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Microsoft's first party studios and a history of Xbox launches

Given that we'll be seeing the next Xbox 7 days from now, I wanted to delve back into the launches of the Xbox and Xbox 360 and kind of dissect the first party output we saw from them and put together a little database of what we know Microsoft's first party studios are working on now, as well as what unknowns we can expect or conjecture at the next Xbox's launch.

So, to start off, what did Microsoft bring to the table back in 2001? The OG Xbox was a brand new platform, and they had to be behind it 100% to give it momentum. This thread is specifically about first party studios and second party studios, so ignoring the other third party developers/publishers at the launches, we saw quite a bit.


Halo: Combat Evolved

Developer: Bungie

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Genre: FPS

What are they up to now?
Well, this doesn't really need to be touched upon but obviously Bungie is a third party developer now and thus will create multiplatform releases from here on out. So what we really need to be asking is what is 343 Industries up to? Well, they're knee deep in Halo 5 as we speak, but I wouldn't expect anything from them really at launch. There were rumors going around OXM and Game Informer that Halo 2 Anniversary is currently being worked on, but given that this year would make a 9 year anniversary, it would seem odd to release an HD remake this holiday.

Chance we'll see them at launch: Slim

Recent releases: Halo Reach, Halo 3: ODST, Halo 3


Azurik: Rise of Perathia
Developer: Adrenium Games

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Genre: Action Adventure

What are they up to now?
Well, Adrenium games was absorbed by Amaze Entertainment, which itself was acquired by Foundation 9 in November 2006. Whatever team that worked on Azurik is probably long gone and disbanded by now. #sadface


Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Developer: Oddworld Inhabitants

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios


What are they up to now?
As of today, they're mostly acting as a guiding force for developer Just Add Water, which has been busy remastering older Oddworld games. Their last actual game was Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath in 2005, and afterwards they began to work on another game in the Oddworld franchise called The Brutal Ballad of Fangus Klot. This has pretty much been put on hold, but in the summer of 2010, they did confirm that they were working on multiple Oddworld projects coming out across "multiple platforms". They're no longer an Xbox exclusive developer though. The next Xbox could theoretically be a possibility.

Chance we'll see them at launch: 50/50

Recent releases: Munch's Oddysee, Stranger's Wrath, Abe's Oddysee New N' Tasty!


Project Gotham Racing
Developer: Bizarre Creations

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Genre: Racing

What are they up to now?
Sadly they were closed down in 2011, and its members found work in other studios, with some forming their own independent studios. One of these is called Lucid Games. The studio is comprised of around 40 developers, including senior staff from Bizarre Creations who worked on PGR titles throughout the years. In January of this year, they teased that "Something is opening in 2013" with an image of a blue road sign that read "Road opens 2013". This could be referencing Blur 2, a sequel to the last game they developed, or could refer to a potential Project Gotham Racing 5, given a conspicuous tease of a "mid-May announcement" from the studio, which means we could possibly see them at the next Xbox's reveal event.

Chance we'll see them (Lucid Games) at launch: 50/50

Recent releases: Project Gotham Racing 4, Project Gotham Racing 3


NFL Fever 2002
Developer: Microsoft Game Studios

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Genre: Sports

What are they up to now?
This was actually one of the best sports titles of last gen, and sadly given that the only info I can find on the developer/publisher is that it was Microsoft Game Studios, there's no way to track down specifically what this department is doing at the moment.

Chance we'll see them at launch: ???


Fuzion Frenzy
Developer: Blitz Games

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Genre: Party

What are they up to now?
Given their most recent titles were games like Kumo Lumo and Puss in Boots, I wouldn't hold my breath for expecting anything from them at the next Xbox launch.

Chance we'll see them at launch: Slim


Alright dudes, let's move on to the 360!


At launch we saw:

Kameo: Elements of Power
Developer: Rare

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Genre: Action adventure

What are they up to now?
Let's break this down a little. In 2007, after Rare founders Chris and Tim Stamper left the studio to "pursue other opportunities", the developer underwent a restructuring. When they released Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts to favorable reviews but less than stellar sales, Microsoft to turn the whole shabang over on its head. In 2010, Mark Betteridge, who is now the Studio Manager said that "Kinect will be the main focus for Rare going forwards as it's a very rich canvas. This is just the beginning of an experience that will touch millions of people." Yayyyy. However, one interesting note that has some potential is that in October 2011, UK magazine Xbox World 360 had some info that Rare was prototyping a "mature launch title" for the next Xbox. This could be anything, Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day sequel, etc. We'll see what happens.

