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Borderlands prerelease discussion thread


modeps said:
Giantbomb did a brief thing on one of their podcasts that stated this game doesn't have a trade mechanic... basically to give someone something, you drop it on the ground.

Does anyone know if that's still the case? If so... fuck Borderlands. A Loot game with no secure way to trade items is a recipe for failure and griefing.
If this were a MMO, I'd agree. But the max amount of players in co-op = 4. If the other 2 players are going to attempt to snatch up an item you drop on the ground, you should be booting them. That's PUGs for you. Play with people you know, or stick to a GAF group.


TheFallen said:
If this were a MMO, I'd agree. But the max amount of players in co-op = 4. If the other 2 players are going to attempt to snatch up an item you drop on the ground, you should be booting them. That's PUGs for you. Play with people you know, or stick to a GAF group.

I agree. And if it's two players trading and you don't trust the other guy then do a little hostage trade, stand a good distance apart and each person drop their item then run over to the other item once both have been dropped. :D


Neo Member
TheFallen said:
If this were a MMO, I'd agree. But the max amount of players in co-op = 4. If the other 2 players are going to attempt to snatch up an item you drop on the ground, you should be booting them. That's PUGs for you. Play with people you know, or stick to a GAF group.

Others grabbing the gear is not the only problem though. Say you want to trade with someone you don't know personally... you tell them you've got this awesome +130 gun or something (truthful), and you want an awesome sniper rifle... they claim they've got this +200 sniper that they don't use and offer a trade. You both drop on the ground, he grabs yours and logs off... you grab his and find out its some starter weapon.

Alternatively, they could just grab your weapon after you drop and log off... without dropping theirs.

It's a crap method of doing things. Yeah, the GAF group would be good, but that will only go so far. This is a loot game, it is inexcusable to not have a trade mechanic.


modeps said:
Others grabbing the gear is not the only problem though. Say you want to trade with someone you don't know personally... you tell them you've got this awesome +130 gun or something (truthful), and you want an awesome sniper rifle... they claim they've got this +200 sniper that they don't use and offer a trade. You both drop on the ground, he grabs yours and logs off... you grab his and find out its some starter weapon.

Alternatively, they could just grab your weapon after you drop and log off... without dropping theirs.

It's a crap method of doing things. Yeah, the GAF group would be good, but that will only go so far. This is a loot game, it is inexcusable to not have a trade mechanic.

I could be wrong but the videos I've seen you can see the stats of the item while it's on the ground. You'll still get ninjas (and have to be careful) but it's not all doom and gloom. It's possible to trade with others with minimal risk (see my earlier example of 100 paces out lol)


Not sure how people are going to even begin to find people to trade with, there isn't a lobby to sit and spam text in like Diablo or anything. You just randomly join hosted games and hope someone has something good?

Doesn't make much sense to me, really. Maybe someone will sit and post on a web site and spam refresh all day looking for someone to trade with, just sounds like a PITA to me.


modeps said:
Others grabbing the gear is not the only problem though. Say you want to trade with someone you don't know personally... you tell them you've got this awesome +130 gun or something (truthful), and you want an awesome sniper rifle... they claim they've got this +200 sniper that they don't use and offer a trade. You both drop on the ground, he grabs yours and logs off... you grab his and find out its some starter weapon.

Alternatively, they could just grab your weapon after you drop and log off... without dropping theirs.

It's a crap method of doing things. Yeah, the GAF group would be good, but that will only go so far. This is a loot game, it is inexcusable to not have a trade mechanic.
It isn't any different from the basic mechanics of the loot system anyway. You know that after killing enemies items are dropped on the ground? Free for anyone to pick up. If you can't trust anyone for a single trade, how can you trust them to play with you at all? Just team with players you trust. Like I've said in the past here, the GAF groups will weed out loot whores and ninjas.


modeps said:
Others grabbing the gear is not the only problem though. Say you want to trade with someone you don't know personally... you tell them you've got this awesome +130 gun or something (truthful), and you want an awesome sniper rifle... they claim they've got this +200 sniper that they don't use and offer a trade. You both drop on the ground, he grabs yours and logs off... you grab his and find out its some starter weapon.

Alternatively, they could just grab your weapon after you drop and log off... without dropping theirs.

It's a crap method of doing things. Yeah, the GAF group would be good, but that will only go so far. This is a loot game, it is inexcusable to not have a trade mechanic.

Talking with Randy and Mikey at PAX they both stated that if the people are vocal about a trade mechanic they will patch it in after launch.. So get on the GBX forums and let them know!!

