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Yemen demonstrates to us why civilized society's age of consent starts at 16

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Fularu said:
You use that word way too freely. In the end you come off as a biggot.


Fularu said:
If an 18 years old girl wants (key word, wants) to marry a 58 years old dude, it's her fucking right, I have no business at all meddling in their relationship.

And I'm trying to explain in all futility that there are power structures designed to seriously fuck with the woman's right to choose her partner.

Fularu said:
There is nothing "barbaric" about a girl who's 13 years old getting married. It's wrong from our moral ground, but there's absolutely nothing barbaric in it. You should probably look up the definition of the word "barbaric".

Stop calling me ignorant. There's absolutely something barbaric about having sex with GIRLS who are too mentally immature to be responsible to drive let alone make a life-altering (permanent b/c dun wanna get shunned for divorce!) decision like marriage.

Fularu said:
On the other hand, it would be awesome if it were to stop.

If it's awesome to stop then why justify it as legitimate.

Fularu said:
On the other hand, what happened to this girl is horrific but probably wasn't intended by the perpetrator (as in, it wasn't intented for her to suffer and even less die). I haven't looked deeply into the subject but I don'T even know how old the husband was. What if he's 21? Would that make him barbaric? Would that make himmore evil than the numerous GAF posters who openly admit having sex with 13-14 years olds in here? Also do you realise that a girl growing up in Yemen will be miles more mature than a girl growing up in the US (and that'S not a good thing, before you come down hard on me (no pun intended))

Yes, a 21yo who rapes a child is a horrible monster. My fuckin' god a girl in Yemen is going to be biologically nearly identical to a woman from the states.
nightez said:
The real reason is people are more amused by your comatose banter. Its always good to side with the under dog.

Stop being so fucking intellectually dishonest. You know the real reason is because your ideas are sexist and inconsiderate of the rights of women (girls, in this case).


This is one of the worst threads I've ever read on this forum, and I thought it was gonna end with all the jokes the first couple pages.


RiskyChris said:
Apologist implies there is something wrong with the behavior being defended.
Dully noted

Come on for the love of god will you stop digging a deeper hole so you don't make me have to break 9000.

There's no hole beeing dug, you just fail to accept how I view things because you don't actually try to understand the point. You act all offended and mighty, while throwing insults left and right. As far as I know, I didn't insult you once, not intentionally nor unintentionnally. I explained my reasonings and you just fail to actually read them. You just jump to a conclusion on little to no grounds.

Can you explain to me why being in a loving relationship with a girl will make me understand forced rape and humiliation and treating women like objects????????????????????

This has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion we are having. I'm discussing about "why do men in poor countries marry younger women than their own age". What you'Re talking about is completely different. As long as you cannont distinguish between the two discussions, it will be absolutely impossible to have a proper one, because you'Re mixing everything. Nowhere did I speak about :

- Forced marriages
- Forced sexual relations (aka rape)
- Human slavery/abuse (because whether you want it or not, the boys have no choice either in arranged marriages, the bride is imposed on them by the family just as often, so if you want to go that way, change your word from women to childs, it will be much closer to the truth)

On the other hand, I've been discussing the notion of marriages (most of the marriages are non arranged ones, usually with less than 7 to 10 years between the grooms, and that'S my own personnal experience from the country I come from, do you want to dispute that fact?) and why, related to your specific question, which I'll quote again, in case you don't even remember what we're discussing right here, which was :

You didn't answer my question earlier. Why is the norm for women to marry young to old men and not young men marrying to older women? ANSWER THIS

So please keep on track, thanks. so now that the "child rape apologist" bullshit is out of the way, lets keep going.

Um yes it's fucking hard to understand. Your discussions are probably hot because you have bad opinions.

Luls, you have no idea what you'Re talking about. The SUBJECTS are hot in France and Canada. The TOPICS, not our conversations. Actually, most of my friends realise that you cannot apply the same mindset to what happens in different cultures, because it's like trying to draw a circle with a square. You can draw parralels, but it's hardly relevant most of the time.

I don't accept but I understand young people getting married in poor countries. Not because it suits me, but because I understand the cultural, political and economical landscape. Part of my understanding comes from personnal experience, and that's something I share with my friends in our conversations.

