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Okay, so I finally went to a doctor.

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the doctor lady (at an urgent care, mind you) says:

- drink fewer sodas and try to eliminate it entirely from the diet, and take caffeine pills until caffeine headaches stop (cue jessie spano pics)

- not a kidney stone, as the color of the urine was wrong, so it's could be a urinary tract infection, so she gave me some kind of pills for that. Dunno how I would've got that :shrug:

- acid reflux, so she gave me some kinda acid reflux medication and said to sleep with my head propped up.

- post-nasal drip, "which indicates a virus", and when I went "which means I got this from my coworker" she said "yes." So I had to buy advil cold and sinus.

- chest pains are associated with coughing, which is a combination of virus/acid reflux/post-nasal drip, but there's no signs of anything else

- she asked me if diabetes runs in the family, and I don't know if it does, but I guess that was a possibility since she brought it up. But when I said I don't know, she didn't mention it further.

I must've looked like some total meth head, buying behind-the-counter advil and caffeine pills and looking all haggard. Hopefully this stuff does the trick though, because I haven't felt this crappy overall since the time I had strep and vomited blood and whatnot.


PhoenixDark said:
A man has to be pretty dirty to get a urinary tract infection son.

Actually, that's incorrect. Even if you're a "germ-a-phobe" you can contract a urinary infection from the food you eat, what you inhale, or what you touched. It depends alot on the nature of the infection.


Iamthegamer said:
You're gonna want to do what you can to avoid the diabetes, trust me on that one.

This is a coincidence, but my mother had a urinary tract infection and she has diabete. Because of the diabetes, Type 1 (only 5-10% of America is diagnosed with this), she had to been monitored and stay at the hospital when a normal person could just be sent home and be prescribe some cephalexin or whatnot. It sucked but she came out fine. So yeah, avoid getting diabetes and urinary infections.





Raguel said:
Actually, that's incorrect. Even if you're a "germ-a-phobe" you can contract a urinary infection from the food you eat, what you inhale, or what you touched. It depends alot on the nature of the infection.

I kinda wondered where it could come from, because I don't rub my wang on anything or put it in anyone, so yeah. The lady said they could run a culture or something on my urine, but it would be expensive without insurance. So I guess I'm gonna bite the bullet and pay for some kind of coverage, not sure which one is best for me.


bjork said:
- acid reflux, so she gave me some kinda acid reflux medication and said to sleep with my head propped up.

This caught my attention. The only conceivable reason I can think of for sleeping with your head propped up is because you could drown in your own vomit. I didn't know acid reflux could do that. That's ****ed up.

BTW, bjork...am I still 3/10? That cut me deep. :(

Hope you get well soon anyway.


bjork said:
I kinda wondered where it could come from, because I don't rub my wang on anything or put it in anyone, so yeah. The lady said they could run a culture or something on my urine, but it would be expensive without insurance. So I guess I'm gonna bite the bullet and pay for some kind of coverage, not sure which one is best for me.
Yeah, insurance is a blessing. We have blue cross blue shield. It's pretty good. They have some decent programs available for poor bums like me .Some of the anti-biotics prescribed are cheap, so I hope that's what your doctor gave you. Anways, I hope you get better....even though you hate Batman.
bjork said:
the doctor lady (at an urgent care, mind you) says:

- drink fewer sodas and try to eliminate it entirely from the diet, and take caffeine pills until caffeine headaches stop (cue jessie spano pics)

- not a kidney stone, as the color of the urine was wrong, so it's could be a urinary tract infection, so she gave me some kind of pills for that. Dunno how I would've got that :shrug:

- acid reflux, so she gave me some kinda acid reflux medication and said to sleep with my head propped up.

- post-nasal drip, "which indicates a virus", and when I went "which means I got this from my coworker" she said "yes." So I had to buy advil cold and sinus.

- chest pains are associated with coughing, which is a combination of virus/acid reflux/post-nasal drip, but there's no signs of anything else

- she asked me if diabetes runs in the family, and I don't know if it does, but I guess that was a possibility since she brought it up. But when I said I don't know, she didn't mention it further.

I must've looked like some total meth head, buying behind-the-counter advil and caffeine pills and looking all haggard. Hopefully this stuff does the trick though, because I haven't felt this crappy overall since the time I had strep and vomited blood and whatnot.

I'm sorry to hear this. You need to have a major change in your diet it seems.


Ichirou: you shall eat one large box of pocky for every point I deducted, then you shall be fully redeemed.

Raguel: I loves me some batman, just not that hack-job that Bale did.

Docpan: just an ingrown hair, I believe. It's just a small bump now, and shrinking as time goes on.

