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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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Subete no aware
Yeah, the episodes I've listened to are probably the fifth and sixth episodes of podcasts I've ever listened to total, haha. I see that the newest episode is up and I listened to the first half an hour now of the first podcast and will have to get back to the rest later at some point. The only thing I can think of so far there is that it's nice that Crazy Canuck seems to be enjoying From the New World and is kind of promoting it a little.
Haha, well, I can't remember what he said about the ending but I remember trying to probe him about it. Given how it and Psycho Pass ended, I was just annoyed at the time.

[Ginga e Kickoff!!] 38

Giant robots with no real practicality? Sure, why not. Girls who make contracts with aliens to obtain magical superpowers to fight evil? Plausible. Balotelli and John Terry playing in the same team? Who the fuck came up with this bullshit!?

I was wondering if you'd seen the episode. lol

Ginga fin


You know, if I cared about soccer, the two last episodes probably would be pretty awesome fanservice... even if the outcome was improbable.

My Kobayashi fanaticism aside, this was a really fun series to watch. The sports didn't overstay its welcome like it did in Knight in the Area or Kuroko's Basetball and while these players weren't dealing with "Clear Eyes, Full Hearts" problems, for what amounts to a Saturday morning cartoon these characters had more depth and personality than probably most of the anime made for adults and otaku.

Sadly, the only sports thing that's coming soon is probably RKB. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted I guess. lol


Best soccer anime is still Giant Killing. I need a second season of that man, or make a spin off with the Brazilian players.


Iron Man Rise of Technovore seems to have pretty solid staff. Looks like Madhouse can finally take another Marvel project seriously after X-Men.

Some of the credits:

Director - Hiroshi Hamasaki

Storyboard - Hiroshi Hamasaki, Kenichi Kawamura, Shingo Natsume, Iwao Teraoka, Yoshiaki Kawajiri

Character Design - Masanori Shino
Creature Design - Yasushi Nirasawa
Mechanical Design - Junya Ishigaki
Art Design - Yasumitsu Suetake

Unit Directors - Kenichi Kawamura, Shingo Natsume

Chief Animation Director - Masanori Shino
Mechanic Animation Director - Hiroki Mutaguchi
Weaponry Animation Director - Daisuke Niitsuma

Key Animators - Toshiyuki Sato, Yoshimichi Kameda, Gousei Oda, Kim Se Joon, Shingo Fujii, Yutaka Minowa, Cindy H Yamauchi, Hisao Yokobori, Kenichi Shimizu, Shin Wakabayashi, Keisuke Kojima, Shingo Yamashita, and many more!


Tragic victim of fan death
Majestic Prince also has Sawashiro!


Devil Survivor 2 has Sawashiro. This anime is already gdlk.

I guess this makes Majestic Prince a level far beyond that.

Majestic Prince 1

Everything outside of the battle scenes was pretty bad, and I can only imagine that down time is going to increase as we go forward. The comedy was mostly way off, the character designs look pretty bizarre at times as well. It's weird though because at times I felt the designs really worked, and then at others I really disliked what I was seeing.

On the other hand the action is pretty awesome, the scene direction and cg animation gave tons of life to the show. What I really liked about the CG, which looked great btw, was the coloring and shading. It seemed to blend right into the backgrounds for the most part which really impressed me. The music and sound design was top notch as well, many of the sound effects were perfect for what was happening on screen.

Hard to say how I feel about the show right now, I feel like I will absolutely loath these characters and the writing which could make many episodes hard to watch in the future. They definitely got the pacing for this first episode right at least, although perhaps the brevity of many of the scenes contributed to my feelings about the parts in between the fighting.

I did not realize the Hirai hate was so strong. I thought it worked pretty well for the show in this case.

See? At least someone here understands. Hirai is delivering on Majestic Prince, and once everyone else gets used to what the show is going for, you'll all see the light. That is, if you don't drop the show first. Which you won't. Because that would make me angry. And you don't like me when I'm angry.

I'm always on your side. Always.

You have my sword.

My sword is better.

Majestic Prince 1

Hisashi Hirai is NOT a good character designer. Having said that, when my mind wasn't focusing on the fugliness of the characters on display I actually found this pretty damn entertaining, at least as far as introductory mecha show episodes go.

I find the slapsticky reaction faces to be dumb rather than funny more often than not and really distracting in the worst cases but still, if the alternative is boring serious delivery with boring serious (and ugly) faces then I think this is an acceptable compromise.

One could say I'm hopping aboard this season's Duckroll hype train for now, albeit still somewhat cautiously.

This makes me sad....

I will fight every single one of you for saying bad things about the expressions and character designs in MJP. I swear to god I will.

You have my sword.


