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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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All I know was that I was confused watching it, and within 2-3 minutes my first gut reaction was "so this is kind of like KLK". The series starts with confusing/boring exposition and then leads into a battle between two people with only that as a set up that looks really pretty but is hard to be invested in. Really the reason to say it's not like KLK is because it's really well animated the whole way though unlike KLK :p

oh boy

I just

oh boy


Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig 01: Finally got around to watching the first episode just because I needed to sate my fix of Atsuko Tanaka until the second half of UBW airs. Anyways this was the same old SAC that I loved, with a pretty exciting kick off for the new season. I also felt something inside when I saw all the happy Tachikomas and emotional Batou at the end of the episode. I think I'll spread my viewing of this series out a bit just to savor it and in the meanwhile start Black Lagoon or something.



All I know was that I was confused watching it, and within 2-3 minutes my first gut reaction was "so this is kind of like KLK". The series starts with confusing/boring exposition and then leads into a battle between two people with only that as a set up that looks really pretty but is hard to be invested in. Really the reason to say it's not like KLK is because it's really well animated the whole way though unlike KLK :p

It's hard to be "invested" in anything in the first five minutes of it. The specific details are not as important as the general feeling and the major characters, which are explained pretty clearly. Really the idea that minute details need to always be clear and unambiguous is something inculcated by bad writing in other works more than anything.
It's hard to be "invested" in anything in the first five minutes of it. The specific details are not as important as the general feeling and the major characters, which are explained pretty clearly. Really the idea that minute details need to always be clear and unambiguous is something inculcated by bad writing in other works more than anything.

At no point in the episode did I feel anything was well written though, it wasn't really bad either but the whole time I had a hard time following what was going on. Maybe I just need to rewatch it in a more focused environment and it'd clear up some of my confusion.


All I know was that I was confused watching it, and within 2-3 minutes my first gut reaction was "so this is kind of like KLK". The series starts with confusing/boring exposition and then leads into a battle between two people with only that as a set up that looks really pretty but is hard to be invested in. Really the reason to say it's not like KLK is because it's really well animated the whole way though unlike KLK :p

The shows are also dissimilar in tone, color usage, art direction, background usage, music and how its used, the fact that the main protagonists won't be the combatants, character interactions, etc. I compared it to KLK because it and Jojo are the most recent major battle shonen I'd seen but in reality a far better comparison is Yozakura Quartet - a show I have seen and should have thought of first but is been a bit longer since I'd seen it.


The shows are also dissimilar in tone, color usage, art direction, background usage, music and how its used, the fact that the main protagonists won't be the combatants, character interactions, etc. I compared it to KLK because it and Jojo are the most recent major battle shonen I'd seen but in reality a far better comparison is Yozakura Quartet - a show I have seen and should have thought of first but is been a bit longer since I'd seen it.

Wait has it been confirmed that imouto won't become a Best? Are you fucking serious? Ugh. Episode 3 better super impress me.

At no point in the episode did I feel anything was well written though, it wasn't really bad either but the whole time I had a hard time following what was going on. Maybe I just need to rewatch it in a more focused environment and it'd clear up some of my confusion.

The show is heavily lenient on knowledge of the Sengoku period and general Japanese geography. Surprise! You're not the target audience.


Wait has it been confirmed that imouto won't become a Best? Are you fucking serious? Ugh. Episode 3 better super impress me.

The show is heavily lenient on knowledge of the Sengoku period and general Japanese geography. Surprise! You're not the target audience.

I meant with regards to the first episode. The general premise of the show is that she and three others (who have shown up in the show already) go around and settle conflicts all over Japan. I have no idea if they do that with diplomacy, robots, superpowers or what not.
The shows are also dissimilar in tone, color usage, art direction, background usage, music and how its used, the fact that the main protagonists won't be the combatants, character interactions, etc. I compared it to KLK because it and Jojo are the most recent major battle shonen I'd seen but in reality a far better comparison is Yozakura Quartet - a show I have seen and should have thought of first but is been a bit longer since I'd seen it.

Being color blind won't help with the color usage, and I've meant to watch Yozakura Quartet I liked the first episode but it just fell into back log hell. Looking over posts here and in the KLK OT I'm not the only person saying RG is giving them KLK vibes, and I wouldn't really compare RG to JoJo or Parasyte or any of the other shonen battle series I've seen recently.

Also are we sure the MC won't become a best, feels like the series was building towards that

The show is heavily lenient on knowledge of the Sengoku period and general Japanese geography. Surprise! You're not the target audience.

Cool elitist opinion yo, and I never said the show was bad or that I didn't like it, just that it was a bit off the wall and that "ive had enough of this" but having spent some time thinking about it more I think I will rewatch the first episode and give it another shot. The fact is the series could have explained things a bit better, and maybe on a rewatch I'll pick up on the things that I didn't get the first time, and I dunno how you can say fans of action anime aren't the target audience for an action anime


I haven't watched Rolling Girls yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if the KLK comparisons are mostly coming from people whose main exposure to anime is following the most recent couple of seasons, ~2012-2015

Well and there's also that ANN review. How unfortunate.


