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Reggie on CNN: "3rd-party games like CoD look dramatically better on our system"


the advantage the Wii had over the PS3 and 360 was the price. More affordable for families.

the disadvantage of the Wii U is the price. More expensive than the PS3 and 360 and this juncture

Except the Wii U isn't going to compete with the PS3/360 for that much longer, when the PS4 and 720 release they will probably be more expansive then the Wii U is now.
Just saw the interview. I must compliment CNN, FANTASTIC journalism!. They adressed every single weak point the Wii U has as a system, only thing missing was to confront the Nintendo press officer in his blatant laying. Balls of steel right there with "COD best looking version on Wii U", not even the box looks better on Wii U.
Reggie has finally met the most delusional Nintendo posters here at a point in space-time.

Everything after is a cosmic unknown.
I still don't understand how nintendo has been claiming from the very beginning that this system will attract third party developers and core gamers.

It has become clear that porting current gen games to the system is not a trivial task due to limitation of memory and cpu, so it seems nintendo again spec-ed the system in isolation.

unless it was trivial to port these games, the console will not get these games because publishers will have reservations about the userbase.

When games like GTA5 and Bioshock are missing next year, core gamers will not jump in.

I truly don't understand what Nintendo is thinking regarding this point that they have been pushing from the beginning as a difference between Wii and WiiU

I guess they that if they said it enough times, it would actually happen.


Dammit King,
I saw your avatar, assumed you were Dorfdad and got confused as hell when you asked what version of BO2
was the best lol.


That guy and this fucking avatar.

I'm really trying to take it back, as I loved it for, well c'mon LOOK at it!

But at this point, with Dorfy's rep round these parts, it's probably more apt if he's the only one with it. I miss my five deadly venoms avy anyway.


it depends on what your definition of the word "look" is.

what a con man. i always said he is just one good job removed from being a used car salesman. no offense to any used car salesmen intended.
I wonder if Nintendo themselves are the cause if the framerate discrepancies in the game - not the hardware. It's obvious the game is synced to VSync so it has no tearing...maybe Nintendo required that, and that's the reason the framerate is worse.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm pretty sure if this is false advertisement then Sony broke the law with it in 2006 lol.
I do not know FTC's definition of advertising, but I doubt Reggie's statement in this interview would be viewed as such. To answer the question, here's an FAQ by the FTC:

What truth-in-advertising rules apply to advertisers?

Under the Federal Trade Commission Act:

  • Advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive;

  • Advertisers must have evidence to back up their claims; and

  • Advertisements cannot be unfair.

Additional laws apply to ads for specialized products like consumer leases, credit, 900 telephone numbers, and products sold through mail order or telephone sales. And every state has consumer protection laws that govern ads running in that state.

What makes an advertisement deceptive?

According to the FTC's Deception Policy Statement, an ad is deceptive if it contains a statement - or omits information - that:

  • Is likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably under the circumstances; and

  • Is "material" - that is, important to a consumer's decision to buy or use the product.

What makes an advertisement unfair?

According to the Federal Trade Commission Act and the FTC's Unfairness Policy Statement, an ad or business practice is unfair if:

  • it causes or is likely to cause substantial consumer injury which a consumer could not reasonably avoid; and

  • it is not outweighed by the benefit to consumers.

How does the FTC determine if an ad is deceptive?

A typical inquiry follows these steps:

  • The FTC looks at the ad from the point of view of the "reasonable consumer" - the typical person looking at the ad. Rather than focusing on certain words, the FTC looks at the ad in context - words, phrases, and pictures - to determine what it conveys to consumers.

  • The FTC looks at both "express" and "implied" claims. An express claim is literally made in the ad. For example, "ABC Mouthwash prevents colds" is an express claim that the product will prevent colds. An implied claim is one made indirectly or by inference. "ABC Mouthwash kills the germs that cause colds" contains an implied claim that the product will prevent colds. Although the ad doesn't literally say that the product prevents colds, it would be reasonable for a consumer to conclude from the statement "kills the germs that cause colds" that the product will prevent colds. Under the law, advertisers must have proof to back up express and implied claims that consumers take from an ad.

  • The FTC looks at what the ad does not say - that is, if the failure to include information leaves consumers with a misimpression about the product. For example, if a company advertised a collection of books, the ad would be deceptive if it did not disclose that consumers actually would receive abridged versions of the books.

  • The FTC looks at whether the claim would be "material" - that is, important to a consumer's decision to buy or use the product. Examples of material claims are representations about a product's performance, features, safety, price, or effective

  • The FTC looks at whether the advertiser has sufficient evidence to support the claims in the ad. The law requires that advertisers have proof before the ad runs.