Subete no aware
Best soccer anime is still Giant Killing. I need a second season of that man, or make a spin off with the Brazilian players.
After all this time, I remember every character in the show except for the players. The old fans wanting to come back to the team, the manager who wants to be a part of a soccer club, the reporter trying to earn the respect of her male peers in a male dominated profession, and the coach... because he's superman. The team itself? I mean, there was old guy, new guy, and angry guy. Basically walking sports/war tropes. lol


Tragic victim of fan death
Hiraifaces are gross, let's focus on the mecha.





I guess Leader is alright. The other two are zzz.

Also why do the female-piloted mecha lack limbs? Is this commentary of some sort???

I really really really enjoy the mecha designs for this show.

Who nose, I might warm up to the show.

And I thought that one ORB officer from Seed Destiny had an outrageous nose.


You know Kayos has been my mortal enemy since the Fate/Zero incident.

You don't like Fate/Zero. I want you to say that to duckroll who loved F/Z just as much as I did if not more. See if he wants to be your TRUE nakama.

Why does everyone forget kayos90? :(

I was the most hyped for the mecha shows this season right behind you too! T_T

You people shit talking Majestic Prince will see. You'll all see. Team Majestic Prince is growing. I mean, we've got me, Tomat, Duckroll, DTL and I think a couple others already. We will spread this thing like a plague.

Thanks bro.

The main characters all look like someone took a blowtorch to their faces.

I'm wondering what you think of S-Cry-Ed and Gundam Seed then.

The side/background characters in general have more appealing designs honestly. The main's seem to shift around a lot to different looks, and don't always look good.

I disagree wholeheartedly.

I'm just saying, I'd have to drink a few beers to find Majestic Prince's character designs "fun" :(

I thought they were fun. The character designs fit very well into how the episode was portrayed. It was whimsical but at the same time serious. The characters switch from a very amusing expression to a serious one quite quickly and the emotions that Hirai's designs portray are done great.


I really really really enjoy the mecha designs for this show.

And I thought that one ORB officer from Seed Destiny had an outrageous nose.


You don't like Fate/Zero. I want you to say that to duckroll who loved F/Z just as much as I did if not more. See if he wants to be your TRUE nakama.

I was the most hyped for the mecha shows this season right behind you too! T_T

Thanks bro.

I'm wondering what you think of S-Cry-Ed and Gundam Seed then.

I disagree wholeheartedly.

I thought they were fun. The character designs fit very well into how the episode was portrayed. It was whimsical but at the same time serious. The characters switch from a very amusing expression to a serious one quite quickly and the emotions that Hirai's designs portray are done great.

Man, how I've missed you Kayos. If you're on MJP's side, we can be nakama from now on.


Tragic victim of fan death
Man, how I've missed you Kayos. If you're on MJP's side, we can be nakama from now on.

I've been on the MJP side for a long while. I was excited for Mecha Spring since forever ago. I've actually been more excited for Valvrave but considering how good MJP was I'm wondering if Valvrave can even top this for me. Excited for Gargantia as well but judging by the trailers and duckroll's impressions it's not really a mecha show. Just a show that happens to have mecha in it.


I've been on the MJP side for a long while. I was excited for Mecha Spring since forever ago. I've actually been more excited for Valvrave but considering how good MJP was I'm wondering if Valvrave can even top this for me. Excited for Gargantia as well but judging by the trailers and duckroll's impressions it's not really a mecha show. Just a show that happens to have mecha in it.

MJP was the only of the mecha trio that really had me excited going in. It seemed fun and something we haven't seen in a while. Gargantia looks like it has some interesting story ideas, but dear god is the mechanical design awful. Really put me off. The fact that it isn't too mecha focused gives me hope on that one.

Valvrave, though, I just don't know. It seems too much like bad modern Gundam. It has all the tropes, just without the title. Personally, I like the mechanical designs in that one but I don't think that'll fix that show's potential issues. When it comes to mecha shows, I have absolutely minimal faith in Sunrise. The only studio I'd trust less would be BONES.


Tragic victim of fan death
MJP was the only of the mecha trio that really had me excited going in. It seemed fun and something we haven't seen in a while. Gargantia looks like it has some interesting story ideas, but dear god is the mechanical design awful. Really put me off. The fact that it isn't too mecha focused gives me hope on that one.

Valvrave, though, I just don't know. It seems too much like bad modern Gundam. It has all the tropes, just without the title. Personally, I like the mechanical designs in that one but I don't think that'll fix that show's potential issues. When it comes to mecha shows, I have absolutely minimal faith in Sunrise. The only studio I'd trust less would be BONES.

Damn dude....