If I told you I was straight how would you explain my ignorance of selling little girls to strangers.

No, I would just tell you that it has nothing to do AT ALL with the discussion at hand and that you're beeing childish by trying to toss me into a side of the debate I'm absolutely not intersted in "apologizing" as you so kindly explained to fit your own need to rile on a different culture and different people.


nightez said:
Right if you actually bothered to read what I typed. I actually said in certain societies it is the norm to get married at an early age. I did not say she agreed or it is right, to be harmed or abused in anyway.

And it doesn't really matter that it is the norm to get married at an early age, cultural relativity is bullshit. There are also norms regarding female genital mutilation, it is fucking bullshit too.

nightez said:
Is that why the legal age is as young as 13 in some countries?

Oh please, the age of consent has nothing to do with the age you can be considered mature enough to marry. The age of consent is usually lower in order for teenagers to have sex with each other without any legal repercussions.


In general, civilized countries have AoC over 15, with a few outliers such as Japan and parts of South america, which do have additional laws and current law reforms aiming to heighten the age of consent.

nightez said:
You have been a child in a totally different society. Brought up in completely differently manner, with totally different norms and expectations placed upon you. Where I grew up and how I was brought up. We had to grow up much faster and we had to responsible from a very early age. Trust me by the time I was 13, I was far more mature and than any 13 year old growing up in the west. I was happily taking care of an entire family and making important life decisions.

You have no idea where I've grown up.
And it isn't relevant where I grew up, anecdotes aren't useful here. No girl is ready to take care of an entire family by the time she is 13, no 13 year old girl should be pressured into a marriage and possible family she will be stuck in for the rest of her life.

Nor should she have the choice to get into such an situation, if she really want it she should be able to wait until she is 18-20 and her body at the very least has gotten fully developed, making any complications during birth less likely.

nightez said:
That has not been my experience when I travelled around the world. Yes they are instances of abuse and forced marriages. But that is not always the case for everyone.

Wow, you are aware of the horrors that occur right underneath your nose, and yet you argue for this broken culture? Is it really that much of a sacrifice to let the girl grow up and not be intimidated or pressured by family and parents into a marriage?

Will it really be that much of a loss if you cannot marry someone until they are 18?

nightez said:
You place yourself on a high pedestal. However they are no universal truths. What is 'right' to you, is not 'right' to someone else.

I do not place myself on a pedestal, I merely see a pit of evil that need be destroyed.
I am not telling you what is right or wrong, I am telling you to work the humanity that you hopefully have inside yourself and try to actually empathize and put yourself in these situations.

[Warning, do not read the following if you have a weak heart]


You are a frail and innocent girl, your parents have been talking about how nice this old man is, and how they think you should marry him. How he will give you and your parents a lot of gifts, and take care of you so well. You are naive, you love and trust your parents, so surely they wouldn't put you in harms way.

They make you excited about the nice dress you're gonna wear at the wedding, and you've not yet seen this man you're gonna marry soon. You are not told about sex, you are not told about the agony of childbirth, about how you will labor in his household for the rest of your life - with no escape. You think this old man is a little weird, why would he marry you when he could marry a full grown "woman", you try to quell your doubts because your parents have been talking about the wedding so much, your sister have been telling you how beautiful you will look in your dress.

You can't wait till you can show off to your mother and sisters in it, and taste all the nice food they'll make for the wedding, and you are blocking out any doubt, any fear you have. The more you meet him the weirder you feel about him, he is older than your own dad, he looks dirty and he looks at you in a way you don't like. You are afraid of telling you parents of these thoughts, you nod and you try to smile - a life with gifts and nice clothes can't be that bad right?

Then at your wedding night you are expected to have sex with him, you haven't been told what precisely sex is, you've only heard rumours and embarrassed conversations from your female relatives. You know you're expected to do something, your mother has told you to follow your husbands commands. He is touching you with his hands and you don't like it, he is wrinkly and he smells, he reminds you of your father - but your father never did this. He takes off your clothes, you are paralyzed, you are scared.

You are embaressed, you don't want him to see your private parts, you try to shield yourself. But he is too strong, he holds you down and you cries, you try to shake yourself free but he is too strong.

