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Inception was released exactly 5 years ago today (RTTP)

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I can't remember when and where he said it, but even Zimmer expressed how fed up he is of his style being imitated, especially that one in particular. I think he was commenting on one of motivations for having a drastically different sound for Interstellar.

Yeah, I don't get the impression he's thrilled with how influential he is. He takes a lot of criticism for it and that has to wear on him.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Pretty nice movie but I thought limbo was a let down compared to the dreams before ;(
Interesting, I find that was the one with most visual variety compared to the others. What makes you say that?
Yeah, I don't get the impression he's thrilled with how influential he is. He takes a lot of criticism for it and that has to wear on him.

It also made me totally get why he went for something incredibly preppy and techno in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, even though I hated the music there (with the strong exception of the Gwen and Peter theme). Guy seems like he really does wanna shake things up right now.

This is probably gonna be awkward for him since he is working with Junkie XL for BvS, and that's guys orchestral sound totally borrows from Zimmer's blockbuster work.

This movie sucked. What sucks more is I've increased the chances of it getting to 3 pages.
ayyy lmao


Despite all it's flaws, all it's mistakes, I can't help but love the movie. I wouldn't call it a guilty pleasure since I don't think it's as bad as some on GAF claim it is, it's a solid summer blockbuster.

I'd complain more about needless exposition, but it was supposed to be targeted at general audiences and a lot of people were STILL confused about what happened in the movie, even though it beats you over the head with explanations, so it gets a pass from me in that regard.
Soundtrack got re-released on vinyl this month too for those that have been looking at the insane prices of the original pressing :D
I don't think they could make the dreams too crazy, because the other people in the dreams are meant to think they are awake. Thus they need "deaths" to be caused by normal things like guns and explosions.


This movie's plot can work perfectly in something like a Naughty Dog game.

Its such a fun,engaging movie with a fun twist and nice attempt at dream related lore.
This movie's plot can work perfectly in something like a Naughty Dog game.

Its such a fun,engaging movie with a fun twist and nice attempt at dream related lore.

There was that rumor for a bit before E3 that Inception 2 was going to be a video game, and I was SO on board


time to take my meds
Main problem with the film is they weren't nearly creative enough with the fact the movie took place in dreams. Dreams are weird as shit, and they spent a lot of the time in a boring city and a boring mountain.
This. Loved the movie but they werent nearly as creative.


I was pretty disappointed when I first watched it. The cast was amazing, it was Nolan, it was scifi, it apparently had a very deep story, I was super hyped.

But the film felt too mechanical. I don't mean that in an intricate mindbending kind of way, sadly, but that the characters were robots, dishing out exposition and following plot points, intermixed with lots of obligatory shooting where nobody gets hurt. And the story itself wasn't overly complex either, just we need to go deeper.

It had a great premise/plot with a boring execution. It came out in the same year as a film from my other favorite director, Black Swan. Which had a boring premise/plot, but a great execution. I preferred the latter.

On a second viewing I appreciated Inception quite a bit better. Nothing mindblowing, but a good yarn with great sfx. Though I might have looked at my phone during some of the shootouts.


Unconfirmed Member
I remember going to see it at the cinema with some friends, somehow not having heard of it before. When I asked my parents what this Inception movie was, they just said "It's some sci-fi movie or whatever". Cool, I guess, could be interesting, I really like sci-fi.

Ended up loving the hell out of it, and wanting to watch it again with the full knowledge of what was going on. Saw it several times after that, and I still enjoyed it a lot every time. Probably one of my favorite movies ever. Five years? Time does fly.

Watched it last night with the gf who hadn't seen it and her reaction at the ending was priceless. Like an hour later she was still going "it looked like it was gonna fall, right?? RIGHT!?".
Hahaha, awesome! To be honest, after all these years I still want to believe that.
It couldn't all have been a dream


This movie's plot can work perfectly in something like a Naughty Dog game.

Its such a fun,engaging movie with a fun twist and nice attempt at dream related lore.
I'd give it to quantic dreams to make the game..now they would make an interesting game


Love the movie for it's audiovisual presentation. It was very entertaining. The biggest legacy of the movie is the trends it set with it's score though. The BRAAAMM effect really became a mainstay in trailers and soundtracks alike.
People complaining that the dreams aren't crazy or abstract enough? Um they're literally trying to fool people into believing their dreams are actually taking place and not a dream. Kinda defeats the purpose if theres floating cities or walking upright cats speaking Spanish. Personally my dreams are pretty "normal".


People complaining that the dreams aren't crazy or abstract enough? Um they're literally trying to fool people into believing their dreams are actually taking place and not a dream. Kinda defeats the purpose if theres floating cities or walking upright cats speaking Spanish. Personally my dreams are pretty "normal".

Agreed. It is not a valid criticism when you consider the rules established by the movie. Maybe these peoples would have preferred another movie like that but thats not what this movie had on its mind.
I absolutely adore this film, warts and all. Yes, too much exposition, a bunch of plotholes, etc., but the great outweighed the bad. Fantastic soundtrack too (though not Zimmer's best. That goes to Man of Steel).


Agreed. It is not a valid criticism when you consider the rules established by the movie. Maybe these peoples would have preferred another movie like that but thats not what this movie had on its mind.

I don't know. Among other things, this movie wants to be about repression, loss, isolation, etc.—these ideas are all very tied to the subconscious, just as dreams are. And the heist itself is, for all its physical constructions, an emotional heist—to get the Cillian Murphy character the approval of his father he never received. So I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for dreams that are more... abstract isn't the word I would use... surreal, I think. A movie that was more deeply interrogative of the subconscious. This movie isn't a David Lynch film, but David Lynch rarely breaks the rules of reality—and yet, there is an unmistakeable strangeness and surrealness to them.

That's part of the reason why I always found all the talk about the ending totally irrelevant; it doesn't matter if it's reality or a dream becaus Cobb doesn't care if it's reality or a dream. That says everything about Cobb. Whether or not it's reality means nothing. To me, to dissect that scene as a question of reality/non-reality basically destroys the film's only effective character/emotional beat.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
The biggest legacy of the movie is the trends it set with it's score though. The BRAAAMM effect really became a mainstay in trailers and soundtracks alike.

You know, speaking of legacies, I'm also impressed by how popular this film became for an "original IP" blockbuster, whether people liked or hated it. To this day, I still find people cracking jokes about it not just all over the internet, but also among the different social circles I've been in the years since then.

It was one of those rare moments of a film really making it's mark on pop-culture, even if it was completely unintentional.
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