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Did Capcom mess up by being silent on the Resident 7 demo?


It's absolutely annoying that Capcom didn't just straight up say that the endings we got were it, and hint there were more. People poured hours into this.

Pre-order now for closure.

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Venom Fox

I don't think that words means what you think it means.

Personally, I think this is fantastic marketing by Capcom and the people getting upset about it maybe shouldn't have wasted so much time on the demo. I feel like the people that dedicated time to it enjoyed their time with it enough to be even more excited about the game now.
Insane. in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.

He didn't have normal behavior or perception. He was paranoid about everything. Coming up with crazy theories. He may not have started screaming and ran about flailing his arms around. but then again that's not the definition of insane. So...

We aren't upset. It's been good and we've all made new friends!


Yeah, some meaning behind the demo or a secret trailer was the hype push I needed to preorder the game and be there day one, but after this disappointment I think I will wait until I hear people's thoughts on the actual game. In my special case, it backfired, but I'm still interested in buying the game in the future.

Venom Fox

Not true. I mean, P.T. was completed in 24 hours, but it was dumb luck. No one knew how they did it.

It took weeks to people finally discovering the actual method to finish it.
Ah I thought by discovered everything you meant found the secret picture pieces etc. Sorry, yeah it was a week or two at least.


Yes and No. It's good that it's had all this talk and play. But when people start getting agitated, you might wanna come out and say something.
Yeah, some meaning behind the demo or a secret trailer was the hype push I needed to preorder the game and be there day one, but after this disappointment I think I will wait until I hear people's thoughts on the actual game. In my special case, it backfired, but I'm still interested in buying the game in the future.

Wait for the late June update update that will include an actual use for the finger and DLC ending.
JK :p

Venom Fox

It's absolutely annoying that Capcom didn't just straight up say that the endings we got were it, and hint there were more. People poured hours into this.
Absolutely agree. Still an exciting experience nonetheless.

Yes and No. It's good that it's had all this talk and play. But when people start getting agitated, you might wanna come out and say something.
Exactly. Like I said. We've all had a good but tiring time and we've made (and lost) friends. I personally feel they should have came out sooner.


A little over-dramatic,don't you think? it's not like had to paid to play it or something.
Welcome to the family of butthurts, son


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I don't know, I 'm a bit concerned the man in charge of RE7 worked on Dino Crisis 3 and Umbrella Corps, highlight is Revelations.


I doubt it'll even have an impact on the most die-hard fan who spent more than 30 hours with this demo. I mean, we all knew going in that there was a distinct possibility that it was all a bunch of nothing; at most, hints about the game that is coming, or nods to past games.

Everyone who was going to buy the game the minute they saw the trailer is still going to buy the game, and those who've decided they hate everything about it won't. A demo not going down some made up rabbit hole isn't going to change that.


i'm only bummed there's not more to it - that attic room, the finger & #'s etc...really wanted to find more! it's a great teaser

Turning into a FPS messed it up for me :(
RE6 gameplay FTW

RE6 was booty buttcheeks and im glad if that chapter in the game is dead, this is tons more exciting
If Capcom actually lied that's a really cruddy thing to do. I'm amazed anybody here would defend that.

For the record RE6 is an uneven but super fun game.
Twitch streams with hundreds of viewers (some with 1k+), threads on different websites, news articles, YouTube videos, hundreds of tweets - sounds like mission accomplished to me. Most people won't, and shouldn't, take Capcom's silence as any sort of screwjob aimed towards the community. It created buzz for the game. People will be quick to jump back into the mystery created here, whether it be through another demo or the full game.

Seriously, you can't get mad at Capcom for not shutting down a viral moment. What company would? At the end of the day we did it to ourselves.

If Capcom actually lied that's a really cruddy thing to do. I'm amazed anybody here would defend that.

For the record RE6 is an uneven but super fun game.
They never said there was another ending. Some reps/community managers suggested it, but there was never any confirmation. I think most people are upset that they DIDN'T say anything, and let us spend hours/days searching.


