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Killzone: Shadow Fall |OT| Nothing Stops This Rain


The waves in chapter 9 where you need to go outside from your little room and lock the doors are killing me. They never stop spawning and it seems everytime I go outside to cover my drone while it hacks the door, they kill you instantly with multiple shield/shotgun dudes.
Any tips appreciated...


There are some things there that I agree with, like the objective marker getting hard to see due to the screen being busy (Forest level mostly), but we're talking about 2-3 seconds to notice it. The game also seems to have a bug in later levels where the marker doesn't appear at all.

The alarms were also a pain to find, so they could've done a better job with that too. And last, but not least the saving system which pretty much sucks ass.

Everything else I really didn't have an issue with. Never did I have an issue with the "walkable pathing", nor with the combat (thought the combat was as diverse as I've experience it in all KZ games, thanks to the OWL), or with the AI paths. I just moved around, ran, jumped, slid and used the OWL to my advantage. Manual radar also worked well for me, although I admit that the game was practically built around it. Specially the forest level.

Don't get me wrong. Combat sections weren't impossible or anything. But when you combine everything I just said, I just wasn't having any fun. Unlike killzone 2, where I found it enjoyable to flank and abuse the AI right from the start.

These encounters seemed designed for the owl. Owl provides unlimited stunning, diversion turrets, and shielding. AI feel cheaper as a result, spotting you quickly, pin point aiming in low visibility, lack of obvious effective cover. Once I stopped stealthing and started running and gunning with constant owl usage, I got through ok. But I didnt feel like it was rewarding strategic approach, but instead just bombarding with offense

All I played so far was forest. Stupid save system made me stop there since that was an obvious save point at chapter completion


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
The waves in chapter 9 where you need to go outside from your little room and lock the doors are killing me. They never stop spawning and it seems everytime I go outside to cover my drone while it hacks the door, they kill you instantly with multiple shield/shotgun dudes.
Any tips appreciated...

just stay up on the top deck. You can hit all the sections where the enemies appear at. Also use the OWLs shock feature to slow down guys on one side if getting hit from multiple directions.


Ugh, I only just finished chapter 2? 3?
the one on the ship
and I'm thinking about quitting this game

I never thought the Killzone series was particularly inspired, but it always knew what it was and played to those strengths (really nice graphics and solid if linear gameplay), but the level design in shadowfall is just horrific. I don't mind games where you explore, but when there is literally only one correct route with everywhere else being a dead end, there really is no excuse, the visual cues to keep you moving forward are nonexistant. No help from the HUD either, even Perfect Dark Zero covered for its awful levels by painting your route on the floor.

I'll probably try and slog through the rest of it but I'm pretty much coloured disappointed. I much preferred Mercenary on the Vita, even though that was about 50% backtracking, at least the levels felt like they'd been designed to a view of being played.


Neo Member
Okay so i just finished killzone shadow fall 2 hours ago. Overall i'm satisfied with the game. Played the story on hard mode from the start and without allot of hassle completed the story in about 6~ hours. The thing that annoyed me the most was finding the objectives. Maybe it's just me but i would find myself searching for the objective endlessly until finding it with luck.
So i don't know if it's because of the hard difficulty or just bad objective system.

The graphics are better then what i expected from a console. I own a top tier gaming pc so i'm not easily impressed. So in that aspect i expect allot of good looking games on the ps4 in the near feature. However you should note that killzone has some slight fps issues in chaotic scenes.

Can't talk alot about the multiplayer just yet. So my opinion is purely based on the single player at this point.

If i would rate the game out of 10 i would give it a 7.5/10 and consider it a good buy.


I mean, now we have people saying the gfx are bad. Next it will be the sound. Texture quality. It just goes on. Multiple PC users with beast rigs have chimed in on how glorious this looks for a console at launch. And then you get random joe who is like this game is terrible COD looks better.