Chance we'll see them at launch: Pretty good

Recent releases: Kinect Sports Seasons 1 & 2, Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, Viva Pinata


Perfect Dark Zero
Developer: Rare

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Genre: FPS

What are they up to now?
See above

Chance we'll see them at launch: Pretty good

Recent releases: See above


Project Gotham Racing 3
Developer: Bizarre Creations

Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

Genre: Racing

What are they up to now?
See above

Chance we'll see them (Lucid Games) at launch: 50/50

Recent releases: See above


There are again much more first-party studios that Microsoft currently has as well as "second parties". There would be way too many for me to list and many are pretty secretive where next to nothing is known about their projects. I'm going to go over some of the ones we do at least know something about:

Lionhead Studios
What are they up to now?
We don't know exactly what Lionhead is currently working on, but we can narrow down some facts. From recent job listings, we see they're very interested in F2P, monetization methods, massively multiplayer, all of which could likely see development in Unreal Engine 4 (coincidentally their recent Fable: The Journey was done in Unreal Engine). This could be just them testing the waters or actually developing a game with these aspects. That most likely wasn't what you wanted to hear but...there it is.

Chance we'll see them at launch: 50/50

Recent releases: Fable: The Journey, Fable 3, Fable 2


343 Industries
What are they up to now?
Halo 5, that is all.

Chance we'll see them at launch: Not a chance

Recent releases: Halo 4


Turn 10 Studios
What are they up to now?
Well, we know a few things:
A)Turn 10 only acted as sort of an...overseer on last year's Forza Horizon. They weren't knee deep in its development, so they were working on something else.
B)The mainline Forza Motorsport games have always been on 2 year dev cycles like clockwork, with last one out in 2011.
C)They were one of the first developers to get those tasty Durango devkits

Chance we'll see them at launch? Almost guaranteed

Recent releases: Forza Motorsport 4, Forza Motorsport 3


Epic Games
What are they up to now?
Speaking only about their Microsoft relationship, there isn't a whole lot that we know. Could they be developing Gears of War 4? Sure, it's highly possible. In fact it could theoretically be the reason Cliffy left Epic. Microsoft might have contracted another Gears agreement with Epic to develop Gears games for the next 10 years or less and that was Cliff's last straw. Of course that could all be bullshit but hey, you know never know. Still, whatever core game they make for the next Xbox, it'll most likely be on Unreal Engine 4.

Chance we'll see them at launch: Slim

Recent releases: Gears of War: Judgement, Gears of War 3, Infinity Blade, Shadow Complex


Twisted Pixel Games
What are they up to now?
I love these guys. A lot of quirky titles come out of them and I'm really looking forward to seeing their output next gen. They're still working on Lococycle at the moment, but expect to see them on the next Xbox not long from now. With Lococycle coming out this year, it might not be a huge stretch to see the game re-released for the next Xbox come launch.

Chance we'll see them at launch: 50/50

Recent releases: Ms. Splosion Man, The Gunstringer, Comic Jumper: The Adventures of Captain Smiley


Certain Affinity
What are they up to now?
So, first, who are these guys? The studio was formed back in 2006 by Max Hoberman (ex-Bungie) and a bunch of other industry vets including other Bungie employees. They've worked on quite a bit for Microsoft, including but not limited to Halo CE: Anniversary, L4D 360 port, and map packs for Halo Reach, COD: Black Ops, COD: World at War, and more. We don't know exactly what they're doing at the moment, but if someone were to ask me, I would honestly say a Halo 2 Anniversary remake is a good bet.

Chance we'll see them at launch: Slim

Recent releases: Halo CE: Anniversary


What are they up to now?
I'll be honest, I tried to see what they could possibly be working and I couldn't find a damn thing. The last major core releases they had were The Last Story on the Wii (2011) and Lost Odyssey for the 360 (2007). The studios was founded by Sakaguchi (creator of Final Fantasy) with the financial backing of Microsoft, so I believe we will see something from them in the future for the next Xbox, the timing is unknown though.

