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Bayonetta 2 - WiiU (Director: Yusuke Hashimoto, Pub: Nintendo, Supervision:Kamiya)

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Oh, so blunt truth is offensive to you? The only personal attacks in this thread are people unable to give a worthwhile rebuttal to my response to a previous post. I've been nothing but cordial.

Wait, did I argue that some other company wasn't anti-consumer? I'm missing your point here because I'm pretty sure I never did that.

You will get to a point about bayonetta right?

Back on point, will the first game get a digital release on wii u?


Your point?
Go ask Dow Chemical what it takes to be the dominant force in a sector for generations. It takes knowing your consumer's needs and meeting all of them before someone else can, not forcing your paradigm and assuming no one else can ever out design you.
Nintendo have been in business since the 19th century.
Hell of a counter argument. Maybe next time you'll at least use a vintage grade school playground retort or something with a bit more panache. Lord knows you can't argue against what I said on it's actual merits.

There isn't much to argue unless you provide an argument instead of having a meltdown.








This thread is finally reaching the insanity event horizon.
I wondered how long it would take.

I've loved it thus far. Like chicken soup for the Nintendo fan's soul.

If Nintendo keeps on pulling rabbits out of their hat like this, it's going to be a great, entertaining generation.


Literacy not your strong suit? I figured I spelled my point out rather clearly.

Anti-consumer practices/walled garden market places never lead to long term market dominance was the core point, FYI, if you need it spelled out a second time.
You're new to this whole video game console thing aren't you?
I've loved it thus far. Like chicken soup for the Nintendo fan's soul.

If Nintendo keeps on pulling rabbits out of their hat like this, it's going to be a great, entertaining generation.

I just want to see meltdowns of any kind. A generation with meltdowns is a fun generation. For those of us who goes multi-plat and get any game we like, meltdowns are icing on the cake.


i have to wonder:

a: how have mass bannings for port begging not happened yet.


b: Why are people mad at Nintendo? they should be happy Nintendo even wants the game on their system. Apparently Sega wanted nothing to do with a sequel.


Literacy not your strong suit? I figured I spelled my point out rather clearly.

Anti-consumer practices/walled garden market places never lead to long term market dominance was the core point, FYI, if you need it spelled out a second time.

Have you been born just yesterday?


Man, those heels look ugly. Did Tekmo really need to to have her wear them?
Also, just noticed that she had Bayonetta legs in that game.
I know man, that design is awful, but strangely while that design is generally inferior to the one you see in brawl, it looks like a better fit for Bayonetta.

Iwata: Thank you very much for joining me today.

Hashimoto: Thank you for having us.

Kamiya: *sucking pocky*

Iwata: I've come to know both of you quite well during the development of Bayonetta 2,
but perhaps some of our readers have yet to make your acquaintances.


Hashimoto: I'm Yusuke Hashimoto, director of Bayonetta 2. The man to my right is
Hideki Kamiya, the game's supervisor, and the creator of the original Bayonetta.

Kamiya: *tweeting*

Iwata: That says it all about Kamiya-san! *laughs*

Hashimoto: *laughs*

Iwata: Now, Bayonetta 2 is a very special game in the library of the Wii U, but I think
that in order to understand its importance, we must first understand its history. Perhaps
one of you should tell us how the original Bayonetta came to be.

Hashimoto: Well, Bayonetta was the result of a partnership with Sega. Their own games...

Kamiya: Were not selling.

Iwata: *laughs*

Hashimoto: Um, yes... and they wanted a game that would appeal to Western audiences.
At first, they looked to their own teams for ideas, but...

Kamiya: Their own teams are terrible.

*laughs, nods, and wipes eyes*

Hashimoto: Well, in any case, Sega met with Kamiya-san and they felt that he had a good
idea. What was the idea again, Kamiya-san?

Kamiya: "Sexy Guns."

Iwata: "Sexy Guns?" That was is it? *laughs*

Hashimoto: Well that idea was just for Sega. When we began work on Bayonetta,
Kamiya-san—and the rest of our team—we took that idea and we improved upon it.

Iwata: I'm not sure I understand. How can you improve upon "Sexy Guns?"

Hashimoto: Well, we thought of Bayonetta as a delicacy—like the blowfish, which is a
poisonous dish that can only be prepared in an experienced kitchen. Bayonetta, like the
blowfish, required a team of skilled chefs to prepare it. So we assembled our chefs, and we
cooked our dish with care: eliminating the poison, adding sauces and seasonings, surrounding
the plate with sushi and vegetables and miso soup. We offered the dish at the same price as
any other plate, but in the end...

Kamiya: Bayonetta sold like week-old tempura.

Iwata: *laughs* I see.

Hashimoto: Still, we were proud of our dish.

Kamiya: We ate it ourselves.

Iwata: But the diners in your restaurant would rather suck pocky.

Kamiya: Right, except the restaurant was Sega's—we were just the cooks. So while we
got fat eating our blowfish, Sega drank water from a hoofprint.


Hashimoto: Naturally, we wanted to feed them.

Iwata: But all you had was blowfish!

Kamiya: Correct, so we began work on Bayonetta 2.

Iwata: *laughs*

Hashimoto: Sega did not laugh.

Kamiya: I spoke to the executives at Sega. I told them our blowfish was the best they'd find.

Hashimoto: Yes, and although they understood that we were skilled chefs, they didn't
want to eat our second dish. We even prepared them a sample and brought it to their offices.
Starving though they were, they still wouldn't eat it.

Iwata: I can't say I blame them!

Hashimoto: No, I can't say I blame them either; the first blowfish didn't sell. So we decided,
collectively, that there would be no more blowfish—Platinum would cook teriyaki, and Sega
would stick to hedgehogs.