Haha yeah, the graphics of Shadowfall are certainly not in the "cons" column for me. The game looks great. More than great even, for a launch title it looks really good.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I don't mind games where you explore, but when there is literally only one correct route with everywhere else being a dead end, there really is no excuse, the visual cues to keep you moving forward are nonexistant. No help from the HUD either, even Perfect Dark Zero covered for its awful levels by painting your route on the floor.

Press up on the d-pad to get an objective marker, and double-tap the same button to get an objective list.

The thing that annoyed me the most was finding the objectives.

Have you used the objectives-marker? I can't really see how finding the objectives is a problem, the game is pretty linear.
Unless all you play is COD, there are definitely other shooters that aren't on strict linear paths. The problem is in killzone it is no fun to explore. Walkable pathing is not clear. Objectives hard to see. Save system nonexistent and unclear, making venturing off the beaten path punishing. Shrub combat puts you at a disadvantage and not the enemies that see you just fine. Alarm system design makes this all that much harder, since its hard to see the alarm locations, AI pathing, and how to get them. "Manual" radar design that you can fail makes it more annoying to monitor your surroundings. Even the radar can be hard to see at times

I don't mind exploring and getting rewarded for it. But the could have tried to make that fun to do

I got as far as that level and have given up due to frustration. You've outlined them above, the only additional one I'd add is the awful Field Of View. Was is it, 60 degrees? It's horrible, far too narrow for any FPS, let alone an "open" level like that.

I recall Valve talking a long time ago about how Half Life 2 used light to guide players. There are ways to make games enjoyable, GG have missed the mark spectacularly.

Maybe I'll struggle on if it improves, but I've a pile of games right now, so it will wait. I can't recall ever being so put off by a game before, really not wanting to play it again.

Multiplayer is great though :)


Press up on the d-pad to get an objective marker, and double-tap the same button to get an objective list.

Which is completely unhelpful when 99% of the time where your objective is is not the exact direction you have to head in the map, so I end up walking towards every fake door in the level because the objective marker is behind it (example, marker is to my right and below me, so I manage to get a door to my right open and come across another door, spent 10 minutes trying to get it open, before leaving and finding that there was a hidden staircase in the opposite direction of the objective).

It's not a problem of not knowing what to do next, it's a complete lack of visual cues in the level to show you which path to use, making the linear nature of the game painfully apparent (which was not a problem in any of the previous titles)


Just got to chapter 9, can't say I've enjoyed the SP so far. It has a handful of great bits but most of it is just really annoying design. They've tried so hard to once again address complaints about the franchise by introducing as much variety and different ideas as possilbe they've lost sight of what makes the franchise great; amazing gunfights and action. And they don't seem to have thought too much about the different ideas they've introudced, it's like they've gone with the first ideas that came to mind.

There's only been two decent sized battles so far and one of them was really uninspired. All the "puzzle" elements and stealth sections are just poorly done and I find quite frankly irritating. It doesn't even feel like a Killzone game anymore, it's more like a Resistance game and not a good one. I think this is Guerrilla Games' "Resistance 2" moment and it really is such a shame because KZ2 was so damn good.

I will say that chapter 8 was by far the best looking level of any game I've ever seen. Truly unbelievable. I've taken maybe 30 screenshots, I mean... I can't even describe how good it looks really.

Anyway, I'll finish SP tomorrow and try MP for the first time and see how that fairs.


Just got done with the campaign. Overall I'm disappointed. I had a blast with KZ2's campaign, and enjoyed KZ3's more than this. Hell I enjoyed Killzone Mercenaries campaign a bit more than this. There were really really odd design choices throughout the campaign that just sapped away all the fun for me. Too many situations where you're using a gimmicky set-piece gameplay device for far too long throughout a stage. I miss KZ2's campaign where you and your fellow ISA goons just went through armies of Helghast. The variety (which is something I usually want more of) in Shadow Fall made the overall campaign feel disjointed and weird.

I'm still a huge fan of the multiplayer though! I might go for a few multiplayer trophies and then probably trade in this game along with Knack.


