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Racists Getting Fired

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It is when you're in public administration. You deal with all opinions. You grow thick skin quick.

If you're in public administration, and one of your employees is proven to have said something along the lines of what Virginia Truck Driver there had said of his own free will on a public platform such as instagram or twitter, are you telling me you would not react in the same manner that the managers of a group of fuckin TRUCK DRIVERS IN VIRGINIA reacted in?

There's thick skin, and then there's callous.


While doxxing someone is probably not something I would do, I'll be damned if I sit here and condemn those doing it or say a single word in defense of the dumbasses who believe that they should be able to be racist idiots in public spaces with impunity.

Post racist shit on Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr? Don't be surprised or mad if it gets back to your employer and you lose your job. Also, don't be mad when the rest of us laugh about it.
I understand the concern about policing what people say online... But any recollection that would have to start with "First they came for the Klan" just seems like ridiculous fear-mongering that borders on racism defense. Confederate support in America should be treated similarly to Holocaust revisionism in Germany.


Not really. Back in the those days, any of those beliefs were used to condemn you as a Communist. I boiled it down to Communist for simplicity's sake.

As for why, because people get off on having such power over someone's life, and it's rather disturbing to me that we're here discussing what is essentially a new means for vigilantes to have their power trip and potentially obliterate the lives of people they don't even know and likely could have almost zero chance of ever meeting.

We know they like to say nigger a lot.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Not really. Back in the those days, any of those beliefs were used to condemn you as a Communist. I boiled it down to Communist for simplicity's sake.

As for why, because people get off on having such power over someone's life, and it's rather disturbing to me that we're here discussing what is essentially a new means for vigilantes to have their power trip and potentially obliterate the lives of people they don't even know and likely could have almost zero chance of ever meeting.

Don't you think people should have a responsibility for what they say? Do you really believe that racism is a victimless crime? Do you think others should be liable for an individuals behavior?


Post Count: 9999
Do you really want to compare people online spewing racist nonsense to fucking slavery? Is this a joke post?
What you should ask yourself is why are you creating an artificial line of what 'level' of racism does or does not deserve empathy from people it doesn't affect?

Turning a blind eye to lower level shit is what helps foster structural racism. To think there isn't a connection between lower level and more 'serious' racism is pretty naive. You have to hit shit at the ground floor.


I understand that.
People are fixated on the racism part of this in my opinion, and not the bigger slippery slope.

There is no slippery slope. The stuff you described already happens. And yeah, it's not okay. At all. There should be legal protections for people like this to prevent them from losing their jobs.

But that still really isn't on the same ballpark as openly spouting hate speech. People who do that sort of deserve whatever happens to them. People should be fired for hate speech, and not fired for other things. This social media stuff really isn't an "all or nothing" issue.
Holy shit this tread is moving fast...

Saying a racist thing makes one a racist. They apply the label to themselves.
No, you're applying it to them and condensing their entire life down to the fact they may be racist (a state to which their are many degrees). That ignores all the other shit they have done in their life, and forces you to discard their worth as a human being. Not only is this wasteful for society, it forces those who hold slightly racist views into a corner. Wonder why democrats can't win in the south, its because of preachy norther democrats who criticize racist southern republicans more than bring them into the fold and show them the benefits of being more tolerant.
Start educating kids at a younger age about equality. We have to de-program any racism (or any hatred in general) from them that their parents have instilled. We also likely need some form of education / reform classes for people whose racist attitudes are known. Education is the final answer to racism, not potentially getting strangers fired.

Incredibly optimistic. Naive. Wishful thinking. Take your pick.
This type of thing would only work if that was the sole influence on these kids, but when a kid can go from learning in class that racism is bad to seeing a trailer for Star Wars on youtube, reading the comments and seeing "Fucking niggers ruining my Star Wars!" with tons of likes, few rebuttals and seemingly no consequences, then their classroom education is drastically minimized in its effectiveness. There is a class between what is being taught and what is being experienced.

We NEED, and I say need not as a strong calling for, but literally as a necessity people being accountable for what they say online. We need to not have these stupid racism defense forces or ridiculous devils advocates who desperately try to justify it


Banstick Emeritus
And you are letting emotion blind you to the bigger issue.
As someone touched on here, when one of you makes a post bitching because someone sees a picture on your facebook or twitter of your pipe or you out partying one night or some joke picture you post and then you find yourself called to the office...you might understand.
Until then you won't.
People go to strip clubs, fetish events and various other things or have differing opinions in politics , religion, sexuality, gun control and various other things in their private lives and should not have to worry about someone combing through their Facebooks, Twitters or whatever as soon as they disagree with their opinions or beliefs.

