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The Official Halo 3 Thread

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Captain Blood said:
Aside from being upset about the map situation, I got some games of Halo in last night and it was a lot of fun. I was actually kinda bummed knowing I would be moving to other FPS's for a bit :(....lol

Yeah, those Squad Battle games were really rad. Sorry 'bout my wireless mic dying on me, btw.


Dax's wall of text

Do you not get it? YOU are the reason they CAN charge the rest of us $60 dollars per game and $70 to $80 Dollars for these lame excuses they call collectors editions.

Always buy Collectors editions of games


If next gen we are charged $70 dollars for reg editions of games. I will know who to blame.


Whatever guys, this is business. This is a good move for MS. They will make more money off of this. How can you be mad at MS for doing what they want with something that they own? It's simple ecomonics! Now's not the time to get the maps. It's the worst time to release new maps for Halo 3. Holiday games are being released. If fact, MS would be stupid to release the maps anytime before Halo Wars ships.

The right time to release Halo 3 maps is when Halo Wars ships. That way you can benefit from cross marketing the entire Halo brand. Can't fault MS for doing what's best for their company...


Blueblur1 said:
And Recon may be less than $59.99 as well.

Prediction time! Halo 3: Recon CE will be the only way to get Recon Armor, and will ship with a Recon Helmet. All for the low price of $99.99.

But if Halo Wars is good. I will buy it. If the CE comes with good loot, other than just the maps I'll get the CE.
Nutter said:
Do you not get it? YOU are the reason they CAN charge the rest of us $60 dollars per game and $70 to $80 Dollars for these lame excuses they call collectors editions.

Look, no one is forcing you to buy the CE. It's my money, and I will do what I will with it.

If next gen we are charged $70 dollars for reg editions of games. I will know who to blame.
Uh huh.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I only buy collector's editions for games that I really care about/ are really looking forward to. Out of my entire game collection, I only have 4 collector's editions/limited editions. They are: Mass Effect, Halo 3, Gears of War, and Resistance 2.

Soon to be Gears of War 2 as well.
Jesus Christ you are all a bunch of whiny babies.

If you plan on buying Halo Wars, ask yourself if you would like to experience 3 new H3 maps before they become available online and in H3Recon.

If you said yes buy the CE
If you said no buy the regular edition
If you don't plan on buying Halo Wars forget about it completely.

Its a fucking 20 dollar difference.

Also Halo Wars comes out early Feb? I stated along time ago Mythic Map pack would hit Feb the 5th. I'm awesome
Dax01 said:
Look, no one is forcing you to buy the CE. It's my money, and I will do what I will with it.

Uh huh.

Be careful dude soon you will be charged $80 for the first 2 checkpoints in a game :p In your defence I gladly payed for the cat helmet lol, Halo is the only game I would do that for though.


I unstuck myself :lol

Some guy hit me with a plasma grenade, I panicked and pulled the grenade trigger and somehow, I was able to pull the grenade into my hand and throw it away :lol



Nutter said:
Do you not get it? YOU are the reason they CAN charge the rest of us $60 dollars per game and $70 to $80 Dollars for these lame excuses they call collectors editions.


If next gen we are charged $70 dollars for reg editions of games. I will know who to blame.

holy shit grow the fuck up. do you get angry IRL when you see people buying collector's editions? It's his damn money, let him do what the fuck he wants with it. It sounds to me like you're a little angry because he has more money to spend? o.o

That said, I'm on the fence about HW still. If I do go for it, I'll get the collector's edition for sure. :x If only they had a Mirror's Edge CE too! I'd buy that for suuure.
Sai-kun said:
holy shit grow the fuck up. do you get angry IRL when you see people buying collector's editions? It's his damn money, let him do what the fuck he wants with it. It sounds to me like you're a little angry because he has more money to spend? o.o

That said, I'm on the fence about HW still. If I do go for it, I'll get the collector's edition for sure. :x If only they had a Mirror's Edge CE too! I'd buy that for suuure.
I heard somewhere that people who work at gamestop really push limited editions :p