Just got to chapter 9, can't say I've enjoyed the SP so far. It has a handful of great bits but most of it is just really annoying design. They've tried so hard to once again address complaints about the franchise by introducing as much variety and different ideas as possilbe they've lost sight of what makes the franchise great; amazing gunfights and action. And they don't seem to have thought too much about the different ideas they've introudced, it's like they've gone with the first ideas that came to mind.

There's only been two decent sized battles so far and one of them was really uninspired. All the "puzzle" elements and stealth sections are just poorly done and I find quite frankly irritating. It doesn't even feel like a Killzone game anymore, it's more like a Resistance game and not a good one. I think this is Guerrilla Games' "Resistance 2" moment and it really is such a shame because KZ2 was so damn good.

I will say that chapter 8 was by far the best looking level of any game I've ever seen. Truly unbelievable. I've taken maybe 30 screenshots, I mean... I can't even describe how good it looks really.

Anyway, I'll finish SP tomorrow and try MP for the first time and see how that fairs.
Hah, I wish I would have just read this post before I posted. I am literally echoing your sentiments.
But there's no blue line guiding me right to the objective!

Not really the point. Again, openness is one thing - pointless areas are another, entirely. I really enjoyed Chapter 3's atmosphere and final chase sequence (and at least the idea of the main puzzle, even if it was a little poorly handled), but navigating the ship was incredibly frustrating. There are lots of identical hallways that you can go down that yield nothing, many of them seemingly in the direction of the objective marker. This isn't cleverly disorienting or "exploration," it's just a big pain in the ass because the level has no other way to guide you or hint at where to go next. That's not nonlinear open design, just linear corridor design with pointless wrong corridors to go down.


Ugh, I only just finished chapter 2? 3?
the one on the ship
and I'm thinking about quitting this game

I never thought the Killzone series was particularly inspired, but it always knew what it was and played to those strengths (really nice graphics and solid if linear gameplay), but the level design in shadowfall is just horrific. I don't mind games where you explore, but when there is literally only one correct route with everywhere else being a dead end, there really is no excuse, the visual cues to keep you moving forward are nonexistant. No help from the HUD either, even Perfect Dark Zero covered for its awful levels by painting your route on the floor.

I'll probably try and slog through the rest of it but I'm pretty much coloured disappointed. I much preferred Mercenary on the Vita, even though that was about 50% backtracking, at least the levels felt like they'd been designed to a view of being played.

I thought chapters 2 and 3 were particularly horrible, except the end of 3. I've played some more now and slowly it does get better.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The last level was an awesome conclusion to the campaign.
But there was one genuine stupid scene: I opened the latch and took the sniper rifle right in front of the eyes of a soldier, and he didn't notice that... In my first attempt I shot him because I didn't expect him to just ignore me.


Will be buying either this or BF4 tonight on digital, does KZ have some legs, I really want something that will still be enjoyable at Christmas. Though it looks cool, I get the impression KZ could overstay it's welcome by then, perhaps it's a better buy when there's a sale on.

I assume you're looking for a multiplier FPS, because who gets a Battlefield game for single player? :) Even though there were parts I hated in KillZone, I still played to the end. I doubt I'll ever bother to beat BF4.

Both are fantastic multiplayer wise. If only KillZone had online chat I'd prefer its style of FPS over BF.
I love this game.


Just beat the campaign. Man, the later chapters really drop off in terms of quality, creativity and general level of fun. Went from being pleasantly surprised to being just annoyed by the thought of playing the game at all.
Why do people hate this chapter? The intro was epic, the setting looked incredible, and the cat&mouse game with the drones brought some variety.
I liked it too. I don't need a constant wave of enemies to down so mixing up the gameplay was appreciated.

The gliding part was just entirely busted though, but its good to hear they patched it to reduce some of the unwarranted difficulty.
Hah, I wish I would have just read this post before I posted. I am literally echoing your sentiments.

KZ2 is one of the most overhyped games in the fucking history of gaming. The campaign was poorly acted but fun. Decent shooter there that did put you in the helghast/isa war. But we need to stop acting like this game was some kind of masterpiece. Take the facking blinders off people.

