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PA Report - The Xbox One will kill used games, that's good


Junior Member
Look, I think these publishers need to realize the truth that's become apparent over the course of this console generation: There simply aren't enough people willing to pay $60 to cover most $50 million budget games.


But Gamestop would never accept that original trade if person 2 wasn't going to buy the used game. Why shouldn't Gamestop benefit? They are the middleman. You just want them to give people free money and throw the discs away?

No, here's the problem. Tomb Raider sold 3.4m units in the space of a month and it's a "failure" because it will fail to recoup its budget.


And killing used games would have solved this how? Would it have made the execs at Squenix who thought throwing $100m budget at a franchise that's been irrelevant since the turn of the century suddenly get a clue?

Oh, but no, they argue "GAMERS PUSH FOR HIGHER AND HIGHER BUDGETS AND WE HAVE TO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT! THEIR ENTITLEMENT COMPLEX CAN'T BE SATIATED! WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LET BUDGETS SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL!" and that's lovely, but since when did they ever give a fuck about what we actually thought?

Are Microsoft going to turn around and backtrack on this DRM fiasco because "WE HAVE TO GIVE GAMERS WHAT THEY WANT!"? Are they fuck.

Are EA going to throw all their games up on Steam and patch Sim City to not need the stupid Origin authentication because "THAT'S WHAT THOSE ENTITLED GAMERS ARE SCREAMING FOR!"? Fuck no.

If you couldn't afford to give people what they wanted, then why didn't you just turn around and say no like you do with every other thing we complain about? Here's why; Every publisher big and small decided to get into a dick waving contest and it turns out that not everyone has a big dick. Squenix got its tiny little acorn cock out and went up against Mandingo Activision screaming "LOOK AT MY MASSIVE JUNK! YOU'LL WANT TO CARE FOR IT!" and everyone just turned around and shrugged and bought something else.

Not everyone has a big dick. Acting like you have a big dick when you don't have a big dick is going to make the reveal of your tiny little penis all the more humiliating. And that's what happened here. Squenix acted like Tomb Raider, a franchise that habitually sells less than 3m lifetime per entry was going to suddenly sell COD numbers just because they spent $100m on it and guess what happened? THE FUCKING INEVITABLE.

In terms of the franchise post-Core, the game is going to do really well, probably double what you'd expect from a Tomb Raider game post-PSone but it cost far, far too much.

But no, it's all used games that did this. Used games made Capcom make some horrible design decisions on DmC and piss off the entire fanbase. Used games made Activision and EA flood the market with guitar games and accessories long after people stopped caring. Used games made Microsoft make a fourth Gears of War game that nobody asked for from a developer nobody cares about. Used games made Sony pump out another God of War game after they spent the past few years flooding the market with HD remasters. Used games made Sony make a Smash Bros clone with no appealing characters to help sell it. Used games made Bizarre Creations make James Bond and racing games no-one wanted. Used games make publishers shutter studios the moment the game they were working on goes gold, before they've even had a chance to sell a single new copy, let alone a used one.

I could go on. And on. And on. You could write a book about every single executive level screw-up this gen and yet these same people with their million dollar salaries and their shill puppets still try to insult our intelligence and blame used games and awful, entitled consumers for companies shutting and talented people losing their jobs.

So please forgive our cynicism when we don't want to buy into the bullshit you're spouting.



I totally agree with everything said about how this used game policy is horrible but next question is will this system completely sink because of this policy. Does anyone know if any early opinions from potential customers have come in like some solid numbers of projected sales at this point in time you know like an actual projected impact. If not I would be interested if a solid poll came out, although I doubt those numbers would see the light of day. It would be terribly unfortunate if the consumers did not speak with there wallet on this one because it would set a dangerous precedent.

We'll probably have to wait for NPD numbers sadly, and even then post holiday NPD as the xbox stalwarts will inflate initial numbers like what happened with the Wii U.

I love gaf but we're a bit of an echo chamber here, I have a feeling the general public might be more than happy to get ass fucked by microsoft as long as they can play their calla dooties.


You can count on hardcastlemccormick and burai getting some love on Weekend Confirmed.