Sai-kun said:
holy shit grow the fuck up. do you get angry IRL when you see people buying collector's editions? It's his damn money, let him do what the fuck he wants with it. It sounds to me like you're a little angry because he has more money to spend? o.o

That said, I'm on the fence about HW still. If I do go for it, I'll get the collector's edition for sure. :x If only they had a Mirror's Edge CE too! I'd buy that for suuure.
Angry, because he has more money? WTF

I assure you, I have more money then you or him (hell even combined).

It is all about percieved value. If MS thinks people will continue to pay more than well get ready to pay your asses for regular editions of games in the future.


Captain Blood said:
I heard somewhere that people who work at gamestop really push limited editions :p

Do they? I dunno. I don't. I just ask. *shrug* :p

Nutter: I'm pretty sure the cost of games went up $10 because of developer costs, but I'm not sure.


Dax01 said:
MS (and Sony) offers things like collectors editions because they KNOW people will buy them. It isn't just Halo Wars, I'm getting Gears of War 2 LE tomorrow, I got the Resistance 2 CE on Tuesday.

And how is me not buying the damn CE going to make these maps come out faster? I already said that I was already going to buy a collectors edition if they announced one. And guess what? They did, so I'm going to by it. I'm buying Halo Wars CE for Halo Wars and a couple of cool extra things, not for the maps themselves.

Your mistake is that you don't think twice about buying the regular edition vs. the special edition and always default to the collectors edition instead of making a value based argument for what you purchased. You've basically sent the message that every single time you buy a game, its ok to pay 70 dollars or more (in this case 80) +tax, and not because you saw value in (or even investigated) what you paid for.

You didn't even know what was contained in the Halo Wars CE until today but you already made up your mind. "I already said that I was already going to buy a collectors edition if they announced one. And guess what? They did, so I'm going to buy it."

With this kind of attitude, you will be taken advantage of - and eventually (when there are enough people like you - numb to fair market value) you will drag the rest of us down with you.

If nothing else, at least learn what it is you are asking for.
I end with this, How many people on here would buy the cat helmet edition of halo 3 if they could do it all over again?

America - most wasteful country on the planet. Just remember that as we sink into a greed fueled recession. Fuck it, I went there. Its the same mentality that enabled the dirty opportunist to profit.


I regret buying the stupid helmet. Honestly, I should have purchased the regular edition as I've never looked at the bonus disc material.


The issue with buying these, to me, is the message it sends to MS.
Dirtbag said:
I end with this, How many people on here would buy the cat helmet edition of halo 3 if they could do it all over again?
FUCK no. I've bought two non-regular editions of games in my life, and both times I've regretted it. Fucking wastes of money. Never doing that again.
Holy shit people, free market economy is serious business.

People can spend money as they please, and companies can charge what they want.

If someone values those LE thingimajigs at $10-20, more power to them. You may disagree on the value, but if the market finds buyers, then that's how much it's worth.

The only thing you guys have to worry about is if Dax comes in here a month later complaining about the price of LE games. THEN jump all over him.

And simmer down Wu, calling it a 'guess' doesn't make it less of a slight.


Blueblur1 said:
I regret buying the stupid helmet. Honestly, I should have purchased the regular edition as I've never looked at the bonus disc material.
As much of a fanboy I am for Halo, I did not purchase that. I am out of school working and working towards a marriage. So at my age you start to look at all this extra stuff as unwanted. The Cat helmet was cool and all, but what am i going to do with it? Same goes for that Lancer for GoW2, It is after all just a toy. I certainly do not need toys to entertain myself. That is what the game (i just payed $60 for) is suppose to do.