Sailor Moon 31

But what did Sailor Jupiter find in there?
Based Ikuhara. This episode cracked me up way too much.
Between Zoisite antics and Tuxedo cat as well as cat battles it was all great.
It will be a but before we get another episode of such quality won't we :(


I asked this on the last page but if someone could gif the sniper mecha transition from MJP that would be super cool. I'd do it but last time I attempted it the results weren't very good.

So, guys. How about that Hataraku Maou-sama - 01? So good. So damn good. I'm pleased, and I will keep watching.

Super Damn Good!


Tragic victim of fan death
I hope we get more than these MJP impressions. As it stands it seems like there are more people that hate/dislike it than those who enjoyed it. Sort of sad considering it was so enthusiastic and fun.


Damn dude....

I know, man. As the a massive Gundam fan, I want to believe in Sunrise. I really do. I just.....don't know anymore. I mean, look what they've given us recently. 00 Season 2, SEED Destiny, heck even SEED wasn't great. I want to believe the can pull off a 00 Season 1 again, but I'm just not sure that wasn't a fluke.


Valvrave, though, I just don't know. It seems too much like bad modern Gundam. It has all the tropes, just without the title. Personally, I like the mechanical designs in that one but I don't think that'll fix that show's potential issues. When it comes to mecha shows, I have absolutely minimal faith in Sunrise. The only studio I'd trust less would be BONES.

Sunrise far more credible todays than PIG or BONES.

Even their recent crap like Sacred Seven much more enjoyable than most that those two produce lately.

Unicorn alone already enough to make you shouldn't said this, and just admit Geass was good.


Sunrise far more credible todays than PIG or BONES.

Even their recent crap like Sacred Seven much more enjoyable than most that those two produce lately.

Unicorn alone already enough to make you shouldn't said this, and just admit Geass was good.

Geass is bad, Unicorn is based on pre-existing material so I'm not sure how to judge it outside of production values. Honestly, even judging on story Unicorn isn't great. It's super pretty and high budget, but shallow aside from the Marida story.


Sunrise far more credible todays than PIG or BONES.

Even their recent crap like Sacred Seven much more enjoyable than most that those two produce lately.

LOL no. Sacred Seven had good animation, but it's a pretty unwatchable show. There's practically nothing good about it at all outside of the action, and after the first half of the show the amount of action nosedived. I'll rather marathon Heroman and E7AO together than watch through all 13 episodes of Sacred Seven. Same goes with Accel World really. The only way I can watch those shows is by skipping every single second which isn't action. Sunrise? More like Shitrise.


Majestic Prince Episode 01


Went into this fully expecting to hate it, came out... kinda digging it I guess. The plot seems very by the books and the comedic scenes were hit or miss, either genuinely amusing or just really awkward in execution. I can't say I totally dislike the main cast so far but they just seem rather generic from my first impressions. Seems like the kinda show to shut off your brain to and enjoy all the dumb entertainment. "Popcorn" anime, so to speak. Really impressed with the mech and ship designs though and the whole having a personal crew for each of the unique ones was a nice touch. Really hope to see more designs in the future and with that said I guess I'll be sticking around for a few more episodes at the very least.

PS: The character designs are ugly. Sorry duckroll, tomat, etc.


Tragic victim of fan death
LOL no. Sacred Seven had good animation, but it's a pretty unwatchable show. There's practically nothing good about it at all outside of the action, and after the first half of the show the amount of action nosedived.

Sounds like you're describing Accel World.

I'll rather marathon Heroman and E7AO together than watch through all 13 episodes of Sacred Seven. Same goes with Accel World really. The only way I can watch those shows is by skipping every single second which isn't action. Sunrise? More like Shitrise.

There it is.


Jeez dude.

Which part? The "Unicorn is shallow" or "Geass is bad" stuff? I fully believe either.

As for Unicorn, being shallow doesn't mean it's bad. It's some of the most gorgeous mecha action around. That alone makes it worth the price. The Marida story is great as well. It's one of the better told Gundam side plots.

All that being said, it's a super high budget, specialty OVA. It's not really indicative of the quality of their TV work. Valvrave seems much closer to a Gundam SEED or 00 than anything else, except for the fact the CG is more noticeable and uglier.


Geass is bad, Unicorn is based on pre-existing material so I'm not sure how to judge it outside of production values. Honestly, even judging on story Unicorn isn't great. It's super pretty and high budget, but shallow aside from the Marina story.

No, you bad!

God.. this talk just make me reminded how much awesome 80's mecha series was ;____;

MJP premiere was nothing than any of first eps from my old mecha show backlog. Anime has declined.


I forget Heroman exist, bwahahaha..
but yeah that kinda more tolerable than S7

oops DP

Seriously.. I still laugh someone reminded me that Heroman exist, good stuff.


