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NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge #39 - "Homage"

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Theme - "Homage"

Word Limit: 2000

Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 10/21 by 11:59 PM Pacific.

Voting begins: Thursday, 10/22 and goes until Saturday, 10/24 at 11:59 PM Pacific.

Optional Secondary Objective: Black comedy - A subset of satire and comedy, used to treat taboo subjects in a humorous or satirical manner, while keeping the seriousness of the subject intact.

Submission Guidelines

- One entry per poster.
- All submissions must be written during the time of the challenge.
- Using the topic as the title of your piece is discouraged.
- Keep to the word count!

Voting Guidelines:

- Three votes per voter. Please denote in your voting your 1st (3 pts), 2nd (2 pts), and 3rd (1 pt) place votes.
- Please read all submissions before voting.
- You must vote in order to be eligible to win the challenge.
- When voting ends, the winner gets a collective pat on the back, and starts the new challenge.

NeoGAF Creative Writing Challenge FAQ
Ooo. Homage and a new Pratchett novel just came out. It's like you personally hate my wallet. Well, at least I can buy it now and claim it's for research.


Sounds cool. Don't fall prey to the OP curse, mang!

Ok guys, I got almost no response last time--what do people think of suspending the challenges after this one, until after NaNoWriMo?


Cyan said:
Sounds cool. Don't fall prey to the OP curse, mang!

Ok guys, I got almost no response last time--what do people think of suspending the challenges after this one, until after NaNoWriMo?
works been a bitch lately so I most likely wont be able to join in anyway. So I'm cool with it.
Cyan said:
Sounds cool. Don't fall prey to the OP curse, mang!

Ok guys, I got almost no response last time--what do people think of suspending the challenges after this one, until after NaNoWriMo?
I'm cool with that. Most of my time around then will probably be eaten up by grad school apps anyway.

Of course, we could always just make the NaNoWriMo thread a creative writing thread anyway.


I don't mind if you delay the next thread. Then again, I can barely keep a short story consistent, so there's no way I'd be able to write a novel.
Been working on the four stories that I plan to submit for my grad school apps. I've gone through the first check and cleaned up what I wanted to fix with them and now I'm going back and addressing the critiques you guys gave me.

It's definitely slow going, and I can already tell "Help" is going to give me trouble. I'm just too attached to that opening, which really needs to be slashed out if I want to address Aaron and Ronito's complaints.

Definitely glad I started this early as it takes a good chunk of time.


good credit (by proxy)
Gratz zeph, sorry I didn't get to vote, had 6 assignments over the weekend. I liked yours best of the ones I read.


crowphoenix said:
Been working on the four stories that I plan to submit for my grad school apps. I've gone through the first check and cleaned up what I wanted to fix with them and now I'm going back and addressing the critiques you guys gave me.

It's definitely slow going, and I can already tell "Help" is going to give me trouble. I'm just too attached to that opening, which really needs to be slashed out if I want to address Aaron and Ronito's complaints.

Definitely glad I started this early as it takes a good chunk of time.
if you need any help we're here.


Oh hell why don't I venture into OT more often and notice such fine threads? I haven't had any set writing challenges since I graduated! I'll definitely give this a shot.


Back from a thanksgiving weekend with relatives (that's why I had to bail on the last challenge thread, I was seriously typing it up five minutes before I ran out the door :lol ).


I'm going to have to miss this one too. Mid semester exam on Friday and an essay due mid next week. I hate this time of year.


Kimosabae said:
Is the word limit static, or relative to the theme presenter?
It changes at the whim of the OP, although the average word limits have tended to slowly increase as the challenges go on. They've ranged from 1000 to 1800 normally, with the memorable exception of one limitless challenge.


Hm... I have an idea, but I'm not entirely sure how well it fits the theme. I mean, an adaptation is something that is basically paying homage to the original, right?
An homage is generally a piece of fiction that has allusions to a specific author, text, or whathaveyou. The piece could even reword famous quotes from that particular piece of media, or have the same overall theme. For example, Ghost in the Shell is an homage to Blade Runner which is an homage to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


Ok, I've found a few hours this morning so I'm going to try and get something down. I've had a really great idea that I'm excited about and I've gotten about 400 words down thus far so I'll see how I go.


Haha, I'm doing something totally ridiculous for mine this week. Fun! And I think it'll be pretty obvious what the homage is to. :D
I'm gonna start and finish my story on Tuesday (that may be the only day I have the time to do so), and the ideas are pretty firmly cemented in my brain right now.
Hopefully, I'll actually get an idea and have time to write it tomorrow. I'm going to try to finish working on Help tonight, and then tomorrow also get started on the confusing process that is the statement of purpose.