Anyway, enough of the backlash towards limited and collectors ed. of games. At the end of the day, the bundling of the maps with any other game is utterly stupid. Both games are nothing alike. I can understand the whole bundling with Recon, but that game is even titled "Halo 3: Recon"; Beta's or demo's i understand. but damn content it self. NO.
Dirtbag said:
Your mistake is that you don't think twice about buying the regular edition vs. the special edition and always default to the collectors edition instead of making a value based argument for what you purchased. You've basically sent the message that every single time you buy a game, its ok to pay 70 dollars or more (in this case 80) +tax, and not because you saw value in (or even investigated) what you paid for.

Your mistake is that you are mistaken. I do look at CE vs RE, but for franchises I do care for or games that I am REALLY looking forward to, I'll probably end up with the CE.

You didn't even know what was contained in the Halo Wars CE until today but you already made up your mind. "I already said that I was already going to buy a collectors edition if they announced one. And guess what? They did, so I'm going to buy it."

That's because it's Halo. As I have stated before, out of my entire gaming collection, I only have 4 CEs/LEs. They are Halo 3, Gears of War (soon to be Gears of War 2), Resistance 2, and Mass Effect.

With this kind of attitude, you will be taken advantage of - and eventually (when there are enough people like you - numb to fair market value) you will drag the rest of us down with you.

I don't feel like I am being taken advantage of. Drag the rest of you down? lol. The reason why games have increased in price from last generation to this one is because of development costs, not because people keep on buying CEs.

If nothing else, at least learn what it is you are asking for.
I end with this, How many people on here would buy the cat helmet edition of halo 3 if they could do it all over again?
I would. Hell, I have the Halo 3 Limited Edition Xbox 360.
I felt ripped off buying the CE edition because the case scratched my disc. I bought it for the "art book" turns out its a 5 inch piece of shit 16 page about some random made up planets or some shit. The DVD about the making-of H3 was the only good thing that came with it.

When Fallout 3 came around I chose to go with the regular. Art Book my ass.:D


Nutter said:
As much of a fanboy I am for Halo, I did not purchase that. I am out of school working and working towards a marriage. So at my age you start to look at all this extra stuff as unwanted. The Cat helmet was cool and all, but what am i going to do with it? Same goes for that Lancer for GoW2, It is after all just a toy. I certainly do not need toys to entertain myself. That is what the game (i just payed $60 for) is suppose to do.
I understand what you mean. I wish I had really given it some thought last fall. And in the past few months, I've seen Legendary Editions on sale for like $70. :(


Why are people bitching about Dax buying CE? He's just one person. What's next, picking out his clothes to wear to school next week? Give it a rest.

For the Mythic Map Pack info. From Bungie's 10/10 Update:

We saw Assembly at PAX 2008, when will we get more downloadable content for Halo 3?

The Mythic Map Pack will be made available via Xbox Live Marketplace in early 2009. “Winter,” as they say. As soon as we have more details we will certainly share them.

Will the Halo 3 : Recon multiplayer maps work with "regular" copies of Halo 3?

If you purchase the Mythic Map Pack early next year via Marketplace and your friend waits and gets them with the Halo 3 : Recon retail package next Fall, you can still play together. The multiplayer maps are all part of the Halo 3 "title ID" family, regardless of where or how you get them.

So, by that, it sounds like the three maps from the Halo Wars CE disc is early previews, and the actual map pack releases shortly after (weeks?).


343i Lead Esports Producer
I will definitely buy the Halo War CE because of these Halo 3 maps. It's better than some fuckin art book and a tin case.

I still want the art book and the tin case though :D


Dax01 said:
Your mistake is that you are mistaken. I do look at CE vs RE, but for franchises I do care for or games that I am REALLY looking forward to, I'll probably end up with the CE.
Well then I'm sorry for taking your words at face value then, as its all I have to go by. Never once in your posting have you mentioned anything about comparing the CE vs RE. If this is truly how you feel, then you've done a poor job representing your opinion, and I apologize for any incorrect assumptions made. But if it's not your true opinion and instead a fabrication, because you were called out.. then you have a long ways to go in becoming a man and standing behind your own ideas / statements, and my mistake was treating you as one.

