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GTA V PC Performance Thread

Resolution 1920 x 1080

VSync ON

Pause Game on focus loss OFF

*Vsync on/off

Turning it off makes the graphics look more detailed and rougher. It also boosts my fps up to 70-90-110 at different stages (yet it goes under 60 at night in the city).

Turning Vsync on gives me 59-60fps no matter what. People say Vsync makes the game look blurry – I think it looks more smooth and better than OFF where the game kind of stutters along despite having a high frame rate. It's hard to explain but it reminds me of Gran Turismo's "pace" or feeling of speed when racing at night

Population Density 75%
Population Variety 100%
Distance Scaling 100%

Texture Quality Very High
Shader Quality Very High
Shadow Quality Very High
Reflection Quality Ultra
Reflection MSAA Off
Water Quality Very High
Particles Quality Very High
Grass Quality Ultra
Soft Shadows Softest
Post FX Normal
Anisotropic Filtering Off
Ambient Occulusion Off
Tessellation Off

If I make Relfection, Grass, Particles quality lower I get 90 – 150+ fps

I'll keep experimenting and attempt to find the right combination of high quality graphics and high fps performance. I do find it odd that the higher the frame rate the more "unnatural" vehicle travel is (it's odd that it skips/buffers with a higher fps).
Crap, now I'm getting crashes as well. Twice now, it freezes, and when I close the game the launcher is sitting open with showing I need to log in. I wonder if the launcher is causing some issues?

Got dropped out of a heist mid hiest. SMH.


I tried with my 280x to keep Post FX on Ultra but there are just too many instances of huge, consistent fps drops (~30 fps) even during the day time to even consider it with this level of hardware. Darn, because having all headlights creating shadows would have really added to the atmosphere.
[EDIT: With more fiddling, it seems that I have been misinformed - car headlight shadows is from the Shadow Quality setting and only show at Very High. I will now fiddle with this]
[EDIT2: Either my hardware is doing better today for some reason or maybe it's because I no longer have High Resolution Shadows on but it seems like Shadow Quality at Very High still maintains mostly 60 fps in the benchmark tool (there were ~2 drops to 55). This seems acceptable so I have edited my settings to reflect this because headlight shadows are amazing!]

On the plus side, I finally got to an area with a lot of grass and I'm happy to report that my settings still lock it at 60 fps. Settings are here:

*Vsync on/off

Turning it off makes the graphics look more detailed and rougher. It also boosts my fps up to 70-90-110 at different stages (yet it goes under 60 at night in the city).

Turning Vsync on gives me 59-60fps no matter what. People say Vsync makes the game look blurry – I think it looks more smooth and better than OFF where the game kind of stutters along despite having a high frame rate. It's hard to explain but it reminds me of Gran Turismo's "pace" or feeling of speed when racing at night.
Vsync, which stands for Vertical Synchronization, limits the output of frames from your video card to your monitor's refresh rate so that a new frame is only displayed when the monitor is ready to do so. This prevents image tearing from occurring, an effect where only a portion of the screen updates with a new frame which causes a split in the image or a tear. Since your monitor updates at 60 Hz (60 times per second = 60 frames per second), your maximum frame rate with vsync on will be 60 fps. When disabled, your frame rate will go as high as your GPU can render at (eg. 70-110 fps).

Games can feel smoother with vsync or frame-limiting on because the responsiveness of your controls is related to the frame rate, thus, if you have a constantly fluctuating frame rate, the controls will feel inconsistent. You will also experience "judder" (or uneven frame display) which, basically, looks like stuttering (thus not as smooth) if your frame rate is not an integer multiple of your monitor's refresh rate (eg. for 60 Hz monitor, smooth display will only exist at 60, 30, 20, etc. fps) because that will ensure an equal amount of time between frames. At any other frame rates, there will be some frames that need to exist longer than other frames to both synchronize the display of frames to the refresh rate and display all generated frames (eg. at 45 fps, 45 frames will be displayed during 60 refresh cycles, thus 15 frames will need to be displayed for twice as long as the other 30).

This is why people like chasing after locked 60 fps or 30 fps: it results in a smoother looking experience.
(Note: I am not an expert on this topic so, if I have made an error in my description, I hope that someone points it out)


Crap, now I'm getting crashes as well. Twice now, it freezes, and when I close the game the launcher is sitting open with showing I need to log in. I wonder if the launcher is causing some issues?

