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STEAM | August 2015 - Three versions of Windows since the last Half-Life

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yeah...it's Metro For Steam 4.0
Ladies, gentlemen, I need help. My two mates have given me a budget of 45~ euros (plus the 10~ in my Steamwallet) for games on Steam for muh birthday... What the heck should I pick? The top of my wishlist is as follows:

Shovel Knight - 14,99
Killing Floor 2 - 26,99 15~
Total War: ATTILA - 39,99
Life Is Strange - 19,99
Elite: Dangerous - 37,49
NOT A HERO - 12,99
Castaway Paradise - 10,04
ARK - 27,99
Sheltered - 12,99
Mad Max - 25-ish on GMG if I remember correctly(?)
Victor Vran - 19,99


Life is Strange is 14.99 in GMG Vip.

It's a sign!
Is there a dedicated server(s) for Rocket League or just peer-to-peer only?
As a non NA/EU gamer, multiplayer games are just not the option for me due to latency. :/


Ladies, gentlemen, I need help. My two mates have given me a budget of 45~ euros (plus the 10~ in my Steamwallet) for games on Steam for muh birthday... What the heck should I pick? The top of my wishlist is as follows:

Shovel Knight - 14,99
Killing Floor 2 - 26,99 15~
Total War: ATTILA - 39,99
Life Is Strange - 19,99
Elite: Dangerous - 37,49

NOT A HERO - 12,99
Castaway Paradise - 10,04
ARK - 27,99
Sheltered - 12,99
Mad Max - 25-ish on GMG if I remember correctly(?)
Victor Vran - 19,99


Don't get ARK.


Wow, guess not low resource enough.

the update they released let me boost it up to like 15 but it was really unplayable

thing is, while the backgrounds are 2d, they're still going through lots of shader processes like normal and specular mapping and different kinds of lighting and stuff, and the characters are too


Also - I've decided that I'm completely giving up on the idea of working at Valve. So while I would have been more cautious in the past to stay in their good graces, I've decided that I really could care less about that. Valve just wouldn't be a good fit for me, so I'm just moving on to doing my own thing and not letting that hold me back from making Enhanced Steam as good as it can be.


No one wants to work at a company that doesn't fulfill its promises.

No, I'm not talking about HL3.
I'm talking about HL2: episode 3. There were always meant to be 3 episodes.


Need a code :D

Need PS4 to download the update for Rocket League faster as well :D

You watch the stream for the code. If it's down, wait for the next rounds.

No one wants to work at a company that doesn't fulfill its promises.

No, I'm not talking about HL3.
I'm talking about HL2: episode 3. There were always meant to be 3 episodes.

This is just blasphemy.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Milamber beat Nappa. One step closer to grabbing all those Dragon Balls and wishing for a sexy beach.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Ignoring the story and fighting with the army or monsters, I rather enjoyed Prototype 1 as a open world, platforming across the roofs of buildings or running and gliding by them. Much the same way most people only really enjoyed Spider-Man 2 movie game for the web swinging, nothing else.

A game for the combat could work out well, if it was just focused on that and so I could give them money if they show me more that indicates it's more refined.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
----:::: WARNING ::::---- HUGE POST ----:::: WARNING ::::----

anywho here goes my xj02 (or whatshisuruname) post
Would have been endearing if you actually knew how to spell your neighbor's name, Ciclon :mad:

I never played the first Saints Row, so I'm not sure.
Doesn't matter, because you can kill him over and over in Gat out of Hell :p
Well played

All I'm gonna say: I see too many people on GAF trying to follow that Wario64 career path by posting on a forum.
True, but I do see more trying to be the next Drinky or AstroLad and failing miserably.

Oh, that looks pretty sweet!
I have been itching to build a small PC, so I'll keep a look on this :D

Adding some new inventory buttons
"Don't mind me here, just making the universe more awesome. Move along now"

Tembo the Badass Elephant is $5.7 on nuuvem
is that key region locked ?
It's a Sega game on nuuvem, so it'll be region locked to some degree.

You have no idea how many times we get each others PMs. Was debating having a Battle Royale between me and him to find the one true ruler to the User name Dr Dogg but they came first (by a fair few years) and I can't be bothered to PM an admin for a name change. Worse is that there's another Doogie Houser too! I feel like Arnie in Total Recall and don't even know if I'm real or not now :(
Well, at least you only have an username clone, I have an actual GAF clone and I'm not kidding.