Being color blind won't help with the color usage, and I've meant to watch Yozakura Quartet I liked the first episode but it just fell into back log hell. Looking over posts here and in the KLK OT I'm not the only person saying RG is giving them KLK vibes, and I wouldn't really compare RG to JoJo or Parasyte or any of the other shonen battle series I've seen recently.

Also are we sure the MC won't become a best, feels like the series was building towards that

Sorry, forgot about the color blindness. Also, again I was only really speaking about the first episode. Maybe Ma-chan dies and causes her sister to go Super Sayian or some shit I dunno.


Subete no aware
Apologies for yet another image heavy moderate length post about something that's basically two weeks old, but this is what happens when you stop watching anime. :p


After the great payoff of Hanamonogatari, I was a bit reticent about Tsukimonogatari. I don't have any strong feelings about Yotsugi as a character, and of course, the big cliffhanger was already resolved. But, maybe they were reading my mind with he prologue at the beginning:
Although this arc "features" Yotsugi as the main "heroine", it is really about Araragi and his role in these stories. So when Araragi tells us that the story will be about the beginning and end of "a human named Araragi", which is a very particular way for him to essentially describe himself, we're primed to understand that the story is about what it means for Araragi to be at the center of all these stories. Of course, as we will learn by the end of this arc, we find out why Araragi was absent during the Kanbaru arc and why he didn't come and solve her problem.

I'll talk about the interactions with Araragi and his sisters later, and instead move on with Araragi's arc itself. In the first act of the arc, Araragi discovers that he has no reflection in the mirror and suspects that he has become a vampire. The fact that Oshino has disappeared, his ongoing fear of Gaen and his relationship with Kaiki means that he has no one to turn to be Kagenui, which in turn, leads us to meet up with the "star" of the arc, Yotsugi. What's interesting is that the show takes us back to the memory of Oshino:

The school, and in particular the tree, becomes the one place where all the characters - but in particular Araragi - feel some measure of safety. It's where we first come to understand who Araragi is and his place in the Monogatari universe, so for Kagenui to bring him back in order to undertake an existentialist project is quite fitting. Kagenui serves the same function as Oshino does in a meeting that we may never see in the anime. She understands that Araragi is becoming an oddity, and like Oshino, offers him a way to cure himself of his vampirism. What's interesting is that we're starting to see how this arc, and perhaps Monogatari as a whole, loves to set up parallels and dichotomies between the various players in the universe. Where Oshino cures Araragi, but leaves a bit of the vampire blood within him, Kagenui takes absolutely no action on his behalf other than to command him to never use his powers. The price exacted by Oshino is a seemingly unreasonable figure of 5 million yen, which ultimately leads to Araragi being a kind of apprentice to Oshino and gives him a purpose, while Kagenui charges him nothing for her services but asks for a far greater price, prohibiting from using his powers even if his loved ones were in danger.

He knows that it's a promise that he can never really make, even if he agrees to Kagenui's "price":
More on the use of the close-up on the eye a bit later, but it's important that he puts into words who he is as a person as the camera gives us a glimpse of Araragi's 'soul'.

The mirroring of characters happens over and over again. Kagenui is of course directly compared to Tadatsuru and how both wanted to use Yotsugi after they created her. And we come to learn that the price that they pay for reaching beyond their grasp is that they can never touch the ground. But that parallel is fairly self-evident and perhaps a red-herring, given how the Tadatsuru part of the story ends.

I think what's more interesting is how Kagenui is directly compared to Araragi, even before you understand that she herself has been affected by some kind of curse that is placed on her:
Here we see a direct comparison that is made between the two characters, as Kagenui is shown standing on a pillar to avoid touching the ground while Araragi is shown standing on the ice without a reflection. Despite the fact that they have absolutely nothing in common beyond these oddities that have informed their lives, they share the same burdens precisely because of these oddities.
Here the relationship between the two characters and the roles that they have in the story are put on display, and subconsciously we understand that Kagenui has all the power in this relationship because she is the one who understands Tadatsuru's crane message and how to deal with him because we see that she stands "above" him. But we also know that she is powerless to face him directly, and that it's only Araragi that can confront him in the upcoming "battle". What seems to be a power differential between the two characters ends up being what makes them more similar than they would otherwise seem. As an arc that challenges us to think about who Araragi is as a character without his powers, we see this reflected in all the other characters that we are exposed to in the story.

In fact, isn't this quite a convenient piece of imagery to use when we see Araragi meet Tadatsuru?
It's almost like Tadatsuru is being mirrored with Kagenui! But even more than that, the relationship between Araragi and Tadatsuru and the power dynamics between them as it relates to oddities is very much the same as how power functions in the Araragi/Kagenui relationship. Funny that.

