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Wii U Community Thread

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Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
[*]I never thought about Pikmin 3 not being at launch. I can see them holding that back for their Xmas title, and to give third parties some time at launch to hawk their wares (thus improving their relationship with said third parties.) I really don't think it'll slide PAST Christmas, however.

Yeah I can see that. I think maybe something like P-100 will slip into January to space things out a bit.


I know what you mean, but I think looking at the system as a whole even based on the little we know is enough to take the idea of being only equal to current gen right out of the equation. CPU?, we don't know, rumours its weaker in some ways and stronger in other ways. GPU, every detail we know for sure (eDram amount and feature set) is significantly better than current gen. RAM, again much better than current gen. I think it would be silly to try to come to a definitive conclusion on how capable the system is based on the info we have. But personally I think the idea of WiiU being just equal to current gen systems overall is just as silly.

Also while I agree that the systems output is all that matters to gamers the current output of WiiU tells us even less than the details we have on the system. We're talking about late and highly optimised 360/PS3 games vs pre-release WiiU games after all.
good post, agree on everything :)
Another crazy idea:

Imagine one player using two tablets at the same time in a mech game. He could have a Wiifitness board on the floor that'd basically work as pedals, to move his mech back and fort, and the two tablets would be spread out on the table in front of him and have a bunch of virtual buttons and levers that would all be used in the game.

Maybe you could go over the top and throw in two wiimotes as well, that you'd use to shoot stuff with when you enter combat mode.


Poopaloop? From Go Nintendo, the one who always makes those drawings?

I love your work man, and you make some valid points. I hope Pikmin 3 is there by Christmas :/


The Wii U is going to include the AC adapter. Come on guys! You're comparing it to the 3DS XL, but that's an update of an existing system. There's no way Wii U won't include the power adapter, except on the small chance that it uses the same one as the Wii does.

I don't think anyone is serious when they say the Wii U SKU will not include the AC adapter.
Yeah I can see that. I think maybe something like P-100 will slip into January to space things out a bit.

I think Pikmin 3 will be next year for sure. Take another look at that release list of Nintendo's from E3. They're publishing alot of games for the holiday season. And Iwata has publicly stated they are spacing out their releases evenly to avoid large gaps. So Pikmin 3 I'm thinking Jan/Feb, if WiiU lanches in November as expected.

P-100 I could see being a May/June release. The launch window is pretty vague.


Neo Member
Poopaloop? From Go Nintendo, the one who always makes those drawings?

I love your work man, and you make some valid points. I hope Pikmin 3 is there by Christmas :/

Yep, that's me! Thank you so much! Your avatar is great, btw :D

I also wanted to ask what you guys thought about the storage on the Wii U. With Nintendo claiming to be imbracing all retail titles available digitally, how much HDD space would you guys say is acceptable out of the box? Or are we all under the impression that it will be a very small amount, with compatibility for third parts hard drives to keep manufacturing costs down for the system?


I fail at detecting sarcasm. My bad!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
P-100 I could see being a May/June release. The launch window is pretty vague.

I really do not think the launch window includes May and June. I think Reggie said it was 4 months max or something.


Yep, that's me! Thank you so much! Your avatar is great, btw :D

I also wanted to ask what you guys thought about the storage on the Wii U. With Nintendo claiming to be imbracing all retail titles available digitally, how much HDD space would you guys say is acceptable out of the box? Or are we all under the impression that it will be a very small amount, with compatibility for third parts hard drives to keep manufacturing costs down for the system?


I fail at detecting sarcasm. My bad!

I think there will be something between 20-60gigs. Probably on the lower end. It seems reasonable given Nintendos recent statements regarding buying full titles day one AND considering WiiU media holds 25gigs, I would hope they put more than that. I'd be just as happy with less than 10 gigs and GameCube games on VC day 1.


Hey all, another Junior here. I've been lurking since WUST 4 and am grateful to all of you who got me interested and kept me sane pre- and post-E3.

My two cents on DA vs. Wiimote- I suppose I'll have to get used to DA again (never really good at it in the GCN days). I feel like the responsiveness and accuracy that Wiimote aiming gave spoiled me and I just can't see third-parties spending the time and money to add in multiple control options in their ports.