You cry and you tell him to stop, but he slaps you hard and tell you that he is your husband, that you have to obey him. You don't want any of this, you are shaking and trying to crawl away, but he is too big and too strong. His breath stinks against you and you close your eyes and pray to God to help you.

But he isn't helping you. He is touching you down there, you don't dare look, you just try to struggle and move. He hits you everytime you let out a sound.

And you are in pain, he is hurting you, you tell him he is hurting you.

He has his way with you while you cry and scream in pain.

Afterwards he tells you, you did good that you are a good bride.

But you don't feel good, you feel so dead inside, you feel dirty.

You wish you were never born.

nightez said:
That's your opinion. My own society sees things differently. Like I mentioned before my own grand mother probably got married very young - as was common in the early 1900s. She was the happiest woman I've ever seen or met. They were married until the end of their lives. There has never been a divorce in my family, and in the local community where I grew up it was unheard of.

Good for you.

nightez said:
These are completely separate issues. No one said its OK to kill.

Of course not.

You make me sick.
Fularu said:
No, I would just tell you that it has nothing to do AT ALL with the discussion at hand and that you're beeing childish by trying to toss me into a side of the debate I'm absolutely not intersted in "apologizing" as you so kindly explained to fit your own need to rile on a different culture and different people.

Then fuck right the fuck off because I am not interested in talking to you anymore. If it had nothing to do with the discussion you'd have never brought my being gay up in the first place.



8/8/2010 Blackace was here
متن عربی از تحرير الوسيلة
لسماحة آية الله العظمى الحاج سيد روح الله الموسوي الإمام الخميني
مسألة 12 :
لا يجوز وطء الزوجة قبل إكمال تسع سنين ، دواما كان النكاح أو منقطعا ، و أما سائر الاستمتاعات كاللمس بشهوة و الضم و التفخيذ فلا بأس بها حتى فى الرضيعة ، و لو وطأها قبل التسع و لم يفضها لم يترتب عليه شى‏ء غير الاثم على الاقوى ، و إن أفضاها بأن جعل مسلكى البول و الحيض واحدا أو مسلكى الحيض و الغائط واحدا حرم عليه وطؤها أبدا لكن على الاحوط فى الصورة الثانية ، و على أي حال لم تخرج عن زوجيته على الاقوى ، فيجري عليها أحكامها من التوارث و حرمة الخامسة و حرمة أختها معها و غيرها.....
above text is from one of ayatollah khomeini (iran islamic revolution leader) books and its about having sex with your 9 years old or younger wife ,islam or at least shia islam( i dont know about sunni islam)is full of these disgusting things
daxter01 said:
متن عربی از تحرير الوسيلة
لسماحة آية الله العظمى الحاج سيد روح الله الموسوي الإمام الخميني
مسألة 12 :
لا يجوز وطء الزوجة قبل إكمال تسع سنين ، دواما كان النكاح أو منقطعا ، و أما سائر الاستمتاعات كاللمس بشهوة و الضم و التفخيذ فلا بأس بها حتى فى الرضيعة ، و لو وطأها قبل التسع و لم يفضها لم يترتب عليه شى‏ء غير الاثم على الاقوى ، و إن أفضاها بأن جعل مسلكى البول و الحيض واحدا أو مسلكى الحيض و الغائط واحدا حرم عليه وطؤها أبدا لكن على الاحوط فى الصورة الثانية ، و على أي حال لم تخرج عن زوجيته على الاقوى ، فيجري عليها أحكامها من التوارث و حرمة الخامسة و حرمة أختها معها و غيرها.....
above text is from one of ayatollah khomeini (iran islamic revolution leader) books and its about having sex with your 9 years old or younger wife ,islam or at least shia islam( i dont know about sunni islam)is full of these disgusting things

culture ;_;
Shanadeus said:
[Warning, do not read the following if you have a weak heart]

<horrible stuff>.
Jeez dude. Awesome piece of the true awfulness of the situation.

