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Trump's chief of staff: 'We've looked at' changing libel laws

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Both sides are the same. If Obama was saying stuff like this he would be thrown out so fast. Why do Republicans always get away with heinous shit? I don't get it.


I watched the full interview this morning and honestly it looked like Reince just said this because the alternative is admitting that the President of the United States doesn't understand the extent of his powers and is just spewing shit on Twitter. Reince knows this isn't going to happen, but Trump hasn't backed down on this so neither can he.


I suppose I would be scared if Trump actually had a path to make it happen, but he doesn't nor is he smart enough to find one.

I'm hoping his administration can't find a path to make this happen and is not smart enough to find a path.


So this means we could bury Fox News in lawsuits? Along with Drudge Report, breitbart etc?

This is why this will never go anywhere: the biggest GOP mouthpieces depend largely on being able to say whatever the fuck they want with no consequences to exist. It would backfire tremendously.


This is why this will never go anywhere: the biggest GOP mouthpieces depend largely on being able to say whatever the fuck they want with no consequences to exist. It would backfire tremendously.
Exactly. Conservative media would immediately kill this behind the scenes. Some of the smart ones would realize this would open them up to untold damages. Especially since it's a fact that they rely on more unsourced bullshit to come up with their stories.

Hell soros could live off lawsuit money and fund the Democratic Party for the next 100 years


News agencies should do more when it comes to retractions. They shouldn't be able to get away with tiny text buried deep in the paper or quickly glossed over mentions at odd hours on air.

If you post a bogus fact in bold letters on the front page the retraction should be in equally sized bold letters on the front page. If you spend an hour during Thursday prime time covering something that ends up being false then you should spend an hour during a Thursday prime time on the retraction.
Right... I'm sure if the next question were how does he feel about sites like Brietbart and their reporting, he would then praise it. Fucking guy is a hypocritical scumbag.


No Scrubs
Overturning the current libel test would require replacing 5 Supreme Court seats with INSANE judges.

Not just insane judges, but insane judges who actively hate the press, dislike the first amendment, and are totally cool with a quick decent into authoritarianism.


Trump can't get a lunch order through Congress, are people really afraid he'd manage a constitutional amendment?


Regardless of the fact that this would never happen... The threat of even considering changes alone is unacceptable coming from the POTUS. Fucks sake, no need to downplay such an egregious claim.


Moving forward it should be implemented that a required qualification exam to even become a candidate is needed.

I think having to be a Governor, Senator, or House member would be a good requirement for running for President. Solves the rogue billionaire problem and forces people to be vetted and learn how to politick before they're put in the big chair.


Trump can't get a lunch order through Congress, are people really afraid he'd manage a constitutional amendment?

His legislative failures does give me some sort of hope. I think this guy already has no political capital. He is already a lame duck.
why do we need libel reform?

Because if I criticize a company and they decide to sue me and I win because the case is baseless, I shouldnt be on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.

However, this is how the law works in msny states.
I'll admit we probably do need some form of libel reform, but the people who would be hurt by it art trump and the people who sing his praises with alternative facts.
News agencies should do more when it comes to retractions. They shouldn't be able to get away with tiny text buried deep in the paper or quickly glossed over mentions at odd hours on air.

If you post a bogus fact in bold letters on the front page the retraction should be in equally sized bold letters on the front page. If you spend an hour during Thursday prime time covering something that ends up being false then you should spend an hour during a Thursday prime time on the retraction.

This is a little extreme. Absolutely, news organizations should fully acknowledge retractions for transparency's sake. Put it on social media, your website, recognize it and explain on air. It's something I preach to my producers all the time. But an hour devoted to said retraction? Audiences aren't demanding that nor would they watch it.
Id love to know how rust belt people are feeling right now.

Struggling to pay bills while Trump uses his golf club as a "meet the Trump's for $200,000" every weekend, tweeting, golfing, doing victory tours and making laws so that the media can't say bad things about him.

Four years is you g to come around fast as hell.

I wonder how the "liberal elite lining their pockets while we struggle" angle is going to play out by then.


Fascists trying to remove the ability to criticize their orange fuhrer, or just another day in Trumps America. Whoever succeeds this piece of shit, that is, if fair elections will still be allowed to be held three years from now, is going to have their work cut out for them undoing all the evil shit these nazi fucks have done.


Fascists trying to remove the ability to criticize their orange fuhrer, or just another day in Trumps America. Whoever succeeds this piece of shit, that is, if fair elections will still be allowed to be held three years from now, is going to have their work cut out for them undoing all the evil shit these nazi fucks have done.

The first year will be nothing but repairing the damage Trump has caused. If he lasts all 4 years, he might just be the last President this country has.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
They're all incompetent jack asses braying about this and that and they can't even get most of the minor shit they want off the ground as anything more than a doomed to fail half assed attempt that comes back down to Earth hard and fast. I'm still worried and a little scared but they're dropping the ball so badly so much I'm hoping they will fuck something this hard up like they have everything else.
Both sides are the same. If Obama was saying stuff like this he would be thrown out so fast. Why do Republicans always get away with heinous shit? I don't get it.


If you look closely, were only 1 away. Ending net neutrality together with strengthened "libel laws" would go a long way towards #6.

Yeah, scary as fuck. And way too many are still seemingly fine with it since nothing has happened to get those fuckers out.


This will never, ever happen, but imagine the outrage if Hillary or Obama's camp had said this. Holy fuck.
This will never, ever happen, but imagine the outrage if Hillary or Obama's camp had said this. Holy fuck.

If Obama had same the exact same things the number of times in the same time span that Trump has, I feel confident that a large protest would have been organized by the right and that they would have rushed the white house to lynch Obama if he was there.

This was a war that could have been won with words 15 years ago. It's too late for that now.


Looking for meaning in GAF
he thinks "newspapers and news agencies need to be more responsible with how they report the news."
I like how Trump thinks the news should be more responsible about what they say, when he vomits complete bullshit out of his mouth and then denies it 5 minutes later on a near-daily basis.
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