Brillant demo, brilliant marketing by absolutely telling nothing to people.

Kind of ironic, now I'm wondering how the whole game will be.
This demo has done the opposite of get me interested in RE7. I hope they show off gameplay from the actual game sometime soon cause this demo was a bore.
I really think you guys are taking it too seriously. You got bad info from a Capcom France social media employee and that sucks. Isn't this game developed by a Japanese house of Capcom? The France employee could've been trolling you, or he might have been told by Japan to not tell people how many endings there were yet, and he decided to have some fun.

I think what they did was perfect. E3 literally just ended yesterday. They absolutely want to give people a lot of time with the demo before revealing everything. We had to deal with the Pendant in Dark Souls for over a year before Miyazaki said it did nothing. And even then, people didn't believe him.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
I might have more coherent thoughts about it later, but right now I'm not sure silence was a mistake.

I do think that there should have been a hidden ending of some sort. You're directed to leave the house at the beginning, but that's apparently impossible. There are worthless red herrings in the demo that reinforce the idea that something has been left undone.

It's an elaborate troll, and I get a kick out of a well-built troll, but it would have been nice for there to be some sort of payoff at the end--even if it wasn't what we were hoping for--a different fail-state that reveals some sort of hint about RE7 or just a fan-servicy lore reference.

Hanging out in the GAF thread was a lot of fun, though. I had a good time.
They never said there was another ending. Some reps/community managers suggested it, but there was never any confirmation. I think most people are upset that they DIDN'T say anything, and let us spend hours/days searching.
Definitely a more nuanced issue then, thanks. Not sure how I feel about that.
It's the kind of thing I would do tbh so I find it pretty funny. I guess I'm saying that since I wasn't invested in RE7 at all though.

Mr. Desu

OP of the spoilers thread (it's linked in the OP here, but I'll post again here). I think after wasting around 24 hours of my life away on this demo, maintaining the thread and encouraging people to keep going to try and find something, I think it's fair that I should have my voice heard.

First off, let me say that I'm not upset with the time I spent with it and I'm probably not done with it until we know for sure that we're done being tugged along. I want to believe there's something there, and I will continue to do so... for now. I'm thankful for everyone I've met, and I've enjoyed their time and will continue to do so, and appreciate the literal thousands of people who tuned into my stream to try and figure things out and watched me break myself.


I'm tired. I'm really, really tired. Honestly, I don't even really like coming to GAF anymore. I don't really think the content here suits my wants and so I only drop by to lurk or pop a thought here and there. However, when I picked up the RE7 demo (I believe I was one of the first, if not the first to find the door ending since I used a JP account and was hella on it), I felt and almost knew that there was something more there. I was excited, really, and signed into my account to start talking about it and helped organize a group of people to try and figure out what this demo might hold. I missed out on trying to figure out what PT and was more than happy to be able to jump at the chance to live through what they did and make friends along the way.

I accomplished one of those things, and that was the making friends part. What bothered me though, after finding the axe was the outstanding difference between this demo and the Silent Hills teaser. While PT provided us hints, albeit obscure and not all that helpful, it provided us something to bank hope on and continue forward, to figure things out. RE7 has done absolutely nothing, and Capcom won't say anything. Part of what makes some of the best games to this day the best games is not only the experiences we have with them but also the developers involvement and care with the people who play their games. I don't want to be given a hint as to what to do, I love a good puzzle and it's very clear the people here who have dedicated time and effort into trying to figure out RE7s enjoy them just as much, if not more than I do. But when we've wasted thousands of man hours grasping at something we don't even know exists and Capcom refuses to even tell us if there's something there, it's frustrating.

I've personally wasted around 20-30 hours on the demo myself, not including the hours I spent talking to others, watching other streams and trying to maintain the OP with confident information to help others along the way. During these hours, I could have been making money that I could be using to assist in making my life cozier, but I love the gaming community and will always be a dedicated fan of community efforts and games themselves. As stated before, I don't regret the time I've spent on this and with you guys and the other communities (Reddit, Twitch and even the big 4). I think my opinion on GAF, while not entirely turned around, has changed a bit for the better and that's saying quite a bit. I love and appreciate every individual who has contributed their thoughts, time and effort into trying to figure out what's here.