Exactly the sort of thing I've ranted about on the misdirection of publishers attempting to vilify used games in order to dodge the simple answer of bad business decisions and a desire to cling to completely outdated business models.


You can count on hardcastlemccormick and burai getting some love on Weekend Confirmed.

Exactly the sort of thing I've ranted about on the misdirection of publishers attempting to vilify used games in order to dodge the simple answer of bad business decisions and a desire to cling to completely outdated business models.

The hero gaming deserves!


We'll probably have to wait for NPD numbers sadly, and even then post holiday NPD as the xbox stalwarts will inflate initial numbers like what happened with the Wii U.

I love gaf but we're a bit of an echo chamber here, I have a feeling the general public might be more than happy to get ass fucked by microsoft as long as they can play their calla dooties.

Your most likely right and maybe just a side topic all Sony needs to do now that this has come out is say that there system supports Used games and release there console on or around the same time(within the same month) and in theory they win simple as that. Its almost a slam dunk for Sony.


Super Member
Replace Daikatana with Microsoft/Penny-Arcade/defenders.

Maybe they wouldn't be so scared of piracy and used games if they didn't blow $400 million on the NFL.

I just hope they are planning to sell AAA games for $15 now instead of $60. And most games cheaper than that.

No used games, no sharing games without giving over your account, games require daily phoning home forever or they die. Fine. As long as the price reflects that.

(actually still not fine, but this would help)
All this outrage for... Nothing.

When time comes everyONE will bend over and gladly take in the @ss like always. One of the most easily explotable consumers a company could have. Videogamers.


In an industry where execs decide to simplify Dead Space into a co-op CoD-clone and apparently nobody gets fired after their ingenius decision fails to deliver (like in other industries), you would have almost expected MS to start a no-used-games policy.

So far so good. They can maybe even get away with that. But I think this is the only industry where some corporate muppets will try to convince us it's actually good for us when the last 7 years have shown us that publishers have yet to show some compromise in order to value their customers.

Apart from Valve. And this is why they're so successful.


Why do you think MS chose this industry in the first place? ;)



All this outrage for... Nothing.

When time comes everyONE will bend over and gladly take in the @ss like always. One of the most easily explotable consumers a company could have. Videogamers.

If you think there will be no affect at all you are crazy. The uneducated will quickly find the "quirks" of their new console purchase.
You can count on hardcastlemccormick and burai getting some love on Weekend Confirmed.

Exactly the sort of thing I've ranted about on the misdirection of publishers attempting to vilify used games in order to dodge the simple answer of bad business decisions and a desire to cling to completely outdated business models.

Garnett, I agree with you on this issue. I'm also very serious at following nemo iudex in causa sua. As an employee of GameFly, you have a financial interest in maintaining the used game market, so your discussion needs to acknowledge this interest and explain how it does not interfere with your critical opinion on the matter.

burai and hardcastlemccormick:



If you think there will be no affect at all you are crazy. The uneducated will quickly find the "quirks" of their new console purchase.

Over-under on the percentage of post Christmas returns of consoles from pissed off parents who found out that little jimmy couldn't sell his game or play his older games and the console needed to be turned on all day?
Why do you think MS chose this industry in the first place? ;)
All signs where there since 02. I mean pay to play, really guys? "Hey guys don't fall into this sh!t" -"Lolerz dude, stfu, best online eva!"
How's that Wii U doing?
Like i predicted since the first leaks back in march 2011. That is like sh!t, as product with no strategy and no aluring concept behind it would.
If you think there will be no affect at all you are crazy. The uneducated will quickly find the "quirks" of their new console purchase.
Who cares about effects? Crack addicts need their fix, is all that matters.


The current economics of game development and sales are unsustainable. Games cost more to make, piracy is an issue, used-games are pushed over new, and players say the $60 cost is too high. Microsoft's initiatives with the Xbox One may solve many of these issues, even if we grumble about it. These changes ultimately make the industry healthier.



I've held the position for a long time, well predating my current employer, and I cannot in any way discuss GameFly or the rental aspect of the industry. It's off limits.


Can this guy get anymore gullible? Where have these weirdos been this entire generation, hiding under a rock? Why the fuck would anyone trust that these soulless asshole companies, which have actively worked to fuck consumers at every turn this gen, would pass the savings onto gamers? I mean seriously, get fucking real.


