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Fallout MMO rights restored to Bethesda


So what IP does interplay have left? They lost the D&D license a while ago right?

Also a Bethesda mmo sounds like a huge catastrophe waiting to happen.


Okay Bethesda, we're giving you the Fallout MMO and you have four years to complete it.

You took five years and it's still this buggy?! We're handing the expansion to Obsidian and we're giving them two months to do it!


Really don't hope Bethesda jumps on the mmo bandwagon, that ship has sailed (unless you're f2p or Blizzard) and they should be focusing on their single player output.


I am totally indifferent unless this somehow means Obsidian will make a turn based Fallout in the Onyx engine.


A Bethesda made MMO. No sir, I don't like the idea of an MMO that's that buggy. No way in hell.



Yeah I was going to say: 2mil for the only IP they've been hanging onto (sell Descent to Violition already Interplay. Damn it.) is pretty cheap.

Wait, Interplay still has Descent? Damn it all. There's no justice in this world.

I'm not particularly disturbed by this since I never saw anything good coming from a Fallout MMO, but the universe would have lent itself nicely to that structure. I just don't think Zenimax has anyone under their belt who could pull it off decently.


I'm curious as to what'll happen with the classic Fallout games once December 2013 rolls on. Will Bethesda immediately start selling them (or at least the digital versions) through the same channels, just a change in ownership much like Majesco to Double Fine for Psychonauts? Will they just ignore they exist? Or will they do the best thing and just put them up on their site like the first two Elder Scrolls games?


... Bioware is not Bethesda.

Also, this sucks. I really want a GOOD Fallout MMO, and it's probably never going to happen.

It was just about the bugs.

A Fallout MMO would be way to expensive. They would have to invest at least 100 Million Dollars to make a game, big and good enough compared to WoW, and that's out of question at the moment.


I don't want MMOG from Bethesda, but I won't mind another Single Player Fallout game from them.
Yeah, I need more single-player Fallout =( would be very sad if that goes away, I loved FO 3 and New Vegas.

Sadly, I'm probably in the minority on that. I can see a Bethesda MMO being pretty popular after their recent success.


It was just about the bugs.

A Fallout MMO would be way to expensive. They would have to invest at least 100 Million Dollars to make a game, big and good enough compared to WoW, and that's out of question at the moment.

But SWTOR has been pretty smooth, as far as large-scale MMO launches go. Bugs yes, but nothing crippling. Not that I'm disagreeing about a Bethesda MMO potentially/inevitably being riddled with them.


. Bugs yes, but nothing crippling.

I played a Sith tank and lots of my abilities were not firing because of the ability lag. In PVE most of the time I was able to compensate, but in PVP it was just killing the game for me. Nothing in Skyrim came close to a bug like that and they are still not sure how to fix the problem.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Dammit. I kinda wanted to see what would've come out. I feel sad that some people actually worked on this and their work is just scrapped for 2 damned million dollars for this great IP.

Anyway, I hope that Bethesda can get that crew on the development team, would certainly be good for PR and the game itself. Hopefully this MMO idea is released within 5 years.

I highly doubt it has any bearing on future collaborations.

Yeah, and Bethesda even said that they were using a newer, better engine.


there is joy in sucking dick
I'd actually prefer a Fallout MMO over an Elder Scrolls one. Post Apocalyptic world is more appealing in a genre filled with sword and magic scenarios.


Lesser of two evils imo. Interplay did far more harm to Fallout. The whole Van Buren affair and forcing them to make Brotherhood of Steel...just upset me.

In some (totally awesome) alternate universe, Brian Fargo never left Interplay and we'd be playing the PC-exclusive Fallout 6 made by Black Isle by now.


Someone should put together a thread discussing all of the rumored/confirmed MMOs from the big western RPG houses. I have wanted to forever, but am stuck in perpetual junior purgatory.

I mean we have the studio Zenimex/Bethesda created to make an MMO

We have Bungie's rumored MMO

The Old Republic - which was the first of this big salvo

Blizzard's Titan


I've never played an MMO, but it looks like there is a lot of big stuff coming out
For about a decade there have always been huge upcoming soon MMOs on the market.


I thought they are working on Fallout 4 with the Skyrim engine?
You could be right, my last post was a little mixed up. Zenimax Online is the likely MMO studio, not Bethesda themselves.

I remember Pete Hines saying that they went for the Fallout license to make multiple games in that universe, not just FO 3, so hopefully that means 4 is coming down the line.


I thought they are working on Fallout 4 with the Skyrim engine?