Given what they're doing with Pikmin 3, we might see the next Prime-like Metroid game have the option though.


I'm loving all of this fresh blood! It's like NeoGAF went recruiting at various Nintendo fansites, and Nintendo fans responded en masse; welcome all!

And Poopaloop, I've adored your work for some time.. :)


I'm loving all of this fresh blood! It's like NeoGAF went recruiting at various Nintendo fansites, and Nintendo fans responded en masse; welcome all!

And Poopaloop, I've adored your work for some time.. :)
Go Nintendo always links to NeoGAF, so that shouldn't be surprising. ;)


Neo Member
I'm loving all of this fresh blood! It's like NeoGAF went recruiting at various Nintendo fansites, and Nintendo fans responded en masse; welcome all!

And Poopaloop, I've adored your work for some time.. :)

Thank you so much, I'm flattered! Your optimism and unabashed love for Nintendo was a great help to me pre-E3, glad to finally be able to interact! Also, the story you told about the old lady coming on to you at work was AMAZING. :D

ugoo18 said:
lol but doesn't GAF dislikes that site?

It's not so much that, I know these guys explained this in the WUST. It's just that because GN reports EVERY bit of Nintendo news including a healthy dose of rumours, and as RMC relays the news rather than breaking it himself for the most part, it can't be used as a source because it's more of an intermediary than anything else. I think a lot of people here love GN, however (I know I do.)

On pointer vs DA, for single player I do prefer pointer controls. There isn't really a great way to do local multiplayer with pointer controls however, because splitting the screen means you have less space to point at.

Glass Joe

Is there a logical reason that Nintendo made the L/R (and Zl Zr) digital on the Wii U this time around? Apparently they removed analog functionality with the wii's classic controller pro revision and everything's digital from now on. I'm just trying to understand the reasoning.

Only thing I can think of is with the original CC, the layout wasn't ideal. A spongy L/R was a distraction for a virtual console game SNES like Street Fighter II. However, with the pro revision layout, Zl and Zr would have been the perfect ones to be analog with L/R being digital. Same thing with the U Gamepad and new classic.

It just boggles me because there are plenty of Gamecube games that took advantage of the functionality in a meaningful way and I don't see how they're going to ideally add those games to to the VC now. Plus, certain this-and-next-gen games use them still, including racers.

Why go out of your way to appease 3rd parties with clicky sticks, yet remove a standard option Nintendo used to use themselves? I'm just thinking when I download Mario Sunshine and F Zero GX, they're not going to play as well.


That would've been so awesome if they made it how you described it. It would be hella confusing at first and I'd expect many people to be turned off even more than they already are but conceptually this sounds fantastic!

A big problem with the whole motion control thing is though that many people simply just don't want to move their body at all, not even slight wrist movements. Most gamers who got used to playing shooters with dual sticks since Halo will never accept anything else because adapting to change requires effort. I see that with people who play PlayStation almost exclusively since the first one came out. Since the controller basically never changed since they added the sticks, they are very resistant to anything that's not a DualShock controller.

That's in part why the Wii U should be actually more acceptable in theory but I still read a lot of "controller looks huuuge whyithazscreeeen so uncomfy!"

Of course there will be some apprehension towards a new control scheme, don't forget that it standard controls have been around for about 15 years if not more. It's going to be difficult to make such a transition no matter what it is. Furthermore, the entire argument against motion controls is that it can be done on classic controllers, and to a very large extent its quite true. But with a control scheme like the one I mentioned its going to be impossible to replicate it on any other control scheme, it will give players the edge of more precise control unlike anything before it. It will take time but players will adjust to it eventually, hell even right now there are people who favor the Wiimote above dual analogues in its current state.


Thank you so much, I'm flattered! Your optimism and unabashed love for Nintendo was a great help to me pre-E3, glad to finally be able to interact! Also, the story you told about the old lady coming on to you at work was AMAZING. :D

It's not so much that, I know these guys explained this in the WUST. It's just that because GN reports EVERY bit of Nintendo news including a healthy dose of rumours, and as RMC relays the news rather than breaking it himself for the most part, it can't be used as a source because it's more of an intermediary than anything else. I think a lot of people here love GN, however (I know I do.)