I played that campaign once. Linear as hell. Decent moments, okay graphics, and I can't remember a damn thing from that game but the opening scenes, radec, and a couple others.

I had more fun in the first level of SF than I did in most of KZ2's campaign. They did have some epic firefights for sure but I just don't see this whole worshipping the past thing. Doesn't make any sense to me. I'll never touch KZ2 again in my life.


Why do people hate this chapter? The intro was epic, the setting looked incredible, and the cat&mouse game with the drones brought some variety.

I feel like most people hated it because it came right after the awful end of the 7th chapter and then the freefail section of the 8th chapter. So after all that frustration, you're suddenly unsure what you're doing.

I personally liked Chapter 8 though.
Press up on the d-pad to get an objective marker, and double-tap the same button to get an objective list.

Have you used the objectives-marker? I can't really see how finding the objectives is a problem, the game is pretty linear.

I mean, you have to question what and the hell people are doing man. These complaints are ridiculous. TAP DAT DAMN DPAD GENIUSES. How many times does this need repeating. Read the online manual if you need this much help.


Glad to hear that Guerilla is patching Killzone with some gameplay tweaks. I'm actually stuck at chapter 7-8 area where I got forced into a situation that I can't win. I'm gonna have to go back and start the chapter again from the beginning. This part has been the most frustrating anyway. This should help for those people who are not having fun with the end of the game.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Glad to hear that Guerilla is patching Killzone with some gameplay tweaks. I'm actually stuck at chapter 7-8 area where I got forced into a situation that I can't win. I'm gonna have to go back and start the chapter again from the beginning. This part has been the most frustrating anyway. This should help for those people who are not having fun with the end of the game.

Which part are you referring to?
The Tyron fight?


Which part are you referring to?
The Tyron fight?

At the end of Chapter 7, where you have to
defend from the attack and with the turret ship.
I died numerous times, but finally realized I could enter the
turrent ship
but I did it at a bad time I think, with too many enemies, I I would die after like 30 seconds no matter what I did. Really annoying. Gonna restart, although not looking forward to it.


A tiny remark that irked me when I received my Killzone PS4 bundle last night.

Ever since the PS2 era, the European game box sleeves have sucked. Sony has often used a random ugly-ass Arial font to spell out the game name. In the US, the games usually have a nice stylized logo on the sleeve.

Well, the UK version of Killzone once again has this ugly-ass fucking Arial font. Whereas the American jewel case has a nice stylized logo. Fuck you SCEE for doing this once again.

And I don't know why they keep doing this.


I mean, you have to question what and the hell people are doing man. These complaints are ridiculous. TAP DAT DAMN DPAD GENIUSES. How many times does this need repeating. Read the online manual if you need this much help.

Did you actually read any of the posts or just assume people are that stupid? Xander Cages post sums up perfectly what is wrong with the level design in this game, when all you are essentially doing is following a single route

Objective markers or lines on the ground shouldn't be required with a game as linear as this, it's a fundamental design issue.
Did you actually read any of the posts or just assume people are that stupid? Xander Cages post sums up perfectly what is wrong with the level design in this game, when all you are essentially doing is following a single route

Objective markers or lines on the ground shouldn't be required with a game as linear as this, it's a fundamental design issue.

Can't be any worse than Radec in KZ2. Seems to me like KZ vets have either gone soft or forgotten a couple things.


Just did the freefall part and got it on my fourth or fifth try,some people just love bitching and exaggerating things, for a launch title this game is the bees knees, loving the visuals and dat restrained soundtrack! Very different from previous games...

Edit: I remember reading about a different freefall? My bad! The first one wasnt so bad hehe


You guys are really lowering my expectations for this campaign, even lower than they were pre-release. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself but Guerrilla seems to have an obsession with being mediocre, which makes me even more hesitant to hear all these wrpg rumors from them. Here's hoping the campaign is better than most of you are making it out to be.


Can't be any worse than Radec in KZ2. Seems to me like KZ vets have either gone soft or forgotten a couple things.