And much like a lot of the seemingly anticlimatic battles of previous arcs, we never actually see a physical fight. Monogatari has never really been about that, despite the fact that it stars this powered up half-vampire dude hunting demons (which, quite frankly, might as well be shounen anime #285). In fact, even though Tadatsuru has kidnapped Araragi's sisters and forced Araragi to track him down, he is not sure why he wanted to eliminate Araragi in the first place.

He asks this question of Araragi, but also of himself:
It's another reminder of something larger at play, something that Gaen introduces us back in Monogatari SS and perhaps alluded to by this mysterious Ougi figure who seemingly haunts the cast of characters throughout the earlier arcs. Everything we know about Tadatsuru is told to us through Kagenui's description of him. We assume that his end goal is to destroy Araragi because he is an oddity, and that he kidnapped his sisters in order to force a confrontation. Just as Tadatsuru is confused by his own motivations for wanting Araragi dead, he suggests that Araragi is being forced into playing the role of the concerned brother who will be forced to choose between his humanity and his family. And of course, the fact that the characters have been "cast" to play specific roles extends to Kagenui and Yotsugi as well, as they help precipitate this confrontation and ultimately see to its end.

Although Tadatsuru doesn't understand why he is being played, he understands that he is a mark and resists the only way he can. Just as Kagenui reminds us of Oshino and his role in Araragi's life, Tadatsuru brings it home again by suggesting that Oshino is the only one who can truly solve the dilemma that Araragi finds himself in. In a way, Tadatsuru is helping Araragi as much as Kagenui can, even if it's in a way that is seemingly just as ineffectual. But before Tadatsuru makes his final gambit, he asks Araragi to show "human compassion":

What's interesting about this title card is how it's deliberately separating "human" from "compassion". Perhaps it begins to hint at the answer to the bigger question being posed by Tadatsuru and the role every character in the series has to play in this bigger game involving dark and mysterious forces. If you notice the theater spotlights that are placed on Araragi throughout the scene, you see that there are two spotlights that use the same colors as the ones on this title card. If these two words represent two distinct concepts, Tadatsuru suggests that Araragi is the one who can unite the two ideas together.

Of course, this leads back to the main heroine of the arc, Yotsugi. We find out that she is an oddity made from a corpse, and she has no right to claim humanity even if Araragi projects it onto her. When Yotsugi tries to work out potential solutions to the Tadatsuru problem, one of the solutions she offers is to simply kill him with her teleportation spell. Araragi sees this as a line that cannot be crossed, because it would confirm that she is an oddity and not human:

But even though we are led to believe that Araragi will find another solution, because he summarily shuts down this option, he finds that the choice simply isn't his to make:

So we have yet another instance of mirroring in the show, where Araragi's status as a human being is directly compared to Yotsugi. Of course, the first way to read this ending, where Yotsugi blasts Tadatsuru to death in order to save Kanbaru and the sisters, is that she really had no other choice because she was simply an actor being cast into that particular role by this mysterious force. The final scene of the arc, where Yotsugi is placed into Araragi's home, is an acknowledgement of that fact, and also shows the first signs of overt resistance against this force.

But we might also understand Yotsugi's actions as an act of compassion. Both Yotsugi and Araragi are human oddities who ride the line between their two constituent parts, and as such, both are going through the same internal conflicts about who they are and what their place in the world might be. Perhaps ultimately both would have came to the same conclusion eventually - that in order to save the girls, they would need to sacrifice their humanity in order to do so. But Araragi's expectations are foiled twice - first by Tadatsuru refusing to attack him because Tadasturu sees him as human, and then by Yotsugi making the choice to become a monster before he could have the chance to do so himself. She takes the burden of "falling" in order to save Araragi's humanity, even if it seems that she does so in the most cold and calculated manner possible. Human compassion may have dictated that Araragi sacrifice himself in order to save everyone, but his compassion is externalized by Yotsugi's actions. The fact that Araragi and Yotsugi come together is much like the two spotlights hitting their mark at the same point on the stage - the human Araragi meets with the compassionate Yotsugi in order to win the impossible scenario.

I think it's important to recognize how this is represented on the screen as well. In the scene above, where Yotsugi makes the compassionate choice, we see her shrouded in darkness while Araragi is still lit. At first, we might be led to believe that this is a visual representation of humanity and the loss of humanity. But this is what we see when Yotsugi and Araragi are reunited at the end of the arc:
Now Araragi is the one in darkness, while Yotsugi is the one in the light. It's not necessarily that their roles are reversed, it's more like they are two sides of the same coin. Even though Yotsugi's loss of humanity was meant to create a rift in the relationship, in fact, it makes the bond between the two characters even stronger - especially since she is literally going to live with him now. The ending itself represents the coming together of human compassion, offering hope for Araragi's plight and the inkling of a resistance against the forces that have been manipulating everyone in his life.

There are other things I wanted to talk about in terms of the imagery in the arc. One I mentioned was the closeup on Araragi's eye as he declares that he would willingly sacrifice himself in order to save his loved ones. Here we see a similar shot near the end of the arc when Araragi meets with Senjougahara on Valentine's Day:
Araragi's commitment to his morality, which he believes will make him lose his humanity, is also why Senjougahara loves him and will never forget him. What he thinks will make him lose himself is actually something that gives him a presence in the lives of others.