But Gamestop would never accept that original trade if person 2 wasn't going to buy the used game. Why shouldn't Gamestop benefit? They are the middleman. You just want them to give people free money and throw the discs away?

No, here's the problem. Tomb Raider sold 3.4m units in the space of a month and it's a "failure" because it will fail to recoup its budget.


And killing used games would have solved this how? Would it have made the execs at Squenix who thought throwing $100m budget at a franchise that's been irrelevant since the turn of the century suddenly get a clue?

Oh, but no, they argue "GAMERS PUSH FOR HIGHER AND HIGHER BUDGETS AND WE HAVE TO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT! THEIR ENTITLEMENT COMPLEX CAN'T BE SATIATED! WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LET BUDGETS SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL!" and that's lovely, but since when did they ever give a fuck about what we actually thought?

Are Microsoft going to turn around and backtrack on this DRM fiasco because "WE HAVE TO GIVE GAMERS WHAT THEY WANT!"? Are they fuck.

Are EA going to throw all their games up on Steam and patch Sim City to not need the stupid Origin authentication because "THAT'S WHAT THOSE ENTITLED GAMERS ARE SCREAMING FOR!"? Fuck no.

If you couldn't afford to give people what they wanted, then why didn't you just turn around and say no like you do with every other thing we complain about? Here's why; Every publisher big and small decided to get into a dick waving contest and it turns out that not everyone has a big dick. Squenix got its tiny little acorn cock out and went up against Mandingo Activision screaming "LOOK AT MY MASSIVE JUNK! YOU'LL WANT TO CARE FOR IT!" and everyone just turned around and shrugged and bought something else.

Not everyone has a big dick. Acting like you have a big dick when you don't have a big dick is going to make the reveal of your tiny little penis all the more humiliating. And that's what happened here. Squenix acted like Tomb Raider, a franchise that habitually sells less than 3m lifetime per entry was going to suddenly sell COD numbers just because they spent $100m on it and guess what happened? THE FUCKING INEVITABLE.

In terms of the franchise post-Core, the game is going to do really well, probably double what you'd expect from a Tomb Raider game post-PSone but it cost far, far too much.

But no, it's all used games that did this. Used games made Capcom make some horrible design decisions on DmC and piss off the entire fanbase. Used games made Activision and EA flood the market with guitar games and accessories long after people stopped caring. Used games made Microsoft make a fourth Gears of War game that nobody asked for from a developer nobody cares about. Used games made Sony pump out another God of War game after they spent the past few years flooding the market with HD remasters. Used games made Sony make a Smash Bros clone with no appealing characters to help sell it. Used games made Bizarre Creations make James Bond and racing games no-one wanted. Used games make publishers shutter studios the moment the game they were working on goes gold, before they've even had a chance to sell a single new copy, let alone a used one.

I could go on. And on. And on. You could write a book about every single executive level screw-up this gen and yet these same people with their million dollar salaries and their shill puppets still try to insult our intelligence and blame used games and awful, entitled consumers for companies shutting and talented people losing their jobs.

So please forgive our cynicism when we don't want to buy into the bullshit you're spouting.

This is another straight up industry whoring article.

They say all this crap "is good for the industry".

What about gamers? What? We don't matter apparently?


But Gamestop would never accept that original trade if person 2 wasn't going to buy the used game. Why shouldn't Gamestop benefit? They are the middleman. You just want them to give people free money and throw the discs away?

No, here's the problem. Tomb Raider sold 3.4m units in the space of a month and it's a "failure" because it will fail to recoup its budget.


And killing used games would have solved this how? Would it have made the execs at Squenix who thought throwing $100m budget at a franchise that's been irrelevant since the turn of the century suddenly get a clue?

Oh, but no, they argue "GAMERS PUSH FOR HIGHER AND HIGHER BUDGETS AND WE HAVE TO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT! THEIR ENTITLEMENT COMPLEX CAN'T BE SATIATED! WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LET BUDGETS SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL!" and that's lovely, but since when did they ever give a fuck about what we actually thought?

Are Microsoft going to turn around and backtrack on this DRM fiasco because "WE HAVE TO GIVE GAMERS WHAT THEY WANT!"? Are they fuck.

