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Teacher suspended for locking violent, screaming child out of classroom

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So what exactly is the course of action to take with a student who is screaming that he is going to murder people?



Junior Member
Between this kind of shit and the crappy pay I don't see why anyone would want to be a teacher these days.

From my high school experience, I think about three of my teachers should have made 90% percent of the money among the 20 plus teachers I experienced. Teachers in general tend to make decent money though. It is unfortunate that the shit ones get payed as much as the great ones.
Wonder if the school even has a special ed program. My aunt is a special needs professional at a nearby school, and the stories she tells are horrifying. She's at one of the better schools - They can afford to hire her, and did - but they're still chronically understaffed and low on resources.

Teacher was in a bad situation and made a judgment call. Not the worst call, but the wrong one. Consequences will follow, naturally. These consequences seem minor.


Ummm well if you are in the classroom and dealing with it in the appropriate way then it won't be yours.

I seriously dealt with issues worse than this almost every day for 3 years that I taught Emotionally Disturbed. As long as we followed proper protocol our administration and the school district would stick up for us every single time. Administration isn't sticking up for her... I think that should tell you what you need to know.

Lol meant to edit, instead quoted. Sorry for DP.
Call special services and an administrator.

My wife works in special services and this is exactly their protocol that they have to follow.

She's had kids that have torn up classrooms and what the teachers are supposed to do is to get the other kids out, call special services and administration, and step aside.


This is a picture she took of the damage done by a 4th grader.

That's disgusting. Was the kid kept in school? Did the parents do anything or take any responsibility?


That's disgusting. Was the kid kept in school? Did the parents do anything or take any responsibility?

This is a lot more common than you would think. And the consequences would depend on that kid's unique situation.

All kids are kept in school though (after a suspension most likely). Every kid is entitled to receive a free and appropriate public education in his/her least restrictive environment. If they want to move this kid to a more restrictive environment (special class) they would need to have an IEP in place... anyway the answer is complicated. Each kid and case is unique.

Also, no most parents won't take responsibility. They'll shift the blame to the school or some other outside influence.


Ugh; I can't say I'm surprised. If my kids did something like that I would be mortified and I'd make them feel the wrath of their dad.

Well yeah, at home they "feel the wrath" in a lot of cases. Their parents beat the shit out of them. That's why they act out like this at school in many cases. Most of the time the kids are just like their parents. When you meet parents it is very easy to see why the kids are so fucked up. But at school, in IEP meetings, parents usually say that their child is an angel and everything is perfect at home and they have no idea why little Johnny would destroy the classroom.
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