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Figured I'd post my own experience randomly for people. I'm 28, had it bad since 18. Now its mostly cleared up on its own, though I do get facial cysts at the same spots some times. One thing I can tell you is that diet has changed nothing for me. The last year especially I've eaten lots of shitty food because I was studying too much and had no time. My face is cleaner than ever.

My personal conclusion is that adult acne goes away when its supposed to. No amount of scrubs or things will make it go away, they may just slightly help out.
My biggest issues were always oily skin, redness, shallowly pitted scarring (uneven texture), and small bumps on my chin.

I guess I'll chart some of my progress and talk about what I did as I went along.

This was me around senior year of college:


I think whoever took that pic used a Blackberry, so it's really blurry. In any case, I was dealing with a rough, uneven skin texture that would be oily in patches and dry in others. Under certain lighting, it could even look quite leather-y.

What I started doing at this time was exfoliating smarter. I had been woefully uninformed about how skin operates, so I was under the assumption that I could just scrub away the roughness with those horrible St. Ives microbead or Japanese charcoal cleansers and reveal smooth, even skin underneath.


AHA/BHA (chemical exfoliants rather than the harsh, irritating physical ones I'd been using) solved the roughness issue. Since then, I've looked younger than the high school students I teach :p

On to the next problem, a few years later:

This is me about the time I did my student teaching a long time ago.

I was awkwardly jutting out my chin to get a clearer picture of the chin bumps that just seemed to never go away. Redness was also apparent, even after applying toner with calming agents and moisturizer. I don't remember what that brown mark was, but it could have been a hyperpigmentation scar.

What helped most were three things. First, Retin-A helped bring those bumps (which were painless clogged comedones deep in the skin) to the surface and dry them out. Second and third respectively were switching to an electric razor and topically applying oils full of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and cell-communicating properties like rosehip seed oil and avocado oil, both of which helped temper the redness a bit.

Redness results from irritation, so I had to do a lot of research about the ingredients in the products I use. Very quickly, I eliminated anything that contains alcohol, any cooling agents like menthol or sulfur (that "cool" sensation feels nice but it's bad for you), any type of fragrance, dye, or fruit extract, etc.

This is my most recent face situation:

As you can see, my skin tone is more even (in both color and texture).

I'm hoping that derma-rolling will help fade that chemical burn on the left side of my chin right below my lips (left on a glycolic acid spot treatment too long...) and reduce the pitted scarring on my cheeks. I've already noticed significant improvement, so here's to waiting.

By the way, things that never affected my skin (and which science proves, allergies aside, shouldn't affect yours):

- Diet
- Exercise
- Frequency or amount of water consumption
- Masturbation
- "Toxins"

Non-myth contributors that do actually affect acne:

- Stress
- Lack of sleep
- Hormone imbalance (adult acne like mine is caused by this 99% of the time; if you "grew out" of acne, it's because your hormones normalized, and if you're a middle-aged woman and suddenly getting acne again, it's because of menopause throwing your hormones off whack)
- Weather
- Hygiene (not regularly changing pillowcases/washcloths/etc. spread the bacteria that inflame your pores; this does not refer to washing your face)
- Too many other things to list

Hopefully this rambling post helps someone?
I used to have some bad-ish acne when I was around 13/14/15, but then I went on an oral contraceptive (birth control) and it cleared it all up. I never really get any anymore, though I still have a bunch of scars (curse you, paleness!)

So I guess if you're a girl, discuss that option with your doctor/gyno, because it really helped me.
I used to have some bad-ish acne when I was around 13/14/15, but then I went on an oral contraceptive (birth control) and it cleared it all up. I never really get any anymore, though I still have a bunch of scars (curse you, paleness!)