Are EA going to throw all their games up on Steam and patch Sim City to not need the stupid Origin authentication because "THAT'S WHAT THOSE ENTITLED GAMERS ARE SCREAMING FOR!"? Fuck no.

If you couldn't afford to give people what they wanted, then why didn't you just turn around and say no like you do with every other thing we complain about? Here's why; Every publisher big and small decided to get into a dick waving contest and it turns out that not everyone has a big dick. Squenix got its tiny little acorn cock out and went up against Mandingo Activision screaming "LOOK AT MY MASSIVE JUNK! YOU'LL WANT TO CARE FOR IT!" and everyone just turned around and shrugged and bought something else.

Not everyone has a big dick. Acting like you have a big dick when you don't have a big dick is going to make the reveal of your tiny little penis all the more humiliating. And that's what happened here. Squenix acted like Tomb Raider, a franchise that habitually sells less than 3m lifetime per entry was going to suddenly sell COD numbers just because they spent $100m on it and guess what happened? THE FUCKING INEVITABLE.

In terms of the franchise post-Core, the game is going to do really well, probably double what you'd expect from a Tomb Raider game post-PSone but it cost far, far too much.

But no, it's all used games that did this. Used games made Capcom make some horrible design decisions on DmC and piss off the entire fanbase. Used games made Activision and EA flood the market with guitar games and accessories long after people stopped caring. Used games made Microsoft make a fourth Gears of War game that nobody asked for from a developer nobody cares about. Used games made Sony pump out another God of War game after they spent the past few years flooding the market with HD remasters. Used games made Sony make a Smash Bros clone with no appealing characters to help sell it. Used games made Bizarre Creations make James Bond and racing games no-one wanted. Used games make publishers shutter studios the moment the game they were working on goes gold, before they've even had a chance to sell a single new copy, let alone a used one.

I could go on. And on. And on. You could write a book about every single executive level screw-up this gen and yet these same people with their million dollar salaries and their shill puppets still try to insult our intelligence and blame used games and awful, entitled consumers for companies shutting and talented people losing their jobs.

So please forgive our cynicism when we don't want to buy into the bullshit you're spouting.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you aether.
But Gamestop would never accept that original trade if person 2 wasn't going to buy the used game. Why shouldn't Gamestop benefit? They are the middleman. You just want them to give people free money and throw the discs away?

No, here's the problem. Tomb Raider sold 3.4m units in the space of a month and it's a "failure" because it will fail to recoup its budget.


And killing used games would have solved this how? Would it have made the execs at Squenix who thought throwing $100m budget at a franchise that's been irrelevant since the turn of the century suddenly get a clue?

Oh, but no, they argue "GAMERS PUSH FOR HIGHER AND HIGHER BUDGETS AND WE HAVE TO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT! THEIR ENTITLEMENT COMPLEX CAN'T BE SATIATED! WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LET BUDGETS SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL!" and that's lovely, but since when did they ever give a fuck about what we actually thought?

Are Microsoft going to turn around and backtrack on this DRM fiasco because "WE HAVE TO GIVE GAMERS WHAT THEY WANT!"? Are they fuck.

Are EA going to throw all their games up on Steam and patch Sim City to not need the stupid Origin authentication because "THAT'S WHAT THOSE ENTITLED GAMERS ARE SCREAMING FOR!"? Fuck no.

If you couldn't afford to give people what they wanted, then why didn't you just turn around and say no like you do with every other thing we complain about? Here's why; Every publisher big and small decided to get into a dick waving contest and it turns out that not everyone has a big dick. Squenix got its tiny little acorn cock out and went up against Mandingo Activision screaming "LOOK AT MY MASSIVE JUNK! YOU'LL WANT TO CARE FOR IT!" and everyone just turned around and shrugged and bought something else.

Not everyone has a big dick. Acting like you have a big dick when you don't have a big dick is going to make the reveal of your tiny little penis all the more humiliating. And that's what happened here. Squenix acted like Tomb Raider, a franchise that habitually sells less than 3m lifetime per entry was going to suddenly sell COD numbers just because they spent $100m on it and guess what happened? THE FUCKING INEVITABLE.