And this type of culture is self-defeating as is . . . you can look the world over and the societies that do better are those that provide women with the most education, opportunity, and equality.


daxter01 said:
&#1605;&#1578;&#1606; &#1593;&#1585;&#1576;&#1740; &#1575;&#1586; &#1578;&#1581;&#1585;&#1610;&#1585; &#1575;&#1604;&#1608;&#1587;&#1610;&#1604;&#1577;
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above text is from one of ayatollah khomeini (iran islamic revolution leader) books and its about having sex with your 9 years old or younger wife ,islam or at least shia islam( i dont know about sunni islam)is full of these disgusting things
I'm pretty sure both shia and sunni Islam have the same rules (if you wanna call them that) regarding marriage. As for the quote, I'm having trouble understanding more it, anyone more experienced mind translating?
Shanadeus said:
I'm out of this thread, just posting in it is making me sick.
Good luck to you RiskyChris.

Reading it made me sick, I think posting is gonna send me to the hospital.

Hehe jk, no health insurance.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
nightez said:
You place yourself on a high pedestal. However they are no universal truths. What is 'right' to you, is not 'right' to someone else.

Yes, there are sir. How about torturing a child when they disobey? What about killing your mother when she makes you angry? These things cool as long as we can find a culture that practices them? It's funny to me that a small group of muslims will defend shit like this and chalk it up to cultural differences but argue that westerners need to be put to death because they choose to make a cartoon they don't like.


Shanadeus said:
And it doesn't really matter that it is the norm to get married at an early age, cultural relativity is bullshit. There are also norms regarding female genital mutilation, it is fucking bullshit too.
Try to look at things from a different perspective for once. Here is my perspective. All genital mutilation is BAD. Period. I think it should be banned.

In my view male circumcision is genital mutilation and its a very common practise in the United States (but not around the world, most males in the world are intact). Its brutal, savage and absolutely evil to mutilate young children with out their consent. I think its absolutely disgusting and without question will shoot anyone who try's to cut my own kids. The foreskin exists for natural biological reasons which are well documented and is not to be cut off mercilessly. Its a useless and out dated practise.

Anyone that circumcises young babies is guilty of CHILD ABUSE. They are evil. If your children are circumcised YOU ARE EVIL AND TOTALLY REPULSIVE. That is how I view things. I am sure you see things differently naturally coming from a completely different society & a different perspective.

Oh please, the age of consent has nothing to do with the age you can be considered mature enough to marry. The age of consent is usually lower in order for teenagers to have sex with each other without any legal repercussions.


In general, civilized countries have AoC over 15, with a few outliers such as Japan and parts of South america, which do have additional laws and current law reforms aiming to heighten the age of consent.
Like I said when I was 13 I was more mature than you are now. Those countries have set their laws that way for their own reasons. You must respect that these are wholly different societies.

You have no idea where I've grown up.
And it isn't relevant where I grew up, anecdotes aren't useful here. No girl is ready to take care of an entire family by the time she is 13, no 13 year old girl should be pressured into a marriage and possible family she will be stuck in for the rest of her life.

Nor should she have the choice to get into such an situation, if she really want it she should be able to wait until she is 18-20 and her body at the very least has gotten fully developed, making any complications during birth less likely.
But I have a good impression from the manner of your posts. And your limited world view.

I do not place myself on a pedestal, I merely see a pit of evil that need be destroyed.
I am not telling you what is right or wrong, I am telling you to work the humanity that you hopefully have inside yourself and try to actually empathize and put yourself in these situations.
The world is not all black and white. Its not how you think it is. Things are actually more complex than that.

nightez said:
The world is not all black and white. Its not how you think it is. Things are actually more complex than that.


Hehe South Park logic itt.

Child rape is actually a shade of gray. That's why it's not encouraged in this culture but accepted in another. We have to respect fundamental rules of This Complicated Great Society.


RiskyChris said:
Hehe South Park logic itt.

Child rape is actually a shade of gray. That's why it's not encouraged in this culture but accepted in another. We have to respect fundamental rules of This Complicated Great Society.
South Park has a lot more logic than you do. I don't know of any culture that entourages rape. Its a sin punishable by death in Muslim countries AFAIK.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm about as far from being religious as one can be but does the shit nightez keeps spouting sound like something the devil would be saying? Very evil IMO.
nightez said:
South Park has a lot more logic than you do. I don't know of any culture that entourages rape. Its a sin under Islam AFAIK.

