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TVTVTVTVTV! Xbox One Goes to Hollywood


Sony talks with Devs and Indis. MS talks with Hollywood.

You're not safe with Sony they are just going to do it slowly after the PS4 come out





Oh, I see what you're saying now.

Yeah, it's a good point. It's going to be interesting to see how much content MS makes in-house with the new Xbox Entertainment Studios in LA, and how much is done in partnership with someone else.

So Microsoft is now going to be a Hollywood production company?

However, there are more Xbox Live subscribers than there are Netflix subscribers (46m+ Gold subscribers). They are also appealing to the hundreds of millions of people around the world who still subscribe to cable as well. Yes, their new Guide will launch first in the US, but it will of course expand over time. MS is aiming for an extremely broad market, so they're hoping to sell a lot of units. I also wouldn't be surprised to see the Xbox One offered subsidized from Comcast or other cable providers, pushing its adoption further. The potential market for the Xbox One is huge because it covers so many bases.

There is absolutely no way Xbox Live has even close to 46 Million paying gold members: Where did you get that number from? Netflix is also available in much less countries than XBL Gold, which is why the comparison wouldn't even be valid were the number accurate.

If there's one thing monopolistic companies like Comcast don't like, it's diminishing their own influence and importance in favour of another big player. I don't see them embracing the Xbone with open arms.

Internationally, they will have a hard time with their HDMI in concept: Integrated TV DVB tuners are pretty common in Europe, which means there's no ability for the Xbone to actually overlay its own interface.
It's confirmed. Jack Doneghy is in charge of Microsoft west coast TV, microwave and video games programming.

Edit: picture embed fail on stupid tablet.


Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Oh, I see what you're saying now.

Yeah, it's a good point. It's going to be interesting to see how much content MS makes in-house with the new Xbox Entertainment Studios in LA, and how much is done in partnership with someone else.

However, there are more Xbox Live subscribers than there are Netflix subscribers (46m+ Gold subscribers). They are also appealing to the hundreds of millions of people around the world who still subscribe to cable as well. Yes, their new Guide will launch first in the US, but it will of course expand over time. MS is aiming for an extremely broad market, so they're hoping to sell a lot of units. I also wouldn't be surprised to see the Xbox One offered subsidized from Comcast or other cable providers, pushing its adoption further. The potential market for the Xbox One is huge because it covers so many bases.

MS never said there were 46 million XBL Gold accounts. They just said there were 46 million XBL accounts in general. Not paying Gold accounts.


I wonder how much all of this will cost

Exactly... which is why I get a chuckle every time I come across someone mentioning the "15 exclusives for the Xbone!" It's BS and minuscule compared to what we can expect from Sony.

I agree. I think people latching hard to that number as something impressive is just...
Exactly... which is why I get a chuckle every time I come across someone mentioning the "15 exclusives for the Xbone!" It's BS and minuscule compared to what we can expect from Sony.

Microsoft have invested $1 billion into games alone for Xbox One and have opened several new gaming studios.

15 first party published exclusives in the Xbox One's first year will be tough for the PS4 to match, never mind when it comes to third party exclusives etc.


Microsoft have invested $1 billion into games alone for Xbox One and have opened several new gaming studios.

15 first party published exclusives in the Xbox One's first year will be tough for the PS4 to match, never mind when it comes to third party exclusives etc.

$1 billion, you don't really believe that, do you? I mean, come on. Their initial reveal was full of "5 billion transistors" and "300000 servers" and all these numbers. A billion for 15 first party games?

Not to mention, they can just easily count XBLA games with that. Sony might as well say they have dozens and dozens of exclusives then.


Microsoft have invested $1 billion into games alone for Xbox One and have opened several new gaming studios.

15 first party published exclusives in the Xbox One's first year will be tough for the PS4 to match, never mind when it comes to third party exclusives etc.

"1 billion" is a meaningless marketing number that tells us absolutely nothing - we don't even know whether it is accurate and what it includes.

"15 games" is equally irrelevant, we don't know either manufacturer's lineup so far (we know more about Sony's) and we especially don't know whether MS can even hold their promise and what is included in it.


"1 billion" is a meaningless marketing number that tells us absolutely nothing: We don't even know whether it is accurate and what it includes.

"15 games" is equally irrelevant, we don't know either manufacturer's lineup so far (we know more about Sony's) and we especially don't know whether MS can even hold their promise and what is included in it.



Interested in the talent they can get involved. Nathan Fillion, Alan Tuydk and Drew Goddard being involved in the Halo tv series would sell me on the show.



There's no need for proof: Even if that number is accurate, not knowing what they spend it on and how it was calculated means it is irrelevant. That number doesn't say anything, it's just a value meant to dazzle at an underwhelming press conference: A carrot in front to keep people from falling off.


Exactly... which is why I get a chuckle every time I come across someone mentioning the "15 exclusives for the Xbone!" It's BS and minuscule compared to what we can expect from Sony.

Well it's generally in response to "MS doesn't make games anymore!". So then someone says "Well they did say there'll be 15 exclusives", and apparently that's BS and nothing compared to Sony. I don't really see a way for MS to look good in that conversation. Pretty interesting though.
It really is the 1990s all over again. Let me just state an irrefutable fact: you cannot marry the "storytelling power of TV with the interactive nature of games." It's a fucking pipe dream. They are two different mediums. At best, you'll get a half-baked version of what Kojima does. At worst, you get Night Trap and Sewer Shark.