I remember someone in this thread mentioned that they wanted to buy D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die and was waiting for a decent discount.

You're in luck, steam has it 25% off for $11.24 US

Didn't the devs/pub mention that game wasn't going to the get a discount (after the initial one during the seal) for a long time?
Or maybe it was another game...


Would have been too good to be true for me anyways.
I tried it a while back, it needs everything to be "US" for it to even attempt to work (accounts, IPs, etc). Such a shame :(

Ah, alright. I never buy via credit card from amazon, so I never got points. Maybe those are as well US exclusive.
When you buy via CC in amazon, whatever points or equivalent you make are bank/card dependent, amazon has nothing to do with that.

Everything good is :(

And even when it's Europe, Finland is usually excluded.
I know that feeling, for South American stuff it's always Uruguay the one that gets left out.
We are the only country in the entire continent that doesn't have iTunes Music available

Amazing numbers. I'm curious to learn if there is any statistic how the consoles software sales fared in the same period?
Not same period, but lifetime sales of the top of my head:
PS3 - 800+M
Wii - 908M
DS - 947M
PS2 - 1.52B

So pretty good I'd say.

The fact that Dirt3 Redux is counted is weird but makes sense at the same time.

Given the lack of updates on the PC version for over a month, I can see people not doing nice things with this.

I'm still leery of a 970 solely because of the 4gb of VRAM.
I'm still surprised nVidia never released a 6GB 970, especially since there are laptops with that. Would've mitigated all that .5GB VRAM shit at least.

Potential offspring down the line.
Humanity still hasn't produced a better way to offset the 'too much money' problem.
Potential congrats then!

Finally I can play the He-Man version of What's Up while sneaking around.
Damn, this made me laugh more than it should have.

Yup, I think the only time I opened the Xbox app was to disable that.

So I was curious about Mad Max/Just Cause 3 PC versions and I had sent an email to the info email address on their main page. This was before they confirmed on twitter (but I received this reply after)

Basically got this reply back

Whilst there's always concern about the amount of time they have etc I'm a lot more confident now in the PC versions of those games anyway.
JC2 on PC was brilliant, such an excellent port, so in Avalanche we trust.

New feature is good.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to get a ton of use out of this one.
I have like 500 cards to sell, I will too.
You are awesome :D

Excellent thread, subscribed :D

I got a good laugh out of this one.

Soccer Creations

Propeller Championship, racing game.
I so wanted that game to come out :(

It's quite an interesting article, but what I found most interesting is that they definitely consider Xbox a platform now.

Read between the lines! He's going to get a job at MS and help relaunch GFWL.
That makes sense!

lol look at the warez site url in the corner of the image
LOL, didn't even notice that.

But Gundam is just awesome!
Why yes, yes it is.

Or, you know, just use the client since they added multi select and category edit.
True, but depressurizer is still better.

Should I buy Brutal Force? The game seem to change it's base price quite often. Now it is $0.99. Last week it was 75% off and costed $3.24
I bought it anyway :p

Everything is fucking clapping.
♪ Everything is cool when you're clapping a team
Everything is clapping when we're living our dream ♫

The very first snooper was a Windows program that analysed ClientRegistry.blob back when it was bloated and contained app info. It's how news leaked of Steam releases of FF7 and 8.

Edit: D'oh, forgot to switch tabs.
Hah, I remember using that app a gazillion years ago :O
Never found anything :(

another day
still no FF type 0 from nuuvem
should i ask for refund ? how to do it ?
So just you know, although they don't do refunds in general, if you click to see your key in nuuvem, you are never getting one.

is this fake ?

Of course not, he's just pointing out the only CoD not available on PC.

It's my birthday, so to celebrate another milestone towards death, I'm giving away a very fitting game. Enjoy and whatnot.

Happy birthday!!!
Very fitting indeed :p

Yeah, but that's the exception, not the rule, and Chronicles isn't what I'd label a "proper" AssCreed game. Even LibHD feels more like a prototype because of how small and barren it is.
Man, I played a bit of Lib because it came with my Vita.
I wanted to cry, it ran *so* bad.