On pointer vs DA, for single player I do prefer pointer controls. There isn't really a great way to do local multiplayer with pointer controls however, because splitting the screen means you have less space to point at.

I'm one of those Nintendo-forever guys. I'll be playing in the nursing home if I can! And glad that you loved the story - I've had a lot of funny ER/hospital stories, and it's one of my favorites, haha..

And I adore Go Nintendo. RMC is a devoted, standup guy. Very inspiring!
Hey guys, I guess it's appropriate to start off by saying I just got my account activated! I am really excited to be able to have an intelligent (maybe not on my end haha) discussion with other Nintendo fans. There are a couple of things I would like to start off with.

Regarding third party support for Nintendo, I didn't realize this at the time, but third parties saw great sales numbers the first ten weeks of the Wii's launch, when compared with the ps360. I believe Rayman, Call of Duty, Red Steel, Super Monkey Ball, and Madden all saw close to or over 200K copies sold on the Wii. In my opinion, that should have created a foundational incentive for third parties to stick with the Wii....but they didn't. I honestly see the Wii U having a great launch and third parties selling a lot of copies, but I am curious if Nintendo can keep their support. Considering how the Wii U, in my opinion, will not be far behind the ps4/720 graphically, I think Nintendo has a great shot at improving their third party relationships if they play their cards right. By playing their cards right, I mean offering marketing and developing assistance to third parties, having a very reliable online multiplayer network (I think this is absolutely huge and necessary), and catering to the core (I hate that term) gamer while keeping the casual gamer happy. Just by looking at the launch line up I think Nintendo is doing a pretty good job at catering to the core/casual gamer but hopefully they don't give up on third parties a few years into the life cycle of the Wii U like they did with the Wii.

I know that kind of came out of left field so now I will touch on some recent discussion topics. Regarding the price/contents of the Wii U I think there will be one SKU to start off with. I think the price will be $350 and the box will include the system, cables, one GamePad, one Wiimote, and NintendoLand. Iwata has stated the GamePad will be included with the system so that is a given. I know there are a ton of Wiimotes out there but Nintendo's focus with the Wii U is connectivity. Even the the codename Project Café implies how interacting and connectivity between players is important. With Nintendo's huge push towards asymmetric gameplay, I think it's unlikely they would only include the GamePad and no Wiimote. I absolutely agree that NintendoLand could be sold as a separate title but I think Nintnedo's whole focus with developing NintendoLand is to show the populous what the Wii U actually is and can accomplish. For lack of better wording, I think NintendoLand is the premiere system demo for the Wii U and Nintendo will include it with the console. The GamePad is such a different, new, innovative way to play games, people won't truly understad what it is capable of unless they are spoon fed. I also don't think $350 is overpriced because of what the system offers. If my prediction is true I believe people will look at the Wii U and see a system that comes with two controllers and a game. They can walk in the store buy one thing and walk out. You couldn't do that with the ps360 and doubt you will be able to with the ps4/720 (which quite possibly could be priced at $399+).

Ok considering how this is already an obnoxiously long post I will go ahead and end there.
I'm loving all of this fresh blood! It's like NeoGAF went recruiting at various Nintendo fansites, and Nintendo fans responded en masse; welcome all!

Feels good man. Thank you.

Back on discussion.. About the Wii Remotes. I think that Nintendo shouldn't completely play it safe on the fact that there are a lot of WiiMotes out there. Hoy many of thise are Motion+?? Out of my 4 remotes, only 1 is Motion+. I still insist they need to pack a Wii Remote +


Feels good man. Thank you.

Back on discussion.. About the Wii Remotes. I think that Nintendo shouldn't completely play it safe on the fact that there are a lot of WiiMotes out there. Hoy many of thise are Motion+?? Out of my 4 remotes, only 1 is Motion+. I still insist they need to pack a Wii Remote +

Nintendo is always advertising the asymmetrical gameplay element of the WiiU, and that will just not work if the system doesn't support such a concept from the get-go. Yeah, there are a lot of Wiimotes around already, but not including one in the pack will mean that Nintendo is limiting itself with just the current audience. Expanding on the idea will be very difficult.