Iwata: Hedgehog—a sour platter.

Everyone: *laughs*

*laughter continues*

*Iwata bends over, crying*

Iwata: My, my, where were we?

Kamiya: Blowfish is poison no matter how well it's cut.

Iwata: Wow, that's a startling thought.

Kamiya: Yes, but it's true. So I must say, it was a surprise when you arrived at our studio
months later and told us to prepare you a big plate of Bayonetta 2.

Hashimoto: On that note, I've been meaning to ask... well, what I mean to say is that,
everyone at Platinum has been wondering... why exactly did you order this dish?

Iwata: Well, it really is very simple.

In the past six years, Nintendo has fed nearly 100 Million diners with a little plate called "Wii."
Many of these diners are—you might say—"pocky suckers."

Nevertheless, one man's pocky is another man's blowfish, and so Nintendo enjoyed—for the
first time in years—a reputation as a five-star restaurant.

But some diners don't suck pocky. Their palette is so refined that they consume nothing except
the blowfish. You might say that they love it to the core.

These diners are a minority, but they are a vocal minority... and so they were quite vocal about
their distaste for Wii. They slandered us in food columns. They reported us to the Board of Health.
Worst of all, they began directing our customers to other establishments, telling the world
that our menu was short on fine cuisines like the blowfish.


It was because of these critics that we lost our five-star rating.

*long pause*

Hashimoto: I see... so, by making Bayonetta 2 exclusive to the Wii U, you hope to
gain the favor of that final minority, and persuade them to take a seat at your table.

*tears up*




Holy shit, you've gotten the formula and vibe of these things nailed perfectly haha


Two schools of thought on this.

A) The moderation hates Nintendo and therefore lets it slide.

B) The moderation has changed tone in the last two years to be more tolerant.

Personally, I think it's B.

I just looked: thirteen separate people have been banned for console whining / port begging in this thread alone.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Two schools of thought on this.

A) The moderation hates Nintendo and therefore lets it slide.

B) The moderation has changed tone in the last two years to be more tolerant.

Personally, I think it's B.

Only those with a persecution complex and/or irrational concepts of what constitutes as trolling assume the former.
Nintendo going after high profile third party exclusives now. Wasn't expecting this.

I wonder if they've secretly nabbed Versus XIII exclusively and that's why SE refuses to even talk about it. So that Nintendo can drop the bomb at e3.


I honestly don't understand how people are just not getting that some would be frustrated by a former multiplatform game going exclusive to a console that they may have had no intention of getting and not being able to play it.

Well think about it this way: you woudn't be able to play it cause it was cancelled, now it's exclusive and you won't buy the console, well you won't be able to play it anyway, but Bayonetta is alive.


dabbled in the jelly
Nintendo seems to be serious about doing what it takes to change their perception. You can tell which game studios Nintendo has a lot of respect for and are willing to go the extra mile to secure games from them. All they way back to Resident Evil to Dragon Quest to Xeno to Monster Hunter to Bayonetta, Nintendo appears to aggressively go after 3rd party games they really like. I guess Fatal Frame is in that same category but they receive no props for that franchise without having localized it.

What really surprises me about Bayonetta 2 is that, unlike The Wonderful 101, which looks to have a reasonably smaller budget for an HD retail game, Bayonetta 2 will most likely have a budget big enough to prevent Nintendo from making a profit on the game. I honestly believe Nintendo recognizes this, and decided to do it anyway as sort of a peace offering towards the core gamer. I'm not complaining but it is still very surprising. Between this and MonHun my Wii U purchase is doubly assured.


unlike The Wonderful 101, which looks to have a reasonably smaller budget for an HD retail game

Not to derail your point, but I wouldn't assume this. I get the feeling W101 will go batshit as it progresses. Even in the footage we've seen already (which is apparently very early in the game), there's some crazy stuff happening.


dabbled in the jelly
I just looked: thirteen separate people have been banned for console whining / port begging in this thread alone.

I was going to congratulate the mods for banning most of the port beggars and trolls from what I've seen in this very topic. I did see a few seep through the cracks, but that is to be expected.

I also expected to be highly annoyed reading this topic, but surprisingly most people were just so happy that B2 is coming, that they didn't care which console it was exclusive to and gave Nintendo props for securing a game that forced them to buy a Wii U. I only read the first 20 pages or so though.

I especially enjoyed Duckrolls comments in this topic when people tried to be disingenuous about what just transpired.


Nintendo going after high profile third party exclusives now. Wasn't expecting this.

I wonder if they've secretly nabbed Versus XIII exclusively and that's why SE refuses to even talk about it. So that Nintendo can drop the bomb at e3.
Before the Nintendo Direct I kinda thought about that one as well. But I deemed it impossible, because the Square side of S-E doesn't give two shits about Nintendo's consoles. Then I thought of FF X HD, but that's not going to happen I suppose.

Allthough, after the revival of Bayo 2 anything is possible I guess.
I just looked: thirteen separate people have been banned for console whining / port begging in this thread alone.
Yep. Way more tolerant.

Only those with a persecution complex and/or irrational concepts of what constitutes as trolling assume the former.
The former may or may not have been correct at one point in time in one way or another. I'm entirely unsure. I'm sure I could find examples and others could find counterexamples. I'm sure that my recollection of these things is colored by my tendency to spend my time in Nintendo centric threads.


There's only one thing wrong with that fake Iwata Asks: someone on twitter mentioned to Kamiya that he may be invited to an Iwata Asks some day, saying "I look forward to seeing you in glasses", to which Kamiya responded "In fact, I may just take Iwachi's gla-- er, nevermind".

I expect to see a photoshop soon.
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