What kind of evidence must a company have to support the claims in its ads?

Before a company runs an ad, it has to have a "reasonable basis" for the claims. A "reasonable basis" means objective evidence that supports the claim. The kind of evidence depends on the claim. At a minimum, an advertiser must have the level of evidence that it says it has. For example, the statement "Two out of three doctors recommend ABC Pain Reliever" must be supported by a reliable survey to that effect. If the ad isn't specific, the FTC looks at several factors to determine what level of proof is necessary, including what experts in the field think is needed to support the claim. In most cases, ads that make health or safety claims must be supported by "competent and reliable scientific evidence" - tests, studies, or other scientific evidence that has been evaluated by people qualified to review it. In addition, any tests or studies must be conducted using methods that experts in the field accept as accurate.
Source: http://business.ftc.gov/documents/bus35-advertising-faqs-guide-small-business/

So, we won't be seeing any "Black Ops II runs best on Wii U" ads anytime soon, unless the games is patched that is. But then you would have to advertise the patch and that wouldn't make much sense.


I honestly had to watch the video to check his face while saying all that.

Also, if the new PS360 comes next year... man, better get two jobs.
Except the Wii U isn't going to compete with the PS3/360 for that much longer, when the PS4 and 720 release they will probably be more expansive then the Wii U is now.

then 3rd parties move onto next-gen and decide not to down port their PS4 Xbox720 games to Wii-U


Wow, I can't believe that... I don't have time to watch the interview right now, but if he straight up is lying like that on actual TV then I'm done with Reggie. My body will never be ready again.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I admit while I don't always see eye to eye with Reggie, I feel kind of bad for him in this situation. With regards to Super Wii, he hasn't exactly been given much to work with seeing as the system has a slower CPU and slow RAM. I mean, what's he supposed to say? "Our stuff's kind of on par with the competition... sometimes."
Wii has spent the better part of 2 years getting beat by Microsoft and more recently by Sony, as well. "What have you done for me lately" should start pulsating in your ears. Here, I'll help.

2011 and 2012 offer a more sexy narrative than 2007 and 2008, wouldn't you agree? Particularly since consumers are fickle. Gamers on forums might see things in terms of generations, but the general public? The people who sent Wii into orbit? Not so much. It's been years since the Wii has been relevant. The iPhone has debuted and gone through six iterations in the time since Wii was unleashed on the masses, for crying out loud. This is a comeback attempt. (As I continue reading through the thread, I now see that Sho_Nuff82 made a similar point back at #253.)

But if you disagree, that's cool, too.
Thing is, the market won't just be Nintendo's problem come 2013 and 2014. Isnt everyone down YOY, (2 YOYs actually) compared to 2010 except for the 3DS?
I think it's time for Bill to step up and take the mantle. I dont know if he genuinely believes fhe stuff he says, but I'm finding it harder and harder to like Reggie these days.


It's worth noting that many of us thought the idolization of Reggie was dumb at the moment it started. He was and is and forever will be a PR guy, and there's nothing wrong with that, the man has to earn a living. Heck, I don't even fault him for this interview, it's what he has to say. But even at the beginning, it was more than slightly disturbing to watch certain folks practically worship the guy.

Fair enough. I guess you could say that in 2004, Nintendo really needed a guy like Reggie.


Nintendo has yet to make a large scale HD game. NSMBU is not any thing I would call ambitious. I am willing to bet you will be disappointed in whatever they offer.

I'll probably be disappointed, if Nintendo's technical efforts in Pikmin 3 are any indication.
Thing is, the market won't just be Nintendo's problem come 2013 and 2014. Isnt everyone down YOY, (2 YOYs actually) compared to 2010 except for the 3DS?

2011 was a banner year for Microsoft. 2012 is down. Unless I have my years wrong, and I very well could. I think Microsoft and Sony still have some life in them, because they still have room to move on price prior to releasing their own new hardware. Now, whether or not they actually will move some more on price, I have no idea. It's not been their strategy so far, however. The greater point remains. Regardless of 360 and PS3s numbers, Wii has been third. Last. Possibly forgotten? Who knows, but the landscape has changed, both within gaming and in the greater entertainment market.


I'll probably be disappointed, if Nintendo's technical efforts in Pikmin 3 are any indication.

I don't think this is really an indicator either, considering it clearly started life as a Wii game and you can see the Wii roots in every aspect of its engine.

When the first Wii U Zelda game is really shown, or the first truly 3D gameplay Mario is shown, we'll have a taste of how far they want to push it.