If sales are indeed strong over the first few months, it would be plainly evident that there is an audience for "core" games, and at that point Nintendo shouldn't have to bend over backwards to get third parties to act in their own best interests (i.e., continue providing software to this population of customers who've demonstrated willingness to spend on their games).

I'm just wondering how far Nintendo needs to beg, cajole, incentivise, and bribe third parties into supporting the console. It gets tiresome hearing the different contortions that they have to undergo to get a base level of support. If third parties are dumb enough to eschew a willing audience of buyers, then they deserve what they get.
I really do not think the launch window includes May and June. I think Reggie said it was 4 months max or something.

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if all these ,,launch window'' games are spread out until next years E3 (maybe even delayed beyond that), where they present something like Mario Kart as the years lone big title to make up for it. Then Reggies response to the outraged WiiU launch buyers is going to be that he can never win and people are simply insatiable :]

If Iwata doesn't hold one hell of a fall conference, comparable to the best of the past, I have no doubt that something like this will happen :/
Yep definitely Red Steel 2 (Not sure if this is true but i remember hearing that Nintendo had Retro provide some assistance for controls to Ubisoft when developing it), Goldeneye as well (The customization options are pretty good) also the Wii COD's apparently aren't too bad (Well Blops and MW3) but i haven't played them so i can't give any personal experience. RE4's use of the Wiimote is pretty good as well.

Sin and Punishment 2 is excellent with the Wiimote and Nunchuk.

Metroid Prime Trilogy (Whether you consider it an FPS or FPA it's Wiimote use especially in Corruption is top notch, gone are the days of tank Samus from the GCN Metroid Primes).

Yeah that's a perception i feel is inaccurate (For example i feel that the Wiimote and Nunchuk use in PES is a superior control method to DA if the time is taken to master it, it's steep learning curve puts people of it. I would love if someone took the time to create a similar control method for FIFA 12 on the PC.)

There isn't really that much of a learning curve in Pro Evo if you have a basic understanding of how the game is played. Really frustrating that EA Sports didn't 'borrow' the pointer control scheme from Pro Evo. Having a game with far superior controls and full licencing would have been fantastic.

After playing Pro Evo on the Wii playing any other football game on any other system is disappointing. I really hope that Konami are going to keep pointer controls and combine them with the use of the touchscreen. There are a few games that would be suited to hybrid controls imo.


I think Pikmin 3 will be next year for sure. Take another look at that release list of Nintendo's from E3. They're publishing alot of games for the holiday season. And Iwata has publicly stated they are spacing out their releases evenly to avoid large gaps. So Pikmin 3 I'm thinking Jan/Feb, if WiiU lanches in November as expected.

P-100 I could see being a May/June release. The launch window is pretty vague.

I don't know, Pikmin 3 is a) the game that has been in development the longest and b) the most core 1st party offering. I would be shocked if it didn't hit before Christmas, but maybe in December like it did with the GameCube.

On P-100, I would guess that it is mostly driven by how development goes, but I would bet on a March release (or anything after Christmas).
Yeah it was IGN...

So which R700 would you suggest honing in on then? ;)

Or should I go back to expecting Radeon E6760 performance or similar?

The latter most likely. Something I've been studying lately is the efficiency gains in modern GPU architecture and shaders. Back in February lherre talked about there being a small jump in performance according to Nintendo's own benchmarks. Based on what I know of that jump, it is very similar to the small jump between comparable GPUs from different lines (e.g. 5770 vs 7770). This would lead me to believe that small jump Wii U experienced during the initial transition from the 4th kit to the 5th kit may been due the transition to the final, more modern GPU compared to what was there before.

I think the flood gates were opened today....it really is amazing :)

It's been going on for the last few weeks it seems.

Related to this, is there any direct feed or at least high quality footage of Nintendo land? Specifically I'd like to see a good view of the hub.

About the only direct feed shots I remember was from the press conference and they weren't very long.

