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Summer 2012 Anime |OT3| Where All the Waifus Are Made Up and the Points Don't Matter

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remember folks


Is that just a stealth disclaimer, then?


Hunter x Hunter 48
Yeah I remember this part...
Its funny that the ending theme for this should replace the opening, because the current opening sucks balls


I post this very carefully. Don't get your hopes up.

A collaboration between Gatoh and the creator of PapaKiki? Wow, that sounds thrilling.

It's a novel announcement (a novel that had been announced before, I think?), not an anime, and it's not FMP. Really don't get your hopes up, people.


the worst thing about the Bunny Drop manga wasn't even the ending but just how awful it looked

Oda Nobuna 12 END

Every single thing about this show is dumb. The premise, the execution, the characters, the writing, the incredibly inconsistent production values, the shaky cam, the corny ending, everything. Every single thing about this show is dumb, and yet there was something about it that was actually kinda entertaining even though I can't really pinpoint just what the hell that thing was. Maybe the inevitable second season will illuminate to me exactly just what it this is about this but I doubt it.



Tari Tari - Episode 13

Daw, that was a sweet episode.

Even though my interest had been wavering in the final few episodes, this finale did deliver a very satisfying (emotional) conclusion to the series.

Overall, it's been an entertaining enough watch, despite getting a little long in the tooth towards the end. And I don't think I've watched a show, where the entire plot rolls out through such obvious happenstance. I mean, the characters all have impeccable timing, and they all hear/see relevant information at just the right time. But these are small gripes, and for the fear of resorting to tropes to explain myself, I'll just leave it at that.

Its pretty much the definition of solid for me, it didn't particularly wow me, nor did it really do all that much wrong. Like I said last week, it comes across feeling very workmanlike, and I guess I can't really pour too much scorn on that.

Considering the previous melodrama, I was extremely surprised that Taichi's last minute confession wasn't delivered via a mad dash through the airport. It was also nice to see Wien finally get his letter. He continues to be the secret best character.


Amir0x just spoiled Bunny Drop in the Parish thread. Now I'm mad.

The whole Bunny Drop thing was bad enough at the time. When everyone kept mentioning there was a spoiler for the manga that no-one should know, that was basically a spoiler in itself.

It's not the same as what Ami's done, but it's very easy to "spoil" without intentionally doing so.


Accel World 23-24

A bit lol, a bit meh, a bit cool. Haruyuki is probably the shittiest main character I followed this season. His self pity was mind boggling and only thanks to deus ex machina helps was he able to do something in the end.
I have to say the ending surprised me in a way. I was expecting
that dark thing that attached to Haru to come out once again and have him slaughter his girlfriend or something.
Maybe next season?
Maybe I'm reading way too much into it but my guess is this Winter. The end the show saying
"This Winter will be war"

They also animated way more stuff than I thought they would during the credits.
Isnt it much too soon for a season two for Kurobas. I thought Manga readers said the winter stuff is still going on in the Manga, would be awkward to animate a tourney thats yet to finish, IMO, as it would mean the anime would have an inconclusive ending :/ Surely IG should wait until the Spring or Summer 2013.


Tari Tari 13

Well, this was a farily predictable ending to this fairly predictable poor mans Hanasaku Iroha. Now don't get me wrong here, it's isn't a bad show by any stretch of the word, it just isn't a very memorable one outside of the
Nico Nico Douga 4th wall breaking
or the
. If it catches your interest then it'll probably be worth checking it out but I don;t know if I'd actively recommend it to anyone.

*waves goodbye to the beanfaces*


I hope you'll excuse me a brief sidetrack into Japanese live-action for a minute here...

Space Travelers

Important lesson here, folks
This is the 2000 movie directed by Katsuyuki Motohiro, the chief-director of Psycho-Pass. I grabbed this years back when I didn't have such a huge media backlog, and picked up piles of cheap HK releases of Japanese and Korean movies at low, low prices just to have something peculiar to watch. I hadn't seen it since then, either, but I had a three hour train ride to kill yesterday...