Getting onto what really bothers me, even though I've mentioned it before, is Capcom's lack of communication, of guidance and the overall bad design in this demo.

  • Capcom's lack of communication: I think this is what bothers me most. It's clear that a lot of people are struggling, and for once, I can agree with some when they say a game has actually mentally broken them as I admittedly am one of them. I'm tired, exhausted even. I broke the other night and just left my stream for a minute just to calm down and collect my thoughts. It had a firm grasp on me, and to an extent, still does. I wanted to know what was there, I wanted to believe peoples theories and tried a lot of them myself, disproved what other people were saying through hours of testing myself, on and on. Because Capcom refuses to come out and make a statement on anything, after some poor person in Louisiana has had their poor number spammed asking what a fucking fake finger does IN A VIDEO GAME no less, you'd hope that they'd either tell us to give up because we've found it all or give us just a slight clue as to what to do, give a slight push in the right direction so we can move forward. But they've stayed quiet. Sure, PT probably wouldn't have been solved in such a short time either had we not accidentally discovered the actual ending, but at least there were hints and clues that we were making progress. Since we've found the axe, there has been nothing. Days of nothing, no triggers, no hints, no guidance. We've basically tried everything we possibly can and it has yielded nothing. This leads into the next point.

  • Poor design: I'm by no means older than the rest of you, completed more games than most of you or have really had a dip in game development in the least. However, I think I've consumed enough media to safely, and I mean pretty damn safely, assume what I'm about to say. All good puzzles have context, and answer and a helping hand towards the answer, however obscure it may be. We have none of this in RE7. We've gone as far as trying to break the game, examining textures to, what feels like, the pixel and we have got nothing since the axe was discovered. This means that, if through thousands of hours of work, we haven't even found the next step to something that might not even be there, the puzzle is most likely a really, really bad one. You don't open a jigsaw puzzle and find 30 pieces missing of your 100 piece puzzle. You are provided every piece and have a goal in mind, finish putting it together. Here, we're given a goal, but this box is obviously missing pieces, or some of them are squares in the middle of the puzzle and the pieces are transparent. That's not fair. In fact, that's cruel.

All of that being said, because I don't wanna drone on any longer or repeat myself any more than I have, I had an interest in RE7 and will probably still buy the game... at some point. It certainly won't be a day one. I've never honestly beat an RE game, but with other series I love, or concepts, I've never had an issue with people changing formulas to keep things fresh, and despite this being first person was looking like a return to roots to being a horror survival game. That's what I wanted. My thoughts and opinions on the game from seeing the trailer to where I am now was the difference between me actually cancelling my preorder. I want to think Capcom will do good with the full game, but after this and the recent blunder of Street Fighter V, I don't think I'm ready to trust them again. I think they messed up. Maybe not entirely, it's hard to tell right now since we truly don't know what lies in those files, but I've lost a lot of faith in a company that I once loved, and this only helps perpetuate those feelings.

I probably did repeat myself a lot, and it's poorly written because I'm tired as hell, but there ya go. That's how I feel.


Watching multiple twitch feeds with people trying to find a use for that finger is hilarious, some major trolling by Capcom :p

Venom Fox

OP of the spoilers thread (it's linked in the OP here, but I'll post again here). I think after wasting around 24 hours of my life away on this demo, maintaining the thread and encouraging people to keep going to try and find something, I think it's fair that I should have my voice heard.

First off, let me say that I'm not upset with the time I spent with it and I'm probably not done with it until we know for sure that we're done being tugged along. I want to believe there's something there, and I will continue to do so... for now. I'm thankful for everyone I've met, and I've enjoyed their time and will continue to do so, and appreciate the literal thousands of people who tuned into my stream to try and figure things out and watched me break myself.


