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After watching this video, you will have no excuse to be single.

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It is vexing how society has determined that if a person is single then they're an unhappy, unfulfilled person with little to live for. Singledom is not a state that should be pitied nor celebrated.

Yep. I think too many people confuse being single with being antisocial or not getting laid.


This whole "not giving a shit and just being yourself" obviously doesn't work. Let's say you're a fat, neck beard, bronie geek or some Marilyn Manson wannabe goth dude. Sure you can not give a shit and just be yourself but good luck finding a girlfriend/boyfriend.


If anything, I think a guy like this would have a better chance. At least he's unique and might draw people toward him to begin with.

If you're just a mediocre looking dude with no unique qualities whatsoever, it's going to be much harder.
This whole "not giving a shit and just being yourself" obviously doesn't work. Let's say you're a fat, neck beard, bronie geek or some Marilyn Manson wannabe goth dude. Sure you can not give a shit and just be yourself but good luck finding a girlfriend/boyfriend.

If anything, I think a guy like this would have a better chance. At least he's unique and might draw people toward him to begin with.

If you're just a mediocre looking dude with no unique qualities whatsoever, it's going to be much harder.

You don't get it, its not luck or "uniqueness" its confidence, its an attractive trait for a dude to have, no matter how he looks.


Trucker Sexologist
Women don't rate looks as high as men do. He somehow got through his childhood without being a bitter humanity hating husk so he's probably got more character than a Chinese dictionary.


On the flip side I haven't been single since I was a teenager.... Sometimes... I just stare out the window and dream of some day being free.


He looks above average for a British guy.



Black Canada Mafia
Maybe the title doesn't have to be taken SO literally, I'm sure Kraft just wanted it to be eye catching.

It's not hard to realize that his statement is more along the lines of "if you're single, and don't want to be, but are too afraid to take a chance".

Honestly, do people think he is actually saying "regardless of whether or not you're happy being single, and want to be single, watch this video and get girlfriend"?
Being in a relationship isn't the desired state for everyone.

People should decide for themselves how to spend their life? Including something so personal and profound? You're INSANE.

Also here is a comic from a website about asexuality:


Different levels of fulfillment for different people, entirely up to them.


I like being single though. Relationships are extremely exhausting to maintain and feel more like work to me, especially when you get more serious. It's like a scale where the more serious it gets the less free time you have for yourself.


There should be a balance between being single and being in a relationship. When you've been single for seven years then of course you'll have the desire to take a chance at being in a relationship to get a different perspective in life. I'm in that situation right now but I can understand people that have been in plenty of relationships not being in a hurry to be in another one and just want to enjoy being single.


The truth actually, is that sign language allows you to build dexterity in your hands which can be used to do some amazing things.

He also probably has a huge, conveniently deformed ...

I like being single, this is still very inspirational especially to me. Still, there are times for different things, right now trying to find a partner is not the right thing for me as it would most likely just distract me from doing other things I need done. Circumstances are different for everyone I guess and I'll remember this when my circumstances allow me to look for someone without inconveniencing other aspects of my life.


However, I think I'll continue to do nothing every day and bemoan my single-ness.

I have little to no goals in life, why would I want to ruin the life of someone by my companionship?

I kind of have the same problem. I didn't really have any life goals at all until last year when I finally managed to negotiate a debt consolidation loan with my bank. Even now I only have one real goal of any significance (I want to learn Japanese and visit Japan) and I've no idea what I'll do after I achieve that.

I'm socially inept though, which is apparently a far greater curse.

Have no friends.
24 years old, never had a girlfriend.

You're still young. I'm nearly 35 years old and have never had a girlfriend.
People should decide for themselves how to spend their life? Including something so personal and profound? You're INSANE.

Also here is a comic from a website about asexuality:


Different levels of fulfillment for different people, entirely up to them.

My relationship has had all of those. Some in steps obviously.


It is vexing how society has determined that if a person is single then they're an unhappy, unfulfilled person with little to live for. Singledom is not a state that should be pitied nor celebrated.

True this. I'd love having a girlfriend but there are huge benefits to being single right now.


Good on the guy in the video to have the strength and courage to rise above his problems and live exactly like he wants to live.

But these two posts are important to remember, especially the first one.

You're undermining the purpose of the video by linking it to having or not having a girlfriend.

It is vexing how society has determined that if a person is single then they're an unhappy, unfulfilled person with little to live for. Singledom is not a state that should be pitied nor celebrated.
His life -

"Why is your boyfriend so weird looking?"

"He was born with an illness that left him looking like that, he's had to live with it his whole life and would get bullied all the time at school."

"Wow, you're such a brave couple. There should be more people like you two in the world."

My life -

"Why is your boyfriend so weird looking?"

"Dunno lol, he used to get bullied all the time at school but he probably deserved it. He thinks that fedora looks good on him"

"You can do better gurl"

"You're right I'll leave him tonight."

Funky Papa

My life -

"Why is your boyfriend so weird looking?"

"Dunno lol, he used to get bullied all the time at school but he probably deserved it. He thinks that fedora looks good on him"

"You can do better gurl"

"You're right I'll leave him tonight."

That's Pete Campbell's bitch life allright.
If only there were more Vicky's in the world

I think that's the point that a lot of people are trying to underline here. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the guy and he probably deserves a relationship
much more than I do
, but it's different situations and scenarios for everyone here. Still, noble effort, OP!

we're all damaged, let's be real talks.

I'd prefer the term "broken"
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