Are you comparing a boss fight (difficulty) with a design issue?

This is NeoGAF, I'm fairly sure everyone here has played a few games, I like a challenge (it's why I embraced the new xcom so much), but this is about poor level design, not it being hard.
You guys are really lowering my expectations for this campaign, even lower than they were pre-release. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself but Guerrilla seems to have an obsession with being mediocre, which makes me even more hesitant to hear all these wrpg rumors from them. Here's hoping the campaign is better than most of you are making it out to be.

Just jump into MP and fuck the campaign for a while. When you get to the point you are having fun in MP the campaign is extra sauce on the side. I am having a ball doing it slowly. Nothing too special but what do I care? It's just sauce.

Are you comparing a boss fight (difficulty) with a design issue?

This is NeoGAF, I'm fairly sure everyone here has played a few games, I like a challenge (it's why I embraced the new xcom so much), but this is about poor level design, not it being hard.

Ha, that was poor design LOL. On highest difficulty that fight was just stupid cheap.


Did you actually read any of the posts or just assume people are that stupid? Xander Cages post sums up perfectly what is wrong with the level design in this game, when all you are essentially doing is following a single route

Objective markers or lines on the ground shouldn't be required with a game as linear as this, it's a fundamental design issue.

I honestly don't think there is a problem here. The game tells you the general direction, it's your job to find the way. At least, I always managed to make my way no problem. It can be argued though that many of these games in general rely too much on following a marker instead of exploring for yourself, but at least with Killzone it makes sense with the tech. As for the levels themselves, they are fairly linear besides the first few, and I don't think I ever had trouble finding my way.

Can't say it's a fundamental design issue, it's more down to personal preference.


Just jump into MP and fuck the campaign for a while. When you get to the point you are having fun in MP the campaign is extra sauce on the side. I am having a ball doing it slowly. Nothing too special but what do I care? It's just sauce.

Ha, that was poor design LOL.

Well, I would say play the first few levels of single player, because they are the best, like the forest and the level shortly after. If you enjoy, then continue playing because it's decent, but if you stop there you will still at least see the best the single player has to offer. I wish more levels were like the open forest one.
I honestly don't think there is a problem here. The game tells you the general direction, it's your job to find the way. At least, I always managed to make my way no problem. It can be argued though that many of these games in general rely too much on following a marker instead of exploring for yourself, but at least with Killzone it makes sense with the tech. As for the levels themselves, they are fairly linear besides the first few, and I don't think I ever had trouble finding my way.

Can't say it's a fundamental design issue, it's more down to personal preference.

Agreed. I have only a few issues and none of them major.


A tiny remark that irked me when I received my Killzone PS4 bundle last night.

Ever since the PS2 era, the European game box sleeves have sucked. Sony has often used a random ugly-ass Arial font to spell out the game name. In the US, the games usually have a nice stylized logo on the sleeve.

Well, the UK version of Killzone once again has this ugly-ass fucking Arial font. Whereas the American jewel case has a nice stylized logo. Fuck you SCEE for doing this once again.

And I don't know why they keep doing this.

I thought it was because in the EU region, they have to be able to use multiple languages on the spine to spell out the game titles depending on the country, whereas in NA, they just use English.


Jesus, can we stop making this game out to be a disaster or something half-rotten? There are very few major questionable decisions. Every FPS you have ever played has some bad acting and story. STOP acting like this game was supposed to revolutionize gaming. Geez people are insane about this game. Why does GG get all this criticism and BF4 gets none in the same areas. People literally barely even talk about that game besides the network issues. I just don't get it I really don't. It's almost like GG was on a different review scale than literally every other game out there. Why is the question?

People are just being stupid for the most part. Gamers are confused at what they want and don't want. And very entitled.

Is it killing them that OH NOES I am lost in Killzone? I mean, what, some people sound like they are in tears because they can't find an objective. First time gaming here? lol

I honestly can barely read some of the posts in here they are so ridiculous.