In terms of the franchise post-Core, the game is going to do really well, probably double what you'd expect from a Tomb Raider game post-PSone but it cost far, far too much.

But no, it's all used games that did this. Used games made Capcom make some horrible design decisions on DmC and piss off the entire fanbase. Used games made Activision and EA flood the market with guitar games and accessories long after people stopped caring. Used games made Microsoft make a fourth Gears of War game that nobody asked for from a developer nobody cares about. Used games made Sony pump out another God of War game after they spent the past few years flooding the market with HD remasters. Used games made Sony make a Smash Bros clone with no appealing characters to help sell it. Used games made Bizarre Creations make James Bond and racing games no-one wanted. Used games make publishers shutter studios the moment the game they were working on goes gold, before they've even had a chance to sell a single new copy, let alone a used one.

I could go on. And on. And on. You could write a book about every single executive level screw-up this gen and yet these same people with their million dollar salaries and their shill puppets still try to insult our intelligence and blame used games and awful, entitled consumers for companies shutting and talented people losing their jobs.

So please forgive our cynicism when we don't want to buy into the bullshit you're spouting.

Fuck me.

No, really, I want you to fuck me.


But Gamestop would never accept that original trade if person 2 wasn't going to buy the used game. Why shouldn't Gamestop benefit? They are the middleman. You just want them to give people free money and throw the discs away?

No, here's the problem. Tomb Raider sold 3.4m units in the space of a month and it's a "failure" because it will fail to recoup its budget.


And killing used games would have solved this how? Would it have made the execs at Squenix who thought throwing $100m budget at a franchise that's been irrelevant since the turn of the century suddenly get a clue?

Oh, but no, they argue "GAMERS PUSH FOR HIGHER AND HIGHER BUDGETS AND WE HAVE TO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT! THEIR ENTITLEMENT COMPLEX CAN'T BE SATIATED! WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LET BUDGETS SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL!" and that's lovely, but since when did they ever give a fuck about what we actually thought?

Are Microsoft going to turn around and backtrack on this DRM fiasco because "WE HAVE TO GIVE GAMERS WHAT THEY WANT!"? Are they fuck.

Are EA going to throw all their games up on Steam and patch Sim City to not need the stupid Origin authentication because "THAT'S WHAT THOSE ENTITLED GAMERS ARE SCREAMING FOR!"? Fuck no.

If you couldn't afford to give people what they wanted, then why didn't you just turn around and say no like you do with every other thing we complain about? Here's why; Every publisher big and small decided to get into a dick waving contest and it turns out that not everyone has a big dick. Squenix got its tiny little acorn cock out and went up against Mandingo Activision screaming "LOOK AT MY MASSIVE JUNK! YOU'LL WANT TO CARE FOR IT!" and everyone just turned around and shrugged and bought something else.

Not everyone has a big dick. Acting like you have a big dick when you don't have a big dick is going to make the reveal of your tiny little penis all the more humiliating. And that's what happened here. Squenix acted like Tomb Raider, a franchise that habitually sells less than 3m lifetime per entry was going to suddenly sell COD numbers just because they spent $100m on it and guess what happened? THE FUCKING INEVITABLE.

In terms of the franchise post-Core, the game is going to do really well, probably double what you'd expect from a Tomb Raider game post-PSone but it cost far, far too much.

But no, it's all used games that did this. Used games made Capcom make some horrible design decisions on DmC and piss off the entire fanbase. Used games made Activision and EA flood the market with guitar games and accessories long after people stopped caring. Used games made Microsoft make a fourth Gears of War game that nobody asked for from a developer nobody cares about. Used games made Sony pump out another God of War game after they spent the past few years flooding the market with HD remasters. Used games made Sony make a Smash Bros clone with no appealing characters to help sell it. Used games made Bizarre Creations make James Bond and racing games no-one wanted. Used games make publishers shutter studios the moment the game they were working on goes gold, before they've even had a chance to sell a single new copy, let alone a used one.

I could go on. And on. And on. You could write a book about every single executive level screw-up this gen and yet these same people with their million dollar salaries and their shill puppets still try to insult our intelligence and blame used games and awful, entitled consumers for companies shutting and talented people losing their jobs.