The other amusing point to come out is another allusion to the fact that Kaiki and Araragi are very much the same as well:
The fact that we see this represented through Senjoughara, who was helped by both men, is fitting. The fact that she says this while looking into a mirror is perhaps a bit on the nose, but is another example of the visual metaphor they used throughout this arc.

One final aspect I'd want to touch on is the role that the sisters play in the arc
This is how we see them in the beginning:
And this is how we see them at the end:
Of course, I still maintain that the more... suggestive aspects of the relationship are more psychological than strictly sexual, I will say that the arc purposefully ends the same way that it begins. The sisters are the characters that ground Araragi as a person - whether he has his powers or doesn't have his powers - and as such, the relationship he has with them will never change. It's a reaffirmation of what Senjougahara tells him when he is worried about losing himself - the people around him will still see him, regardless of the choices he makes.


Grisaia no Kajitsu-11
Well this is pretty fucking stupid. How the fuck has nobody found these girls? Apparently none of the rescue parties decided to drive down the route where the girls disappeared? It's not like they deviated far off the route they were supposed to be traveling. Also how goddamn dumb do you have to be to wait an entire week before heading out? Hell, a person should have left on day 2 while they still had energy and some level of nourishment. The teacher is a damn moron.

Well I wonder if I'm going to see some cannibalism moe.


Apologies for yet another image heavy moderate length post about something that's basically two weeks old, but this is what happens when you stop watching anime. :p


I couldn't have said it better myself, firerarararahawk12.

Now, by the grace of god Kizum actually exists and will be in theatres this year. I want to believe.


Recap and general stuff:
I know you all don't care about my silly walls of text, but humor me please :) I just finished the show and I have to say I really enjoyed it, more so than I initially expected if I'm honest with you all. I've had it recommended to me for a long time and I decided that 2015 would be a year in which I clear my backlog and it got to the point that I felt it was the right time to watch the show. In the end, I’m very glad that I did.
At first I was having some reservations but upon the first episode I felt that it was a strange show, but not in a bad way! What drew my attention to the show many years ago was its parallels to Evangelion, something I was (and still am) infatuated with. Within the first two episodes both its imagery and music contained obvious calling cards to Eva. I guess my reservations were in thinking that the show would be a poor man’s Evangelion. I was wrong of course! :)

As the show went on one of the main things that I really liked about it was the fact that by creating parallels to a show like Eva in the first place, it really exemplified just how much more realistic the characters are in this show when compared to their contemporaries in Eva. You see the main character in situations where you’d expect him to run away and sulk like Shinji and ask 'why' all the time so when you then get this main character who accepts the situation that he's in and works to the best of his ability in order to help those in need all the while showing actual human emotions that you can resonate with…well it really made me smile.
The cast was super likeable, and when you hated a character it was intentional! I watched it subtitled and the Japanese voice acting was wonderful and each character has loads of personality and chemistry between them. I was legitimately smiling and getting teary eyed at many moments. You really feel for each character and both the art and music did a wonderful job of making you care for the characters and the predicaments that they are in.

The characters are no doubt the highlight of this show and both its parallels and juxtapositions with Eva are what make it a compelling show that I never got enough of and what kept me hooked after each episode. Characters are put into situations that we're all familiar with if you've ever seen Eva, sometimes scarily so and while doing this you expect each scene to play out in a similar fashion. So when that turns out not to be the case and Ayato ends up being the polar opposite of a Shinji I just smiled. Episode 8 for example is strikingly similar to episode
of Eva, so to see the way it plays out in the end was very rewarding indeed.

To talk about episode specifics, Episode 11 is one of those episodes that I really appreciate. The way this episode is shot is beautiful, as is its use of angles that are used in order to disorientate the viewer which is both appealing and haunting. The show up until that point looked and sounded pleasant, with wonderful photography and great compositions but had often lacked that extra oomph, up until that point.

I knew Episode 15 would be a treat beforehand due to the episode director and boy was it ever....but not in the manner in which I expected it to be. The episode dropped the build-up found at the end of previous episode and took a more sombre approach. This could have been a huge risk but it totally paid off. This episode is one that has a different pace and a different set of emotions that accompany it. Another great episode full of really nice art, interesting characters and a really nice soundtrack that manages to set itself apart from the rest of the show. It’s also full of cute moments, but very sincere in its delivery. Directed by Mitsuo Iso himself. It was really good! :D

Episode 16 yet again continued to carry the emotional highs of the previous episodes and was full of great moments that articulate just what kind of predicament the characters are in and what kind of state of mind they are left in. Really kept me hooked and wanting to know more after the credits had ended. Episode 18 had a lot more is going on, action was more frequent and overall a strong episode with an interesting ending.