Chance we'll see them at launch: Slim

Recent releases: The Last Story, Lost Odyssey


Playground Games
What are they up to now?
First off, this studio is a haven for quite a bit of talent. They formed back in 2009 with ex-devs from the likes of Codemasters, Bizarre Creations, Criterion Games, Ubisoft Reflections, Slightly Mad Studios, and Black Rock Studio. All world class developers. So what are they doing now? Well they're still making DLC for Forza Horizon, but honestly I expect they're also working on another project that's under wraps at the moment (most likely racing). Shhhh.

Chance we'll see them at launch: Slim

Recent releases: Forza Horizon


Remedy Entertainment
What are they up to now?
Their last major release was the American Nightmare DLC for Alan Wake, and they're currently hard at work on an "unannounced AAA project". With news that we will see what they're working on this year, and hints and teases that the project could be Alan Wake 2, and Remedy executives noting that Alan Wake 2 is a good prospect, we're in for a show for sure. The original Alan Wake underwent significant development time (upwards of 5 years), with hitches along the way. I would expect the kinks to have been worked out and the process for Alan Wake 2 a little easier for the team, so a launch title *could* be a possibility.

Chance we'll see them at launch: 50/50

Recent Releases: Alan Wake


What are they up to now?
Well this is easy, Ryse! This was announced way back at E3 2011, and before that was leaked to the public as "Codename Kingdoms", and not much has been divulged of the game since then. We know that Microsoft has an exclusive agreement with Crytek over the game and is publishing it. We know that at first, it was revealed to be a Kinect game, but just last year, Phil Spencer was asked if it was still a Kinect game to which he replied: "Kinect will be part of the game, absolutely" leading to speculation that it was no longer a Kinect-only game, and was instead part of the "Better with Kinect" series of Xbox games.

Chance we'll see them at launch: 50/50

Black Tusk Studios
What are they up to now?
This is one of Microsoft's new major studios that is currently housed in Vancouver. From their job listings we know they're working on a big AAA FPS, and in quite a declaration to IGN some time back, they christened their goal to make the "next Halo". This studio was only recently formed.

Chance we'll see them at launch: Not a chance

Other Microsoft first party studios [Wikipedia]:

United States

  • Connected Experiences - Untitled Project – Design Large scale multiplayer title and help other first party studios
  • Good Science Studio – Kinect Adventures, Kinect Fun Labs
  • Kids and Lifestyle Entertainment – Next generation fitness project - Original IP
  • Microsoft Studios – Los Angeles – Next generation core cinematic title
  • Microsoft Studios – Mobile Gaming – ilomilo
  • Microsoft Studios – Redmond Publishing – Overseeing and co-developing multiple projects in conjunction with third party development studios
  • Platform Next Studios – Next generation core title
  • Playful Learning – Next generation family project
  • Skybox Sports – Next generation sports project
  • Xbox Live Productions – South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play!, South Park: Tenorman's Revenge, Avatar Kinect


  • Lift London – Multiple Cloud Based gaming projects
  • Soho Productions – Kinect Sesame Street TV
  • Press Play – Max: The Curse of Brotherhood[25]


  • BigPark – Joy Ride series, Kinect Sports: Season Two
  • Microsoft Studios Victoria – Untitled Project

So, what do you guys think we'll see at launch? Or what do you think some of these studios are working on? Whatever it is, next Xbox is almost here, fuckin hype and speculations everywhere.


Good idea for a thread shinobi. Although you went a bit berserk with the image galleries. ;) (3 images across would have been fine)

nice to have perspective on what came before, when a new gen comes along. and wow, 7 days, coming up fast.


is Mistwalker not strictly a developer for phone games these days ?

that + the fact that MS has pulled out of japan makes me certain that nothing of them will be shown at MS xbox unveiling.
I was told that Perfect Dark 2 was being made, then told to wait on that and that some water based game from Rare would be coming at launch instead.


I was convinced I'd be adamant that the original xbox would be best. But as I scrolled down I found myself confused.