So please forgive our cynicism when we don't want to buy into the bullshit you're spouting.

I'm saving this for future threads.

And this makes it the second time I've quoted this post, it's that good.
The only interesting argument here is regarding the excuse of "scalating budgets" when is a more of a miss management issue. And not related to the scalating tech only.
Who cares about effects? Crack addicts need their fix, is all that matters.

Sad but true. Most gamers (especially those outside the loop) fucked themselves over this gen by embracing all the cockamamie bullshit the publishers and companies fed them, over and over again.

They paid for XBOX Live. They paid for Day 1 DLC, Season Passes and Pre-order bonuses by the millions, which further emboldened the responsible parties to expand those aforementioned programs in all their future games.

They'll be back for more and Microsoft knows this. Our outrage is almost meaningless in the larger scheme of things. People like Burai speak the truth, but the impact of his words is almost meaningless to the targets we're trying to address. Like a fart in the wind.
You can count on hardcastlemccormick and burai getting some love on Weekend Confirmed.

Exactly the sort of thing I've ranted about on the misdirection of publishers attempting to vilify used games in order to dodge the simple answer of bad business decisions and a desire to cling to completely outdated business models.

Nice, I look forward to it.

All signs where there since 02. I mean pay to play, really guys? "Hey guys don't fall into this sh!t" -"Lolerz dude, stfu, best online eva!"

Like i predicted since the first leaks back in march 2011. That is like sh!t, as product with no strategy and no aluring concept behind it would.

Who cares about effects? Crack addicts need their fix, is all that matters.

See, you're calling the WiiU shit but that's the thing, we're calling the X1 shit. The abysmal performance of the WiiU and the Vita proves that the market doesn't just gobble up systems blindly anymore. There isn't an automatic audience.

To what degree that will affect the X1 is beyond my fortune telling, mostly because it depends on if they backtrack and if Sony approaches this situation like the bulls-eye it could be. But it's not set it stone.

Sad but true. Most gamers (especially those outside the loop) fucked themselves over this gen by embracing all the cockamamie bullshit the publishers and companies fed them, over and over again.

They paid for XBOX Live. They paid for Day 1 DLC, Season Passes and Pre-order bonuses by the millions, which further emboldened the responsible parties to expand those aforementioned programs in all their future games.

They'll be back for more and Microsoft knows this. Our outrage is almost meaningless in the larger scheme of things.

Those things are all on a much smaller scale than purchasing an entire console, which is a large matter. Especially if there's a competitor who's offering a better deal.


Like i predicted since the first leaks back in march 2011. That is like sh!t, as product with no strategy and no aluring concept behind it would.

Do you think this is a feather in your cap? Most people saw the train wreck coming. My point was, people dont just buy anything you throw at them. And the idea that this wont hurt them is just silly. Sure they may still be successful, but if you are arguing that they will be just as successful with this policy, I think you are kidding yourself.


That's exactly my point. It is ludicrous to think that placing restrictions on used games will have any kind of major impact on a game console. See my earlier comments regarding Steam, and the numerous articles out there about how Steam essentially saved the concept of the PC as a place that publishers can make money on games.

LOL. You don't understand how big the used gaming market is to a lot of people...


My Brain startet hurting, when i tried to link piracy to lending games or buy them used. Thank God some smarter guys than me with much better english skills could write down what my crippled mind was thinking of.
I've held the position for a long time, well predating my current employer, and I cannot in any way discuss GameFly or the rental aspect of the industry. It's off limits.

Then that means you must recuse yourself from critical discussion of this matter. You're compromised as a critic.
But Gamestop would never accept that original trade if person 2 wasn't going to buy the used game. Why shouldn't Gamestop benefit? They are the middleman. You just want them to give people free money and throw the discs away?

No, here's the problem. Tomb Raider sold 3.4m units in the space of a month and it's a "failure" because it will fail to recoup its budget.


And killing used games would have solved this how? Would it have made the execs at Squenix who thought throwing $100m budget at a franchise that's been irrelevant since the turn of the century suddenly get a clue?

Oh, but no, they argue "GAMERS PUSH FOR HIGHER AND HIGHER BUDGETS AND WE HAVE TO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT! THEIR ENTITLEMENT COMPLEX CAN'T BE SATIATED! WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LET BUDGETS SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL!" and that's lovely, but since when did they ever give a fuck about what we actually thought?