Episode 19 - Fin
So ends my journey with this awesome show. Lets start with where I left off: Episode 19. This episode....this episode....episode 19…damn what a phenomenal episode! Seriously I had tears running down my cheek and everything. What an absolutely wonderful episode with beautiful art, amazing use of the scenery, a powerful soundtrack and just all round stunning episode. It’s one of the best episodes in the show no doubt. Wow. The cinematography, the characters…the music…just wow. That episode will never leave me. The way each scene is shot and the events that occur are just breathtaking. Powerful stuff, and not what I expect going in to the show.
The next 3 episodes were a great follow up but were never going to match the highs of EP 19. But honestly every episode from here onward had those moments that keep you engaged and interested with the very diverse and interesting cast. Each episode had those great moments that make them worthwhile and are just amazing episodes in general to watch. I have to say the show doesn't falter out at all. Pretty commendable. The show unlike most others gets amazing towards its final stretch. Episode 23 was a lot more action oriented but still contained those touching and emotional parts that make this show such a joy to watch Episode 24 was pretty emotional too with awesome imagery and powerful character moments.
The last two episodes were something else. Episode 25 was really intriguing and full of great imagery and leads up to the finale really well! Really interesting and does a wonderful job of making you feel isolated and alone and out of the loop. The last episode was a delight to watch. The visuals were just amazing, such a great looking episode with amazing use of color throughout and amazing cinematography. It made great use of the aspect ratio too which is always fun to see. So many emotions run throughout your head in the last 15 minutes. I wish it was longer. The ending is super satisfying however and left tears in my eyes and I sat there minutes later just smiling. I'll still go back in order to soak it all up many time over.
Summary: As you can tell, I really loved the show and it’s one of my favorites for sure. All my reservations were uncalled for as by the end the show exceeded my expectations by a huge margin. The show revolves around sound so the audio was amazing as you’d expect. The voice acting was immaculate. Everyone delivered their lines with conviction. The cinematography was actually pretty amazing and the art is amazing throughout. Awesome character and mechanical designs also present throughout. The story and show is actually really well thought out as it takes you on this journey, and I didn’t expect that. It surprised me a lot. I’m super glad that I watched it. The more I think about it, the more emotional I get. When I think about it, the weaker moments were far and few between and the show overall was super strong in its delivery with a few absolute standout episodes. The amazing cast of characters are what ultimately make this a show I won’t forget anytime soon.
Watch it for the:
  • Amazing Art & Unique Designs
  • Beautiful Cinematography & Imagery
  • Great Soundtrack Full Of Emotional, Touching & Unforgettable Pieces
  • Amazingly Well Orchestrated Cast of Characters
  • Top Voice Acting
  • Satisfying & Interesting Story
I dropped Durarara now 12 episodes in. It's just so boring when you care for no one and all that is mildly interesting are the plot twists...which are then again kinda cheap and lack impact because the characters are hardly relatable in the first place.

Heck, just now I wanted to read the episode summaries on wiki but quickly realized that I don't even care enough to go through that.


Absolutely disgusting that they put panty shots into an episode that involved girls starving to death, suicide, eating each other, and a teacher having sex with his student. Like what dickwad on the staff thought, "You know what this episode needs? Panty shots".

There is also no fucking way that you can chop up 10 bodies and make it appear like 11.


As much as I appreciate elements of RahXephon, and you've done a fine job explaining why certain elements of the show are well done, I can't say that I ever found the characters to be especially believable or well rounded, at least no more say than any other robot show. My estimation of the show started to go somewhat downhill during the beach episode which is around the time a pseudo-harem formed around the MC in a manner that I found quite trying.

Outside of that, while the overall story was somewhat interesting I found the execution to be lacking to the point where I can't say that I really cared what was going on or why. It's seemed to result in a somewhat jumbled tale which should have served as a warning for future original anime produced by BONES.

As you say, the art, character designs, music, animation etc is all extremely high quality and the show has fantastic sequences and even strong individual episodes. It just never quite coalesces into a great overall anime.
Cross Ange 14

Wow. That OP has a LOT of nudity!

Uhhh, when they flashbacked to Ange killing the dragon it sure did look a lot like Vivian. And I mean exactly. They were the same. This probably means nothing though. I have literally no idea what is going on anymore. They're like in the future? And the future is run by amazonian Chinese women after World War VII who they saw in a time portal back in the past? I assume they will team up to beat Embyro but I don't even know. There's all these plot lines and they all seem to be going straight to nowhere in favor of brand new ones.

Oh and the yuri route is dead, or at least on life support. Sorry SDBurton.
Cross Ange 14

Yuri goddess is dead now, curse yo Jesus. Why should I even watch this show anymore?
Certainly not for the time travel bullshit to a future apparently ruled by women that just happened that's for sure.


Cross Ange 14
Uhhh, when they flashbacked to Ange killing the dragon it sure did look a lot like Vivian. And I mean exactly. They were the same. This probably means nothing though. I have literally no idea what is going on anymore. They're like in the future? And the future is run by amazonian chinese women who they saw in a time portal back in the past? I assume they will team up to beat Embyro but I don't even know.

I really don't want to pick up Cross Ange but goddamn is this tempting.