So I guess if you're a girl, discuss that option with your doctor/gyno, because it really helped me.
Yep, that stuff works like magic on hormones. Too bad I'd grow boobies if I tried it :p


What size of derma roller is best for acne marks? Out of nowhere my acne has almost cleared up and I only get the odd random spot now. I've still got a couple of red marks (not scars as such, just red under the skin) from old spots and figure derma rolling is worth a go to try and clear them.
What size of derma roller is best for acne marks? Out of nowhere my acne has almost cleared up and I only get the odd random spot now. I've still got a couple of red marks (not scars as such, just red under the skin) from old spots and figure derma rolling is worth a go to try and clear them.
Best to start with 1mm. Anything less and you won't penetrate deep enough to cause "injury", anything more and you'll create micropunctures far deeper into the dermis than you need to accelerate the collagen building process.
Thanks for the update @LeonaLewia. Reading that I'm almost basically doing the same stuff and I'm at the derma rolling stage. We almost have basically the same type of skin except mine probably is more pitted with the past and present due to the products I used to help the skin but still oily even after using peels and such. But hopefully with the derma rolling it will help reduce the size of my pores which are like massive. Maybe that's why I'm oily as well?
And your skin looks good BTW. Even the lighter young skin now. I too went from dark skinned high school student to lighter adult lol
Thanks for the update @LeonaLewia. Reading that I'm almost basically doing the same stuff and I'm at the derma rolling stage. We almost have basically the same type of skin except mine probably is more pitted with the past and present due to the products I used to help the skin but still oily even after using peels and such. But hopefully with the derma rolling it will help reduce the size of my pores which are like massive. Maybe that's why I'm oily as well?
And your skin looks good BTW. Even the lighter young skin now. I too went from dark skinned high school student to lighter adult lol
Unfortunately, pore size is genetic so there's not much you can do about that except constantly exfoliate so they don't become clogged and get even bigger. My cheeks will never look "poreless" by any means, and they get worse in the summer.

But derma-rolling should definitely help create a more even texture so that your pores regulate and release oil much more smoothly. Because big pores or not, it's the oil that makes them look bad.


Best to start with 1mm. Anything less and you won't penetrate deep enough to cause "injury", anything more and you'll create micropunctures far deeper into the dermis than you need to accelerate the collagen building process.

Thanks! Going to order one soon, really hope it helps.
Unfortunately, pore size is genetic so there's not much you can do about that except constantly exfoliate so they don't become clogged and get even bigger. My cheeks will never look "poreless" by any means, and they get worse in the summer.

But derma-rolling should definitely help create a more even texture so that your pores regulate and release oil much more smoothly. Because big pores or not, it's the oil that makes them look bad.

i always wonder that. i know my parents don't have big pores or bad skin. don't think it's my mom's side. maybe my dad's.

guess i'll be cleaning and blotting until i'm 80 when i'm dried up ;D

OG Kush

got some really bad keyload scarrining on my back from cystic acne. Basically half my back. Really concious about. The laser specialist said the only real good option (still only gets about 70% reduction) is minimum £2,000... fucking hell. She gave me some expensive strong exfoliating cream instead to put on daily and try out microdermabrasion instead.
Anyone here tried microdermabrasion?
My witch hazel is alcohol-free :).

From what I understand of drinking water, it just helps your body get rid of toxins in general. Also, you're less dehydrated because your body isn't pulling any more than normal water away from skin to other more essential parts, though I agree- anything that retains water moisture in your skin via topical application is good.

I actually have all my steps and ingredients listed out here- http://backslashbunny.wordpress.com/skincare/. Not a plug, I don't get any money from people visiting my site, but I figured it's an easy way to share information.


If you're willing to use makeup/product, you can do what I do. I have large pores, too, but this is my routine-

1. Cleanse
2. Moisturize.
3. Use a primer.
4. Brush loose powder over face.
5. A light BB cream with SPF.
6. A little bit more powder.

I'll dig up my products if you'd like, but the powder is an anti-shine/oil-control powder, and I find this really helps. Sometimes with oily skin I use the oil paper blots... just a light layer over my nose and cheeks.. don't need to pat it, just put it gently across, and it seems to work.