But I loved those games !
Exactly... which is why I get a chuckle every time I come across someone mentioning the "15 exclusives for the Xbone!" It's BS and minuscule compared to what we can expect from Sony.

This is because Sony invested in first party development and IPs at the end of the PS2 where is Microsoft made the big mistake of ignoring it this generation and now trying to play catch up. Microsoft can claim they've invested all this money into first party development now, but this doesn't happen overnight. Sony is in a prime position to take advantage of their long term investment and good for them.

There's no need for proof: Even if that number is accurate, not knowing what they spend it on and how it was calculated means it is irrelevant. That number doesn't say anything, it's just a value meant to dazzle at an underwhelming press conference: A carrot in front to keep people from falling off.

I think it's more than meaningless fluff though. A billion dollars isn't chump change and I have no reason to doubt they're investing a lot of money trying to bring up first party development. It's not something to really say is a worthless figure IMO.


Well it's generally in response to "MS doesn't make games anymore!". So then someone says "Well they did say there'll be 15 exclusives", and apparently that's BS and nothing compared to Sony. I don't really see a way for MS to look good in that conversation. Pretty interesting though.

It's BS because it's nothing concrete: With Sony, there were quite a few interesting titles already announced at their Playstation Meeting.

Sony actually showed us the goods, MS promises us that things will get better in the future.
"1 billion" is a meaningless marketing number that tells us absolutely nothing - we don't even know whether it is accurate and what it includes.

"15 games" is equally irrelevant, we don't know either manufacturer's lineup so far (we know more about Sony's) and we especially don't know whether MS can even hold their promise and what is included in it.

I don't give two shits what you choose to believe.

Microsoft have invested $1 billion into gaming on the Xbox One. Microsoft have 15 first party published games coming in the Xbox One's first year (we can even name most of them!) Microsoft have opened no less than 5 new studios, including Osaka for Japanese content.

Them's the facts, you can speculate based solely on your long established anti-Microsoft agenda that it's all PR if you'd like.


microsoft is going for IP TV through the XB1 and Xbox 360 Mini. They're going all in.

They know Internet and TV is merging and one day all channels will basically be "websites" with restricted access or open access. They're building that into XB1 to future proof it and it could be huge in the long term.


I don't understand what the Spielberg show has to do with xbox one, is it going to be limited to that platform/medium? Other than a powerful non-gaming name drop I can't see any relevance.


I don't give two shits what you choose to believe.

Microsoft have invested $1 billion into gaming on the Xbox One. Microsoft have 15 first party published games coming in the Xbox One's first year (we can even name most of them!) Microsoft have opened no less than 5 new studios, including Osaka for Japanese content.

Them's the facts, you can speculate based solely on your long established anti-Microsoft agenda that it's all PR if you'd like.

I love the fact that you're posting vagaries and claiming "them's the facts".

If the leaked list you seem to be referring to is actually accurate, Microsoft's first party lineup is supremely weak.
I love the fact that you're posting vagaries and claiming "them's the facts".

If the leaked list you seem to be referring to is actually accurate, their first party lineup is supremely weak.

I never claimed any leaked list is accurate.

Love how you were so quick to move the goalposts though.


The cable provider ppl will not give in to this.

I think they'll be fine with it because it doesn't replace the cable box at all. It's an add-on, meaning your cable/satellite provider still gets to charge you for their box and you have to use the Xbox One to get the additional content.

As for getting movies early, there will probably be some partnership where either On-Demand works better with the Xbone or they'll have some sort of digital storefront similar to Sony's current one on PSN.


I like that MS is catering to a wide audience.

That doesn't include gamers.

Remember the good ol' days when you could just go to a store, buy a game, bring it home, put it into your console, turn it on, and play it? And if you were good enough you might even get access to some more content. Those were the days.


I never claimed any leaked list is accurate.

Love how you were so quick to move the goalposts though.

I'm not moving any goalposts: "15 exclusive titles" and "1 billion" remain completely meaningless without knowing any specifics. Sony provided us with interesting titles to look forward to: That's worth something, just claiming that things will get better in the future is not enough for me with Microsoft's track record.
I don't give two shits what you choose to believe.

Microsoft have invested $1 billion into gaming on the Xbox One. Microsoft have 15 first party published games coming in the Xbox One's first year (we can even name most of them!) Microsoft have opened no less than 5 new studios, including Osaka for Japanese content.

Them's the facts, you can speculate based solely on your long established anti-Microsoft agenda that it's all PR if you'd like.

Yes they are facts but can you not understand why gamers do not care about those numbers. Its because they don't mean much till we see the games. As gamers we get most excited when we see the games. Thats why people will remain skeptical until the games are unveiled.


Remember how after the unveiling, Microsoft was saying they just wanted to get the boring stuff out of the way, and that they were really focusing on games?

....Yeah, so focused on games that they sent the head of the blasted company to get more people on board for more "television," crap! I haven't heard anything about Balmer making the rounds to developers or anything like that, and when asked about the X-Bone Microsoft in general seems ever so eager to talk about apps and television features, even after the unveil.

Microsoft, really, how do you expect any of us to take you for your word when you keep fixating on features gamers clearly don't care about.

Just, oiy.. e_e
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