IBM still markets them as distinct lines. And Blue Gene is a weird case, anyway. It can be either PPC440, PPC450 or A2 based, but the chips are seemingly still custom and not fully compatible with the off the shelf equivalents. And then there are even weirder cases like the Z8 - Z8 is based on POWER7, but isn't a Power architecture chip at all.

The way IBM does it in general is weird, haha. That's why since the first thread I just focus on the way I explained it earlier to keep it simple.

Rösti;39639240 said:
With Nintendo's corporate philosophy to not talk about specs, I sometimes wonder exactly what kind of questions about the hardware in Wii U you could send via this form.

Probably would be a waste of time, lol.

We appreciate your interest in our upcoming new home console. Everything we have available to share about the Wii U console is available on our website.

If you cannot find the answers at our website, click here and begin typing. It's quite likely, however, that we won't be able to provide an answer beyond what's on the website.

Rösti;39639240 said:
Also, I'm very eager to know who will be manufacturing the RAM in Wii U. With MoSys out of the picture, who could it be, Fujitsu perhaps?

I can see them going with Samsung.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Nintendo is always advertising the asymmetrical gameplay element of the WiiU, and that will just not work if the system doesn't support such a concept from the get-go. Yeah, there are a lot of Wiimotes around already, but not including one in the pack will mean that Nintendo is limiting itself with just the current audience. Expanding on the idea will be very difficult.

Nintendo might be safe in including one Wiimote Plus in the package in that most of the uses for Wiimotes seem to involve group multiplayer. You're gonna need 3 - 4 Wiimotes on hand anyway.

So odds are while there ARE a lot of Wiimotes laying around, most people still don't have 4 of them. I'd say people who are previous Wii owners would have 2 Wiimotes on average, and not all of those are built-in Pluses.

Plus as you say, not including one at all limits them to their current audience.


There isn't really that much of a learning curve in Pro Evo if you have a basic understanding of how the game is played. Really frustrating that EA Sports didn't 'borrow' the pointer control scheme from Pro Evo. Having a game with far superior controls and full licencing would have been fantastic.

After playing Pro Evo on the Wii playing any other football game on any other system is disappointing. I really hope that Konami are going to keep pointer controls and combine them with the use of the touchscreen. There are a few games that would be suited to hybrid controls imo.

So what is the system of pro evo exactly? I have no clue really.



I fail at detecting sarcasm. My bad!

Nah. Actually, I'm not sure if they're just being sarcastic, or trolling. Maybe a mix of both.

So odds are while there ARE a lot of Wiimotes laying around, most people still don't have 4 of them. I'd say people who are previous Wii owners would have 2 Wiimotes on average, and not all of those are built-in.

I'd venture to say a lot of those 190 million Wiimotes are tucked away in closets with other previously hot consumer items, like Zhu Zhu Pets.


If sales are indeed strong over the first few months, it would be plainly evident that there is an audience for "core" games, and at that point Nintendo shouldn't have to bend over backwards to get third parties to act in their own best interests (i.e., continue providing software to this population of customers who've demonstrated willingness to spend on their games).

I'm just wondering how far Nintendo needs to beg, cajole, incentivise, and bribe third parties into supporting the console. It gets tiresome hearing the different contortions that they have to undergo to get a base level of support. If third parties are dumb enough to eschew a willing audience of buyers, then they deserve what they get.
do you mean third party sales? I think with Nintendo Land packed in and NSMBu the system can make a strong start but I'm not too sure about some third party titles, especially things like batman, mass effect or ninja gaiden at full price. I can see ZombiU, AC3 and blops doing well.


So odds are while there ARE a lot of Wiimotes laying around, most people still don't have 4 of them. I'd say people who are previous Wii owners would have 2 Wiimotes on average, and not all of those are built-in Pluses.

Are you spying my gaming room? :O
I never thought about Pikmin 3 not being at launch. I can see them holding that back for their Xmas title, and to give third parties some time at launch to hawk their wares (thus improving their relationship with said third parties.) I really don't think it'll slide PAST Christmas, however.

