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Rumor: PS3 getting cross-title voice chat in October thread of my hopes and dreams..


ConradCervantes said:
Firmware 3.10 might as well include cross-game chat, PS2 BC, Netflix, and the remake of Final Fantasy VII for all we know about it.
I hear they are working on building in religious functionality too, built in bible access from the XMB.
thuway said:
Don't get me wrong, I love my PS3, but this is one feature that I personally feel resonates as a statement piece in online gaming. If you disagree, fuck man, thats your thing - I know people who think Trent Reznor is still cool. Doesn't make it true.

Ahh fuck you man. He's still cooler than that coldplay you listen to. He is the only fucking man who knows what's happening.


whitehawk said:
Well here's my line of thinking. When I use voice chat, 90% of the time I'm not even playing the same game as the other person/people. So as far as I'm concerned, PS3 doesn't have voice chat.

Yeah, it also doesn't have online or anything like that.


I feel sorry for people that don't understand why cross game voice chat is necessary. It must suck to not have real life friends to shoot the shit with while you're gaming.

I hope this rumour is true because having to fire two consoles up or running skype on the laptop gets on my tits.
SmokyDave said:
I feel sorry for people that don't understand why cross game voice chat is necessary. It must suck to not have real life friends to shoot the shit with while you're gaming.

I 'shoot the shit' with real life friends while i'm gaming, difference is that they're sitting in the same room as me (local multiplayer isn't dead).


Bootaaay said:
I 'shoot the shit' with real life friends while i'm gaming, difference is that they're sitting in the same room as me (local multiplayer isn't dead).

You're a lucky guy. Ignoring the fact that not all of my friends live close enough to me, I don't think it'd go down well with our respective partners if we all piled round to someones house all evening three times a week. Especially those of us with kids asleep upstairs.

Although local multiplayer is much more fun, it isn't all that practical for those of us with partners, jobs and sleeping kiddies.

Also, you're missing the point, we're very rarely playing the same games. We'd need 8 PS3's and 8 TVs.
SmokyDave said:
I feel sorry for people that don't understand why cross game voice chat is necessary. It must suck to not have real life friends to shoot the shit with while you're gaming.

I hope this rumour is true because having to fire two consoles up or running skype on the laptop gets on my tits.

this.... cant understand why anyone wouldn't want it... it changes EVERYTHING.


NinjaFusion said:
this.... cant understand why anyone wouldn't want it... it changes EVERYTHING.

It's a nice option to have, but c'mon, it doesn't really change anything to the game you're actually playing. But yeah, it's cool.

Now cross invites, I don't get it. How is that so different than dropping a "hey I'm playing X, join me" message?


Raist said:
It's a nice option to have, but c'mon, it doesn't really change anything to the game you're actually playing. But yeah, it's cool.

Now cross invites, I don't get it. How is that so different than dropping a "hey I'm playing X, join me" message?

I am garunteeing you, atleast 25% of my friends would buy their multiplatform titles on PS3 if Sony would get there asses on the ball. The perfect storm is brewing - the price is there, the games are there, and the content is there. Get the feature up and running -and wham, we can have another legendary firmware thread :lol.


I hope this actually turns out to be true.


thuway said:
I am garunteeing you, atleast 25% of my friends would buy their multiplatform titles on PS3 if Sony would get there asses on the ball. The perfect storm is brewing - the price is there, the games are there, and the content is there. Get the feature up and running -and wham, we can have another legendary firmware thread :lol.

All 2 of them? WOW

:D j/k


TTP said:
I can tell you that yes, it's proper cross game voice chat on a OS level (works with every game, no patch needed), but... there is a but, apparently. To resolve this "but" a patch might be needed.

I'd assume that this means that if you're playing a game that uses voice chat, and you try to use the cross-game chat, one of them won't work.


Ok, maybe I've just gamed on PC for so long, but I'm kinda missing what the big draw is of this? Would cross-chat include more than 2 people doing it? Then I guess I can see.... I don't know, give me some examples that people would want to use this so maybe I can see the reason it's so often requested.
Edeuinu said:
Ok, maybe I've just gamed on PC for so long, but I'm kinda missing what the big draw is of this? Would cross-chat include more than 2 people doing it? Then I guess I can see.... I don't know, give me some examples that people would want to use this so maybe I can see the reason it's so often requested.

You are playing Motorstorm, your friend is playing Call of Duty, a 2nd friend of yours is playing Street Fighter, 3rd friend of yours is playing FIFA and 4th friend of yours is playing Resistance and they all went to talk to each other instead of typing stuff and interupting gameplay (since you need to get to the chat screen through XMB, which can be quite slow).
So, instead of typing letters through the virtual keyboard (or the real one, if they have it) AND interupting the gameplay, they just make a voice chat room and speak freely.
When/if this hits, it is going to be almost impossible to justify picking up another Live Gold sub, personally. There will be a part of my brain that will just not let me do it.


Great feature if they implement it,

Sadly for me my BT headset does not work with my PS3 (endless static even though it works fine on my 2 cell phones) and I really dont want to pony up the dough to get a set just for my PS3.

Maybe MW2 will change that providing I pick it up on the PS3 and not cave and renew my LIVE membership.


Cross game chat would be awesome, but I'll just use it for 'same game' chat in 1943 and the other games with broken voice chats.