You guys are so lucky, you get your favorite games at least once per year.

I'm still one and done on the Assassin's Creed games.
My favorite game comes out every two years, unless Scamco gonna Scamco.

Metal Gear Clicker, I can see it.
So do I!
5 minute cutscene
Codec call
*click click*
1 hour convoluted exposition dialogue

I'd watch it play with itself.
I see what you did there.

I tried to play the original OlliOlli but had an issue with input lag (hitting the A button right when you land). That game really could have benefited from a Rock Band/Guitar Hero-style setting to adjust that.
2 has that problem as well, which is kinda annoying because my TV is somewhat old and doesn't have a particularly good input lag even with Game Mode enabled.

I think it is just me these days as Sock's avatar is intended as a joke and drgambit hasn't posted in almost two months.

Give a good pic of Seahorse Ramon (among the gazillion you have I'm sure there is at least one) and I'll add it to my avatar :)

I was like "WTF? DLC for this?" then read the description and it broke my heart :(
I'll be getting both later.

As with anything, seems to be luck or something, it installed just fine on my machine.

Huh, GMG VIP has raised Mad Max price to £20.99. Well I didn't get it when it was at £18, not getting it now :p
I'm waiting for WB to give it for free for us fools that bought that broken AK+Season Pass and couldn't refund it.

I hope they can have RC1 of the system up for Christmas. This would mean an RC2 would be ready for February 2016 and we could have a final version before the 1 year free upgrade period lapses.
There is a big update coming in October FWIW.

We need some anarchy.
When is DoA's Multiplayer releasing?
At this point I doubt it'll ever come out.

Viridi GOTY guaranteed not kidding

"Mad man" indeed :p

Humble additions
  • Star Trek
  • Beware Planet Earth
Scamco gonna Scamco.

A lot of people with anime avatars got cleared out from the most recent "racist/pedophile subreddit censorship" thread.
Missed that! Link?

How dare you to compare a godtier game like binary bomain to trash like this?
I imagine tumblr going crazy thanks to images like that one.

i've been listening to these kinds of interview on the train, it's a really nice way to make your trips to work not feel like a waste of time, just listening to the same 5 albums over and over again (i bought a cellphone cos i thought it was cute not knowing it didn't accept sd cards -__-)
Stream music bruh.

But there's plants that eat spiders!
I'm guessing it's an australian plant so probably the spider is less dangerous.

My ex ex ex ex girlfriend used to call porn movies Disney movies. "Because they're fucking goofy."
LOL, that works on so many levels:
"Because they are fucking goofy"
"Because they are fucking Goofy"
"Because they are fucking, goofy"
"Because they are, fucking goofy"

Like 20 years too late :/

This is such a mistake.
it's nothing but trash?

That feel of owning every Metal Gear game on Steam.


If we get the Legacy Collection and the PC versions of Silent Hill from Konami, then we will be set.

I somewhat doubt we will see the Silent Hill ports anytime soon, but I would be very surprised if Konami doesn't rebuild Kojima Studios with a Legacy Collection port to PC/PS4/XBO. Metal Gear is just too valuable brand to the company that they wouldn't jump on the backend of the MGSV success.
Aren't there some PC ports of SH?
They should put those on Steam at least.

So it looks like PS4 is getting support for gaming communities where you can create your own communities or join existing ones. Someone should create a SteamGAF community ;)
I'd join!
Not that I play much though :p

A 240Gb SSD cost around R$500 here :/

The 750ti is just a bit more pricey tgan the 260x so it may be worth it.
250GB SSDs are around US$130 in the US, so not bad actually!
Seriously, SSDs are awesome, if you can try to stretch to get one (even a small one just for the OS).

Huh always assumed they were unskippable, just that this time you'd have more options to tackle them.

It really doesnt require a huge ammount of work. They'd just need to do the same thing the german version of South Park: tsot did.



LOL, but it's SP, they did it that way on purpose :p

So um eh yeah it's my Birthday and here's some games

One for each year - yip i'm that old sooooo

Happy birthday!!!!!


wat wat

Guess I can hold off on getting the PC version
Bless PS+

Lobby is made, titled steamgaf

password is steamgaf

PSn players join only
Nice, will try later!
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