Question: In Islam/certain countries is it a sin/illegal to rape your wife or does that not exist, :lol Isn't it "literally" impossible to rape your wife?

nightez said:
Like I said when I was 13 I was more mature than you are now. Those countries have set their laws that way for their own reasons. You must respect that these are wholly different societies.

You had fully matured body @ 13 what tha christ kinda genes you got ?!
Explains the culture difference a lot more now.


Cooter said:
I'm about as far from being religious as one can be but does the shit nightez keeps spouting sound like something the devil would be saying? Very evil IMO.
He only exists in your own head.


RiskyChris said:
Question: In Islam/certain countries is it a sin/illegal to rape your wife or does that not exist, :lol Isn't it "literally" impossible to rape your wife?

You had fully matured body @ 13 what tha christ kinda genes you got ?!
Explains the culture difference a lot more now.
Gosh? You think its impossible to rape your own wife? I feel sorry for whoever you eventually marry.
nightez said:
Gosh? You think its impossible to rape your own wife? I feel sorry for whoever you eventually marry.

Protip in some societies at certain points in time there was no law delineating a punishment for raping your wife. Like the USA, iirc.

How was I not clear? I asked if it was a sin to rape your wife in Islam / illegal to do so in any country.


This thread is hilarious and sad at the same time.

Some people are just being completely ignorant. (RiskyChris)

Apparently if you are a man and you marry someone younger than you, then you are a sick fuck. :lol :lol :lol (I am not talking about 13 yrs old young, but younger than the man in general)


RiskyChris said:
Protip in some societies at certain points in time there was no law delineating a punishment for raping your wife. Like the USA, iirc.

How was I not clear? I asked if it was a sin to rape your wife in Islam / illegal to do so in any country.
Well why don't you go and ask an Imam? In all honestly religion is open to interpretation. I know my Muslim friends will not agree with it.
gumshoe said:
This thread is hilarious and sad at the same time.

Some people are just being completely ignorant. (RiskyChris)

Apparently if you are a man and you marry someone younger than you, then you are a sick fuck. :lol :lol :lol

Cool story but isn't it ironic you're ignorant as hell for thinking that's what I've ever said. Thanks for playing.

nightez said:
Well why don't you go and ask an Imam? In all honestly religion is open to interpretation. I know my Muslim friends will not agree with it.

It doesn't matter because it's rape to have sex with a 13yo whether or not Islam approves.
gumshoe said:
This thread is hilarious and sad at the same time.

Some people are just being completely ignorant. (RiskyChris)

Apparently if you are a man and you marry someone younger than you, then you are a sick fuck. :lol :lol :lol
That's not at all what he's saying.


RiskyChris said:
Cool story but isn't it ironic you're ignorant as hell for thinking that's what I've ever said. Thanks for playing.

No, I read the rest of your posts in this thread, and you are really showing that you have no idea what kind of societies these people live in.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
nightez said:
Those posts do in fact also exist in your own head. Let us get that clear.

nightez said:
Puberty starts at age 9 for girls. You're not 'pre-puberty' when you're a teenager. In fact in Japan the legal age for sex is 13. In many other countries its around 15. In England its 16.

This was your response about how other cultures are different and how the best time "biologically" for women to reproduce is young.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
gumshoe said:
No, I read the rest of your posts in this thread, and you are really showing that you have no idea what kind of societies these people live in.

I think his point is he doesn't care what type of societies these people live in because if they are condoning this shit then that's all he needs to know about them to make a judgement
gumshoe said:
No, I read the rest of your posts in this thread, and you are really showing that you have no idea what kind of societies these people live in.
No, it seems he knows pretty damn well what kind of society these people live in.

In fact, the more you experts explain it the more people seem to criticize it. Go figure!

Sex with a 9 year old is rape, plain and simple.


Cooter said:
This was your response about how other cultures are different and how the best time "biologically" for women to reproduce is young.
Rape is wrong period. If you are within the law and within what are the cultural norms of your particular society. And your actions are with 100% consent with no force or coercion. Then in its a different story.
nightez said:
Rape is wrong period. If you are within the law and within what are the cultural norms of your particular society. And your actions are with 100% consent with no force coercion. Then in its a different story.

Consent isn't 100% in a repressed society you FUCKWAD

Edit: I can't believe I'm defending prevention of child rape. The internet, lmbo.