That's because it's Halo. As I have stated before, out of my entire gaming collection, I only have 4 CEs/LEs. They are Halo 3, Gears of War (soon to be Gears of War 2), Resistance 2, and Mass Effect.
That seems to be MS's rationality also.

I don't feel like I am being taken advantage of. Drag the rest of you down? lol. The reason why games have increased in price from last generation to this one is because of development costs, not because people keep on buying CEs.
But the pricing of CE's has nothing to do with offsetting development costs, and instead exist only to see how much additional money they can extract from an enthusiast. The whole idea of a collecter's edition, use to be one made in limited numbers and thus retaining their value by low numbers. Something happened along the way.


I love how Microsoft is always made out to be the bad guy in every situation its involved in. Sure, from a gamer's perspective, it might suck, but looking at it from, you know, a real world perspective, it's smart business. Microsoft wants to push Gears of War 2 this holiday season, so why would they keep pushing a rival game? You didn't see Microsoft giving out stuff for Gears of War last September with Halo 3 on the horizon. And no one complained...shocking.gif

Poor Dax, though. I didn't know any of you were qualified to tell another poster what he could buy or not buy with his money. I also didn't know you were all industry analysts who could predict that by Dax buying the Halo Wars CE that game prices will go up and the game industry will implode on itself. Watch out Dax, if you listen to these guys, you're the harbringer of doom for anyone who plays video games. Best listen to them /sarcasm.

I'll buy the Halo Wars CE to not only show my support for Microsoft and Ensemble, but to get the maps. I figure this, I would pay $10 for the map pack, and that's an extra $10 for all of that stuff that looks really cool. Seems like a valid investment to me.


JdFoX187 said:
I love how Microsoft is always made out to be the bad guy in every situation its involved in. Sure, from a gamer's perspective, it might suck, but looking at it from, you know, a real world perspective, it's smart business. Microsoft wants to push Gears of War 2 this holiday season, so why would they keep pushing a rival game? You didn't see Microsoft giving out stuff for Gears of War last September with Halo 3 on the horizon. And no one complained...shocking.gif

Poor Dax, though. I didn't know any of you were qualified to tell another poster what he could buy or not buy with his money. I also didn't know you were all industry analysts who could predict that by Dax buying the Halo Wars CE that game prices will go up and the game industry will implode on itself. Watch out Dax, if you listen to these guys, you're the harbringer of doom for anyone who plays video games. Best listen to them /sarcasm.

I'll buy the Halo Wars CE to not only show my support for Microsoft and Ensemble, but to get the maps. I figure this, I would pay $10 for the map pack, and that's an extra $10 for all of that stuff that looks really cool. Seems like a valid investment to me.

Why is this guy bringing up Gears of War?


Kuroyume said:
Why is this guy bringing up Gears of War?

Okay, I'll explain it for the learning impaired, which seems to be you.

Gears of War 2 is a MGS game. Halo 3 is a MGS game. Microsoft Game Studios, that's MGS, has a vested interest in the success of each game. There are some people out there, i.e. not video game enthusiasts who sit in this thread and tell people how to buy games, who can't afford to spend money on a lot of games. So Microsoft wants to push their flagship game for the holidays, which happens to be Gears of War 2. Why would they take the chance of canibalizing its sales by releasing and promoting more stuff for Halo 3?
JdFoX187 said:
I love how Microsoft is always made out to be the bad guy in every situation its involved in. Sure, from a gamer's perspective, it might suck, but looking at it from, you know, a real world perspective, it's smart business. Microsoft wants to push Gears of War 2 this holiday season, so why would they keep pushing a rival game? You didn't see Microsoft giving out stuff for Gears of War last September with Halo 3 on the horizon. And no one complained...shocking.gif

Poor Dax, though. I didn't know any of you were qualified to tell another poster what he could buy or not buy with his money. I also didn't know you were all industry analysts who could predict that by Dax buying the Halo Wars CE that game prices will go up and the game industry will implode on itself. Watch out Dax, if you listen to these guys, you're the harbringer of doom for anyone who plays video games. Best listen to them /sarcasm.