Got dropped out of a heist mid hiest. SMH.

Same happened to me in the Michael mission that I talked about. On the 3rd try I removed the overclock on my GPUs and I was able to get through the mission. Weird, but I'll take it.


I dunno what happened between last night and tonight but I'm now able to run the game with 4x MXAA and everything in advanced graphics on max except Extended Distance Scaling which is at 30% at a solid 60fps. It goes down to 59 every once in a blue moon and this includeds high speed driving in city or country.

Yesterday I couldnt even run 2x MXAA without it fluctuating between 45-60. Also I had to turn off most of the options in Advanced Graphics. I would get a solid 60fps with FXAA on only.

I was pleased with the results before but now I'm shocked and amazed how much an increase of performance I'm getting all of a sudden. If I go up to 8x MXAA the fps drop to 54. Before it would drop to 30-40. Grass is on Very High and I'm gonna see what happens on Ultra.


Switched the game to an SSD over night and it did not effect the world streaming-framedrops while driving much, if any.
I dunno what happened between last night and tonight but I'm now able to run the game with 4x MXAA and everything in advanced graphics on max except Extended Distance Scaling which is at 30% at a solid 60fps. It goes down to 59 every once in a blue moon and this includeds high speed driving in city or country.

Yesterday I couldnt even run 2x MXAA without it fluctuating between 45-60. Also I had to turn off most of the options in Advanced Graphics. I would get a solid 60fps with FXAA on only.

I was pleased with the results before but now I'm shocked and amazed how much an increase of performance I'm getting all of a sudden. If I go up to 8x MXAA the fps drop to 54. Before it would drop to 30-40. Grass is on Very High and I'm gonna see what happens on Ultra.

Cool, what's your setup?


Junior Member
This is seriously buggy ATM. I'm sure patches and drivers will come out to improve optimization but what ticks me off is how the Press saw all the graphical options and went to a controlled demo of rockstar running the game on their rig in 4k and buying into their shit about 'scalability'. Most of the graphical options do not improve performance by lowering them, at least for the frame drops, micro stutter, and just all out bugginess. Disappointed so far.


Cool, what's your setup?

My PC - 3770k @ 4.3GHz GTX670 4gb SLI, 32gb memory, SSD Windows 7

VRAM 2800/4096

Settings: Graphics

Screen Type - Fullscreen
Resolution - 1920x1080
Aspect Ratio - Auto
Refresh Rate - 60HZ

Vsync - On
Pause Game On Focus Loss - On

Population Density - Full
Population Variety - Full
Population Scaling - Full

Texture Quality - Very High
Shader Quality - Very High
Shadow Quality - High
Reflections Quality - Very High
Reflection MSAA - x8
Water Quality - Very High
Particles Quality - Very High
Grass Quality - Very High
Soft Shadows - Softer
Post FX - Very High
Motion Blur Strength - Off
Depth Of Field - On
AF - X16
Ambient Occlusion - High
Tesselation - Very High

Advanced Graphics

Long Shadows - On
High Resolution Shadows - On
High Detail Streaming While Flying - On
Extended Distance Scaling - 30%
Extended Shadows Distance - greyed out


60fps in every situation with rare drops to 59fps


game definetly has some memory leaks, i'll agree on that

performance gets worse after a looong session and restarting your PC fixes it


Junior Member
My specs: 4670K @ 4.5GHz, MSI 290 @ 977/1250, 8 GB RAM, running the game on my secondary 1 TB HDD, 1080p/122Hz - 4K/30Hz Seiki 39' 4K TV

After a day and a half of downloading, I finally got to test out the game's performance for myself. It performs great in both 1080p and 4K with similar settings (the difference between the two being vsync):

For 4K, I ran the benchmark at these settings with vsync on and achieved a 'smooth' 30 fps with rare drops:





4K frame times:


1080p display settings. The rest of the settings are the same as above except vsync is disabled. I'm also run 2x EQAA via Catalyst Control Center when running in 1080p:


1080p frame times:



Is this new? Last night I had 4gb total for the graphics budget but today I have 8gb. Currently my settings are using 5.2gb/8

Always been that way. Not sure why yours has suddenly increased, unless the game finally recognized your SLI setup? Was it showing 8GB earlier? Anyway, 5.2 really means that 2.6 is being allocated.