(Sometimes over-oiliness can signify over-dryness, though not always. Just a thought.)
yeah i tried makeup back in the days. not really my thing. i'm going to have to try to take less showers and just clean my face (morning) and see how much that improves.


My Regime

-drinks fuck tons of water and limit soft drinks severely

-regularly change pillow cases and towels (fuck i'm bad at doing this)

-use a very simple soap free face wash & light grease & perfume free moisturiser

-avoid touching

i recommend these:


-sleep well

-be gentle with your face always

that's it. if you've tried tons of spot-free washes and complicated things then switch to the above. buy one of each and it wil last 4-6 weeks and in that time i think you will see a good improvement.

So is this a holistic medicine thread?

Edit - Yep, seems so.


Have any of you ever had to deal with razor burn? I am looking online and everything seems to cost a fortune. The time you get a good razor, pre shave cream, good shaving cream, after shave, alum block, many blades, brush, bowel, you are going to be down around 200 dollars.
Have any of you ever had to deal with razor burn? I am looking online and everything seems to cost a fortune. The time you get a good razor, pre shave cream, good shaving cream, after shave, alum block, many blades, brush, bowel, you are going to be down around 200 dollars.

Consider trimming instead.


Just throwing this recommendation here- Cetaphil's oily Skin cleanser. I've been off Acctutane for about 3 years now, and this cleanser has been perfect at keeping pimple at bay

i tried the 05mm derma roller sunday. i'll do 1.5mm just to see which i should use. but i think i'll end up just doing 1.0mm. i ordered the serum Leona Lewis use. my jawline is pretty clear for the most part. but the cheek area i'll be focusing on with the pits and scars and whatnot. some days it looks full. some days it's like. whoa. lol.


I need a clean shave.

You don't need all of that stuff. I recently switched to a DE safety razor ($30), and got 60 blades ($12). That's a good start, you can still use your other shaving cream and what not. Razor will last a lifetime, 60 blades will last me over a year shaving every day.
I suffered from "Acne fulminans" for 2/3 years. Roaccutan and all those things couldn't help, for a month I couldn't even move my legs because my muscles were suffering from it, even if the acne was under my face and on my chest, were I looked like rotten meat, no jokes. Doctors were very surprised by my case. In the end I took an ILLEGAL medecine for fucking leprosy and the acne vanished in 2 weeks. Then another year of Aisoskin (Roaccutan) just to be sure. I just want to say that Acne is a bitch.


I've been dealing with acne for almost 10 years, so long that I have scars. Medication works temporary only for it to rear its head again.
I've been dealing with acne for almost 10 years, so long that I have scars. Medication works temporary only for it to rear its head again.
I'm partially satisfied by the work doctors made on my scars. Only one near my eye got worse with surgery but who cares, at least I look more masculine lol.


Like this?


Anything with retinol in it (hard to tell from the pic). You'd be better off to get a prescription. That way you can use it in a controlled fashion, you'll have professional medical advice, you'll get a more potent formula, you won't pay for the marketing and it will likely be cheaper.
Like this?

No, only a prescription product like Retin-A contains enough retinol to actually be effective. You'll peel and flake like crazy for a little while, but the results are dramatic.


Retinol is the only topical that is scientifically proven to eliminate acne on a cellular level, as it's basically a topical version of Accutane (both convert to tretinoin once absorbed by the skin). It also helps with acne scarring, discoloration, wrinkles and UVA sun damage.

I just bought a generic from eBay for like $12 since my acne isn't severe enough for me to ask my doctor for a prescription and not feel comically vain. It's an OTC product in most countries, so it's ridiculously cheap. Get a 0.025% cream like this one to start so that your skin can gradually adjust to it.

Unlike Accutane, though, once you start using it, you have to use it forever or else you revert back to where you started. But the side effects are nothing compared to Accutane.

I've used it for two years, and haven't gotten any cystic acne at all ever since. It accelerates the process of skin renewal, so any minor acne I do get now comes up to the surface very quickly as an already dried up and ready to flick away white or yellow dot.