I'll buy the Halo Wars CE to not only show my support for Microsoft and Ensemble, but to get the maps. I figure this, I would pay $10 for the map pack, and that's an extra $10 for all of that stuff that looks really cool. Seems like a valid investment to me.

If MS thinks three maps are going to bring down Gears Of War 2 then they are a fucking joke.


Striker said:
:lol Come on.

This isn't about the playlists, the actual game, or even the maps. One poster wants to buy Halo Wars CE and there's people telling him what to do and not what to do.

Nice of you to go through my post history though just to find it. ;)

That's not it at all.
We're picking on him because his logic in doing so is flawed / dangerous.

He made his mind up before it was even announced.

To quote the Matrix (which I don't recommend doing)
"You've already made the decision, now you must understand it"


Kuroyume said:
How the hell is a $10 map pack going to cannibalize Gears of Wars 2 sales? Seriously... :lol
Good god, there's no logic here.

The frustration that's going on in this thread over the lack of maps is probably amplified by casuals in the real world. I would imagine some are thinking about trading in Halo 3 for Gears of War 2, which is the new "big thing" for online play. If you have new maps come out, some might say "hey, Halo 3's fresh, Gears of Wars 2 can wait." A lot of people don't have the time to play multiple games.
Dirtbag said:
Well then I'm sorry for taking your words at face value then, as its all I have to go by. Never once in your posting have you mentioned anything about comparing the CE vs RE.

Why would I have to post about what comparisons I make when I'm looking at a game to purchase? I do it when I am purchasing the game; I shouldn't have to explain that to you.


I want to get Fallout 3 and Mirror's Edge for this holiday season. For the Mirror's Edge LE, I get a "running bag."


Yeah, no, RE for me.

Fallout 3? The case looks pretty cool, but the game hasn't been one where I have been absolutely dying to play, so I won't get it either.

If there is an Alan Wake CE? ... Fuck yes.

That seems to be MS's rationality also.

Okay? Halo Wars seems to be a really good game to me, so I have no problem pay $60 for it. Paying a little extra for a nice DVD case, a comic by Eric Nylund? Sure, why not?

But the pricing of CE's has nothing to do with offsetting development costs, and instead exist only to see how much additional money they can extract from an enthusiast. The whole idea of a collecter's edition, use to be one made in limited numbers and thus retaining their value by low numbers. Something happened along the way.
Huh? I only said that development costs was what made the average retail price for a game increase was because Nutter keeps on implying that because of people like me who buy the CEs the average price of a game will go up. And CEs are in limited numbers. They aren't making the Gears of War 1 CE anymore, nor Halo 3 Legendary, nor Mass Effect CE.
Fable 2 and Gears Of War 2, both releasing this year, alsmost at the same time, WTF IS HAPPENING WITH MGS THEY ARE GOING TO LOOSE MONIES

By god, a $10.00 map pack might just bring down MGS.


Dirtbag said:
That's not it at all.
We're picking on him because his logic in doing so is flawed / dangerous.

He made his mind up before it was even announced.

To quote the Matrix (which I don't recommend doing)
"You've already made the decision, now you must understand it"
Its his (or parents) money.

I don't see what's the big deal about it. If we were discussing millions of these, I would understand.

There seems to be an unjust feeling about Halo Wars in this thread, as well, mainly due to it being a RTS.


BakedPigeon said:
Fable 2 and Gears Of War 2, both releasing this year, alsmost at the same time, WTF IS HAPPENING WITH MGS THEY ARE GOING TO LOOSE MONIES

By god, a $10.00 map pack might just bring down MGS.
Bah gawd a $79.99 CE might just bring the game industry down! /this thread.

