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Your favorite alien species in fiction

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I also like the Flood a lot. Not the most fun enemies to fight, but really interesting. Can't wait for them to return to the Halo franchise (the Greg Bear books were such a tease).

Obligatory ME3 bashing: Reapers were awesome until the last 15 mins of that game happened.

EDIT: The Borg! Shame on me for not thinking of them earlier.


Assuming you meant me, you don't consider Saiyans to be aliens? You know, extraterrestrial lifeforms don't always have to be the hideous, scary, bloodthirsty, brainless monsters we see in most fiction.
Hideous, scary, bloodthirsty, brainless monsters seem to be a really good way of describing Sayians. Aside from like Gohan the majority of them are dumb as shit. And i leave Gohan out because the show tells us he's super smart


The Vogons!

They are one of the most unpleasant races in the galaxy - not actually evil, but bad tempered, bureaucratic, officious and callous. They wouldn't even lift a finger to save their own grandmothers from the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal without an order, signed in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public enquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters. If you want to get a lift from a Vogon, forget it. They are vile and ill tempered. If you want to get a drink from a Vogon, stick your finger down his throat. If you want to annoy a Vogon, feed his grandmother to the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.

Also, they kill with poetry.

Vogon poetry is, of course, the third worst in the universe. The second worst is that of the Azgoths of Kria. During a recitation by their poet master Grunthos the Flatulent of his poem "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning", four of his audience died of internal hemorrhaging and the president of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council survived only by gnawing one of his own legs off. Grunthos was reported to have been "disappointed" by the poem's reception, and was about to embark on a reading of his 12-book epic entitled "My Favourite Bathtime Gurgles" when his own large intestine - in a desperate attempt to save life itself - leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain. The very worst poetry of all perished along with its creator, Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings of Sussex, in the destruction of the planet Earth. Vogon poetry is mild by comparison.


Hideous, scary, bloodthirsty, brainless monsters seem to be a really good way of describing Sayians. Aside from like Gohan the majority of them are dumb as shit. And i leave Gohan out because the show tells us he's super smart

I wouldn't call them hideous (they basically look like humans) and brainless, it's often their sense of "honour" that earned them their infamous reputation, but I'd say they're far from brainless.



The wolves from the Revelation Space series are pretty neat. Also pretty obviously ah 'inspiration' for mass effect's Reapers
Overlords from Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End.

Also, The Borg pre First Contact were pretty cool. They became a joke during that movie and during the entire run of Voyager though.
Orks, hands down. They're tough as nails, ded killy and in a galaxy full of the grimmest, darkest grimdarkness they're the only species truly enjoying themselves.


The XeeLee from Stephen Baxter's XeeLee Sequence books.

The XeeLee have been around since minutes after the big bang. They are strange and truly alien. No one has any idea what they actually look like. They are insanely powerful, but inscrutable.

So, of course, humanity goes to war with them. It lasts thousands of years, distorts the arc of human development, and results ultimately in a hideous weapon involving slamming two black holes into each other. The first time humans use it against the XeeLee, they simply leave the Milky Way and allow humans to believe they've "won" something.

Unbeknownst to humanity, the XeeLee have been fighting a universe extinction level threat for millions of years, which is why they build terrifying weapons that humanity doesn't even understand. This threat endangers all baryonic life, including humanity. So while the XeeLee are slugging away at it, humanity is kicking them in the shins constantly.

Eventually, as the threat to the universe expands, and it becomes apparent the XeeLee have ultimately lost, they construct an enormous artifact that is a doorway to another, non-infected, universe. They leave ships for other sentient races, including humanity. Even after being attacked, and arguably causing their loss against the enemy, the XeeLee allow humans to survive the end of the known universe.


I love the aliens from the book Childhood's End. They are truly strange and alien creatures. The ambiguity of them was really interesting.
From the top of my head:
Centauri and Vorlons from Babylon 5 (disappointed B5 isn't even on page 1...)
Lots of ones from Star Trek - Romulans, Cardassians, Ferengi, Vorta, Klingons, Bajorans, among many others.
Skrulls from the Marvel universe.
Pretty much all of the races in Master of Orion 1 & 2.
Progenitors from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.


Design wise I'd have to say the Xenomorphs and Thane's race whose name I forget at the moment. I also enjoy the Luminoth's design as well as the Turians and Asari. The Anti-Spirals extreme minimalism is also fun. Oban Star Racers has a lot of visually interesting aliens as well as a universe like Star Wars with the Twi'Leks, Wookies, and Kit Fisto's race.