Always been that way. Not sure why yours has suddenly increased, unless the game finally recognized your SLI setup? Was it showing 8GB earlier? Anyway, 5.2 really means that 2.6 is being allocated.

That must be it. It wasnt seeing my cards in SLI yesterday. I went from game crawling with MXAA 2x on to flying with MXAA x4 + TXAA on. Either way im so relieved.
game definetly has some memory leaks, i'll agree on that

performance gets worse after a looong session and restarting your PC fixes it

Yeah, I can confirm that myself. I was doing some flying challenge, retry one challenge again and again for gold, when suddenly on my 10th (lol, shameful I know) try the game started micro-hanging for a split second every 30 sec or so. Then after that it kept happening.

Restarted the game, not the machine, fixed that.


That must be it. It wasnt seeing my cards in SLI yesterday. I went from game crawling with MXAA 2x on to flying with MXAA x4 + TXAA on. Either way im so relieved.

Nice! I had the same issue when I started benchmarking my cards with Crysis 3. Was a little underwhelmed with the results, but I accepted it as "good enough". Then I found out only one card was being utilized. A sudden near-doubling of performance is an awesome feeling! :D


also, I've been playing with textures on High and lowering the population diversity to make up for it for a while now

I changed back to textures normal a bit ago and jesus it looks like crap. No way I can go back

it's well worth the couple frames hit


my hard graphic balls
*Vsync on/off

Turning it off makes the graphics look more detailed and rougher. It also boosts my fps up to 70-90-110 at different stages (yet it goes under 60 at night in the city).

Turning Vsync on gives me 59-60fps no matter what. People say Vsync makes the game look blurry – I think it looks more smooth and better than OFF where the game kind of stutters along despite having a high frame rate.

What?? Vertical synchronization has zero effect on image quality. Its only purpose is to hold the partially rendered image behind until it is rendered fully, and thus adding input lag. Where did you get that it makes the image rougher and more detailed? Or blurry?


thinking about adding another 970 for sli. I have an Asus Strix, do you just get the identical card? What kind of bridge do I need and are there any other considerations?


This is seriously buggy ATM. I'm sure patches and drivers will come out to improve optimization but what ticks me off is how the Press saw all the graphical options and went to a controlled demo of rockstar running the game on their rig in 4k and buying into their shit about 'scalability'. Most of the graphical options do not improve performance by lowering them, at least for the frame drops, micro stutter, and just all out bugginess. Disappointed so far.
The game is absolutely scalable as hell. That is not a lie whatsoever.

If you get no performance improvement from dropping the more major power demanding settings, it means you've probably hit a bottleneck elsewhere already. And of course, as with any game, there are lots of settings/options that don't make any huge, noticeable difference to performance. GTA V is not unique in this.

thinking about adding another 970 for sli. I have an Asus Strix, do you just get the identical card? What kind of bridge do I need and are there any other considerations?
Don't do it. If you want to crank up the resolution or MSAA or whatever with a 2nd 970, you're going to run into vRAM limitations. Unless you've got a Titan/TitanX/8GB 290X, I would highly recommend *NOT* going out and buying a 2nd 2/3/4GB card for this game.


Moved back to my ROG Swift to use Gsync. As good as 4k looks I'm almost at the point where I can't stand non 144hz/Gsync monitors. I put up with it for a few days, but decided to give the game a go on the Swift.

2560x1440, max settings, advanced graphic options maxed, 2x MSAA, TXAA ON, w/ GPU OC:


For comparison with my previous settings:

4k, 4x MSAA, TXAA, max, stock GPU clocks

Same settings with OC


Will try again tomorrow with 4x MSAA. Didn't realize I was at 2x until I took a look at the settings. Gsync absolutely makes a huge difference. Zero tearing and looks really good. My monitor refresh rate of 144hz showed accurately in the graphic options too.

Precision X also doesn't seem to want to play nice with GTA 5 for me. I can't run the OSD. If it's even enabled in the program, the RSC Launcher crashes when I try and start it up. So I'm only able to get live FRAPS data. May try MSI Afterburner tomorrow.


so a second 970 won't get me 1080p60 max settings with at least 2x MSAA? Maybe with grass not on Ultra?

I'm tempted as it comes with a free copy of Witcher 3.
so a second 970 won't get me 1080p60 max settings with at least 2x MSAA? Maybe with grass not on Ultra?

