
The sheet music was in her bookbag all along! She never really lost it!

Episode 2 is about her parents anniversary, her dad working late, and her cat getting out and running away.

Episode 3 winds up being entirely about how Miu's BFF is feeling down because she's not performing her best at track. This is bad because she's supposed to be motivating a third-year student to run faster, to get good times on the third-year's permanent record. It turns out said BFF can't focus because another track member isn't running well; once she realizes this, she runs well and everyone is happy. The entire episode is literally about Miu reacting to her friend's reaction to another person's potential less-than-optimal track time.

Despite that, watching the show isn't unpleasant. It's just sort of... there. I'll probably finish watching it, but I'm curious to see how much more trivial the problems can get. It's probably the least eventful slice of life I can remember seeing.


Subete no aware
Almost assuredly. Though, I still hope that it sells enough to get a S3 greenlit because there's always the chance that they'll adapt more material from the game or have Hibiki/teacher arcs.
I can't imagine they'll do minor characters if they haven't done them already. Arguably, s2 should have just been Rihoko + other girls I suppose.

You could always read it to see how well it's handled instead of just complaining.
Something something internet.


The Light of El Cantare
Nichibros 12 (END):


In the end, the whole show was a meditation on transience.

NOOOOO NOOOOOOO I DON'T WANT IT TO BE OVER NOOOOOOOO :( These have been the best laughs I've gotten from an anime since I watched Cromartie High School years ago. It was brilliance to the last, even going out spitting in K-On's eye one more time. Hidenori's shame over
the arcade employee watching him try to win a Madoka figurine
and Yassan finding out that
the entire school knows about her riverbank antics
just about had me in tears. Yoshitake
incorrectly defining term after term
was perfection.

All I hope is that
the entire graduation sequence wasn't just Tadakuni's dream but only the Nago portion. I want a Yassan x Hidenori end so badly. I enjoyed their "romance" more than all of AnoNatsu

I suppose that this is goodbye forever, because apparently there weren't enough uncensored dongs in Nichibros to steer tasteless otaku yens from Highschool DxD and whatever else didn't bomba this season. I will always be bitter. It's what Tadakuni and the gang would want.


Chihayafuru 5


Clever shot, in one image they show both how close and how far apart the characters are.

Karuta is such serious business. I finally noticed that the composer for this show is the one who did both Glass Fleet and Dragonaut. I'm glad he finally found a quality anime in which to demonstrate his symphonic talents.


dat umakoshi. good thing crunchyroll picked this up!

The manga is 18 volumes. I should add it to my backlog since I'm almost out of stuff to read.
....oh my god, one day i must read this

And I have no desire to watch those either! I'll continue to look at them in h-doujins instead.
sounds like a good plan to me!

So I just marathon'd Usagi Drop and it was an absolute delight. Really good stuff. It even ended in such a satisfying way. But I was curious so I decided to wiki the differences between the show and the manga... the fuck!? The things I read completely mess with the show's message, characterization, and tone. I mean, I get that you can take them as two separate narratives, but I can't unsee these things. I just can't.
the manga's worse than the anime but not because of the rushed and poorly handled ending.


Well Precure doujins are pretty nice. Especially the Houenken and Life/Digital Flyer ones :3

I honestly don't remember the names of the authors but what I noticed from reading a few of them is that if nothing else (and there's definitely something else you'll get out of them), one can appreciate the amount of imagination these authors put into rule 34'ing such an innocent series.


Nichibros 12 (END):

All I hope is that
the entire graduation sequence wasn't just Tadakuni's dream but only the Nago portion. I want a Yassan x Hidenori end so badly. I enjoyed their "romance" more than all of AnoNatsu

Go watch episode 4,
and pay attention to the spot Tadakuni is in when he goes to sleep as well as the book he has. Episodes 4-12 were all his dream and Ringo is his subconscious's projection of the perfect girl because those two guys say she doesn't exist.


Well Precure doujins are pretty nice. Especially the Houenken and Life/Digital Flyer ones :3

The best Precure doujins are the ones by Inazuma.

I honestly don't remember the names of the authors but what I noticed from reading a few of them is that if nothing else (and there's definitely something else you'll get out of them), one can appreciate the amount of imagination these authors put into rule 34'ing such an innocent series.

I love Precure doujins in which you can tell that the artist is a big fan of the show and makes a clear effort to be as close to the canon as possible.
You could always read it to see how well it's handled instead of just complaining.
You're absolutely right that it's ignorant of me to just write it off after a quick wiki, but I just can't accept them shifting away from the single father-figure raises child, maternal bond ensues, and instead becomes
Rin falling for Daikichi.
It's such a contrast to the show's characterization, which has
Daikichi crushing on Kouki's mother
. Daikichi's epiphany in the last episode essentially carves his relationship with Rin in stone, and messing with that just feels wrong. I don't mean to sound like I'm discrediting the manga, because I haven't seen it so I'm in no position to call foul. This is just me trying to vent after being weirded out since I'm coming hot off the heels of finishing the show.
I saw that at the end and it seemed like the kind of polite thing you'd see in a show that doesn't want to go out on the note of "welp, we bomba'd. See you never."

Bomba or not, remember that the anime covered all the source material that currently exists. It'd take a long time to build up enough manga reserves to fill another season.