RiskyChris said:
Consent isn't 100% in a repressed society you FUCKWAD

Edit: I can't believe I'm defending prevention of child rape. The internet, lmbo.

Childish. Get some toys or go and play outside with your friends.


Itt I smh.

Also Yemen is a stunningly beautiful country, and they all seem to watch Friends and Baywatch obsessively on janky tvs. And I think the OP maybe has never been there.
nightez said:
Childish. Get some toys or go and play outside with your friends.

You are a literal baby with no concept of morality in any way at all and are nothing but a slave to shitty traditions that hurt literally countless women every day. They all have a sad story.

Typical male chauvinist trash.


Gold Member
Cultural relativisim is a rather bankrupt argument since it relies on nothing more than 'its tradition' as the central argument for its existence.

As was noted in the thread, the age of puberty has actually dropped in recent times and so what we would consider normal in terms of biology today would certainly not have been the case hundreds or even a millenia ago.

By and large humans have not physically changed much over the last several thousand years, and little girls trying to give birth at 1AD still face the same risks to their health and that of the children they bear, especially if countries don't have modernized medical facilities.

The mortality rates in undeveloped countries are high particularly for many reasons. Firstly there is improper health care, and in addition to that, women are nothing more than beasts of burden to bear children consistantly and frequently until they die.

Little access to birth control has women bearing half dozen to a dozen children, thereby leading to the high number of orphans in this world since women don't get the time to educate themselves and bring themselves out of poverty (this is why the Microcredit plan specifically issues loans to women).

With less rights, women are forced to have sex with their husbands irrespective of their wishes and if one simply traces the ages of their half-dozen children, one will find that there is little time for malnourished women to recover from pregnancy before being pregnant yet again. This of course further exacerbates the problem when little girls who have yet to develop the recommended physique of bearing children, start having babies.

Saying that this is culture and not religion seems to miss the fact that religion is a direct influence to culture. If religion played no part in this then we would not see references to such in religious material, such as in the way slavery in Mauritania persists because religious texts infer that slavery is an acceptable practice.

For the record:


"According to United Nations estimates, roughly half of girls in Yemen are married before they reach puberty."

"Yemen has previously enacted legislation to raise the age of marriage to 15 in the 1990s and then 17 in 2009. Both times, the laws were repealed in response to religious protest. "

I also would like to point out that the word 'Barbarian' is a reference to all other cultures and civilizations as compared to ones own. To the Romans, even the Greeks were barbarians. It's very difficult to argue that the word 'barbarian' does not apply as it's an ethnocentric concept.

Lastly, it's absurd to believe that gay men are "the biggest women apologists around". I'm not sure what to think of that sentence really as it carries this sense of casting the topic in a negative light.

I'm straight as an arrow (and born abroad in an Islamic country no less), and while I don't argue on the basis of womens rights (if anything is to have value then to each their own battle) my position lies more with the Humanism aspect of it all. I am a human however, and these actions debase our very species. That any individual is not contemptuous of it is a symptom of being corrupted by various ideologies and kinships.
Raping little girls is OK if she says it's OK. Who cares who manufactured her 100% consent, it's there all 100% of it rape that hairless pussy raw dawg you made it. You've overcome so many obstacles in society and you've earned your wife now congratufuckinglations.

Traditions lol. You are the worst poster on this forum, nightez.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
nightez said:
Rape is wrong period. If you are within the law and within what are the cultural norms of your particular society. And your actions are with 100% consent with no force or coercion. Then in its a different story.

Wait, so if a 9 year-old tells a 30 year-old she wants to have sex and it is legal then you support it?


Cooter said:
Wait, so if a 9 year-old tells a 30 year-old she wants to have sex and it is legal then you support it?
No because its against the law and biologically speaking below puberty. The girl according to the BBC article is 13. Which is legal in some countries.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
nightez said:
No because its against the law and biologically speaking below puberty. The girl according to the BBC article is 13. Which is legal in some countries.

I love how it all has to to with the law for you to judge if it's right or wrong. You didn't read my post well. If the law made it ok to have sex with a 9 year-old would you support it?

EDIT: Also, just a few posts above I quoted you stating puberty starts for girls at nine. ???
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