All this is pointing to intense hand holding and fucking massive signs saying GO HERE in the future lol. You guys are funny. I mean, I have never seen so many gamers up in arms about the most trivial things. This thread is definitely entertaining.

I wasn't sure what to do at one point. I hate this game. The hive mind is so gracious here.

That is fine I guess but if I ever see you guys in a thread about games being too linear I am going to poop my pants.

No one is going to miss you fortunately. COD is a pile of crap and does not in anyway look better that this at any point in MP. That's just a straight up lie. It is posts like these that make me think half this thread is just trolling lol.

I for one hope that GG is just not paying attention to these people. At some point games are just all going to be RYSE.

If you have problems with Chapter 2 you need to get a guide and just follow a guide or simply get better at games. It's that simple.

Some of this trolling is getting too obvious. Are Xbox fans having a bad day for some reason? Another DF come out?

These people are just bad at games man. [...] Seems to me about half the complaints here are I can't win. Help me. Not really what I consider objective criticism.

Hahahaha. No, it isn't that but this stuff is getting a LEETLE ridiculous and GAF has seen some uptick in concern trolls so it is hard to know what is actually truth in some people's minds.

I mean, you have to question what and the hell people are doing man. These complaints are ridiculous. TAP DAT DAMN DPAD GENIUSES. How many times does this need repeating. Read the online manual if you need this much help.

Jesus Christ dude. I haven't even quoted everything you've said.

Do you work for Guerilla? Because you've made reading this thread about as painful as the campaign.


Just jump into MP and fuck the campaign for a while. When you get to the point you are having fun in MP the campaign is extra sauce on the side. I am having a ball doing it slowly. Nothing too special but what do I care? It's just sauce.

I don't think I'll be playing much multiplayer in this game, especially if me and my group of friends ever get around to playing Battlefield and we get hooked on that. I don't really dabble in multiplayer outside of a game or two here and there.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
You guys are really lowering my expectations for this campaign, even lower than they were pre-release. I don't want to get too far ahead of myself but Guerrilla seems to have an obsession with being mediocre, which makes me even more hesitant to hear all these wrpg rumors from them. Here's hoping the campaign is better than most of you are making it out to be.

The campaign is good, the best of all Killzone-games yet, IMO. I especially enjoyed the settings and the art-style, both which are much more diverse than in previous installments. I would rather criticize the somewhat boring AI than the levels. The levels are perfectly fine, I never had to look long for what to do or where to go.


I'd be in the dick
Here's my how to play tutorial for chapter 2. Hope it helps some of you. I wanted to do a perfect, no alarms run but I was rushing to fit it in the 15 minute time limit and decided to just go with it to demonstrate how to handle the reinforcements when they do show up. It's not the best gameplay but I just wanted to give people and idea of how encounters should play out.


If anyone needs some extra advice please run it by me. I'd be willing to do videos for other sections as well.
Jesus Christ dude. I haven't even quoted everything you've said.

Do you work for Guerilla? Because you've made reading this thread about as painful as the campaign.

LOL. Possibly. I Just don't really like the tone of some of the posts in here. It's hard to tell sometimes if people are even serious. I mean, it seems like some posters don't even know they can press up on the dpad for objectives.

Do you have to quote all my posts? You know, you could, just respond to me in a normal way. GG is a great developer and much like some aspects of Ryse I feel people are just being overly mean about these games. Last I checked it wasn't an offense to defend a game.

Really annoying when people quote every post like that and try to make you out as some nutter. You basically take everything I say and take it out of context. The ridiculous posts I was responding to demanded some kind of response at least most of the time. I just have never seen so many people whine about a simple objective marker in all my life. I would think there are better things to talk about here but I guess not.

Carry on then.
So yesterday I was able to redeem my code for the Shadow Pack DLC. Today I was looking out for the content, but I can't seem to find it. It's not in my library, and apparently the skins you get don't show up as free in the store, if I search them.

Now I took a look in my download list in the browser and found this:


Is this known? Any way to fix it?
N/A and doesn't even say which platform.

Edit: Tried to enter the code again but it says "voucher already used".
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