Are Microsoft going to turn around and backtrack on this DRM fiasco because "WE HAVE TO GIVE GAMERS WHAT THEY WANT!"? Are they fuck.

Are EA going to throw all their games up on Steam and patch Sim City to not need the stupid Origin authentication because "THAT'S WHAT THOSE ENTITLED GAMERS ARE SCREAMING FOR!"? Fuck no.

If you couldn't afford to give people what they wanted, then why didn't you just turn around and say no like you do with every other thing we complain about? Here's why; Every publisher big and small decided to get into a dick waving contest and it turns out that not everyone has a big dick. Squenix got its tiny little acorn cock out and went up against Mandingo Activision screaming "LOOK AT MY MASSIVE JUNK! YOU'LL WANT TO CARE FOR IT!" and everyone just turned around and shrugged and bought something else.

Not everyone has a big dick. Acting like you have a big dick when you don't have a big dick is going to make the reveal of your tiny little penis all the more humiliating. And that's what happened here. Squenix acted like Tomb Raider, a franchise that habitually sells less than 3m lifetime per entry was going to suddenly sell COD numbers just because they spent $100m on it and guess what happened? THE FUCKING INEVITABLE.

In terms of the franchise post-Core, the game is going to do really well, probably double what you'd expect from a Tomb Raider game post-PSone but it cost far, far too much.

But no, it's all used games that did this. Used games made Capcom make some horrible design decisions on DmC and piss off the entire fanbase. Used games made Activision and EA flood the market with guitar games and accessories long after people stopped caring. Used games made Microsoft make a fourth Gears of War game that nobody asked for from a developer nobody cares about. Used games made Sony pump out another God of War game after they spent the past few years flooding the market with HD remasters. Used games made Sony make a Smash Bros clone with no appealing characters to help sell it. Used games made Bizarre Creations make James Bond and racing games no-one wanted. Used games make publishers shutter studios the moment the game they were working on goes gold, before they've even had a chance to sell a single new copy, let alone a used one.

I could go on. And on. And on. You could write a book about every single executive level screw-up this gen and yet these same people with their million dollar salaries and their shill puppets still try to insult our intelligence and blame used games and awful, entitled consumers for companies shutting and talented people losing their jobs.

So please forgive our cynicism when we don't want to buy into the bullshit you're spouting.

Another good one :)

People should print this out and hang it on their wall.
Business sells game A for $60
Customer returns game A for $40
Customer buys game B for $60
Business resells game A for $50

What happened here for the publisher?

They sold 2 games and get $100~ and lost $50 due to the used game

The money goes back to buy new games, yes, but that used game sale only lines the pockets of the retailer and removes revenue that should be for the publisher

The publisher of game B would have never seen any money if not for game A. And the consumer looking for an affordable version of game A buys no game.

What people in this thread are talking about is the economy of the gaming industry at large.

Maybe you'll listen to EA's CFO:

"Would we like to sell everything at full price and not have a used game market? Sure. But I think the used game market's a little like any other kind of market where it creates liquidity. The fact is, that liquidity benefits us in some fashion. So if someone goes in and trades in a game, there's a good chance they're going to buy another one of our games. And so if there's a liquid market, I think that that's not a bad thing at all."

So, back to your analogy: there are scenarios where EA will be game B, and scenarios where they will, unfortunately for them, be game A. But as Gamestop's stats show, this factor is such a huge part of game sales overall, that to cut it out would inevitably hurt everybody's numbers.

What you're basically doing is removing the consumer's ability to create more value for themselves, thus reducing their ability to buy games (i.e. they buy less), yet expecting equally strong sales. That makes no sense.

So yeah, I suppose in this scenario the publisher gets 100% of their share of the money from the game's total sales. Less money overall, but at least the retailer didn't get any. Because of course that should be the aim. Not creating games the consumer sees depth and value in, but hurting Gamestop's pockets.


His argument makes me feel less bad about the situation. If this leads to all DD titles and sales steam style, then I can stomach it. But I doubt that will happen.