Three guys who grew up in an orphanage decide that it'd be a great idea to rob a bank, intending to use the money to travel the world looking for a particular tropical beach from a picture they carry around. Of course, things don't exactly go to plan, and the bank manager and the former-detective security guard lock themselves away in the bank vault overnight.

Which leaves our protagonists stuck there overnight with a cashier who is engaged to be married to a slimy co-worker, an appliance repairman who doesn't get along with computers and just can't remember his pin number, a nervous, nerdy office worker, a wealthy couple going through divorce and a middle-aged gentleman carrying a teddybear and a bag full of foreign money. Also a room full of other bank workers who don't really appear much.

More words of wisdom.

Of course, things quickly escalate out of control - the banks staff were about to throw an engagement party for the couple to be married, for which they just so happened to be dressed as police officers. It turns out the old gentlemen just happens to be a wanted terrorist as well, which combine to cause the police to escalate the situation out of all proportion.

In the end, it pretty much ends up with the protagonists going through a series of delaying tactics whilst trying to put off the inevitable.

The movies name comes from the fact that one of the protagonists was a fan of an old SF anime called Space Travelers. The show itself only really appears during the shows opening sequence, which runs through a quick introduction of all the characters (as becomes relevant to the movie itself). I gather that they actually made an OAV of this eventually, and I think that OAV actually got a US release completely independently of this movie. I also gather it's pretty terrible.

There's actually some nice, traditional looking mechanical animation in that animated sequence, by the way, mixed in with some less-than-impressive stuff. The character designs are a little weird in that I can't quite pin it down to a particular era or genre of animation - it's got a little of Lupin about it, a little of older kids shows, a little of US animation. Kind of peculiar. The art on the trading cards which the protagonists collect is particularly unusual. I gather the show itself is supposed to be some kind of Cowboy Bebop/Lupin III/Star Wars mash-up about a hotchpotch collection of guys teaming up against an evil empire more out of self-interest than camaraderie, but they don't go into that too much.

Anyway, at one point they strike on the idea of trying to fool the police into thinking that they're a bigger operation that they actually are, in order to buy more time for them to figure out what to do. So they rope the hostages into helping them pad out their "gang", and each of them take the guise of a member of the Space Travelers when talking to the cops. Then they start to get into it, except the guy cast as the self-serving slimy Chinese guy Hoi (essentially this movies "Mr Brown" argument), because he's the only one they've cast as a jerk.

It's a pretty decent movie. It's a pretty good idea that I'm kind of surprised hasn't been picked up for a US remake given how easily pretty much everything in it would translate outside Japan. It's pretty well shot for a movie that primarily takes place in the one location, and the pacing is only a smidgen on the slow side.

What it is, however, is very j-drama. It's unbelievably earnest, and characters don't so much emote as they wear their hearts on their long-monologues-detailing-how-they-feel. Honestly, it almost makes Space Brothers seem cynical and subtle. Almost. I'd imagine a lot of people who don't watch non-anime Japanese movies of the era a lot would find it incredibly grating to watch at times. That said, a lot of the humour is pretty dry rather than slapstick or people shouting, which I very much appreciated.

Most of the favourite content in the movie is actually the little side-stories that don't have a huge amount to do with the main story of the movie. My favourite scene was probably the one with the visual-kei band scheming to break-up purely for promotional reasons, only to have the rug swept out from under them by the bank robbery. All the stuff with the bank manager and the security guard in the vault is gold as well.

The ending is pretty :firehawk in the end, though it does then go on for about ten minutes longer than it probably should.

Anyway, fun movie. Probably learnt absolutely nothing about how Psycho-Pass is going to turn out from it, though ^^;


Gold Member
No, I knew when 7th spoiled it in IRC ages ago. I'm mad that he's bringing it up again and spoiling it for other people. Especially since the spoilers have nothing to do with the anime.

