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US Town Hall Debate |OT| When is the election? What are the names of the candidates?

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Yup, I agree that this is the philosophy of the left. Thanks for owning up to it.

Well, how will Romney create 12 million jobs with none of those jobs being government jobs?

Just giving tax cuts to businesses and the wealthy doesnt work since it doesnt stimulate demand. Companies are sitting on record profits and a butt-load of cash, but arent creating jobs since there is a lack of demand. How does giving them more money fix this problem?

Companies arent going to create jobs for the hell of it just because they will now have more money on hand. It has to make financial sense for them to do it


Anyway, what channel should I watch for this stuff guys? I want something more neutral. BBC doesn't cover it enough.

Fox - right wing propaganda
CNN - slanting right
MSNBC - left wing
Sky - right wing Murdoch owned

So what's left, what's good?

PBS. Most of the time.


Oh man that MSNBC focus group. The SNL parody of the undecided voter is no parody, it's fact.

That was insane. I honestly don't know how they go through life if this is their thought process. "He didn't answer the question. Maybe he'll answer it next time! That's why I'm still undecided..." ugh


My Member!
Obama really needs to bust out that the only reason Romney has this number placed at 12 million is because that's the CBO projection with the current (Obama) policies. If Romney is elected he wants to trick people into thinking that the number he did nothing to earn is the result of his hard work.

There's a lot of unsaid 'only reasons' this election. Remember two years ago where Republicans basically held the unemployment extensions hostage around Christmas? Remember when Republicans would only approve Bush tax cuts as long as the rich fucks got them too?

Their whole gameplan was to stall and make sure nothing Obama wanted to go through did, to get to this election to say "derp hay look we're not better off!' Obama won't say it, because presenting yourself as not the end all fix during a political race only hurts you, but we're still under a Bush era type of Congress where nothing can go through anyway.


CNBC is a business channel which will always lean Republican. Al jazeera is very good

Fucking Murdoch lol. Should have known he'd jam up his satellite options with right leaning outlets (semi sarcastic). I don't even have MSNBC on here any more for a slight humorous counter balance to FOX. Fuck.
Yup, I agree that this is the philosophy of the left. Thanks for owning up to it.

When your entire party throws itself on the ground and has a temper tantrum against a President that is entirely their own fiction and a past that is idealized to the point of mythology, the best the rest of us can do is sigh, grab either your pant legs or your wrists, and drag you.


Fucking Murdoch lol. Should have known he'd jam up his satellite options with right leaning outlets (semi sarcastic). I don't even have MSNBC on here any more for a slight humorous counter balance to FOX. Fuck.

Murdoch is not going to be able to sway the American electorate forever. It's time for new life to come to news.

Angry Fork

I think the undecided's they put on TV are fake actors/actresses just put there to make dumb people feel like they're not so dumb after all.


Well, how will Romney create 12 million jobs with none of those jobs being government jobs?

Just giving tax cuts to businesses and the wealthy doesnt work since it doesnt stimulate demand. Companies are sitting on record profits and a butt-load of cash, but arent creating jobs since there is a lack of demand. How does giving them more money fix this problem?

Companies arent going to create jobs for the hell of it just because they will now have more money on hand. It has to make financial sense for them to do it

Since you seem reasonable;

He doesn't "say" he wants to cut taxes for just the wealthy, even if that's GAF's take. He says for everyone. Everyone gets to keep more of their money, which they will spend (or invest, which is also, y'know, a good thing).

Second, if you realize that companies are always just looking to make money (you're right), then what do you think they'll do if their taxes are raised? How do they save that money? The same way they always do; layoffs, higher prices. In many forms, such as less full-time employees and more part-time workers (and now, with Obamacare, there's another incentive to do so if they want to avoid the costs of paying for someone's health care), more out-sourcing, hidden costs, and every other trick they ALWAYS use.


Murdoch is not going to be able to sway the American electorate forever. It's time for new life to come to news.

Dammit, and we (here in the UK) were so close to getting him off the board or getting him to resign. Need more scandals Murdoch. There's got to be a tonne more dirt you're responsible for.


Since you seem reasonable;

He doesn't "say" he wants to cut taxes for just the wealthy, even if that's GAF's take. He says for everyone. Everyone gets to keep more of their money, which they will spend (or invest, which is also, y'know, a good thing).