I want myself an F-Zero game though. With HD visuals at GX speed, I will cry myself to sleep with tears of joy.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I don't think this is really an indicator either, considering it clearly started life as a Wii game and you can see the Wii roots in every aspect of its engine.

When the first Wii U Zelda game is really shown, or the first truly 3D gameplay Mario is shown, we'll have a taste of how far they want to push it.

I want myself an F-Zero game though. With HD visuals at GX speed, I will cry myself to sleep with tears of joy.

Considering what Miyamoto said recently about F-Zero, i'm not getting my hopes up. =/
I think it's time for Bill to step up and take the mantle. I dont know if he genuinely believes fhe stuff he says, but I'm finding it harder and harder to like Reggie these days.

MS's direction will be to marry all their platforms (Surface, smartphones, Xbox720) under the Windows RT umbrella.

An Xbox 720 user would be eager to purchase a Surface as his tablet and a Windows RT Smartphone for his phone.

MS is gonna try to create a consumer hooked on MS products on everything, that's their goal
I admit while I don't always see eye to eye with Reggie, I feel kind of bad for him in this situation. With regards to Super Wii, he hasn't exactly been given much to work with seeing as the system has a slower CPU and slow RAM. I mean, what's he supposed to say? "Our stuff's kind of on par with the competition... sometimes."
This is what I think every time I see the man open his mouth. I can't blame him for Japan's decisions any more.
Any number of ways he could have spun that question without lying. Sigh.

It's not news that Reggie's function in interviews is to act as a PR flack for NCL, and that one shouldn't expect the unvarnished truth from him, but I still expect better than this.


Had Nintendo released real specs, maybe this interview would have gone a different way. We are living in a time where specs do matter. Many people upgrade their phones yearly because of the hardware. Nintendo should know that consumers do care about specs, because the wrong specs will mean certain types of games will not come out on a console they spent $300+ on.

Just an observation after listening to Reggie's responses. Nintendo has kept on driving the point that hardware specs do not matter, but CNN showed that it does by the types of questions that were asked.


The multimedia gaming is a joke I do not care about singers or MTV so I'll be skipping next gen or stick to Sony if there around still.


I don't think this is really an indicator either, considering it clearly started life as a Wii game and you can see the Wii roots in every aspect of its engine.

When the first Wii U Zelda game is really shown, or the first truly 3D gameplay Mario is shown, we'll have a taste of how far they want to push it.

I want myself an F-Zero game though. With HD visuals at GX speed, I will cry myself to sleep with tears of joy.

Based on Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, the next Wii U Zelda game shouldn't be seen as an indication of the technical capabilities of the console either then.


Was impressed with how well CNN did. They definitely did their homework.

Reggie was straight up lying (lol) but that's how many in PR are; not surprising.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
This is what I think every time I see the man open his mouth. I can't blame him for Japan's decisions any more.

I remember that bit where they were demoing ZombiU and they talked about how in multiplayer one person is the puppet master and the other the puppet, and he said something like "That's like being President of Nintendo of America!"

I'm kinda thinking that might not have been scripted.
Reggie are you serious man?

CoD on Wii U has the worst framerate... how is that dramatically better?
Better get working on that 3D Mario, Zelda, and Metroid game.


No, he could point to the fact that it's also rendering on another screen, thus being "dramatically" better allready.

It's bullshit, but it's not a lie.

It's PR. To expect a good interview with a high up PR person is kind of naive.

There's a reason why people value Yoshida doing interviews, or Iwata. Both aren't in PR and actually have any interest to answer questions.

Well maybe because from an outsider perspective they don't give a shit about gaming companies no longer sending them free Doritos and Games.

I'm a bit out of the loop on how the system works with this, so maybe someone can answer this admittedly silly question: If the system wasn't outputting a mirror render to the tablet, would the performance on the television improve at all?
I'm a bit out of the loop on how the system works with this, so maybe someone can answer this admittedly silly question: If the system wasn't outputting a mirror render to the tablet, would the performance on the television improve at all?

Theoretically it would free up some resources, but it's hard to say how much.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Reggie at 2:25


He was good prior to this point.

Yes. An outright lie. Shameful.


My goodness Reggie.

I guess he saw the version of CoD that was in development for 720 and got confused.
the advantage the Wii had over the PS3 and 360 was the price. More affordable for families.

the disadvantage of the Wii U is the price. More expensive than the PS3 and 360 and this juncture

Price was an advantage, but the advantage was Wii Sports. It was a very real and tangible benefit to the system's popularity. The question now is will Wii U have its own Wii Sports-like experience that comes out of nowhere and takes consumers by storm.
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