This morning we picked up on a story from VG247 suggesting cross-game chat would appear in the next firmware update for the PS3. Well, this afternoon we can reveal that, if our source is to be believed, this is indeed the case – we’ve had a chat with our own source (who wishes to remain anonymous) that has confirmed in principle that the next software update will feature an XMB-based cross game communication tool centred around voice chat.
I can’t repeat everything that’s been said in terms of new features, and certainly can’t say 100% that this is going to happen (so don’t get your hopes up) but if our source is correct, the next firmware will be available in either October or November. It’s entirely possible that cross-game communication was planned for 3.00 but slipped at the last minute, but let’s hope it makes it out for the next update, eh? If we get anything else, we’ll pass it on.


Tom Penny said:
Dumbest shit ever except for inviting someone to play.

" Hey I just beat Batman "

" Shut up you stupid fuck I just got shanked from behind in COD because of you "

You are SO wrong. I play a lot of single player games, as do my friends. It's really nice to be able to talk to people while playing single player because it makes it feel more like a social experience.


What would probably be the limit on a voice chat room?

I understand why people want this. It would be like when the Resistance 1 clan sat in the lobby chatting about everything. It was cool hearing Kittonwy scream FOR BEERDOM!!!!


Do want. This is like, the only feature I require aside from more fucking avatars. Seriously how hard is it to add some avatars when the compatibility is there?!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
SmokyDave said:
I feel sorry for people that don't understand why cross game voice chat is necessary. It must suck to not have real life friends to shoot the shit with while you're gaming.

I think it's more the fact that they don't want to be bothered during single/multiplayer more than anything.

I get your point on why it may be useful for most people, but for me: It's totally useless and I don't really want a patch for it. But hey, if this means most people will drop XBL and act like assholes on PSN to where I have to jump ship back to XBL, then more power to Sony.

(Also didn't it ruin games like Chromehounds and the like on XBL since they could no longer hide dead players voices through private chat?)


Still Alive
Totobeni said:
just cross game chat ? meh

no fonts or annoying ticker fix :(

no font+ticker fix = no buy
Was the bigger font listed in even the OFFICIAL changes list at GC? No, so why would you expect it in a rumored list? BTW you already can fix the ticker, simply set the year on your PS3 ahead and reboot.


XMB-based cross game communication tool centred around voice chat.

What the fuck does that mean?

I hope it's voice chat and not something else that isn't that.

Just seems weird they didn't just say voice chat, but 'XMB-based cross game communication tool centred around voice chat.'
don't worry, they will find a way to fuck it up everything again. Damn, the os became a visual shitfest after the last update.. why sony ?


SmokyDave said:
I feel sorry for people that don't understand why cross game voice chat is necessary. It must suck to not have real life friends to shoot the shit with while you're gaming.

I hope this rumour is true because having to fire two consoles up or running skype on the laptop gets on my tits.

I feel sorry for the people who profess their own sense of superiority on others because they feel that insignificant.

Seriously, some people are shooting the shit with our "real life friends" in the same game because we all play together. I know it's a crazy concept right?

You should leave your bullshit somewhere else though, honestly. Not everyone is you, likewise not everyone has the same values and opinions, and the faster you realize that, the better off you'll be.


DMeisterJ said:
What the fuck does that mean?

I hope it's voice chat and not something else that isn't that.

Just seems weird they didn't just say voice chat, but 'XMB-based cross game communication tool centred around voice chat.'

It's voice chat except there will be restrictions, therefore, it won't work like XBL which everyone likes to compare every feature Sony adds with.


Raist said:
It's a nice option to have, but c'mon, it doesn't really change anything to the game you're actually playing. But yeah, it's cool.

Now cross invites, I don't get it. How is that so different than dropping a "hey I'm playing X, join me" message?

It doesn't necessarily directly affect the games you're playing; but the addition of cross-game voicechat would be hugely effective at making the PSN feel like an actual community.

I have quite a few PSN Friends who I enjoying conversing with, but as my gaming time becomes more limited, I find myself sacrificing dialogue with them to play more games; but being able to do both would be something I would welcome with open arms.

EDIT: ...however, considering Sony's past inabilities to add XBL-like features, I have a feeling that "XMB-based cross game communication tool" means it'll be some type of voicemail system, not actual on-going chat.


DMeisterJ said:
What the fuck does that mean?

I hope it's voice chat and not something else that isn't that.

Just seems weird they didn't just say voice chat, but 'XMB-based cross game communication tool centred around voice chat.'

It seems its going to be same as the text chat but now voice. Meaning you still have the game paused and press PS to be in XMB for it to work( chatting.)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Too little too late. Unless they can match XBLA parties then i'll be buying all multi-platform games on the 360 anyway.

True. But some prefer the free feature tho.


DMeisterJ said:
What the fuck does that mean?

I hope it's voice chat and not something else that isn't that.

Just seems weird they didn't just say voice chat, but 'XMB-based cross game communication tool centred around voice chat.'
Its in the xmb but disabled I think. Right under the text option.
beast786 said:
It seems its going to be same as the text chat but now voice. Meaning you still have the game paused and press PS to be in XMB for it to work( chatting.)
?? what? I'm sure once its enabled you can chat in game with you buds. You dont have to pause your game like the text option to type.
SuperMattyFighter2T said:
Too little too late. Unless they can match XBL parties then i'll be buying all multi-platform games on the 360 anyway.
Have to love choices eh. Some like to pay and others dont.


Junior Member
I'm not sure when or even if Sony will release this feature, but it is fully working in the last 2 SDK revisions.That EA crap was totally BS.
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