I was told that Perfect Dark 2 was being made, then told to wait on that and that some water based game from Rare would be coming at launch instead.

Also rumors of an action adventure game( Chief Samurai?) as well as possibly co developing PGR5. I think all we can really say for sure is that Rare is working on more than one game.

You're missing a few first party devs:

PressPlay (Max: Curse of Brotherhood)
BigPark (Joy Ride series, Kinect Sports 2)
Soho Productions (kinect tv)
MS Victoria (unkown)
London Lift (cloud gaming + incubator for indie studios)
Good Science studios (Kinect Adventures, Kinect Fun Labs)

Nice thread, though. I'm excited to see what Lionhead, Rare, Twisted Pixel and 343 have in store for us on the Durango.

Also Platform Next( Kudo's studio)


Double butt launches. I still maintain that Microsoft has a major dude bro shooter that everyone will buy at launch, whether that be Halo 5 or Gears 5. Sh*t conference followed by the unveiling of one of those games and xbox fanboys will go nuts while I am SMH.


You're missing a few first party devs:

PressPlay (Max: Curse of Brotherhood)
BigPark (Joy Ride series, Kinect Sports 2)
Soho Productions (kinect tv)
MS Victoria (unkown)
London Lift (cloud gaming + incubator for indie studios)
Good Science studios (Kinect Adventures, Kinect Fun Labs)

Nice thread, though. I'm excited to see what Lionhead, Rare, Twisted Pixel and 343 have in store for us on the Durango.


Dude, your celebrate-xbox OPs are freakin awesome!

I miss Lost Odyssey...got to the end of Disc 3 but never got around to finishing it. Damn you life!
Such a great OP!
And so many great memories of playing games that have a special place in my gaming history!

So many great and often fresh first party games that really gave the Xboxes an identity over the last 11 years... yeah -European here, we did not get the Xbox till march 2002.


Gold Member
Double butt launches. I still maintain that Microsoft has a major dude bro shooter that everyone will buy at launch, whether that be Halo 5 or Gears 5. Sh*t conference followed by the unveiling of one of those games and xbox fanboys will go nuts while I am SMH.

No one will go mad for Gears, trust me. As for Halo... that would be a surprise.


Dude, your celebrate-xbox OPs are freakin awesome!

I miss Lost Odyssey...got to the end of Disc 3 but never got around to finishing it. Damn you life!

The pacing drags so badly at the end of the game. I only finished it for the Achievement points. I was not having what I would call an 'enjoyable experience'.
You're missing a few first party devs:

PressPlay (Max: Curse of Brotherhood)
BigPark (Joy Ride series, Kinect Sports 2)
Soho Productions (kinect tv)
MS Victoria (unkown)
London Lift (cloud gaming + incubator for indie studios)
Good Science studios (Kinect Adventures, Kinect Fun Labs)

Nice thread, though. I'm excited to see what Lionhead, Rare, Twisted Pixel and 343 have in store for us on the Durango.

I know about all those, I just didn't add them because I didn't know what exactly they're doing at the moment. I'll throw them in.
Rare had 2 games ready to go for the 360 launch.

Since they have been M.I.A. for the past 3 years, I expect 2 Rare launch games this time as well...
although, technically 1 and a half games.

One is rumored to be an adventure game led by the creator of the Banjo series,
the other is somehwhat likely to be PGR5, a co-production between Lucid and Rare.
Rare is basically Codemasters now, so i expect them to work on a racing game. I`m also pretty sure that we will see Alan Wake 2, Respawns games and a Halo 4 Durango version.


I'd buy the dog shit out of this. Find Yukio Futatsugi and give him whatever he wants please MS!
It'll never happen :(

They already have him working on Crimson Dragon. They need to have him do this when he's finished!
yeah, i know it won't happen.

He also expressed interest in making CD 2 basically the spiritual successor to Azel.


Hopefully this happens on the next xbox.
I'm curious has Microsoft Game Studios always been MGS? Or was that a group born with the XBOX and previously they simply published PC titles under Microsoft?


Exclusives? But...but...but Microsoftboxes haz no sclusives.

I expect a massive launch/first six months game list from Microsoft.
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