It is great when it serves your purpose, it won't be when it goes the other way.

Equating going to a fetish club/smoking weed/believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster to being a racist piece of shit? That's beyond insulting.

I can quote MLK, too:

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
I love holding people accountable for the stupid stuff they say publicly. Hey!


I'm always a little disconcerted with how people confuse 'freedom of speech' with 'freedom from judgment'. Just because the government can't stop you from being an asshole doesn't mean you can't get fired for being one.

Sorry companies don't appreciate their employees spouting hate speech, I guess...?

Fuck these people, life's too short. Society's under no obligation to buoy their views. Let them work at the kind of place that condones their behavior if they need to act that way so badly.


Consider it a lesson in being black: their job prospects and employability are now harmed by virtue of something unrelated to their ability to do a job.

Holy wow. The realest words I ever read.

Not sure to feel about this COMPLETELY, but I am all for racists being held accountable for being horrible.
Holy shit this tread is moving fast...

No, you're applying it to them and condensing their entire life down to the fact they may be racist (a state to which their are many degrees). That ignores all the other shit they have done in their life, and forces you to discard their worth as a human being. Not only is this wasteful for society, it forces those who hold slightly racist views into a corner. Wonder why democrats can't win in the south, its because of preachy norther democrats who criticize racist southern republicans more than bring them into the fold and show them the benefits of being more tolerant.
What is this? People calling out racists online when they're being racist isn't some radical act, and racists don't need protection from this, let alone unspoken protection of their freedom to be aggressively dehumanizing pieces of shit online because we don't want these stupid people to be judged for their own stupid actions.
Holy shit this tread is moving fast...

No, you're applying it to them and condensing their entire life down to the fact they may be racist (a state to which their are many degrees). That ignores all the other shit they have done in their life, and forces you to discard their worth as a human being. Not only is this wasteful for society, it forces those who hold slightly racist views into a corner. Wonder why democrats can't win in the south, its because of preachy norther democrats who criticize racist southern republicans more than bring them into the fold and show them the benefits of being more tolerant.



What you should ask yourself is why are you creating an artificial line of what 'level' of racism does or does not deserve empathy from people it doesn't affect?

Because it's a tough economy, and in my eyes, this will only bring about more hatred from the people who lose their jobs over this. This is a punishment, but not a way to rehabilitate.
Start educating kids at a younger age about equality. We have to de-program any racism (or any hatred in general) from them that their parents have instilled. We also likely need some form of education / reform classes for people whose racist attitudes are known. Education is the final answer to racism, not potentially getting strangers fired.
I think losing your job is a far better lesson than any tips you might pick up at a mandatory night school class.
If you're in public administration, and one of your employees is proven to have said something along the lines of what Virginia Truck Driver there had said of his own free will on a public platform such as instagram or twitter, are you telling me you would not react in the same manner that the managers of a group of fuckin TRUCK DRIVERS IN VIRGINIA reacted in?

There's thick skin, and then there's callous.
Depends on the region the organization is in. There are plenty of places in America where that language is pretty standard. As we have seen recently, plenty of public administrators have escaped firing for saying racist things because the community was such that they did not demand the removal of the administrator.

Moreover, a truck driver being racist affects essentially no-one. There's no point in him losing his job because his job does not entail working with the public, or really even customers.


Holy shit this tread is moving fast...

No, you're applying it to them and condensing their entire life down to the fact they may be racist (a state to which their are many degrees). That ignores all the other shit they have done in their life, and forces you to discard their worth as a human being. Not only is this wasteful for society, it forces those who hold slightly racist views into a corner. Wonder why democrats can't win in the south, its because of preachy norther democrats who criticize racist southern republicans more than bring them into the fold and show them the benefits of being more tolerant.

If you say something racist, if you "hold slightly racist views" (what the hell is a "slightly racist" view, anyway?), then you're a racist. Sorry to tell you, but some things really are that simple.
When I'm running a business, I really want possible minority employees to know that I won't do shit to bigoted fucks and will continue to employ them. That won't drive minority employees from my business, create a bad work environment for anyone that stays, or hurt my business at all.