That's what people are assuming.

But it's a moot point anyway because Zenimax Online Studios will be the one making any MMO, not Bethesda Game Studios. And they're using the same engine as TOR.


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
The old court documents implied it was supposed to be out by now. I don't have any inside information.

I imagine they figured giving it an extra year would work well since it's supposed to be an Elder Scrolls game and now they can capitalize on Skyrim's reception.
Supposedly it is multiple times the size of Skyrim, and if Skyrim took five years to make…


I bet NMA are committing suicide right now.

This is FANTASTIC news. Interplay wasn't really working on the game. I suspect they were sitting on the rights in a fit of bitterness. Then again, they obviously had a smaller team, but to not have anything to show for it years later reaks of questionable motives.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So what IP does interplay have left?

Descent. Which I'd wish they'd sell to Volition, who would give me Descent 4/5/6/7 back-to-back-to-back instead of Saints Row and licensed movie games. ;______________;

Then again if the only thing they can do is pull off a phoned-in "Descent" bit a la Red Faction: Armageddon then forget it. That section looked bad. :/
The old court documents implied it was supposed to be out by now. I don't have any inside information.

I imagine they figured giving it an extra year would work well since it's supposed to be an Elder Scrolls game and now they can capitalize on Skyrim's reception.

This is terrible news, as I want them to concentrate on single player games.

Hopefully we will still get a SP Fallout based off skyrim.

It wouldn't be a BGS game, though, because I think Todd Howard would rather burn the studio down than be forced to do an MMO. He'll either be working on TES V: Expansion, TES VI or Fallout 4. Rumors are that Zenimax has been working on an MMO for a long time, though...

Shit, Empire vs Dominion. Well, guess I'm out.
good, fuck Interplay.

I'm still pissy about the whole Fallout thing, its like the creators get none of the credit for this I.P. while practically everyone else goes to the bank with it. The fact Herve Caen is getting millions off the Fallout I.P. in 2012 is just ridiculous.

Oh well, I guess New Vegas was an ok consolation (lul) prize.

Honsetly I hope Tim Cain, J.E. Sawyer, Chris Avellone, and the rest of Obsidian can make a nice (even if niche/indie) RPG that they can own the rights to, and succeed off of.

I think the Fallout world is a lot more interesting and it's a setting(post-apocalypse) that is never used for MMOs... Skyrim would just be another medieval affair like most MMOs have been :/

Fallout MMO would be so badass.. character customization would be lots of fun.

They would have to make it almost lawless, maybe stricter pvp rules near/in settlements but out in the wasteland? Every man for himself. I'm talking griefing city here, but of course itll just be WoW: With guns 2k15


I don't believe there is a Fallout MMO in production at Bethesda. My understanding was that Interplay was given permission to make a Fallout MMO within a period of time and of a certain quality and they failed to do that and Bethesda wanted the rights back but Interplay refused and that's how the lawsuit began. Bethesda was just suing to protect the IP and recollect the rights.

There was also the whole thing about Interplay selling a Fallout 1/2/Tactics bundle without Bethesda/Zenimax's permission.

Quite honestly, it's a disgrace how Interplay got $2 million out of it.


The replies on NMA start off pretty calm, actually. I expected something akin to the opening of an abortion clinic across the street from a Southern Baptist church.

To be honest what I've seen so far, even if early, didn't really look like fallout anyway. And considering what kind of game MMOs have to be these days to be successful, or at least what is the safer way many pursue, it wouldn't end up being a fallout game. They should, if some way possible, simply do their own thing.

shamefully, I would buy a cool repackaging of Fallout 1/2 if Bethesda decides to publish such
. Pfft... I would, proudly.

Of course it does break down fairly soon afterwards.

Fallout as a franchise is dead anyway, why mourn and bemoan something that was buried 14 years ago?

Agreed, though I may still play the next Fallout game (by Obsidian) I won't be spending a penny on it if I can get around that.
(wow ha)

Bethesda - gluttons ,they never don't know anything about "Fallout" and the Fallout's atmosphere and never be able to understand it.


Unless they let Obsidian do another Fallout game, we'll see only hollow games from Bethesda. We only had hollow games from them since a long time ago. All talk, all press, no real game. They could have taken Van Buren idea for FO3, but sadly, they didn't. And now it's going to be rape of Fallout universe until it bleeds out finally. Besides TES they don't have much.

haha, NMA entertains me to no end. Every time some FO news comes out, I rush over there quickly with my trollface on.
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