You can't cut taxes for everyone and keep it revenue neutral. It just isn't possible, someone will have to pay more.
My biggest take away from tonight was Romney's evasive tax plan again, but also saying that he is going to basically make the rich richer which hands off investments and capital gains.

Anyway, the main thing that sounded asinine to me was his energy policy. It is basically not feasible to go energy independent within the borders of America, one without basically using our resources at full capacity, but also completely ravaging the land. We only have one chance at a lot of this, why abuse it Mittens? I would impose criminal charges against these companies that basically buy rights to harvest the resources, but then make a mess AND don't even report it to the EPA and let it go on until they are done or caught to have the federal government foot the bill to clean the companies mess up. Look at any of the Sand fracking that is happening in the upper midwest right now.
Another nonsensequivalence from another strawman I see! Harumph! They will only use those breaks in their taxes to buy more boats! And we know Chinese robots build and sell those! Then they're going to burn their boats to contribute to the greenhouse effect to try and drown the poor! Then it will be easy for them to finish their war on women! What a bunch of assholes!

Nah, they wouldn't buy boats. That would actually do something for the economy.

We already know what they would do, because they're doing it now. Their taxes are already at historical lows. They are sitting on mountains of pure cash. Doubling the mountains of cash is not going to finally convince them to create jobs.

What might lure them into the dreaded job creation is if the middle class existed and had some money for them to compete for. Competing for money making opportunities is, in fact, a central part of capitalism. Slashing their taxes even more does nothing to help.


You can if the economy grows, and if you cut spending (not that I think Romney will do the latter, but a man can dream).

Cutting spending this close to a recession isn't going to grow the economy enough that it makes up for the lost revenue of that huge tax break. Sorry, the math just doesn't work.


Just got out of Hofstra. Here are all the notes I wrote on each question. The atmosphere around the debate was a circus. There was a couple making out for over a half hour with a sign around them that said, "Peace, not love."

Here are my notes on their answers for each question:

Employment Opportunity for Young College Students:

Romney - Vague, scripted answer.

Obama - Scripted, specific, 5 Step Plan.

Energy Department Should Make Reducing Gas Prices Their Priority:

Obama - Not answering question, attack mode.

Romney - Specifc, Attacks EPA and regulation of coal industry.

***Both extremely confrontational here***

Tax Credits for the Middle Class

Romney - Won't allow tax reduction for 1% and will cut Middle Class taxes. Have citizens choose which credit they want.

Obama - Tax rich, tax cut middle class. Keep credits.

Women and the Glass Ceiling

Obama - Continue anti-discrimination. Doesn't completely answer question until final sentence.

Romney - More women in cabinet than any other state. Doesn't answer question.

Difference Between Bush and Romney

Romney - 5 Point Tax and Economy Plan.

Obama - Romney is socially different to Bush in medicare, abortion, etc.

What Would Obama Do to Get Your Vote Again

Obama - Says what all of his accomplishments were, doesn't make any promises.

Romney - Obama didn't focus on 2008 campaign promises.


Romney - Green card for diploma. Stop illegal immigration.

Obama - Increase border control. Stop gangbangers. Won't do self-deportation.

Libya Attack

Obama- Reaction was to beef-up other safe houses. Investigate. Hunt. Clinton is not responsible. It is his responsibility. Offensive to him think that he lied.

Romney- Not a demonstration, terrorist attack. Obama foreign policy strategy failing.

Assault Weapons Ban

Obama - Reduce violence generally. Reintroduce Assault Weapons Ban. Look into conceal and carry.

Romney - Change culture of violence. No new legislation. Parents should focus on violent behavior. Something about marriage.


Romney - "Make America attractive to entrepreneurs." Regulate Chinese trade. Lower regulation and tax rates on business.

Obama - Lower Corporate tax rate. Close corporate tax loopholes. Continue to double exports.

Debunking Candidate Misconceptions

Romney- Wants to help American people. Passion from belief in god.

Obama - Self reliance. Fair shot. Some rules are needed though.




Since you seem reasonable;

He doesn't "say" he wants to cut taxes for just the wealthy, even if that's GAF's take. He says for everyone. Everyone gets to keep more of their money, which they will spend (or invest, which is also, y'know, a good thing).