Tragic victim of fan death
I hope that there is not a second season of Heroman. The only cool things about that show were OP2 and Simon. I guess Holly too. I don't fucking know. That show wasn't very fun to watch.


So last night me and a couple of friends watched Blood-C and the Eden of the East movies (we marathoned the shows together a few months ago). All of them were pretty bad, the EoE movies made Blood-C The Last Dark seem pretty great in comparison.

I made them watch Little Witch Academia though and they loved it.


So last night me and a couple of friends watched Blood-C and the Eden of the East movies (we marathoned the shows together a few months ago). All of them were pretty bad, the EoE movies made Blood-C The Last Dark seem pretty great in comparison.

I made them watch Little Witch Academia though and they loved it.

Reminds me I really need to watch The Last Dark. Part of me doesn't want to because I don't want to spoil my pure hearted love for Blood-C. The other part of me must finish this fight.

As for Eden of the East, that show was bad in general. I remember checking it out on Netflix. It starts out real neat, but then degenerates into a horrible pile of blandness. It gets strangely preachy and its plot becomes near incoherent. I had to drop it after a while because I couldn't take anymore of it.


Tragic victim of fan death
So last night me and a couple of friends watched Blood-C and the Eden of the East movies (we marathoned the shows together a few months ago). All of them were pretty bad, the EoE movies made Blood-C The Last Dark seem pretty great in comparison.

I made them watch Little Witch Academia though and they loved it.

Have you watched Fate/Zero with your friends?


Whatever merit Eden of the East had going for it (I still like the show in isolation), it was undone by the movies. For that reason, I can never really recommend it to people. Such a shame.

edit: Its going to be a Mechanime weekend for me. Prince and the new Unicorn. Woot.


Just realized I made a horrible, awful pun in my Eden of the East post by accident. I hang my head in shame. Man, that's a real sign it's time to go to bed.



Under 5 hours left till Aku no Hana starts airing, are you ready to chase after "the other side"?

Oh god, that's this week too? Cannot wait. I must see how this turns out. Even if it's a disaster, it'll be a spectacular one.


2nd EoE still make me raging so hard.

Its literally 100 minute of people discussing news, God...


I rank Eden of the East's eventual "ending" as arguably the most unsatisfying ending of all time (for a series that is not an adaptation of an ongoing work). I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting but I guess my attachment tot he original series makes my hate grow strong.


I just want to reiterate that I did, in fact, enjoy the first episode of Majestic Prince in spite of the character designs and their dumb reaction faces!



I rank Eden of the East's eventual "ending" as arguably the most unsatisfying ending of all time (for a series that is not an adaptation of an ongoing work). I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting but I guess my attachment tot he original series makes my hate grow strong.

I couldn't even finish the series, so I wouldn't know.

For me, Fullmetal Alchemist's ending has to be the most unsatisfying thing ever. Not because it's super bad. It's just kind of middling to OK. I just loved that manga so much and the ending just let me down. Couldn't even go through Brotherhood knowing where it was going.

Gundam SEED Destiny's end is also awful, but so is everything else so it's not a massive disappointment. If you consider all of S2 the "End" of 00, that'd rank up there for me as well.



I rank Eden of the East's eventual "ending" as arguably the most unsatisfying ending of all time (for a series that is not an adaptation of an ongoing work). I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting but I guess my attachment tot he original series makes my hate grow strong.

Its like this when I watch the movie.

15 minute in
"This intro take way too long"

30 minute
"the hell...

50 minute
"Don't tell me the whole movie like this, at least there's some game action right?"

Movie ended
"F this shit"
Gundam SEED Destiny's end is also awful, but so is everything else so it's not a massive disappointment. If you consider all of S2 the "End" of 00, that'd rank up there for me as well.
At least those still have mech

EoE movie make phone-game or something became Fox news meltdown parody.


Subete no aware

Oh hey, it's a protagonist that is "meta". I assume that Friends Club basically created a genre of one boy + many girls in a club isolated from the rest of the school and now we're seeing the results of that harem set up.

It might as well be a sequel to OreShura.


Take Tamayura and then perv it up by making it like Amagami SS. I will say one thing - it feels like an "older" harem set up by virtue of not having a totally shitty protagonist and other male characters.

Would you like fries with that?

Better than Maoyuu Maou Yuusha.


Oh wait, that's not right.


Yeah, this is it. Looks like No. 6, assuming all the BL undertones are not just undertones.


Subete no aware
To be fair, I don't know anything about No 6 other than the ANN review that said it was amazing science fiction or whatever and the fact that the two guys make out with each other after being on the run from the government. Seems like a similar set up here anyway.
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