Hate it when people don't spoiler tag for considerations sake, just because it's an irrelevant topic does not mean it should be allowed. Its stupid! I haven't seen he's post and I haven't been spoiled on it yet so I hope the discussion remains there. :(


The whole Bunny Drop thing was bad enough at the time. When everyone kept mentioning there was a spoiler for the manga that no-one should know, that was basically a spoiler in itself.

It's not the same as what Ami's done, but it's very easy to "spoil" without intentionally doing so.

What I don't get is people saying the manga "ruins" the anime for them. The anime is an adaptation with its own ending. The events which transpire in the manga have no bearing. People really made a bigger deal out of it than was warranted.


Haibane Renmei 12

One of the best episodes of the series so far.


That baker seems to have spotted something awfully tasty.

I don't think I give this show enough credit for how it's handling its emotional drama. The central conflict of the show, at this point,
is Rakka's effort to show Reki that people forgive her for whatever she's done, and that she's not alone.
It's something incredibly hard for her to communicate, which was shown in their small talk in the previous episode (my favorite thing about it).


One of the most intense bursts of animation in the show so far is dedicated to capturing the intensity of Rakka's feelings. It makes sense that they'd place their budget there, instead of trying to capture the movement of the festival, which is largely left to still frames.

The whole episode is about how hard it is to communicate what we feel.
The entire purpose of the year-end festival is to allow people to give their feelings substance, and pass them to others in a form they can understand. And through that medium, Rakka, Midori, and Hyohko finally get through to Reki. The fireworks, in words, say "I've been stupid," which sounds pithy on its own. But we can see how much that sentiment means in everyone's reactions.
And the show doesn't undercut its message, allowing their emotions to stand on their own.

I'm really happy with every development in this episode, and it looks like it's going to lead to a very satisfying finale. It'll be tough to hold out until next week.

Also, if I were in charge of making holidays for a new religion, I'd make a festival like that. It's a good way for people to remember the relationships they take for granted, and it's an excuse to patch up difficulties if something's been left in an awkward spot. There's a lot of social utility in tradition.
Here's another question about the most recent SAO episode.

When did Yui.exe actually use the console?

The only time she is in the safe room before the fight she was with the knights in the door way and not by the slab. The moment they leave she runs out of the room straight away.

She used the console ( by touching it , not the keyboard ) when they both girls went to the room , afterwards , she went out to save both main characters

Accel World 23-24

A bit lol, a bit meh, a bit cool. Haruyuki is probably the shittiest main character I followed this season. His self pity was mind boggling and only thanks to deus ex machina helps was he able to do something in the end.
I have to say the ending surprised me in a way. I was expecting
that dark thing that attached to Haru to come out once again and have him slaughter his girlfriend or something.
Maybe next season?

Yep next season ..this is a big piece of the plot , so look forward to it.


now's a good time to repost the MMY PV. music still owns

naw, this series is all about the CRIMSON SCHOLAR'S POTATOES, CORN and USELESS MEAT

what can i say, nothings perfect :(

The style, music, and direction of this is VERY reminiscent of Mahou shoujo Tai Arisu

Tari Tari 4-13 -END-

A pleasant show. The songs were nice, the animation solid, and the characters relatable.

I must even admit that at first I was a bit weirded out by the lack of stupid drama in the relationships between the characters, haha. With that said, I think comparisons between this and Glee are downright offensive.

There's not much else to say here. It's a really nice slice-of-life show - one that can be easily watched in two or three sittings. I must compliment the final episode, though, which nailed the feel good and bittersweet aspects these shows usually depend on.

Oh yeah, and Sawa is easily waifu of the year... And maybe beyond!

Edit: Yup, and it's definitely a
show, so the post above mine is very fitting!

Its about time that best girl has a happy ending. Doesn't happen nearly enough.

What are the anime dvd/bluray sales like during the holidays? Do places like Right Stuf do any crazy sales?

Rightstuf is always doing some sort of sale or clearance. Every holiday you can count on something.

Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden 4

I was asking myself before this episode how the dude who directed Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi could possibly have also done this show, but this episode pretty much answered my question for me. Lots of similar types of animation and gags some of the time, which means this ends up being the best episode yet (not that this is saying much).

This is a beach episode with all the requisite T&A. Since I've made talking about 70% of this episode redundant I'll stick to the noteworthy stuff: in the middle of our happy static image pans of girls playing in the water, Suguru and his classmates+Mahoro are attacked by a giant enemy crab.
insert PS3 joke here
It attacks the girls on the beach by ripping off their bathing suits. It doesn't just kill everyone because it's "broken", as Mahoro explains, and just wants to be a pervert instead. Also because the writers said so.

So we get an actual action scene as Mahoro switches to combat mode and engages it! Sadly, this ends up being not all that interesting to watch, although the fight animation is pretty neat and her gun is sweet. Mahoro is eventually blinded and injured critically and won't be able to repair herself in time to avoid another attack, but then Suguru shows up and does the whole hot-blooded hero thing, he aims the gun while she's blind and they destroy the alien robot crab thing. A little bit more T&A teasing and end episode. Mahoro ceases operation in 358 days.

I feel like there's this competently made Sci-Fi action anime occurring off-screen while we focus on android tits and zany hijinx. This is rather... unfortunate.

Mahoro is just the tip of the android cutie iceberg. You have to check out Steel angel Kurumi and All Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku Nuku!

Uh guys, everyone knows that Joshiraku has the best ED of this season.

This psychedelic bear knows what the fuck is up. He is wise and you should listen to him.


Haibane Renmei 12

One of the best episodes of the series so far.

I don't think I give this show enough credit for how it's handling its emotional drama. The central conflict of the show, at this point,
is Rakka's effort to show Reki that people forgive her for whatever she's done, and that she's not alone.
It's something incredibly hard for her to communicate, which was shown in their small talk in the previous episode (my favorite thing about it).

The whole episode is about how hard it is to communicate what we feel.
The entire purpose of the year-end festival is to allow people to give their feelings substance, and pass them to others in a form they can understand. And through that medium, Rakka, Midori, and Hyohko finally get through to Reki. The fireworks, in words, say "I've been stupid," which sounds pithy on its own. But we can see how much that sentiment means in everyone's reactions.
And the show doesn't undercut its message, allowing their emotions to stand on their own.

I'm really happy with every development in this episode, and it looks like it's going to lead to a very satisfying finale. It'll be tough to hold out until next week.

Also, if I were in charge of making holidays for a new religion, I'd make a festival like that. It's a good way for people to remember the relationships they take for granted, and it's an excuse to patch up difficulties if something's been left in an awkward spot. There's a lot of social utility in tradition.

It pleases me to see people enjoying Haibane Renmei. I was pleasantly surprised how popular it turned out to be. When I first saw it, I was drawn to ABe's artwork on the cover of vol 1 and the intriguing story on the back, but it ended up becoming my all time favorite. This show is so utterly perfect.


I love Yuru Yuri. Hope there is a season 3 one of these days.

Hm, I'm not sure if they could keep it feeling fresh. I think it ended at just about the right time.

Regulus, you put my K-ON! watching to shame, if only I could maintain that pace!


I stopped reading the manga after the scanlations dried up some time after the time skip. S-should I continue?

Up to you.

Speaking of scanlations...

After finishing up the new GTO drama I decided to go back and start re-reading the manga. Since I loaned out the first three volumes to a friend I went and checked out some scanlations to get me through to volume four.

Man, were they awful. I'll admit, the scanlations were likely more accurately translated than the Tokyopop version, however, everything seemed to flow poorly. It could be a bias due to reading Tokyopop's translation first, though I think that's only part of the issue. The way I see it, scanlators either have a limited knowledge of the Japanese language or they simply don't know how to write. Translating is one thing, translating literature and having it flow in a natural manner is a whole other skill. I nearly stopped reading the scanlations since they felt like such a chore. Thankfully I'm back to my paper copy. :)
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