The Rolling Girls 1
Since much of the discussion with this show has been in comparison to other shows I guess I'll start from there. First off, as others have said it shares few similarities with Kill la Kill for the most part and the elements that are shared are either vague scenarios or minor approaches in style (gangs of warring teenagers fighting over the prefectures of Japan, the use of stars in explosions, lively crowds). The characters, themes and styles have been completely different so far otherwise. I also noticed comparisons to Kyousougiga but Kyousougiga was far more abstract with its take on a certain era of regular Japanese culture. It was actually surprising how mundane the majority of the show was past the initial battle scene. The Bests battling almost seems like entertainment for people's otherwise regular lives. It was refreshing to see a concept like this not indulge in a brutal post apocalype or dystopian future for the most part. Though if the show decides to take a dark approach when the older sister is inevitably taken out of the picture so the younger one can become a Best it could really hurt it. I'm excited to see where it goes from here because it has a lot of promise.


Apologies for yet another image heavy moderate length post about something that's basically two weeks old, but this is what happens when you stop watching anime. :p


After the great payoff of Hanamonogatari, I was a bit reticent about Tsukimonogatari. I don't have any strong feelings about Yotsugi as a character, and of course, the big cliffhanger was already resolved. But, maybe they were reading my mind with he prologue at the beginning:

Although this arc "features" Yotsugi as the main "heroine", it is really about Araragi and his role in these stories. So when Araragi tells us that the story will be about the beginning and end of "a human named Araragi", which is a very particular way for him to essentially describe himself, we're primed to understand that the story is about what it means for Araragi to be at the center of all these stories. .

Great and enlightening read as always.

Edit: Though rewatching the end scene, it seems to me that here:
But before Tadatsuru makes his final gambit, he asks Araragi to show "human compassion":

He addresses Yotsugu and not Araragi. He turns his back and ignores him and just asks her to kill him with human compassion and her trademark expressions.

Didn't pay any attention to Rolling Girls but all those Kyousougiga and Yozakura comparisons sure make me curious.



What this arc has told me is that Makina is indeed the best girl and that Batman is needed for this show to work.

Makina>Michiru>the rest don't matter
Cross Ange 14

What's this? A dere Ange? It seems... so... unnatural in her!

I suppose a sudden teleport to nowhere wasn't enough twist! for Cross Ange, they had to do a time travel plot too. Here, it seems dragons won finally. What about Embryo?

Also, finally Tusk + Ange happens. But Tusk pureness delays it enough for the dragons to come and save the yuri-day.


[Cross Ange] - 14

I had expected something like this, but it was better than I had hoped.

P.S. fuck Tusk, awful character that ruins Ange's character.

Cross Ange 14

Uhhh, when they flashbacked to Ange killing the dragon it sure did look a lot like Vivian. And I mean exactly. They were the same. This probably means nothing though. I have literally no idea what is going on anymore. They're like in the future? And the future is run by amazonian Chinese women after World War VII who they saw in a time portal back in the past? I assume they will team up to beat Embyro but I don't even know. There's all these plot lines and they all seem to be going straight to nowhere in favor of brand new ones.

Oh and the yuri route is dead, or at least on life support. Sorry SDBurton.
Cross Ange 14

Yuri goddess is dead now, curse yo Jesus. Why should I even watch this show anymore?
Certainly not for the time travel bullshit to a future apparently ruled by women that just happened that's for sure.

Cross Ange 14

What's this? A dere Ange? It seems... so... unnatural in her!
I suppose a sudden teleport to nowhere wasn't enough twist! for Cross Ange, they had to do a time travel plot too. Here, it seems dragons won finally. What about Embryo?

Also, finally Tusk + Ange happens. But Tusk pureness delays it enough for the dragons to come and save the yuri-day.
Are you guys all bakas? Do you accept what the show tells you at face value or did you miss all the really obvious stuff?

Why do you think there was any time travel involved? I don't get what gave you that impression. The Vilkis has the power to move and apparently alter dimensions, so it's pretty obvious they've just been taken to 'real' world which as you may have noticed is future Tokyo. How would Ange's city have turned into Tokyo in 500 years with a different language and Tokyo locations and Tokyo roads? That's not 500 years in Ange's future at all. It's just that the entire show is set 500 years after the event of "World War 7".

The event's in 'Ange's World' are taking place at the same time as the events in Future Tokyo. It's just now we happen to know some of the backstory.

Embryo appears to have created the false reality that is Ange's world. Apparently Embryo has the power to recreate it almost at will.


Subete no aware
Great and enlightening read as always.

Edit: Though rewatching the end scene, it seems to me that here:
He addresses Yotsugu and not Araragi. He turns his back and ignores him and just asks her to kill him with human compassion and her trademark expressions.
Hrm, I need to watch it again myself. I assumed he was talking to Arararararagi before addressing Yotsugi, but it works both ways when you think about it.

I couldn't have said it better myself, firerarararahawk12.