OG Kush

I suffered from "Acne fulminans" for 2/3 years. Roaccutan and all those things couldn't help, for a month I couldn't even move my legs because my muscles were suffering from it, even if the acne was under my face and on my chest, were I looked like rotten meat, no jokes. Doctors were very surprised by my case. In the end I took an ILLEGAL medecine for fucking leprosy and the acne vanished in 2 weeks. Then another year of Aisoskin (Roaccutan) just to be sure. I just want to say that Acne is a bitch.

What was that medicine by chance?
What was that medicine by chance?
It's called "Dapsone". It was illegal here in Italy and in some other countries, not because it's risky but more because it's not recognized, I think that in USA it might be a normal medecine. My pharmacist had to make it like a Walter White working with green pills! It worked well but after that, acne still needed the roaccutan to die.

OG Kush

It's called "Dapsone". It was illegal here in Italy and in some other countries, not because it's risky but more because it's not recognized, I think that in USA it might be a normal medecine. My pharmacist had to make it like a Walter White working with green pills! It worked well but after that, acne still needed the roaccutan to die.

Fuck me just looked up Acne fulminans, and I thought i had it bad with cystic acne on back! What did you do for you scars, how long was the whole process and how much was cost? I don't really get acne on my body anymore but still have scars that i'm quite embarrassed about.
Fuck me just looked up Acne fulminans, and I thought i had it bad with cystic acne on back! What did you do for you scars, how long was the whole process and how much was cost? I don't really get acne on my body anymore but still have scars that i'm quite embarrassed about.
I waited for the scars to be completely healed and settled, then I went to a specialist in plastic surgery. My scars were all keloids (hypertrophic) so he used a needle with cortisone and actually broke them like if he was using a little knife. He did this like 5 times (once every 2 months) until keloids became flat. Then he wanted to use laser on me but I was already satisfied and I wasn't happy with the idea of him modifying all my face (you can't use laser only on scars). The only hypotrophic scars I had were a problem because he tried with surgery but everything went worse, so a skin transplant was the only solution.... again, I was already ok and let it go. I think a payed around 3000€ but I worked only on the scars under my face.

After searching on google some images I think that my fulminans was a little weaker than what I saw there!
did some derma rolling with the .5mm yesterday. applied a bit more pressure as i rolled. could hear the skin being punctured lol. will do it sunday with the 1mm and then back to once a week.


Guys any No7 products you might suggest for helping ridding facial or back acne for a guy? I have a decent voucher off their products but was mostly planning on going with Neutrogena and Vaseline stuff for the moment.


Im 19 and about 90-95% clear of acne/pimples/dirt.

My regime is just to drink water alot; wash face with lukewarm water morning and before going to ved, not touch my face; the normal stuff.

I still drink cola, eating pizza, burgers, candy etc. My skin is still clear.

The 5-10% left are pimples created by hormones I guess.



Gonna work on the oily skin soon. but think i'm forever stuck with that lol

Try Cetaphil Oil control which I recommended earlier . It was the only thing which did anything for oil control (stuff from Neutrogena, Biore, Loreal did nothing for me)




Gonna work on the oily skin soon. but think i'm forever stuck with that lol
Wow, great improvement. Especially the left cheek.

I don't have any pics at the moment, but my little indented scars are getting better. I guess when you layer stuff, it's hard to know what's doing most of the work - the derma-rolling, the Vitamin C, the Retin-A, who knows? Might as well attack from all angles as long as my skin can take it.

Regarding the oily skin, I've kind of just come to accept that. In the end, it's an anti-aging benefit, and when we get old and our skin normalizes, everybody else will be complaining about wrinkles from years of naturally dry, poorly moisturized skin :p


Had a quick read through parts of this and other related threads here and elsewhere. Been trying out a few things recently for various types of acne but the main thing I noticed today was my back.