While I agree with TheFallen, it really is sad that they couldn't have created a trade window like in most multiplayer loot games..

Still buying Day 1 and look forward to playing with the GAF crew! :D


Hawkian said:
Yeah. The GAF groups will be clutch for this game, so watch for the official thread!
Considering my friends are putting their money toward Uncharted 2; I think I might want to join this Borderlands GAF group to avoid playing on my own :(

Eric WK

Hm. It's listed as having free release date deliver on Amazon, but I'm not getting the option for it when I go to check out. Maybe I'll just take the day off work and pick it up locally. Going to need something to do while waiting for UPS to bring FIFA anyhow.
New vids are lookin' good.
Eric WK said:
It's listed as having free release date deliver on Amazon
Hmm, I don't see that option up right now, and it wasn't offered when I pre-ordered about a month ago. My guess is they're not doing it. (I plan on playing FIFA until it arrives because that definitely has release date shipping on Amazon.)

Eric WK

Cornballer said:
New vids are lookin' good.
Hmm, I don't see that option up right now, and it wasn't offered when I pre-ordered about a month ago. My guess is they're not doing it. (I plan on playing FIFA until it arrives because that definitely has release date shipping on Amazon.)

Xbox 360 Titles with Release Date Delivery

I emailed them about it so we'll see, but I'll probably just pay the few extra bucks at Best Buy or Gamestop and take the day off.
Interesting. On my orders page, it's not listed as release date (FIFA delivery says 10/20, Borderlands delivery says 10/23.) I sent them an email about it, too.

Eric WK

Well I just checked Gamestop.com and they don't have the usual "Pre-order by such and such a time to have it delivered on the street date..." message, so maybe it won't be in stores until the 21st after all.


Neo Member
akmcbroom said:
Talking with Randy and Mikey at PAX they both stated that if the people are vocal about a trade mechanic they will patch it in after launch.. So get on the GBX forums and let them know!!

While I agree with TheFallen, it really is sad that they couldn't have created a trade window like in most multiplayer loot games..

I find that tactic a bit off putting quite honestly. "Hey, if you think we did something wrong here, let us know and we'll fix it later! thnxguyz!" They should have known previously that a trade mechanic is standard. If they couldn't think about something that core, what else did they leave out?

Artadius said:
Two new videos this morning from IGN showing gameplay vs. the Crimson Lance.



Am I the only one who thought that didn't look so great? Don't get me wrong, I'm eager to play... but there is a very good chance this game will not be as good as everyone is hoping.
"Am I'm the only one who thought that didn't look so great? Don't get me wrong, I'm eager to play... but there is a very good chance this game will not be as good as everyone is hoping."

No, it's not just you. I was on the fence about the game but that made it look horrifically unfun.
"Probably because the guy is playing like a retard, running right up to guys and ignoring cover opportunities."

Nah, even when you account for the usual awful game journalist play it looks terrible. Holding mouse1 over an enemy for 15 seconds who does nothing but stand in the open shooting back at you is not very compelling gameplay.


BobFromPikeCreek said:
Probably because the guy is playing like a retard, running right up to guys and ignoring cover opportunities.

Not to mention scoping from like 4 feet away and shooting off the hip from 100 feet.

None of the videos I've seen have shown anyone using much of anything resembling tactics unfortunately. However, the game moves like a quick fps, the aiming seems to be on target and if you can remove the damage numbers, all that much better. I'm very excited to play.
holy fuck, are you guys serious? Seeing those badass guns looks so sick. I like that theres grenades and explosives around. I would say the best comparison is resistance 2 co op and that was extremely fun. Most of the enemies did just that, just stand there or slightly turning.


The Cryptarch's Bane
modeps said:
there is a very good chance this game will not be as good as everyone is hoping.

I don't think there's any more of one here than any release I've looked forward to. I think the videos have looked great, and make we want to grab the controls from the idiots playing and just own the place. If you haven't enjoyed them, you probably aren't prone to enjoying the game. *shrug*
"holy fuck, are you guys serious? Seeing those badass guns looks so sick. I like that theres grenades and explosives around. I would say the best comparison is resistance 2 co op and that was extremely fun. Most of the enemies did just that, just stand there or slightly turning."

I wouldn't say any similarity to Resistance 2 is a good thing.


From what I'm seeing the game is basically a shooter Diablo. You're not going to spend your time slinking from rock to rock, you're going to go in and mess everything up within a few seconds, maybe run for cover to take a quick health restore, run back into the thick of it, maybe strafe some mobs across a room. It just looks like frantic unrelenting shooting like Serious Sam, but with loot everywhere.