Bigmit: yeah, I've been eating way too bad for way too long. So I'm not even gonna fight it this time. I know enough to not deny myself things I like, but I still don't know enough to not live exclusively on ice cream and pizza :p

At current time, I feel semi-okay. Caffeine pills say take 1 at a time, but that seems to do little in comparison to 8000 oz of pepsi, heh. But if I can sleep for a change tonight, that'll help a lot, I think... system's probably pretty worn out from being up since wednesday, save maybe 2 good hours of sleep since then.


You need to drink pure cranberry juice or take cranberry pills to cleanse your urinary tract. No sugar in it, that could make it worse.


Ichirou_Oogami said:
What kind? Or am I free to choose, at least? :(

Something ****ed up like those Sesame Seed ones, or the ones that have some kinda sweet-and-sour looking stuff on the box. Nothing semi-tasty!

DJ Brannon said:
You need to drink pure cranberry juice or take cranberry pills to cleanse your urinary tract. No sugar in it, that could make it worse.

I've been drinking whatever the Ocean Spray cranberry default flavor is. That's not the right stuff?

BlackMage said:
aren't caffeine pills, like, super addicting?

I hear this, but I'm only taking them to combat caffeine headaches. So like today I took 1, and that's all. Tomorrow I'll probably take 2, and then try to do 1/day until the box runs out, and then see how it goes from there. I don't wanna be all "I'M SO EXCITED!" but at the same time, I know I took in wayyyyy too much bad stuff from all those pepsi (8-12/day), so yeah.


bjork said:
Something ****ed up like those Sesame Seed ones, or the ones that have some kinda sweet-and-sour looking stuff on the box. Nothing semi-tasty!

Shit, dude. :(

Okay. I'll do it. FOR YOU.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Ichirou_Oogami said:
This caught my attention. The only conceivable reason I can think of for sleeping with your head propped up is because you could drown in your own vomit. I didn't know acid reflux could do that. That's ****ed up.
Uh, no. If you elevate your head and neck compared to your chest, it makes it that much harder for acid to rise into your esophagus. It's pretty much common sense. Back when I had a horrible bout of acid reflux (turned out I've got a hiatal hernia, so had to change my diet a bit), I was told to put my bed on a slight incline.


bjork said:
I've been drinking whatever the Ocean Spray cranberry default flavor is. That's not the right stuff?

That won't do. It needs to be pure cranberry juice. You'll know what it is because it tastes hideous and cost between 8-12 dollars.


Yogurt and cranberry juice for a few days also can help get rid of urinary tract infections. Also, blueberries. Get blueberry yogurt :)


Dan said:
Uh, no. If you elevate your head and neck compared to your chest, it makes it that much harder for acid to rise into your esophagus. It's pretty much common sense. Back when I had a horrible bout of acid reflux (turned out I've got a hiatal hernia, so had to change my diet a bit), I was told to put my bed on a slight incline.

My only problem there is that I have a waterbed, so the incline would be hard. I just bought a pretty fat pillow... so I'm gonna try and put my old flatter pillow under my shoulders and then the fat pillow for my head. Should put me at a 15-ish degree angle, but if I can sleep through the night, I'd hang upside down at this point.

rs7k said:
Wait, you drank 8-12 Pepsi's a day? Cans of diet I hope?

No way, diet pepsi is disgusting. Regular all the way. Sometimes tossed a random Dr Pepper or Wild Cherry Pepsi in there, but yeah... usually:

- 1 to wake up while checking email, etc
- 1 on drive to work
- 2-4 while at work, depending... at the store, usually 2-3 large pepsis from wetzels. If working the warehouse, then we'll go eat at applebee's and I'll get 2-3 refills on a pepsi there
- 1 big slam on the drive home, if coming from warehouse (long drive)
- X for the remainder of the night. Usually 1 right when I walk in, and then another when I finally sit down here at my desk. Then another 1-2 with dinner, then more after that.

I like me some pepsi...


bjork said:
No way, diet pepsi is disgusting. Regular all the way. Sometimes tossed a random Dr Pepper or Wild Cherry Pepsi in there, but yeah... usually:

- 1 to wake up while checking email, etc
- 1 on drive to work
- 2-4 while at work, depending... at the store, usually 2-3 large pepsis from wetzels. If working the warehouse, then we'll go eat at applebee's and I'll get 2-3 refills on a pepsi there
- 1 big slam on the drive home, if coming from warehouse (long drive)
- X for the remainder of the night. Usually 1 right when I walk in, and then another when I finally sit down here at my desk. Then another 1-2 with dinner, then more after that.