Been using this for about 3 weeks now or so? Only on my back and neck (and top of my chest just in case). Had backne for a fair while now and it has been pretty not nice sometimes, mostly yellowheads and fairly red spots. Got to have a good look at it today and things really have improved, pretty much no yellowheads any more and the size and number of spots have decreased pretty well, I can barely even feel any lumps from the spots when I run my hand over it most of the time now. Only use it once a day but I never expected one thing could have such an effect, not this quick either.
skin is doing fine but i think i triggered a milk allergy? idk. but my finger has been going dry and peeling. i started eating cheese awhile back and it was around that time. because the stuff i've been eating forever.

If that's not it then it's the muscle milk. we'll see.

and my neck is red. unsure about that. but it's not dry anymore? lol.


Yay it all came back after having had great improvements for so long.

Right when again I get the good ol stomach problems, itchy eyes, and sneezing.

Now I have a bunch of pimples again behind the ears, along the jawline, in the face, and along the back of the hairline.


My guess is I got some stomach bug or allergy. Maybe dust mites.
been stressing out and started to get a bit of pimple. hopefully i can get back to a good place. also just not going to bother with the .5mm derma roller. useless lol. sticking with the 1mm and 1.5mm
been stressing out and started to get a bit of pimple. hopefully i can get back to a good place. also just not going to bother with the .5mm derma roller. useless lol. sticking with the 1mm and 1.5mm
Yep, the 0.5mm doesn't penetrate the epidermis, so it's literally useless. 1.5mm might be overkill, though.

In general, though, derma-rolling is a bad idea when you have active acne. It potentially spreads the bacteria that feed on and inflame the acne, not to mention the higher chance of popping a zit, drawing blood, and creating a scar.

Wait until the stress pimples heal~


So I started using 100% pure tea tree oil, applied to the skin using a damp cotton pad. Seems to work really well so far. Gonna keep using it. I no longer wake up with an oily face. I also use some tea tree oil shampoo, and even if that stuff isn't as pure it doesn't make my scalp itch line Herbal Essence did and just seems to be better for my skin.

edit: 10/02 damnit I have had stomach cramps/gas/bloating since last week and once again my face goes to hell. This is really a persistent pattern. I can't figure any particular food that is causing this, I tried isolating what could be the cause and find nothing. Less than two weeks ago I was 100% clear.


Just so it might help others: I started taking 5000ui of vitamin D3 a day since someone told me it helped them with oily skin. If it's not a coincidence, it appears to have had the same results for me, which has helped massively to keep my skin pretty much clear.

If you have oily skin I suggest giving it a try. I use Nature's Bounty Vitamin 3D. Heck last week I had beer, went to bed at 4am on thursday, etc., and other than catching a cold my skin was fine yet usually beer plus lack of sleep would wreck my face.

Also, cutting out oatmeal/breakfast cereals has eliminated any digestive issues I had.


Just so it might help others: I started taking 5000ui of vitamin D3 a day since someone told me it helped them with oily skin. If it's not a coincidence, it appears to have had the same results for me, which has helped massively to keep my skin pretty much clear.

If you have oily skin I suggest giving it a try. I use Nature's Bounty Vitamin 3D. Heck last week I had beer, went to bed at 4am on thursday, etc., and other than catching a cold my skin was fine yet usually beer plus lack of sleep would wreck my face.

Also, cutting out oatmeal/breakfast cereals has eliminated any digestive issues I had.

just want to chime in on this and say yes that Vitamin D3 seems to be the shit for oily skin so far

just been taking 1200-1600 iu a day through supplements and noticed a decent decrease in oil production
Acne sucks balls, I had an outbreak the year before becoming a senior. Now I wasn't vain dude but I had a good skin (did a lot of sports and stuff) and never worried about it until shit got real.

You know after a while it got me good, I really felt bad with myself because anything I bought didn't work. My mom saw how it affected me so she took me to a dermatologist/skincare place.
Now the process hurts like a mofo because they scrap the shit out of you and niddles! After all the sessions your face looks like a tiger attacked you but after awhile man you are back to normal.
Well after that my face became a bit oily but I rarely suffer from acne or pimples anymore.
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