Now, by the grace of god Kizum actually exists and will be in theatres this year. I want to believe.
I can't imagine what they do with Kizu now... do they try to do a straight adaptation or do they try to use the knowledge of whatever seasons has aired by the time it comes out?


As much as I appreciate elements of RahXephon, and you've done a fine job explaining why certain elements of the show are well done, I can't say that I ever found the characters to be especially believable or well rounded, at least no more say than any other robot show. My estimation of the show started to go somewhat downhill during the beach episode which is around the time a pseudo-harem formed around the MC in a manner that I found quite trying.

Outside of that, while the overall story was somewhat interesting I found the execution to be lacking to the point where I can't say that I really cared what was going on or why. It's seemed to result in a somewhat jumbled tale which should have served as a warning for future original anime produced by BONES.

As you say, the art, character designs, music, animation etc is all extremely high quality and the show has fantastic sequences and even strong individual episodes. It just never quite coalesces into a great overall anime.

Thanks for reading my thoughts on the show and for giving me your own on it all. In regards to the characters being believable, well I guess when I think about it what I really mean to say is that the characters act the way I would like them to if that makes any sense. Not ideally or picturesque, but in surprising ways. Everyone interacts with each other in a much more interesting fashion. Relationships feel more dynamic and earned due to allowing everyone to simmer. People are given time on screen in order for us to feel for them when they breakdown. Side characters are given entire episodes to shine and you find yourself sympathizing with people you didn't think you'd care for. This is especially true of the second half, episode 15 onwards. I guess I just took a liking to everyone on a personal level in ways I didn’t expect. I went in unsure and feeling like I’d hate the cast so to end up enjoying their company had me relieved. It's nothing innovative but when it works, it really works.

When delving deeper into the cast it is true that many of the cast is presented in a more...animated way should I say? This is true in regards to most of the antagonists. This is true throughout the whole show but the end tries to shed light on it all, just with more time needed. Most of the cast are given moments throughout the show to gain some humanity and become their own. Still had me very interesting and feeling a bit different towards them by the end.

As you agreed, the show has many amazing episodes but you feel like the whole show doesn't do a successful job of collating it all and making it a complete package. I can see that. I think for me ultimately it just resonated with me. It's not something I can truly pinpoint as to how or why it does it but as you agreed the art, music and animation is all there. I guess for me all of that just accumulated into something I connected with. I related to the characters, and the predicaments they were in on a human level. I don't pilot a giant robot but I sure do know how it feels to...well feel alone and useless. To not notice the ones that were there all along, also hurting.

I also really liked the way in which the story is told visually. Simple themes. Home. Belonging. Coming of age. But it's done with the interesting theme of music with a composer and an instrumentalist. The visual cues of eggs and breaking free can seem heavy handed but it works and I respected and enjoyed its desire to be a little different while telling a familiar story.

I wish I could be more precise, but lack of sleep might be taking its toll on me :p I've been awake all night and it's 11:20 now so I hope I did a decent job articulating my feelings. It's a show I didn't expect to like, one that I thought would be weird for the sake of it and one that would try to ape the themes of Eva but ended up surprising me with it's art, audio and characters. A show that has great moments in almost every episode, and a handful of truly amazing episodes. Best show ever made? Nope. A show I thoroughly enjoyed? No doubt.
Are you guys all bakas? Do you accept what the show tells you at face value or did you miss all the really obvious stuff?

In my defense, I have a strong flu, it's my third day already with a good fever. :(

But yeah, you are right, hell I should have noticed because all this time the Dragons were coming not just flying from another land but from holes in the sky that appeared magically, from their dimension. In other words they just jumped to the Dragon's origin dimension / reality, and both are 500 years after a important battle. Maybe in one reality Embryo won, in other the Dragons won, I suppose, or something like that.

Another obvious clue that signal how bad is my flu:

Draconium reactors all over the world??? Yeah, not in our world, but in the dragon's world.


[Cross Ange] - 14

Sure, okay. We knew it was going to happen but I didn't imagine how good it would look with SunriseTM quality art.

SunriseTM writing. This actually had me laughing, especially as the war apparently kills everyone on Earth so who the hell is naming it?

Yes, they went there.

There doesn't appear to be any food around, so really this raises more questions than answers.

God dammit Tusk.

Tusk ruining the entire show with his presence and I'm not talking about his presence in 'The Garden'. As I've said before, Tusk just makes Ange a shittier character by existing. He weakens her role by constantly bailing her out of trouble, thus detracting from her role as the main character pushing the story forward and she's disturbingly much less assured and "in-charge" in his presence. This episode was certainly the worst example of that but it's been a constant problem since he appeared in the show.

At least there's something to look forward to next week.


The next show that I am going to watch is...*drum-roll*...Dai-Guard!
I might start today or tomorrow depending on how tired I am tonight. If anyone has any recommendations on my 'summaries' please let me know, or if you think I should just put a sock in it and not do them at all is fine too :) The intro for this show is amazing btw.