This is coming from someone who's a huge Diablo II (and the ilk) fan... but I don't want this game to be any more fps than it already is. I think its perfect right there. Folks asking for more AI using complex tactics and degenerating the game into a cover firefight fest are missing the point of loot parade.

I want my lootwhore games (which this game is, you can deny it all you want, but its the key feature and main talking point even from the developers) to be setup so I can quickly run around and kill guys for more loot. I don't want to sit there and play a panzy game of cat an mouse for a minute at a time for each mob that threatens me only to see them drop a piece of crap item. I'd rather kill that one guy and ten of his closest friends in the same amount of time. Let my cup runneth over.

That brings me to my next point that I think its pretty silly that folks are getting worked up about there being no trade mechanic in the game. I can understand being a bit peeved about it simply for ease us use when you trade something to a friend. But, honestly, how often did you trade stuff in Diablo II? I don't know about you guys, but I played (and still play fairly often) co-op Diablo II and I don't honestly have time to sit there after every pack of monsters and discuss the drops and dole it out and trade and shit. This isn't WoW where we roll for loot and equally give stuff out. Get out there, kill shit constantly and pick up loot constantly. While you're sitting there hemming and hawing over some random medium quality gun I'll be halfway to the end of the game farming for legendary drops.


I'm actually quite excited for this game, even if it turns out to be a little simple. The entire premise of loot whoring + FPS totally works for me. Is there a review embargo on the game? I know on Idle Thumbs they wouldn't talk about it due to a media embargo of some sort that'll end by their next episode.
Teknopathetic said:
"Probably because the guy is playing like a retard, running right up to guys and ignoring cover opportunities."

Nah, even when you account for the usual awful game journalist play it looks terrible. Holding mouse1 over an enemy for 15 seconds who does nothing but stand in the open shooting back at you is not very compelling gameplay.
You do the same thing in Diablo. At least this game is open to more strategic gameplay. It's definitely more of an RPG than a shooter.


This game is sweet, I had a fair amount of hands on time during a recent trip to Dallas when I visited Gearbox. Highly recommend picking it up when it comes out, and not just because it uses UE3. :D
Eric WK said:
Well I just checked Gamestop.com and they don't have the usual "Pre-order by such and such a time to have it delivered on the street date..." message, so maybe it won't be in stores until the 21st after all.
I can tell you that Borderlands is Street Dated for the 20th. So it should be in stores for sale on the 20th.
"You do the same thing in Diablo. At least this game is open to more strategic gameplay. It's definitely more of an RPG than a shooter."

Pace definitely seems a lot slower than Diablo and when playing diablo, there's definitely much more to do (ability wise) than hold down a single button. I'd really *like* to like the game and I may end up buying it anyway, but footage is definitely not winning me.
Teknopathetic said:
"You do the same thing in Diablo. At least this game is open to more strategic gameplay. It's definitely more of an RPG than a shooter."

Pace definitely seems a lot slower than Diablo and when playing diablo, there's definitely much more to do (ability wise) than hold down a single button. I'd really *like* to like the game and I may end up buying it anyway, but footage is definitely not winning me.

Footage of an RPG style game will always feel a bit slow. But playing it is much more hectic.. I recommend playing it. I can tell you I've had the chance and its much more entertaining then what the videos play it out to be.

EDIT: CliffyB also says buy it.. :p
Gameplay vids so far have been awesome. I've been waiting for a shooter with rpg elements for many years, and this appears like it will fill that niche nicely.

I just wish I could get more of a feel for the quest variety and story, and hope there is a good sense of exploration.

Anyone that has played it, is there good variety in the quests and a sense that you are exploring a large and interesting world? I think these are two things that are really important to an rpg.


NullPointer said:
Already pre-ordered on the hope that this will be better than Too Human.

I mean, it *has* to be, right? Right?

I think this will look like the greatest video game ever compared to Too Human
CliffyB said:
This game is sweet, I had a fair amount of hands on time during a recent trip to Dallas when I visited Gearbox. Highly recommend picking it up when it comes out, and not just because it uses UE3. :D

Sorry, I just don't trust the opinions of random internet fanboys.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Why do you trust reviews?

Honestly, if you think the stuff you've been show so far is shit, don't buy it, you won't like it.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Teknopathetic said:
"holy fuck, are you guys serious? Seeing those badass guns looks so sick. I like that theres grenades and explosives around. I would say the best comparison is resistance 2 co op and that was extremely fun. Most of the enemies did just that, just stand there or slightly turning."

I wouldn't say any similarity to Resistance 2 is a good thing.
Resistance 2 hate on Gaf is outrageous and unwarrented.
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