In a sense of philosophy I give it to the Chozo and Xenomorph. I enjoy the fact that these are almost opposites. Chozo would come to adapt the idea of a mutually beneficial existence with whatever environment they were in to live in harmony with their surroundings, while a xenomorph on the other hand is just brutally instinctual and cares only for it's own survival no matter the cost to that around it.
I propose 2 (imo better) alternatives to Predators and Xenomorphs.

1. The Consu from Scalzi's Old Man's War trilogy (highly recommended easy reading sci-fi books).

They reminded me of Predators in a way, but are even more badass. First, they are by far the most advanced alien species in the known universe. To give you an idea, here's a quote from the chapter where we are introduced to the Consu:

"Striking first against Consu was not an option. Their entire inner home system was shielded. The energy to generate the shield came from the white dwarf companion of the Consu sun. It had been completely encased with some sort of harvesting mechanism, so that all the energy coming off it would fuel the shield. Realistically speaking, you just don't fuck with people who can do that."

Second, they stage ritualistic battles against other alien races (humans included). What's so cool about that, you ask? Of course, if they were serious about winning they could easily steamroll anyone in a heartbeat, but instead they downgrade their equipment to match the power of whoever they are fighting against that day. That's a lot more badass than what the Predators do, because the Consu actually allow for a fair fight.

And third, they are terrifying looking. Scalzi's descriptions are usually vague enough that depictions of the various alien races vary a lot between readers. I imagined the Consu as 8-foot tall bipedal lobster-like horrors. Here are some fanart depictions of Consu:

credit to James Stowe said:

credit to John Petersen said:

credit to Shawn Witt said:

I could go on, but anything else would probably contain spoilers.


2. Tyranids from Warhammer 40k. I have never played a Warhammer 40k game or read any books, but I once went on a Wiki binge reading about all the crazy ass aliens in their universe. The Tyranids were so awesome that they became one of my favorite alien species in fiction. And by awesome I mean the most horrifying thing imaginable. They are basically Xenomorphs on mega steroids. Here's an excerpt from the Warhammer 40k Wiki:

"The Tyranids are an extragalactic composite species of hideous xenos that is actually a space-faring ecosystem comprised of innumerable different bioforms which are all variations on the same genetic theme. . . The Tyranids collectively form a monstrous superorganism that travels across the universe in their great Hive Fleets of biomechanical Hive Ships, systematically consuming all other biomatter to enable its own rapid evolution and reproduction. All Tyranid organisms are synaptic (psychically-reactive), and each Tyranid creature within a Hive Fleet shares and contributes to a communal Hive Mind, which allows the trillions of beings comprising the Tyranid Hive Fleets to communicate and organise instantaneously on a staggering scale."

Here's some pictures of these horrors:

Here's a pic of their bio-weapons. Yes, they create all of their weapons and vehicles out of bio matter:

Constantly and rapidly evolving, spawning terrible creatures of all sizes (some capable of bringing down spaceships), deadly, relentless, and quick to learn and adapt to the tactics of their enemies. Awesome.

They've got a complicated honor system, they have lots of nifty gadgets, and they look cool.


I mean, I'm not usually one for dreadlocks, but they can pull it off.

I know I threw some shade at Predators above, but I still think they are awesome. Definitely one of my favorite alien races in fiction.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Any answer that's not Xenomorph is wrong. Plain and simple, best design, menacing, able to survive anywhere.

Came to post this. My second choice would be Wookies.
Came in for Consu and was not disappointed.

Their culture/religion makes them even more fascinating than lobster warmongers because of WHY they war against every living thing and don't just murder everyone (which they are capable of very easily).
Metroids from Metroid and the Hanar in Mass Effect are the two that come to mind. I just like their designs, it's hard for me to explain.

They look more alien than most of what I see in games.


From Douglas Adams;

Mattresses are friendly, dim-witted, docile creatures capable of speech. They are all called Zem and live in the swamps of Sqornshellous Zeta. Many of them are slaughtered, dried out, and shipped around the Galaxy to be slept on by grateful customers, though they do not appear to mind this, one noting that since they are all called Zem they never know which of them have been killed anyway. Their main appearance is in Life, the Universe and Everything when a particular mattress (called Zem, like the rest) has a chapter-long conversation with Marvin.

Many of the movements they make or sounds they produce, such as gupping, willomying and flolloping, are so unique that etymologists have driven themselves half-insane tracking down new words for them. Words associated mainly/only with them include:
Vogons from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

The people living on Krikkit, and as Chozolore mentioned above, the conversation between Marvin and the mattress is nothing short of brilliant.
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