Fable 2 is a completely different game from Gears of War 2. Gears of War 2 and Halo 3 appeal to a very similar demographic.

Kuroyume said:
I think you give Jd too much credit. I really believe he's as sharp as a butter knife.
:lol Any other "intelligent" remarks? Here's another one: Microsoft hates you guys so much that they forced Bungie to not only rush the game, but to hold maps, charge for them and make sure that you guys will fill NeoGAF with an insane amount of whining and bitching just so Bill Gates and company can sit on stacks of cash, look down at the peons at Bungie and laugh with cigars hanging out of their mouths.

Sound familiar? That's the mentality of most of the people in here. My scenario is the only logical one. But logic went out the door with a group of gamers tried to tell some guy how to spend his money.


BakedPigeon said:
If MS thinks three maps are going to bring down Gears Of War 2 then they are a fucking joke.

Apparently a $10 DLC will kill sales of a new game.

Just like this $10 Dollar inclusion in Halo Wars, will not make it sell gangbusters, the DLC wouldnt have killed Gears game sales.


So, having installed the "leaked" NXE, I've been unable to get on Live. I really miss Halo 3 and I'm dying to get picked for the 2nd wave of NXE preview users (if it does happen). I didn't know I missed RUmble Pit and DLC FFA matches.


Striker said:
Its his (or parents) money.

I don't see what's the big deal about it. If we were discussing millions of these, I would understand.

There seems to be an unjust feeling about Halo Wars in this thread, as well, mainly due to it being a RTS.
Thing is, I am discussing millions of these. The day that my regular edition game content is held back for the limited edition content, millions have been affected.

He is just the face to a mindset that made 'horse armor' possible. Only now the horse armor is delaying my enjoyment of an entirely different game.

A line has been crossed.


Shake Appeal said:
It doesn't just look like it's going to kick ass. I played the same two levels of the demo seven times today and had a blast every time.

I'm fucking there man. This map thing is completely ridiculous, 90% of my friends list is going either to Gears 2 or L4D, and I've already been fed up with Halo 3 with some of the spawns and alt account bullshit, among other things. I'm at 1975 XP, I might enlist you to help me get to 2000 even (I like to end games at nice round #'s if I can).


Blueblur1 said:
I understand what you mean. I wish I had really given it some thought last fall. And in the past few months, I've seen Legendary Editions on sale for like $70. :(

It's $60 if you can find it now.


People talk about 'supporting' devs - supporting MS and Ensemble in this case - as if they're doing you a massive favour.

Well - by holding back what is essentially an injection of freshness and fun into the Halo community, they're doing nothing to support you in return. They're not supporting nout - they're maximising their chance at profit by releasing it at a time when it'll garner the most attention, and drip feeding it to us in order to gain maximum money. We shouldn't have to 'support' a company as big as Microsoft, and the fact that they're CLOSING Ensemble rubs salt in that very wound.

The Halo 3 community is a year old now. 6 maps have been released, 3 of which (Legendary) really are still pretty niche due to MS's pricing policies. Many of my friends are fed up with the maps at present - they're good, we've just played them to death. New maps have been needed for a few months now, in my opinion. Those stating this is an ok decision due to the nature of the business and that it would go unloved due to new releases are missing a huge point - these new games will fracture and split the Halo community when it's at a low eb. When a lot of people are simply bored with it, here comes new titles, and plenty will never go back. I would argue that now, or within the past month or so, would have been a PERFECT time to launch maps. It would keep current and lapsing players interested, and keep things fresh. Considering 6 maps are finished/being worked on, an October pack and a February pack would have been perfect. The Feb pack would have brought back the players who still went after the Christmas titles.

Microsoft are not supporting the current Halo 3 community, and are instead supporting their own profits. In return, we should not be offering our 'support' to them by just buying whatever they attach the Halo 3 name too. I for one, am a member of the Halo 3 community, not simply the Halo community. As a member of this community, I want more maps, more support, and more Halo 3.
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