I'm tempted as it comes with a free copy of Witcher 3.

Considering I can get almost that with one 970 I think it should be quite possible.

Although in foilage heavy areas mine is really struggling.


so a second 970 won't get me 1080p60 max settings with at least 2x MSAA? Maybe with grass not on Ultra?

I'm tempted as it comes with a free copy of Witcher 3.

Should be more than doable.

I need a 4k gsync TV! :(

The difference is real man. Once you experience it's very hard to go back. I struggle whenever I hook up my other monitors. Will be waiting for this years ROG Swift panel that is 4k, IPS, and GSYNC to replace my current 4k screen.


so a second 970 won't get me 1080p60 max settings with at least 2x MSAA? Maybe with grass not on Ultra?

I'm tempted as it comes with a free copy of Witcher 3.
At 1080p with 2xMSAA, you can run with nice quality settings on a single 970. You really want to spend an extra $350 just so you can turn up a few more sliders? :/

It'll definitely help at 1080p and 2xMSAA. I just don't really see it as a great use of an upgrade budget, personally. But it's up to you.


Right now, to get 1080p60 I'm going with no MSAA, everything in graphics maxed except grass, all of the advanced graphics off except the long shadows, and advanced sliders all the way off. I didn't adjust any sliders in the regular graphics tab.

I get some drops countryside, but it's about as closed to a locked 60 as I can get.

970 and a 2600k@4.4

Maybe I should try out SMAA before going SLI, but god this game looks nice with some MSAA. It's amazing to play GTA at 60 fps with good IQ, but I can't quite get there with my 970 it seems.


I can't even launch it. Says "Unable to access Rockstar servers. Activation of GTAV requires an Internet connection". This is after Social Club has already logged in.


At 1080p with 2xMSAA, you can run with nice quality settings on a single 970. You really want to spend an extra $350 just so you can turn up a few more sliders? :/

It'll definitely help at 1080p and 2xMSAA. I just don't really see it as a great use of an upgrade budget, personally. But it's up to you.

I don't care much about the sliders, I just get sick of the jaggies, especially in the city during the day time. Budget wise, there doesn't seem like any alternative other than wait for the rumored 980ti, but at that point I might as well wait for Pascal. I'm not going Titan X, it's too expensive for my taste.



Moved my textures up again to very high.

Now the game is at 2.3gb/2gb on my 770 and it's running EVEN BETTER!!


And damn it's nice.



the giantbomb guys say they have a 2 gig 670 and an i7 running for the GTA V PC quick look:


and they manage to mantain 60fps throughout with those settings, which is something I can't seem to do with a 680 and an i5

wonder if the CPU really does make the difference... granted they don't seem to get into much chaos and it's hard to really analyze drops in a youtube video but.. odd


Moved back to my ROG Swift to use Gsync. As good as 4k looks I'm almost at the point where I can't stand non 144hz/Gsync monitors. I put up with it for a few days, but decided to give the game a go on the Swift.

2560x1440, max settings, advanced graphic options maxed, 2x MSAA, TXAA ON, w/ GPU OC:



I think I will wait for delivery of Acer Predator XB270HU at this point. Reaching stable min 60 fps requires too many compromises. Limiting fps to 40 did not feel right either.


again, for everyone playing with Normal textures: don't.

I know this is up to anyone but turning to high is seriously worth the performance dip

I messed around with normal textures right now and good lord I get even remotely close to something and I wanna barf

are they just the PS360 textures?


yea... so finally just admitted defeat and turn the texture quality back down to normal which let me bump everything up to high and play at 1080p 60 no stutter on my 560ti i7 8gb of ram.
again, for everyone playing with Normal textures: don't.

I know this is up to anyone but turning to high is seriously worth the performance dip

I messed around with normal textures right now and good lord I get even remotely close to something and I wanna barf

are they just the PS360 textures?

yea i tried forever,and I just couldn't deal with the stutter. I mean it was 60fps but once the stutter hit it, he didn't leave, and was just unplayable.


also; why is there so many talk about the page file?

we're talking 8 gigs of ram at least for most here, yeah? game shouldnt have to be accessing the page file at all

I have it on a shitty 5400RPM drive; don't tell me that's making a difference on perfomance cause my only other option is to put it on the SSD
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