The Rolling Girls 01

Absolutely brilliant in terms of visuals, as others have said. Everything is very colourful and pops visually - I can definitely see why it's being compared to KLK even if I don't necessarily agree. I really like the tone of the show so far too, very laid back and fun. In fact, I wouldn't mind if it didn't get too bogged down in the plot and just focused on delivering fun scenarios and fight scenes.
I don't know about the older sister. Something's almost certainly going to happen to her to place her on the sidelines, but I don't think she'll get killed. I'm guessing at worst she'll be beaten to the extent that she'll be unable to fight, but we were also shown that there were missions for her in other regions, so maybe she'll be forced to undertake those and have Nozomi take her place.


First impressions of all my new shows this season:

Absolute Duo: Survives a one-and-drop by the skin of its teeth. Dumb harem premise, but they have more characters to introduce, so a brief reprieve.
Yurikuma Arashi: I think Ikuhara is contractually obligated to make his shows more confusing than the last one he worked on.
Kamisama Kiss 2: This probably didn't need to happen, but you haven't ruined the first series yet, so we're cool.
Military!: ...uh. what? No, seriously, what the hell was that?
Saekano: You know your show is meta when it's commenting on set up techniques as you're setting up the series. The fanservice detracts from some clever writing and it doesn't make it better if you're knocking cliches at the same time as you're playing them straight.
Assassination Classroom: Weird, but in a good way. The teacher is strangely affable. None of the students have made an impression, though. Other than the main character, they all felt like background noise.
Death Parade: Reminds me of Hell Girl; not sure if that's good or bad yet. I watched every last episode of Hell Girl, though.
Rolling Girls: Not sure what to make of it, but it's bright, colorful, and has some good action. I saw comparisons to KLK in the thread and...not sure why. That show defined outlandish; this feels more...grounded, I'd say?
Durarara x2 Shou: Not sold that this needed to happen, but more Celty is not something to complain about. The relationship reset (or at least pause) button being pressed between her and Shinra (as well as between Mikado and Anri), though...that's annoying.
Gourmet Girl Graffiti: Cute and did its job by making me hungry. Past that, I don't know if there's a lot of substance here, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Cross Ange 14

Jeez, Ange really is pig-headed. Like really, Libertus is nothing but a good thing to her, why is she so down on it. She could even do it purely for selfish reasons as she is naturally inclined to do. Didn't she want to blow up the Earth anyway.


The Rolling Girls - 01

What a beautiful show and I kinda like the general idea/setup.
Although I'm sad that Maccha Green isn't part of our main group.

Assassination Classroom - 01

Mhhh, I was somehow expecting a comedy show with lots of over the top action.
But instead I got a pretty depressing setup, meh.
Rolling Girls 1
Awkward exposition disguised as clunky and unnatural dialogue was a really poor way to start a first episode. My eyes were glazing over within the first few minutes. Thankfully it was visually striking, but very little about the premise or writing grabbed me at all.


Ace of Diamond - 64

Miyuki better be best captain ever for leading these scrub, kinda hoping Kuramochi get the role but they went with logical route.. oh well.

The battle for Ace number is predictable, I'm more interested who gonna be their clean-up, their line-up on there looks massively downgraded now.
Apologies for yet another image heavy moderate length post about something that's basically two weeks old, but this is what happens when you stop watching anime. :p

Awesome write-up.. it was indeed quite good to see the change of point of view as the story unfold , especially for the characters.

Just wanted to add : Oshino ougi motivations are stated in kabukimonogatari. it's just that nbobody understood the double meaning untill we see her mess thing up in the next arcs.

And i'm pretty sure the reason why araragi wasn't in the previous animated arc featuring kanbaru was because he wasn't nearby but at university with senjougahara. Kanbaru couldn't ask for help , because he wasn't just there.

Absolutely disgusting that they put panty shots into an episode that involved girls starving to death, suicide, eating each other, and a teacher having sex with his student. Like what dickwad on the staff thought, "You know what this episode needs? Panty shots".

There is also no fucking way that you can chop up 10 bodies and make it appear like 11.
Unless you're her .

Yep she can do it . We're talking about someone with more specs than yuugi . If you've told me she had made a bio-reactor with the bodies i would have believed it too !


What this arc has told me is that Makina is indeed the best girl and that Batman is needed for this show to work.

Makina>Michiru>the rest don't matter

B-but he hasn't awaken as batman , yet ....


Subete no aware
Awesome write-up.. it was indeed quite good to see the change of point of view as the story unfold , especially for the characters.

Just wanted to add : Oshino ougi motivations are stated in kabukimonogatari. it's just that nbobody understood the double meaning untill we see her mess thing up in the next arcs.

And i'm pretty sure the reason why araragi wasn't in the previous animated arc featuring kanbaru was because he wasn't nearby but at university with senjougahara. Kanbaru couldn't ask for help , because he wasn't just there.
Yeah, although not knowing how things shape up, I can only assume he also learns to live his own life, regardless of whether or not he has access to his powers or not. I suppose it's not really clear what his situation is in his brief appearance in Hanamonogatari... but you'd think he'd come running over to help, considering that's just who he is anyway.
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