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If given the chance to erase yourself...

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nothing to be afraid of, dude. momentum is the key. even if they don't have the answers, you might find the answers yourself, just by talking it out, and examining what's inside your head with someone professional helping to keep you on track.

Moms don't have all the answers. Depression isn't a choice, or a sin. Sometimes it's a muddy hole you get stuck in the middle of, and need someone to lend you a helping hand to get out of. The thing you need to realize is there are a lot of people who both can and want to help you. But sometimes you need to ask for that help to get it. If there's something bugging you enough that you felt the need to go to your mom, maybe you can go to another adult with a different perspective? Think about that, and actually fixing what ever is wrong in a way that doesn't require erasing your existence. You can be happy again.


The fuck kind of question is this?

What the hell are you going through OP?

Health related issues, school issues, money issues, love issues and the list goes on and on.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not, pretty easy choice in my case.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face

crawling in my skin.

these wounds they will not heal.


Forum Landmine
Why not get yourself declared dead in absentia? Just disappearing seems better than wiping your existence.



If I could completely erase any existence of my life and start a new life somewhere with a completely new identity, there were times in my life I'd take that in a heartbeat.


I wish I could do this
To be honest I could do this easily by committing suicide since I don't have anyone in my life
If by me not existing somehow the world was a much better place and everyone, even people I've never met but were affected by my presence through the Matrix-like web of social interactions we as species weave, were better off than it would certainly be a very hard choice to make. However, this thread seems like a beating-around-the-bush way to talk about your own problems, harming your self won't solve these problems, it just makes the situation worse. hang in there OP, whatever it is it'll get better.

Health related issues, school issues, money issues, love issues and the list goes on and on.
Talk to somebody, man. Don't think about stuff like this. We've all been at low points in our lives and have pulled through them. This is just a short moment in your life and will get better.



Health related issues, school issues, money issues, love issues and the list goes on and on.

You're truly welcome dude. If you really need someone to talk to, there are people here and elsewhere that will listen. We can't hold you down and pull it out of you though. I know a little bit about this, and I also know that people get to a point where they convince themselves than nothing can be done, and that talking about things doesn't help at all. Or they tried once and it didn't work, so they give up. But they don't realize or even consider that they might be wrong about that. Some part of them is still seeking change, but they focus on what they see as a final conclusion instead of the other options they have.

There's no such thing as a lost cause. It all comes down to how deep you're willing to dig. Maybe you're fed up, but that doesn't mean you have to deal with it all on your own.


I don't even like the idea of someone erasing their existence as their own choice. None of us brought ourselves into this world, we are part of many other peoples lives. I think suicide is tragic enough. That alone is incredibly hurtful to those around you, but removing yourself from everything you have ever been a part of?
I would do it IF I was able to start over, but I retain all memories, experiences and knowledge I have acquired during my life time before the reset. There's no point to starting over if I don't know what I did wrong and just end up doing it the same way all over again.


On the surface, yes absolutely. However there are good people who, had I not existed, would likely have died and I consider their survival beneficial enough to blot out any evils I committed leading to and coming that point in history.


Erasing yourself would only seem logically viable or wanted if you're a serial killer or some sort of dictator that caused and promoted genocide.
Don't do anything to hurt yourself OP. People care about you. Promise.

Thanks, awesome avatar BTW.

Don't kill yourself, OP.
Whatever you are going through, you can talk about it here on GAF.

Thanks dude.

Man, this thread is like suicide bait for GAF members :(

It wasn't my intention... i apologize.

Talk to somebody, man. Don't think about stuff like this. We've all been at low points in our lives and have pulled through them. This is just a short moment in your life and will get better.

Thanks, i hope so.

You're truly welcome dude. If you really need someone to talk to, there are people here and elsewhere that will listen. We can't hold you down and pull it out of you though. I know a little bit about this, and I also know that people get to a point where they convince themselves than nothing can be done, and that talking about things doesn't help at all. Or they tried once and it didn't work, so they give up. But they don't realize or even consider that they might be wrong about that. Some part of them is still seeking change, but they focus on what they see as a final conclusion instead of the other options they have.

There's no such thing as a lost cause. It all comes down to how deep you're willing to dig. Maybe you're fed up, but that doesn't mean you have to deal with it all on your own.

Yes, but opening up to people leaves you vulnerable... so i just carry it all by myself, seems safer that way. Thanks for the advice though.

Wouldn't erasing yourself create a paradox where you couldn't have existed to erase yourself in the first place?

lol, i guess...

Are things going okay OP?

It could be better that's for sure.


all good things
It depends on the time of day you ask me this question. Right now, no. 8 AM this morning? Yeah.


I would be curious to see what the world would be like without me in it. I wouldn't want to permanently erase myself though, no.


This thread is pretty depressing. Life is always worth living guys. The light at the end of whatever tunnel you're going through may be barely visible, but it's there and you can't lose sight of it. Remember depression is an illness, and no matter how bad things actually are, it conspires against you to make them seem like they're even worse. Seek help, know that these feelings are actually byproducts of a messed up chemistry somewhere in your brain and that the real you is still fighting to come out and you've just gotta help him/her, and every positive thought helps towards that, and every bit of help you can get from others, be it friends or family or professionals, is immensely useful. edd, you said you'd feel vulnerable if you open up to others but I'd arue you're actually at your most vulnerable when you're not getting help and depression has free reign over your thoughts and behavior.

Goes without saying, but I wouldn't erase myself. I've had my fair share of dark times, but after years of struggling I've finally reached a moment in my life in which everything's coming together. Every second of my life up to now was worth it.


To join the MiB.

Yeah, I would only erase myself if it meant I would be like someone from the Men in Black or The Silence (I think this is what they are...) from the Matt Smith Doctor Who. The ability to be alive, but leave no trace intrigues me.

I would also consider it only if all traces of me were erased after I died of natural causes. I won't consider erasing myself if it meant suicide.
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