Then try to figure out how I can pay homage to Pratchett. It all seems a little daunting, but If I can pull it all off, I just might actually have caught up with my goals.


Well, it appears as though I won't be able to participate this time around. Still, I figured I might as well share my basic idea with everyone. It wasn't very good though. Knowing that, my execution would have made it even worse. You'll see why in a minute:

Ok, I was going to do a modern Rumplestiltskin adaptation involving infertility, a hysterical pregnancy, a mysterious sperm donor, a kidnapping, and a police manhunt.


I think I might be homaged out. I know I thought it was a good idea but I've done a lot of homages so far.

Edgar Allen Poe & Dr. Seuss in "An non-emo ending."
Nitewulf in that piece with Noche Lobo and the exploding poodle
Jimenez in "Homage" (that piece with charcoal burner's daughter)
Scribble in the piece about the leprauchans and bunnies
DumbNameD in that piece about masturbating mormon mommies.

I'm sorta running out.


ronito said:
I think I might be homaged out. I know I thought it was a good idea but I've done a lot of homages so far.

Edgar Allen Poe & Dr. Seuss in "An non-emo ending."
Nitewulf in that piece with Noche Lobo and the exploding poodle
Jimenez in "Homage" (that piece with charcoal burner's daughter)
Scribble in the piece about the leprauchans and bunnies
DumbNameD in that piece about masturbating mormon mommies.

I'm sorta running out.
So you've done a lot of style homages. How about a subject-matter homage?

That's what I'm doing. :)

ZephyrFate said:
That sounds amazing. Fucking try it out dude. Don't give up!
Seriously. I was sold at "modern Rumplestiltskin adaptation."


I managed to get down 1000 words on my Nietzsche essay yesterday so I think I've earnt at least half a day of writing this lol. See how we go.

Edit: just finished

Midsummer Monster
word count:1061

The professor grasped behind him for a rag to wipe the sweat from his brow. He had been working for many weeks, almost straight. Surely, he thought, I must be done soon. In front of him lay a stone table with a stone cold body on it. It was made from many parts, not all human. This would be his biggest accomplishment yet, he was sure. The scent of impending success was sweet and strong to his nose. Shining brilliantly through the window, the moon illuminated his work. This is when he knew it was time. It was time to flick the switch.

Electrodes above the table began a vibrant dance of power and the body began to jolt and convulse. The professor rubbed his hands together in both anticipation and fear. It had to work. He had worked too long, paid too much to the grave robbing… robbers. Suddenly the noise stopped. The machine had stalled.

“No! No, no, no, NO!” the professor slammed his fists on the table. He had been thwarted by a damned machine. He buried his face in his hands and massaged his temples to impede the incoming head ache. Then something stirred. He lifted his face and watched the body twitch. First it started in the creature’s fingers and toes. Progressively the movement travelled up the creatures limbs and reached his abdomen and torso. In a flash the creature sat bolt upright and peered at the professor. That was the one thing the professor regretted. When he went to the grave robbers requesting a head, the price they charged was enormous. The head could be too easily identified. So in a fit of anger the professor had killed the first non-human he found, severing its head and attaching THAT to the body. He had been sure, however, to place a human brain and voice box into the creature’s head. The eyes that peered from him now were still animalistic, even with a glint of human intelligence in there. The first animal he had come across after leaving the grave robbers was a donkey.

The creature peered at his hands, slowly flexing them. It ran them over his arms, lingering on the seams that joined his limbs to his body.

“Can you hear me?”

It ignored him and continued exploring its new body. Reaching its neck it felt the fur and stiffened as its hands found the shape of its large head. As it felt its ears the professor asked it again.

“Can you hear me?”

“Of course I can hear you.” The creature replied, “Look at my damn ears!”

This was followed by a long and deep bray that shocked both the professor and the creature, leading to a long stretch of silence.

“The grave robbers wanted too much for a human head.”

“I think that of all things to skimp out on, the head really was the part you shouldn’t have.”

“As you’re probably aware though, I did put a human brain and voice box in, so really it’s only the shell that is from a donkey.”

“That is great.”

The creature swung its legs over the edge of the table before sliding off and standing. The professor was in awe. He had made the creature tall and large, but as it stood before him the sheer impressiveness of its size could truly be admired.

Then it brayed again.

“I can’t control that you know.” The creature said.

Later that night the professor woke up to some bad noise. He ripped the bed sheet off of himself and lunged towards the door. Sliding around the doorway and bumbling down the stairs he caught a glance of his creature bending apart the metal bars of his cage and sprinting out of the workshop, into the darkness outside.

