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Final Fantasy real time tech demo - Luminous Studio [Up3: Survey/Screens/Video]

I think you still don't get it. They replace the Maya preview renderer with their own engine.

Ok, my fault, this what I was missing since I never toyed with the rendering tools I didn't know you could import your own, always used the maya software one ;P

So what you see is the real-time output of the engine, in Maya. It's not so hard to understand really. Also, how have we "not seen that engine at work" when we have seen its output? The output is what the engine does.

To me the "engine at work" shows you interacting with the assets, like wireframe and such, and since all I saw was maya assets, it looked like they were just modeling with it.
I get it ;)


Ok, my fault, this what I was missing since I never toyed with the rendering tools I didn't know you could import your own, always used the maya software one ;P
Ah, so this is the disconnect then. I had mentioned it earlier, which is why I was still confused about your confusion. :) I guess I should have clarified on that a bit more to be more clear on what I was trying to say, but Durante covered it.

Again, I believe the real-time render being shown isn't native to Maya or whatever authoring tool is being used, but S-E's actual game engine. It's more likely the authoring tool's own 3D view is hidden/disabled, since having it active would impact performance.


Gold Member
Looks absolutely ridiculously stunning. A league beyond Watch Dogs and Star Wars 1313, or the UE4 demo. Hair, particles, HDR, volumetric lighting, reflections on metal, just amazing. The world and characters look compelling too. Next generation will be amazing, because SCE and MGS will fight to top this.
Demo is impressive, but I'll believe games look like that when I see it on my tv being played.

I just came across this! And after seeing Watch Dogs and Star Wars 1312... I officially want Nintendo to crash and burn and go completely out of business. I absolutely hate their approach to hardware advancements. I'll take a 540/PS4/Steambox with dual 680's for over a $1000... just give me visuals of this caliber.

Took the survey. Commented on reducing shaky cam style. Loved everything else.

What is this tripe? I love powerful hardware as well, and don't agree with Nintendo's decisions as of late, but wishing them to go out of business?


I really don't get why people think this might not be what we'll see next-gen. For the most part it's totally doable on graphical terms. What we saw remains a "cinematic", so a lot can be faked in such circumstances (background, lighting, etc.). But in terms of rendering quality, which is really what anyone should see in this demo, it's what we should expect for next-gen. The characters look like the usual FF-cinematic characters, but we'll see life-like characters next-gen that look FAR better than that, especially thanks to better motion capture tech for facial expressions and realistic hair.

In fact if there is one thing NOT impressive in the demo, it's the characters.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest

Famitsu.com has delivered its promised interview with Yoichi Wada. The Square Enix CEO discussed the company's new Luminous Studio technology.

Famitsu began its conversation with Wada by asking about the thinking behind Luminous Studio's development. A game company must offer its developers a development environment, replied Wada, just like Da Vinci had a studio. When considering a game engine, there are two approaches -- put everything together in one engine for use across multiple games, or have a new engine for each game. Luminous Studio attempts to fall right in between these two approaches.

Square Enix's current engines include Crystal Engine, which is used in Tomb Raider, and Glacier 2, which is used in Hitman Absolution. While these engines aren't limited to just one particular type of game, they specialized. Crystal Engine is more appropriate for adventure and action games with various actions and a maps created from multiple parts. Glacier 2 is better for shooters with high degrees of freedom.

For Square Enix's Tokyo Studio, you have games like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. There aren't engines that are appropriate for these types of games, which is why the teams developed and reformed engines with each game. This is why Square Enix gave the go on Luminous Studio's creation, because they want something that's more general purpose but can still meet specific game characteristics. Their goal was something that can cover RPGs and more action oriented RPGs, with a target of Direct X 11 level.

(Note: Wada did not mention Square Enix's Crystal Tools/White Engine in the interview.)

Realtime image from the Luminous tech demo that Square Enix debuted yesterday.
The demo Square Enix showed yesterday to demonstrate Luminous was titled "Agni's Philosophy Final Fantasy Realtime Tech Demo." Why did they put FF in the title? It's because they want to show that Luminous Studio is an engine that can make a Final Fantasy type of game.

Famitsu asked if this means Luminous will be used to develop Square Enix brand RPGs and action RPGs. "We aren't thinking about selling the engine externally, so that's about right," replied Wada. "There's no mistake that Luminous Studio is an engine made with the view of producing RPGs like the past FF games. But not just that -- it has a broad reach, from games with high action to games without high action." Wada later added that when contracting external studios for development work, they will offer them the use of Luminous Studio.

Famitsu also asked if this means Luminous Studio will be used to make a next generation Final Fantasy, and also if players can look forward to completely new IPs from the engine. Wada didn't respond to the Final Fantasy question, but did say that Square Enix does plan on trying out new IPs. Wada wants current staff to try making new IPs, and new staff coming from the outside to also try out new IPs on Luminous Studio.