So I just marathon'd Usagi Drop and it was an absolute delight. Really good stuff. It even ended in such a satisfying way. But I was curious so I decided to wiki the differences between the show and the manga... the fuck!? The things I read completely mess with the show's message, characterization, and tone. I mean, I get that you can take them as two separate narratives, but I can't unsee these things. I just can't.

Ah the manga. There's a good reason why Gaf says that it doesn't exist.
(It doesn't by the way) >_>

Piano: Melody of Nothing Happening 1-3

So RightStuf does these blind grab-bag items you can buy, wherein they send you some unnamed anime-related thing based on whatever they're trying to get rid of and the dollar value of your blind buy. So I bought the $10 one out of a combination of curiosity and wanting to buy something to meet their free shipping limit. In turn, they sent me all three Piano discs, shrinkwrapped together. All I really knew about the show going in was that it had a reputation for being boring.

And, well, the reputation is pretty well earned. It's a slice-of-life show, but it's a slice of the life of someone whose life is so boring half the 'conflict' is just her feelings about minor problems other people are having.

Episode 1: Miu, the main character, has misplaced her sheet music for her piano lesson and is stressing. She almost skips her lesson, but doesn't. Her instructor almost gets mad at her, but doesn't. She loses her umbrella, and almost has to walk home in the rain, but doesn't. She almost gets in trouble with her mom, but doesn't. Then, at the end, a plot twist appears:
The sheet music was in her bookbag all along! She never really lost it!

Episode 2 is about her parents anniversary, her dad working late, and her cat getting out and running away.

Episode 3 winds up being entirely about how Miu's BFF is feeling down because she's not performing her best at track. This is bad because she's supposed to be motivating a third-year student to run faster, to get good times on the third-year's permanent record. It turns out said BFF can't focus because another track member isn't running well; once she realizes this, she runs well and everyone is happy. The entire episode is literally about Miu reacting to her friend's reaction to another person's potential less-than-optimal track time.

Despite that, watching the show isn't unpleasant. It's just sort of... there. I'll probably finish watching it, but I'm curious to see how much more trivial the problems can get. It's probably the least eventful slice of life I can remember seeing.

I'm glad at least someone watched these.
I bought the series a long time ago (Its a Nozomi/Rightstuf release) and found the series to be enjoyable but veeeeery slow paced. I like that sort of thing, so I was ok with it.
This is the kind of show for someone who enjoys Someday's Dreamers and Aria. Very contemplative and slow burning.

Chihayafuru 5

Karuta is such serious business. I finally noticed that the composer for this show is the one who did both Glass Fleet and Dragonaut. I'm glad he finally found a quality anime in which to demonstrate his symphonic talents.

He pretty much nailed this OST if that is the case. One of the best OST's I've heard in a while.


The Light of El Cantare
Go watch episode 4,
and pay attention to the spot Tadakuni is in when he goes to sleep as well as the book he has. Episodes 4-12 were all his dream and Ringo is his subconscious's projection of the perfect girl because those two guys say she doesn't exist.

It's far likelier that
those are both his favorite napping spot and his favorite book
, but I like your idea better. Still, if this was true,
Tadakuni has really odd taste in women. He should just stick to Nago

Bomba or not, remember that the anime covered all the source material that currently exists. It'd take a long time to build up enough manga reserves to fill another season.

Yeah, I certainly wouldn't be expecting a sequel any time soon if there was ever even going to be one. Hopefully in the next few years Sunrise will do something like make a third season of Gundam SEED, be totally flush with cash, and burn some of it on more Nichibros.


It's far likelier that
those are both his favorite napping spot and his favorite book
, but I like your idea better. Still, if this was true,
Tadakuni has really odd taste in women. He should just stick to Nago

Haha, yeah! It could explain his disappearance too or something. Also,
Nago from the mirror is the only true end.
Yeah, I certainly wouldn't be expecting a sequel any time soon if there was ever even going to be one. Hopefully in the next few years Sunrise will do something like make a third season of Gundam SEED, be totally flush with cash, and burn some of it on more Nichibros.
It's not like Sunrise spent much cash on Nichibros to begin with.
....oh my god, one day i must read this

Just finished volume 2. It's honestly not awful. I mean it isn't good either, but the difference in quality between the manga and anime is readily apparent. The anime was basically "let's put these characters in as many perverted situations as possible with no explanation" while the manga actually has a plot (even if it mostly follows a daily life structure). The character relations are also much better defined.
Toriko 48

Well the gourmet world is definitely not what I expected. I dont even think no one in Gourmet Corp except maybe the top guys can even be in the gourmet world as well.

They should sub out Tina and just keep Buon Giorno, the Fantasista of the Kitchen, Taccino Kawagoe. I always laugh when he says Taccino fantasy.


Go watch episode 4,
and pay attention to the spot Tadakuni is in when he goes to sleep as well as the book he has. Episodes 4-12 were all his dream and Ringo is his subconscious's projection of the perfect girl because those two guys say she doesn't exist.

Got that theory from 4chan heh?

Anyway,that graduation skit was an anime original.


Didn't realize this season was so packed with interesting looking stuff. Maybe it's time to get back into the groove.

Yes, I would say it's time. Although I honestly think you should check out shows like Ano Natsu and Chihayafuru from this season and the last as well.
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