“My CREATURE!” he cried, “Come back! The world isn’t ready for you yet.”

By the time he reached the door he only saw the naked backside of the creature glinting in the distance. He shuddered as he realised it was headed to the town. The professor supposed he had better try to go after him; he dreaded to think what would happen to him more than anything if people found out what he had done.

Reaching the gates of the town he saw a woman, ghostly white, clutching her chest.

“I wouldn’t go in there sir,” she garbled, “some great, bloody creature with the head of an ass grabbed by breasts ‘fore running off.”

“Where did the brute go?” asked the professor.

“Oh I ‘eard ‘im braying off somewhere in that direction.” She motioned with one hand; the other still clutched her breasts.

On queue the creature brayed and the professor left the molested woman by the gate and ran off down the lanes. On either side of the street women lay with clothes ripped, faces white, some were naked. The creature was leaving a trail of sexual destruction.

“The monster violated me!” a random woman cried.

“Yeah well ‘e bloody raped me!” retorted another.

The professor’s head spun as he reached the town square just in time to see the creature tearing the dress off of another woman. She let out a guttural scream and the creature replied by braying to the sky. Just as he began to rush towards the creature, the professor noticed the three town police walk from the shadows with their guns aimed.

As he dived forward, yelling in protest the police fired three consecutive shots into the creature body. The creature went limp and was too heavy for the woman to get out from under. All of a sudden the creature’s hand moved to rest on a breast of the woman beneath him. She screamed again thinking the creature was now a zombie. The creature lifted his head.

“If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended, that you have but slumber'd here while these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, no more yielding but a dream, gentles, do not reprehend: If you pardon we will mend. Else the ass a liar calls. Give me your hands, if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends.”

The creature then slumped and lay dead. The crowd looked around confused at what had happened. A policeman piped up.

“I thought that was one of Puck’s lines, not Bottom’s.”


Irish said:
Ok, I was going to do a modern Rumplestiltskin adaptation involving infertility, a hysterical pregnancy, a mysterious sperm donor, a kidnapping, and a police manhunt.



I doubt I'm going to make this, again. I thought I had something ready to go when I subscribed, but it seems to only fit the secondary criteria. If I have time to alter it, I may still propose it, but it seems doubtful.

In other news, I'm actually working on a story (a rap lyric, of course)! It was inspired by you guys, so it's something more coherent and cohesive (I think) than my typical abstract, multisyllabic musings. I've looked at your stories to offer myself something of a template. Hopefully, I'll be able to flesh it out and get it up in one of these challenges before the end of the year.


Whoops! False communication. I mixed up the theme and secondary objective. I meant to say that it barely qualifies, as there's only one line that's a true homage (which would be blatant to any hip hop fans) without a trace of the secondary objective.

I'm a cynical dude, but I don't know where I can fit "black comedy" into it. I'd have to research the subject more, to gather a more coherent perspective.
I need one of you guys to smack me in the back of the head so I can actually edit "Help." I can't believe how attached I am to the opening.


One rabbit hole. Two looking glasses. Glistening blue and white, pale as the Reaper. Unassuming little friends at the hollow of her cupped palm. Down the throat. Alice tumbles.

The world without time. Her favourite chair, plush and beautiful. Her favourite tea, today it is Jasmine. Her favourite friends, her favourite day. Unbirthday. Maybe she can be young again with each unbirthday, maybe she can undo her life away, one thread off the rug at a time and soon there will be no more rug. Just blissful emptiness. The world before the rug- oh, she meant, surely: The world before the world. Obviously.

Summer lays her heat, layers upon layers of warmth on the deep chocolate floorboard. Her golden hair spread about on the unwashed floors, slow heart, slow heart. Thin and shallow beating smilingly at tea-coloured life. Grow, grow. A tendril of smoke grew within her, coiling upwards from between her long shapely leg. Impossibly green leaves unfurling, is that Beethoven at the background? Ah, it’s the neighbour’s little boy. Piano lesson. From ten in the morning, every day – except on Sundays on the account of church. Home-school.

She takes her tea with two sugars and a lot of cream. She tosses her head heavily, bumping one side against her coffee table’s leg. Yes, please, and some milk, if you don’t mind. The growing ghastly thing has thick roots, dark green and chunky. Mind you, sir, that’s not a considerate place to be at. Between her legs. The one with the hat hands her a dainty cup with tiny pink heart motif at its lip. She thanks him, “But why’s the crow-?”

“Hold now. Cow or crow? How brown!”