Second, if you realize that companies are always just looking to make money (you're right), then what do you think they'll do if their taxes are raised? How do they save that money? The same way they always do; layoffs, higher prices.

Don't companies pay income taxes on profits? If they do things to cut costs won't that increase their profits so that they end up paying more taxes?


Since you seem reasonable;

He doesn't "say" he wants to cut taxes for just the wealthy, even if that's GAF's take. He says for everyone. Everyone gets to keep more of their money, which they will spend (or invest, which is also, y'know, a good thing).

Second, if you realize that companies are always just looking to make money (you're right), then what do you think they'll do if their taxes are raised? How do they save that money? The same way they always do; layoffs, higher prices. In many forms, such as less full-time employees and more part-time workers (and now, with Obamacare, there's another incentive to do so if they want to avoid the costs of paying for someone's health care), more out-sourcing, hidden costs, and every other trick they ALWAYS use.

But his math on his tax plan simply doesnt add up. You can't lower rates, get rid of the estate and capital gains tax, spend more on the military while keeping it budget neutral. Its simply impossible. Either deficits are going to explode or the middle class is going to get hit hard.

Also, Obama is not going to raise taxes on businesses, so i dont know where that is coming from. What he wants to do is put more money in the pockets of middle class americans by reducing their expenses (education, medical, etc), lowering taxes, and increasing their oppurtunity (invest in education and training)

That is what will raise demand and make businesses and/or people who want to start a business actually do so. Why? because it will actually make sense for them to hire more people and increase production because there is a demand for a product/service that is not being met by the supply

You can if the economy grows, and if you cut spending (not that I think Romney will do the latter, but a man can dream).

The repulicans have been saying that since Reagan. It has never worked (the revenue was less and spending sure as hell wasnt less)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
How does government not create jobs when government workers get their checks signed by the government?

I'm guessing government jobs don't count as "real" jobs.


You can if the economy grows, and if you cut spending (not that I think Romney will do the latter, but a man can dream).

The whole idea behind this theory is that lowering taxes will stimulate the economy leading to an increase in revenue over the previous tax rate. If you have to cut spending then you're conceding that lowering taxes is not improving revenue or the economy.
You can if the economy grows, and if you cut spending (not that I think Romney will do the latter, but a man can dream).
The private sector, like everyone else, has had the Bush tax cuts for the past 10 years.

When the private sector won't move, the government must act.

Companies must love the productivity they are getting out of this reduced workforce with stagnant wages.

But maybe you're right, and another giant tax cut and severely reduced government spending and oversight is just what the doctor ordered to usher in a new era of mass employment at high wages. Because that makes sense.


I'm convinced that the vast majority of the "undecided" are simply people who can not bear to vote for a loser so they drag it out to the end and jump on the band wagon.

seriously...it's a strange breed to even be in that position let alone try and defend it. IT is the only human, logical reason I can ascribe to these bozos.

or they are lying to get attention


They both ran over a lot -- one comment by Romney in particular was about twice as long as his two minutes. I also think that Romney looked like he got screwed out of comments because he kept DEMANDING MORE COMMENTS. Obama got shut down once and he just said "okay" and let it go. Romney has demonstrated his inability to do that basic social interaction in this setting. I don't think it looked good. I could be biased.

I told my computer to blame you for the fact it's now covered with a thin spray of tea.

We're all biased.


How does government not create jobs when government workers get their checks signed by the government?

I'm guessing government jobs don't count as "real" jobs.

Then, they spend their money the received from suckling upon the social teat on goods and services, which need people to provide, thus requiring somebody to get hired.

But, ya know, government never ever created a job. Ever. Those several thousand troops that have died over the past decade, a huge chunk of them my generation, welfare queens.
I think the undecided's they put on TV are fake actors/actresses just put there to make dumb people feel like they're not so dumb after all.

No. You can pull idiots off the street and they'll act however the undecided group did. I haven't watched the video, but I know what stupidity to expect.
They're showing a replay of the debate on CNN but the bottom part of the screen is covered with a stupid graph showing people's reactions and a "speaking time" clock. WTF, who wants to see that shit?
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