Pikmin 3 isn't a huge title - people here may love Pikmin, but even among "core gamers" it isn't a well known franchise. And Nintendo should NEVER delay launch titles in order to improve relationships with third parties anyways, they experimented with that on the 3DS, and FAILED hardcore. Nintendo needs to lead with some of their biggest titles to ensure a large customer base beyond the early adopters, third-parties be damned. Otherwise you end up with not enough people buying the system, which makes third-parties start delaying and cancelling projects until sales gather steam, which makes the problem worse.

It's been going on for the last few weeks it seems.

It seems to me like GAF mods decided that E3 was time to clear out the chaff, to make room for a post E3 surge. I'd bet they plan on making that a new tradition - in a year any survivors from Clan Junior will be poured through the E3 filter, and anyone cought in the net will be swept away to make room for new blood.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Sales at launch (and in the first few months) mean absolutely nothing (to 3rd parties). You'll only get steady sales if there is widespread continued support by 3rd parties, else you'll end up like Wii, see e.g. sales of RE 4 Wii. Also look at the current line-up, does anyone really expect ME3 to sell ?

That's the problem. 3rd parties can't just wait and see how everything works out, because that way there won't be any audience for them should they decide after a while to test the waters.

Either 3rd parties support it from the start or they don't, there's no middle ground. That however is something difficult, as they're all preparing (heavily) for 720/PS4. It's really a shitty situation for them and I fear neither choice will do well for them. There's really probably not too many projects that they could port to Wii U right now and for various (good or bad) reasons they're probably not developing anything exclusive for Wii U either.

I agree with your conclusion, but I disagree that its a shitty situation for 3rd parties or woe is them. Its pretty easy- they could support the platform from the start and include the platform in its next gen plans or not. They probably are not going to, but its not like they don't have a choice.


Rösti;39639240 said:
With Nintendo's corporate philosophy to not talk about specs, I sometimes wonder exactly what kind of questions about the hardware in Wii U you could send via this form.
I actually did this. I tried posing vague questions but their response was awful.

Nintendo email said:

Thank you for taking time to write us with your question. I'm afraid I don't have any specific information regarding Nintendo's goal regarding the graphics capability of the Wii U. however, as with any Nintendo product, our primary mission is to enable people to have more fun playing video games. This was true with the NES; it's true with Wii and Nintendo 3DS; and it's in the DNA of Wii U. Yes, we want to push boundaries and expand the overall audience for video games - but all of that starts with creating a system that is really, really, really fun to play.

As far as your question regarding the growing trend of horsepower in video game consoles, we do not discuss tech specs. The experience is always our most important consideration.

In case you hadn’t yet had the opportunity, I wanted to let you know that everything we have available to share regarding Wii U has been added to our website. Here’s a direct link:

I emailed a response but they didn't reply back. :(
It seems to me like GAF mods decided that E3 was time to clear out the chaff, to make room for a post E3 surge. I'd bet they plan on making that a new tradition - in a year any survivors from Clan Junior will be poured through the E3 filter, and anyone cought in the net will be swept away to make room for new blood.


I like this notion.


I agree with your conclusion, but I disagree that its a shitty situation for 3rd parties or woe is them. Its pretty easy- they could support the platform from the start and include the platform in its next gen plans or not. They probably are not going to, but its not like they don't have a choice.
Pretty much. If this generation has shown anything, it's that they shouldn't assume that any one console maker is going to make a dud or a stud of a console - and that they might want to spread their bets around a bit.

Perhaps with the exceptions of Ubi (whom I'm still surprised at) and a few Japanese developers, it's seeming like a pretty big lesson that was missed. We'll get to see what the consequences will be this time around, if any.


Junior Member
any speculation as to how essential the wiiu touchscreen pad will be towards gameplay? I honestly dont see myself using it much and if the gameplay is central to that I would have to think twice about picking one up.

The DS turned out well in my opinion.


I hope we dont have to wait til the 18th to get some new WiiU info, somebody need to announce something, E3 was a month ago lol.


Did they just approve every single junior in waiting? There is a large amount of new guys...

I'm sorta glad I got approved 3 months later. I only had a junior tag for about 5 days :p
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