Square Enix originally demonstrated the engine last year with parking garage comparison pics like this.
Wada noted that Luminous Studio stands apart from most engines, except for perhaps Unity Engine, in that it's being developed specifically as an engine, and not attached to or built along side a particular game. In contrast, Source Engine and Unreal Engine are developed alongside a game, he noted.

At present, there are no games using Luminous Studio as an engine. Wada personally would like to see internal use of the engine by the end of the year or early next year.


Well, this confirms S-E Japan's studios focus on RPGs/Action RPGs will go on in the next-gen (some people were doubting this in another thread).


ADD New Gen Gamer
I just watched the video. It is incredible, and tonally completely different from the trash they put out this gen. If this is an indication of a next generation final fantasy, Square Enix has my attention. The video totally gave me a FF7 and Panzer Dragoon Saga vibe.
This thread is huge. I read over the OP, but this is running on PC right?

It's a real time tech demo and not some target render yes?

If so, next gen consoles can't come soon enough, it would effect game development across the board to higher graphic fidelity, when you have current PC tech already pass a generation a head but devs keeping in mind parity with 6-7 year old hardware with game development, it really holds things back.


there is joy in sucking dick
and what looked like mutation juice is just something i find meh.

I took that as a realistic take on a potion. Not the instant restorative it usually has, more gritty and painful as it pushed the bullet out and mended the wound.

Edit: derp you're talking about what the hyena was injected with. Forgot about that.


Still doesnt changes the point. The collision between magic demon summoning and modern cities,tech like weapons and what looked like mutation juice is just something i find meh.

I'm with you on that one. While the demo was graphically impressive I'm not a fan of the setting. Also am I the only one who first thought the female character was just another one of SE's effeminate male leads at first glance? :p I like the design but thanks for screwing with my mind SE.


Still doesnt changes the point. The collision between magic demon summoning and modern cities,tech like weapons and what looked like mutation juice is just something i find meh.

Wouldn't be the first time modern tech met magical mutation juice in Final Fantasy...



At present, there are no games using Luminous Studio as an engine. Wada personally would like to see internal use of the engine by the end of the year or early next year.

See games using it soon? Ehhh if this quote is the case we won't see them for a while now.
Still doesnt changes the point. The collision between magic demon summoning and modern cities,tech like weapons and what looked like mutation juice is just something i find meh.

It is very meh. I can just picture a scene where you arrive at a power plant on a train and then proceed to blow it up fighting robots with swords and guns or some crazy thing like that. Just doesn't sound like a final fantasy game people would like.


It is very meh. I can just picture a scene where you arrive at a power plant on a train and then proceed to blow it up fighting robots with swords and guns or some crazy thing like that. Just doesn't sound like a final fantasy game people would like.

Next thing you know some dude's gonna have a machine gun for an arm or some crazy shit like that.


The mind-boggling thing is the framerate at which it runs.

Their tools are insane.

They have 1-1 integration with maya. No need to export or anything.
Next thing you know some dude's gonna have a machine gun for an arm or some crazy shit like that.

That would be going a bit far. Might as well copy sniper elite and have an evil witch that one of your characters have to take out with a sniper or something messed up like that.

Or a race of desert dwelling people with guns and advanced machines with their own language who try to take out the government through terrorist actions.

Or a pirate type character who runs around killing monsters with all sorts of different guns.

Or giant flying ships that take on flying dragons with cannons

Soldiers driving around in giant mechs with flamethrowers and things like that.

God the flood gates would open if they went down this path.

Ohhhh shh !!!!

Found a video from the conference they gave where the move the camera in real-time.


Pretty impressive stuff !

Thanks had not seen that. Quite magical really. Great to have a little ray of hope out of E3. Even if it turns into nothing, showing stuff like this should be what it is all about.
You know what is the best thing about this?

That Square will be fucking READY come next gen. They won't be bogged down in this generation engine scrambling around trying to add features like they did with FF12 engine when PS3 came around and had to start from scratch.

Next-gen Square will be ready. Engine is there. It wows people. You just start adding content not giving a fuck about technical difficulties.


I can't wait for all the Square Enix games that look like this tech demo, just like all the PS2 games that looked like that Final Fantasy VIII tech demo and all the PS3 games that looked like that Final Fantasy VII tech demo. Oh wait...


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I can't wait for all the Square Enix games that look like this tech demo, just like all the PS2 games that looked like that Final Fantasy VIII tech demo and all the PS3 games that looked like that Final Fantasy VII tech demo. Oh wait...

As if FFXII is not mighty impressive, even more than VIII's demo. And as if XIII is not close to FFVII tech demo... c'mon. Square Enix delivers everytime when it comes to graphics. And let's just wait and see what they're cooking up with Versus XIII.
I can't wait for all the Square Enix games that look like this tech demo, just like all the PS2 games that looked like that Final Fantasy VIII tech demo and all the PS3 games that looked like that Final Fantasy VII tech demo. Oh wait...

PS2 games looked better than the VIII tech demo and PS3 games look better (cloth physics aside) than the VII tech demo. So woot! Awesome looking games for everyone!
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