No, you're applying it to them and condensing their entire life down to the fact they may be racist (a state to which their are many degrees). That ignores all the other shit they have done in their life, and forces you to discard their worth as a human being. Not only is this wasteful for society, it forces those who hold slightly racist views into a corner. Wonder why democrats can't win in the south, its because of preachy norther democrats who criticize racist southern republicans more than bring them into the fold and show them the benefits of being more tolerant.

There is nothing slightly racist about calling someone a nigger as every poster in the website has done.
I can quote MLK, too:

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

Yet you offer no understanding.

It's bad to abuse children, but it's okay to post pictures of them online being abused.

That's basically you in a nutshell, that's your argument.
Depends on the region the organization is in.

So, it's conditional on whether or not there's a lot of racists there?

Either way, you personally, wouldn't have fired an employee for voluntarily choosing to suggest black people should be shot for being black, or that black people should be transported, as if they were property, to a country other than America for the benefit of improving America?

As a thick-skinned public administrator, your choice of punishment for an employee repeatedly taking to public channels of communication and yelling about niggers needing to go back to Africa would be... conditional based on where they live.
I wasn't really. I just don't think people should be fired for what they say in their spare time when they are not at work and if they are not tweeting from a work account. Its a fairly difficult case and a very grey area.
You don't really belive that. You just don't think people should be fired for saying racist things. I'm sure you wouldn't say anything if someone were talking about how hot and sexual little kids are... you wouldn't care if they got fired. Its just you don't put that much weight on racial outbursts as say the musings of a pedophile.


Moreover, a truck driver being racist affects essentially no-one. There's no point in him losing his job because his job does not entail working with the public, or really even customers.

A single person, probably not but when it's not company policy to weed out the garbage, it makes it a hostile environment for anyone involved.
If you say something racist, if you "hold slightly racist views" (what the hell is a "slightly racist" view, anyway?), then you're a racist. Sorry to tell you, but some things really are that simple.
No they aren't. There's a difference between calling someone a word and being willing to lynch them. One of those is worse than the other.



Equating going to a fetish club/smoking weed/believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster to being a racist piece of shit? That's beyond insulting.

Bish, I am not at all.
They are not on the same levels. Not even close.
I am just saying that I do not believe that people should go digging through your internet life to have an effect on your professional life *unless you are posting on your business profile or have your business linked..
Internet vigilantism can go bad. That is my only point.


Not really. Back in the those days, any of those beliefs were used to condemn you as a Communist. I boiled it down to Communist for simplicity's sake.

As for why, because people get off on having such power over someone's life, and it's rather disturbing to me that we're here discussing what is essentially a new means for vigilantes to have their power trip and potentially obliterate the lives of people they don't even know and likely could have almost zero chance of ever meeting.
It is not a power. I posted an example of a racist and how his beliefs affected people and websites like the one in the OP remove people from their jobs before I have to interact with them. These people are obliterating their own lives by posting racist things that anyone can view. I have no sympathy for them.
I can quote MLK, too:

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
How does that fit what is happening here? Are we supposed to mollycoddle these racists until they are not racist anymore?


Banstick Emeritus
Holy shit this tread is moving fast...

No, you're applying it to them and condensing their entire life down to the fact they may be racist (a state to which their are many degrees). That ignores all the other shit they have done in their life, and forces you to discard their worth as a human being. Not only is this wasteful for society, it forces those who hold slightly racist views into a corner. Wonder why democrats can't win in the south, its because of preachy norther democrats who criticize racist southern republicans more than bring them into the fold and show them the benefits of being more tolerant.
Now it comes out. "Slightly racist"? Go read the OP again and come back when you're done, tell me what's slightly racist about any of those posts. Ye gods.


No they aren't. There's a difference between calling someone a word and being willing to lynch them. One of those is worse than the other.

Lol, you do no have to be a card carrying member of the KKK to be a fucking racist. People need to learn that.

Because it's a tough economy, and in my eyes, this will only bring about more hatred from the people who lose their jobs over this. This is a punishment, but not a way to rehabilitate.
Too fucking bad, they should have thought about that before spewing hateful shit on a public platform like Twitter or Facebook. I also don't care if they become more bitter or whatever, their level of hatred and bitterness is already unacceptable.


Bish, I am not at all.
They are not on the same levels. Not even close.
I am just saying that I do not believe that people should go digging through your internet life to have an effect on your professional life *unless you are posting on your business profile or have your business linked..
Internet vigilantism can go bad. That is my only point.

It can, but this website really isn't an example of that. Seriously, look at the website. It's full of some pretty sick shit.
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