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E3 had so much potential


Shut the fuck up you man-babies.

The longer they delay showing the successors the more they aren't threatened by Wii-U.
I don't want a premature pressure to launch because a soon to be obsolete piece of hardware is around the bend. I would rather the new consoles be unveiled further down the line. To allow cheaper prices & progression of technology. In the meantime I hope they wait it out & let Nintendo fumble. Launching 2 super beasts creating another Dreamcast scenario from a tech perspective.

You people are so fucking impatient buy a super powered PC & wait.

Triple U

This E3 is going to be great. Here's a list of known games I'm already excited about:

- Castlevania (Mercury Stream is definitely working on it)
- Need for Speed/Burnout (Criterion has something coming out soon)
- Crysis 3
- Metal Gear Rising
- Tomb Raider
- Transformers 2
- Darksiders 2
- The Last of Us
- God of War 4 (likely but it could be another title from Sony Santa Monica)
- The Last Story

There are also hardly anything announced for 3DS so I'm expecting a huge blowout. Possibilities are:

- Contra
- Castlevania
- Metroid

A 2D or 2.5D Castlevania and Metroid alone are enough to justify me buying a system, so I have high hopes. We'll see what happens though.

Lastly we have the Wii U blowout and any other surprises E3 might have to offer. Just going of that list of games alone, plus a Retro Studio game that is confirmed coming, I'm excited. The fact that Nintendo has literally announced nothing for it's two systems is also getting me hyped. Looking at it as it nears, this is probably the most excited I've been for E3 in a long time.

Edit - I forgot about Devil's Third and the rumored Kamiya and Mikami games in the works. If we don't see something at E3, I think TGS will show them.


fun fact, the image that was shopped from actually comes from Chris Thunig, a former concept artist at Blizzard. I'm hoping this E3 is as good a chance as any for a teaser, though. DOTA2 and CS:GO are getting ready to ship, they mus have something else on the horizon, unless it's another game with a 3 in it.

And OP ignores the fact we still know next to nothing about Wii-U, which is arguably in a similar situation the Wii was for E3 '06, which we of course we all remember (granted this without the more massive paradigm shift that was the motion controller).

Typical OP: "Nintendo doesn't count cuz casuals bad gfx derp"

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Every E3 is fantastic...Just not for the reasons the companies involved would like. I mean this generation alone we've had:

Embarrassing conferences where the presenter was terribly awkward and unfunny, or the everybody on stage was stoned, or they had just lost their fucking minds.

Fanboy meltdowns like the Great Square-Enix Betrayalton of 2008.

And just good old fashioned fanboy dumbshittery where you get things like "Microsoft showed a slew of new games, Sony showed new hardware, and Nintendo had a guy with a mohawk flailing like a spaz. Clearly Nintendo won!"

What's not to love about E3?
Shut the fuck up you man-babies.

The longer they delay showing the successors the more they aren't threatened by Wii-U.
I don't want a premature pressure to launch because a soon to be obsolete piece of hardware is around the bend. I would rather the new consoles be unveiled further down the line. To allow cheaper prices & progression of technology. In the meantime I hope they wait it out & let Nintendo fumble. Launching 2 super beasts creating another Dreamcast scenario from a tech perspective.

You people are so fucking impatient buy a super powered PC & wait.

This is one of the people I hope to see meltdowns from. Nobody is yelling or even angry, just discussing and I can sense the vane on his forehead about to burst. Will be glorious when he doesn't agree with what is happening at the conferences.

Rage on brother, rage on.
I'm curious to see what MS has got in the works..i'm not really big on halo so halo 4 doesn't hype me up. i'm hoping for some new IPs, altho this late in the generation i doubt it.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I wouldn't trust anything Microsoft/Sony say about next-gen announcements before E3.

They will continue to deny until they reveal it. What else would they do? "Oh, yeah, we're going to show our next console at E3" and just tip the competition their hand?

If both of these next-gen consoles release in late 2013, this E3 would be the perfect opportunity to tease their consoles at the very least. It gets the cat out of the bag, allows developers to talk about their projects (which are no doubt already in development), and allows hype to build for the system.

They don't need to show a lot, they just need to tease.

I'd be very surprised if Sony and Microsoft say nothing. I expect both of them to tease next-gen, and at the very least one of them will.

On the other hand, I wouldn't get my hopes up for a flurry of announcements, concrete specs, release date, or price.

Think E3 2005 for Sony.