Little fingers on piano keys. She was so full of promises too, many years ago. Small feet dangling from piano stool. A large recital, was it. Never seen so many people, no sir. They are all watching her. Spits the tea out secretly, turning to one’s side so as to be polite. No more, no, please, no more. Places one hand above her empty cup. “NO!”

The hare sighs and throws his face away from her. It suddenly becomes cold and dark all the sudden. Is it already night? Or maybe it is just the gloom of the stage. So many people. So many eyes. Mother read to her once, when she was still young and safe, of the monster Minotaur. A hundred faces and more, and all of them hers and all of them faceless. She dreams awfully.

Ah, stop. Stop.

“Stop? Or Top? If you stop, you can’t be on top.”

What is this now, speaking at her. The vegetable thing with its massive root now has a face. A speaking flower? How novel. She must gather herself presentably, now. Yes. Ah, quick, find something smart to say! Hurry now, before you disappoint your audience! Yet again?

A slap on her wrist. Mother is angry. Mother is disappointed. “How could you do this to me? How could you.” Alice rolls her eyes upwards, a moan escaping her lips. Not yet. She does not want to go to that awful place, yet. The garden. Her garden, with the ornamental pink flamingos and her prized Azaleas. The white Rotan long bench and his giant friend, the fig of Benjamin, sit side by side mutely year in and year out. Coolness creeps her tiny follicles up as she sleeps on the bench within their embrace, hiding away from screaming voices and taut lips. She wakes up, and the cat-bird goes, “Keek-keek. Keek-keek.”

Bruising from the side of her temple. Not yet. Please let’s not go to the garden. She kicks about. Frenetic limbs, shivering at the smaller joints involuntarily. Knocks over the little table, the tall vase comes crashing down on her. Water and lilies and glasses all. The garden is here. She can not run away. She sobs. Lilies and water spreading around her like a funereal decoration. Crimson strands leaks warmly, shards of glasses sticking out of her bare legs. A shrapnel of blood and white flower upon the golden-haired maiden.

Maiden? Maid.

Her mother the maid. No. No. Yes. Yes, she was just the maid. The mistress a barren woman and so very kind. Until she finds out that the girl was her husband’s, after all. And the cat is painting its own stripes on its back. “Kill-Kill. Kill-Kill.”

She knows those stripes. On old television, black and white stripes with chains on their ankles. Sinners all. Feline malice rains down softly. “Mother?” Her voice tiny.

“Not Mother. Not your mother. Do not Mother me. No more.”

The Mistress locks her real mother away. The Mistress wants of child. The Mistress Rose. The Mistress in red. The Mistress is red. The Red Mistress. Alice moans again, pitifully and low. Please. Not the garden. Too late. She is here.

Rose’s fingers close in around Alice’s throat. “Off with your head.” Long manicured fingernails digging into the child’s flesh. Red, red.

Each stripe a sinister grin upon the cat’s back. Laughing. “Off with her head.”

Alice gasps. The leaves shake violently, swishing and rattling. The white bench under her creaking, shouldering the murder taking place on top of it. Alice whimpers. Alice wails. Alice wraths.

Tiny hand searching in panic. Grabs the shovel’s handle from underneath the Rotan.

Swings it as hard as she could. Rose’s white face. Painted red now. And smashes again. Just to make sure. And again. Just to be sure. And again. “Hee-hee. Hee-hee.”


Is it over yet?

A small girl stands by the woman in red. Both of her hands a fist of blood. The edge of her nightgown smeared with sin. She is breathing evenly, and the cat’s stripes disappear one by one, leaving its mouth last. “Quite quiet, quaintly.”

Secret the moon keeps. And the strange cat in the rabbit hole. And her Vorpal blade- ah, she means, shovel, in the mirror worlds. Obviously.

World underneath.

“I can’t be on top, if I stop.”

Tap twice on the new mound. Rest now, Mother.

A sudden gasp.

And then the woman picks herself off the floor. The sounds of afternoon insects playing now, no more Beethoven. She looks down and frowns at the mess around her. Dampness and the smell of lilies mix strangely with blood. She sits up and touches the side of her head. Pounding.

Such a mess.

Alice swears this is going to be the last time she takes those pills down her throat.

She always swears the same every time.
















Nice, Cyan.

Anyway, I don't really have the time, but I guess I can try and fit that idea into story format. Don't be surprised when I completely ruin it though. That's just my style.


Ugh, I should have finished this before starting NaNoWriMo prep. Now the piece's voice is all in a muddle and I'm struggling with a key moment. Doesn't help that this is the first 'proper' piece of writing I've done in a couple of months. I get out of practise for even a short period of time and you need some warmup to get back into the swing of things.
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