I like me some pepsi...

Are you like 800 pounds?
bjork said:
My only problem there is that I have a waterbed, so the incline would be hard. I just bought a pretty fat pillow... so I'm gonna try and put my old flatter pillow under my shoulders and then the fat pillow for my head. Should put me at a 15-ish degree angle, but if I can sleep through the night, I'd hang upside down at this point.

No way, diet pepsi is disgusting. Regular all the way. Sometimes tossed a random Dr Pepper or Wild Cherry Pepsi in there, but yeah... usually:

- 1 to wake up while checking email, etc
- 1 on drive to work
- 2-4 while at work, depending... at the store, usually 2-3 large pepsis from wetzels. If working the warehouse, then we'll go eat at applebee's and I'll get 2-3 refills on a pepsi there
- 1 big slam on the drive home, if coming from warehouse (long drive)
- X for the remainder of the night. Usually 1 right when I walk in, and then another when I finally sit down here at my desk. Then another 1-2 with dinner, then more after that.

I like me some pepsi...
No wonder you're dying.


I'm not trying to pick on you. I only say this out of concern. One 12oz can of Pepsi has 41g of sugar. Based on what you posted, that's 369g of sugar (at a minimum) assuming you're just drinking 12oz cans. That's not healthy for anyone. And to think, what I posted was a conservative estimate.


Diablos said:
I'm not trying to pick on you. I only say this out of concern. One 12oz can of Pepsi has 41g of sugar. Based on what you posted, that's 369g of sugar (at a minimum) assuming you're just drinking 12oz cans. That's not healthy for anyone.

Live and learn, I guess... though it didn't bother me for a decade, so I guess it just had to build up.

Also, are you serious about yogurt?


It's not just sugar, it's that high fructose shit. Don't worry at all about the caffeine aspect. I drink a lot more caffeine, but my diet is good. When I drink pop, I always drink Diet, can't stand sugary pop at all. I have about 6-7 cups of black coffee a day, and I've been told that's why I can't gain any weight. Not sure if it's true though. I can't get off caffeine anyway.

In any case, it wasn't the caffeine that put you in this state. It's all the other garbage in the pop.


Dan said:
Uh, no. If you elevate your head and neck compared to your chest, it makes it that much harder for acid to rise into your esophagus. It's pretty much common sense. Back when I had a horrible bout of acid reflux (turned out I've got a hiatal hernia, so had to change my diet a bit), I was told to put my bed on a slight incline.

I learned something today. Thanks Dan!


Yes. Yogurt is very good for your digestive system and can help in cleaning out the urinary tract. It targets bad bacteria in your system. Blueberries can also help get rid of UTI's so you should track down some blueberry yogurt. However, most yogurt is loaded with sugar. Get the plain kind (there's more of it, and it's a lot cheaper) and put a little bit of sugar at home in it (maybe a teaspoon or two) so it doesn't taste like shit :D Or buy some blueberries and mash them up inside of it.

edit: http://www.askdrsears.com/html/4/T045700.asp


I will have to try this... I actually don't mind yogurt. I still can't get used to water, though. It needs bubbles and corn syrup and lots of sugar. :(


bjork said:
I will have to try this... I actually don't mind yogurt. I still can't get used to water, though. It needs bubbles and corn syrup and lots of sugar. :(
Well, if you're that addicted to sugar... if you cut back on sugar drinks completely, and have some yoplait once a day, even though it's loaded with sugar it's only like 30g, which is significantly less than what you typically consume.

Another benefit which I forgot to mention:

It's good to eat yogurt while taking antibiotics. The yogurt will minimize the effects of the antibiotic on the friendly bacteria in the intestines.


Diablos said:
Well, if you're that addicted to sugar... if you cut back on sugar drinks completely, and have some yoplait once a day, even though it's loaded with sugar it's only like 30g, which is significantly less than what you typically consume.

Another benefit which I forgot to mention:

You have been most helpful, I shall frequent my local grocer in the morning and acquire some yogurt to partake of during my daily travels!


Btw, when I said don't worry about the caffeine, I mean just lay it off completely. You will get addicted to caffeine pills. Keeping in mind 8-12 cans of Pepsi a day is around 400 mg, that's only four pills, or two pills if you have the 200 mg pills.

If you don't want to lay off caffeine, and you don't have to, start drinking green tea. Green tea is very good for you, it's also good for your teeth since it has fluoride. I can't imagine what your teeth must look like after ten years of heavy pop consumption. It's also light in caffeine, which means you won't get the side effects nor the crazy withdrawal.
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