I'm ready to re-enter the world of Nintendo after being out of the loop for the past 3 years. I love Nintendo's stuff. It's time. I'm excited.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I'm ready to re-enter the world of Nintendo after being out of the loop for the past 3 years. I love Nintendo's stuff. It's time. I'm excited.

I am too...

But not if it's a bunch of Wiihashes like NSMB:Mii edition.

I'm going to need something Galaxy-caliber to make me bite.


Membero Americo


Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXIII for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and cancel FFXIII for 360 or you can kiss your business goodbye.

You are delusional if you think these situations are comparable. Nintendo and Sony are both Japanese companies. Microsoft is American. Why do you think the 360 has failed so bad while the PS3 was starting to make a comeback before this backstab? I am praying Sony will recover from this, because Square certainly isn't. The only way Square will recover from this is if they anoounce Daytona USA for the Gameboy Color.

And just good old fashioned fanboy dumbshittery where you get things like "Microsoft showed a slew of new games, Sony showed new hardware, and Nintendo had a guy with a mohawk flailing like a spaz. Clearly Nintendo won!"

When did that happen?


A very good E3 will be the next year one:
-Possibly good games for WiiU

This year will be shitty because no console will be announced, there will be huge disappointment towards WiiU and likely no huge games will be announced... can't wait for E3 '13.
It's all about the games. I don't care how amazing the console reveals are. If the games they show suck (or are dominated by an endless stream of brown and grey FPS games and throw-away party motion games like the previous year or two) I'll be pretty disappointed.

Robot Pants

It's all about the games. I don't care how amazing the console reveals are. If the games they show suck (or are dominated by an endless stream of brown and grey FPS games and throw-away party motion games like the previous year or two) I'll be pretty disappointed.

I agree with this post.

and that avatar.
You know, it's really close to E3 and we still don't have any crazy rumors or rumors at all. No "This is exactly what they are going to show" lists like the ones from last yerar. No "Gears of War 4 PS3 exclusive, confirmed by unnamed source!" type shit either.

You would think that with this being a potentially big year, with a possible reveal or tease of new hardware, and the Wii U big show, you would have all sort of crazy rumors.

E3 is also closer than I thought. It's usually middle 15-19, but now it's on the fourth.

Its a month and a half away, not close at all
PS4 isn't coming until 2014, and MS will probably shoot for the same time period, maybe late 2013. Wii U will have probably an entire year to itself.

Anyway, the conferences should still be fun and we'll see some hilarious threads I'm sure. Hopefully we'll get a Vita bomba price drop announcement.


Death Prophet
I always have a lot of fun with E3 whether we get any real announcements or not. It's the only time you can a constant amount of live video game programming, all the biggest names together (well, this may not be true because of GDC), and it's just something all video game fans watch and look forward to.

If it's bad, then the meltdowns are just as entertaining. :) I just love watching the press conferences (especially waking up for Nintendo's).
The event hasn't even happened yet, and already people are worried that it won't be exciting. Relax, and let events unfold. Just from all of the things we know, it should be exciting. We'll see more info on a brand new console, plus there's going to be lots of news regarding games like Halo 4 and the zombie game from naughty dog. There's sure to be lots of surprises as well. Maybe they'll finally have some exciting PS move games, or new kinect games. The Vita and 3DS will have big announcements for sure. Would it be more exciting if more new consoles were shown? Of course it would be. The E3s where multiple new machines debuted were always more memorable. But don't pull a downer on the show yet if your waiting for PS4 or Xbox 720 with bated breath. There's going to be a lot of exciting games info for sure. And for big Nintendo fans, it should be plenty exciting to see a new Wii.

One Caveat: If Crytek doesn't do a Timesplitters reveal, then E3 can be labelled as a disappointment.
Every E3 is fantastic...Just not for the reasons the companies involved would like. I mean this generation alone we've had:

Embarrassing conferences

Fanboy meltdowns

And just good old fashioned fanboy dumbshittery

What's not to love about E3?

Exactly, Jive Turkey. It's a Gaf multiplier and it's hi-freaking-larious every time. I mean, this thread not only exists but it's full of hilarity already!


Jealous Bastard
e3 every year is just this constant state of fear and anticipation, hoping that the metroid series will [continue] show[ing] signs of life.


GAF E3 Hype = Horrible E3
GAF Downplay E3 = MEGATONS


Seriously though I've noticed E3 becoming slowly more like an shareholder meeting.

Good morning everyone I'd like to introduce this poorly thought out gimmick which appeals to this previously untapped demographics allowing us greater marketshare and convincing you not to drop our stock!
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