Still not buying an X1. But if Sony goes this route, I'm not as miffed now. Especially because Sony has shown they can do sales well (PS+)


I feel like I cannot trust a lot of the gaming media these days. This no used games and always online stuff is a bonafied plate of shit. And some of these jerks are circling me, trying to convince me to eat it.

Its ridiculous how they are trying to sell gamers on this shit like we are stupid.


That's exactly my point. It is ludicrous to think that placing restrictions on used games will have any kind of major impact on a game console. See my earlier comments regarding Steam, and the numerous articles out there about how Steam essentially saved the concept of the PC as a place that publishers can make money on games.

There are 2 very key differences though 1) Steam doesn't exist in a bubble on PC and 2) Steam and it's competitors are cheap.
Its ridiculous how they are trying to sell gamers on this shit like we are stupid.

Oh but we are. The moment that new COD/Halo/Gears/whatever game you desire is announced on dat brandspanking new console, you'll forget about the platitudes you've just mentioned and lap that shit up like the good dog you are.

Worked well the in the past for them.

15 Xbone exclusive games anyone?


But Gamestop would never accept that original trade if person 2 wasn't going to buy the used game. Why shouldn't Gamestop benefit? They are the middleman. You just want them to give people free money and throw the discs away?

No, here's the problem. Tomb Raider sold 3.4m units in the space of a month and it's a "failure" because it will fail to recoup its budget.


And killing used games would have solved this how? Would it have made the execs at Squenix who thought throwing $100m budget at a franchise that's been irrelevant since the turn of the century suddenly get a clue?

Oh, but no, they argue "GAMERS PUSH FOR HIGHER AND HIGHER BUDGETS AND WE HAVE TO GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT! THEIR ENTITLEMENT COMPLEX CAN'T BE SATIATED! WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LET BUDGETS SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL!" and that's lovely, but since when did they ever give a fuck about what we actually thought?

Are Microsoft going to turn around and backtrack on this DRM fiasco because "WE HAVE TO GIVE GAMERS WHAT THEY WANT!"? Are they fuck.

Are EA going to throw all their games up on Steam and patch Sim City to not need the stupid Origin authentication because "THAT'S WHAT THOSE ENTITLED GAMERS ARE SCREAMING FOR!"? Fuck no.

If you couldn't afford to give people what they wanted, then why didn't you just turn around and say no like you do with every other thing we complain about? Here's why; Every publisher big and small decided to get into a dick waving contest and it turns out that not everyone has a big dick. Squenix got its tiny little acorn cock out and went up against Mandingo Activision screaming "LOOK AT MY MASSIVE JUNK! YOU'LL WANT TO CARE FOR IT!" and everyone just turned around and shrugged and bought something else.

Not everyone has a big dick. Acting like you have a big dick when you don't have a big dick is going to make the reveal of your tiny little penis all the more humiliating. And that's what happened here. Squenix acted like Tomb Raider, a franchise that habitually sells less than 3m lifetime per entry was going to suddenly sell COD numbers just because they spent $100m on it and guess what happened? THE FUCKING INEVITABLE.

In terms of the franchise post-Core, the game is going to do really well, probably double what you'd expect from a Tomb Raider game post-PSone but it cost far, far too much.

But no, it's all used games that did this. Used games made Capcom make some horrible design decisions on DmC and piss off the entire fanbase. Used games made Activision and EA flood the market with guitar games and accessories long after people stopped caring. Used games made Microsoft make a fourth Gears of War game that nobody asked for from a developer nobody cares about. Used games made Sony pump out another God of War game after they spent the past few years flooding the market with HD remasters. Used games made Sony make a Smash Bros clone with no appealing characters to help sell it. Used games made Bizarre Creations make James Bond and racing games no-one wanted. Used games make publishers shutter studios the moment the game they were working on goes gold, before they've even had a chance to sell a single new copy, let alone a used one.

I could go on. And on. And on. You could write a book about every single executive level screw-up this gen and yet these same people with their million dollar salaries and their shill puppets still try to insult our intelligence and blame used games and awful, entitled consumers for companies shutting and talented people losing their jobs.

So please forgive our cynicism when we don't want to buy into the bullshit you're spouting.

This is why I'm proud to be a Gaffer.
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