I'm tired. I'm really, really tired. Honestly, I don't even really like coming to GAF anymore. I don't really think the content here suits my wants and so I only drop by to lurk or pop a thought here and there. However, when I picked up the RE7 demo (I believe I was one of the first, if not the first to find the door ending since I used a JP account and was hella on it), I felt and almost knew that there was something more there. I was excited, really, and signed into my account to start talking about it and helped organize a group of people to try and figure out what this demo might hold. I missed out on trying to figure out what PT and was more than happy to be able to jump at the chance to live through what they did and make friends along the way.

I accomplished one of those things, and that was the making friends part. What bothered me though, after finding the axe was the outstanding difference between this demo and the Silent Hills teaser. While PT provided us hints, albeit obscure and not all that helpful, it provided us something to bank hope on and continue forward, to figure things out. RE7 has done absolutely nothing, and Capcom won't say anything. Part of what makes some of the best games to this day the best games is not only the experiences we have with them but also the developers involvement and care with the people who play their games. I don't want to be given a hint as to what to do, I love a good puzzle and it's very clear the people here who have dedicated time and effort into trying to figure out RE7s enjoy them just as much, if not more than I do. But when we've wasted thousands of man hours grasping at something we don't even know exists and Capcom refuses to even tell us if there's something there, it's frustrating.

I've personally wasted around 20-30 hours on the demo myself, not including the hours I spent talking to others, watching other streams and trying to maintain the OP with confident information to help others along the way. During these hours, I could have been making money that I could be using to assist in making my life cozier, but I love the gaming community and will always be a dedicated fan of community efforts and games themselves. As stated before, I don't regret the time I've spent on this and with you guys and the other communities (Reddit, Twitch and even the big 4). I think my opinion on GAF, while not entirely turned around, has changed a bit for the better and that's saying quite a bit. I love and appreciate every individual who has contributed their thoughts, time and effort into trying to figure out what's here.

Getting onto what really bothers me, even though I've mentioned it before, is Capcom's lack of communication, of guidance and the overall bad design in this demo.

  • Capcom's lack of communication: I think this is what bothers me most. It's clear that a lot of people are struggling, and for once, I can agree with some when they say a game has actually mentally broken them as I admittedly am one of them. I'm tired, exhausted even. I broke the other night and just left my stream for a minute just to calm down and collect my thoughts. It had a firm grasp on me, and to an extent, still does. I wanted to know what was there, I wanted to believe peoples theories and tried a lot of them myself, disproved what other people were saying through hours of testing myself, on and on. Because Capcom refuses to come out and make a statement on anything, after some poor person in Louisiana has had their poor number spammed asking what a fucking fake finger does IN A VIDEO GAME no less, you'd hope that they'd either tell us to give up because we've found it all or give us just a slight clue as to what to do, give a slight push in the right direction so we can move forward. But they've stayed quiet. Sure, PT probably wouldn't have been solved in such a short time either had we not accidentally discovered the actual ending, but at least there were hints and clues that we were making progress. Since we've found the axe, there has been nothing. Days of nothing, no triggers, no hints, no guidance. We've basically tried everything we possibly can and it has yielded nothing. This leads into the next point.

  • Poor design: I'm by no means older than the rest of you, completed more games than most of you or have really had a dip in game development in the least. However, I think I've consumed enough media to safely, and I mean pretty damn safely, assume what I'm about to say. All good puzzles have context, and answer and a helping hand towards the answer, however obscure it may be. We have none of this in RE7. We've gone as far as trying to break the game, examining textures to, what feels like, the pixel and we have got nothing since the axe was discovered. This means that, if through thousands of hours of work, we haven't even found the next step to something that might not even be there, the puzzle is most likely a really, really bad one. You don't open a jigsaw puzzle and find 30 pieces missing of your 100 piece puzzle. You are provided every piece and have a goal in mind, finish putting it together. Here, we're given a goal, but this box is obviously missing pieces, or some of them are squares in the middle of the puzzle and the pieces are transparent. That's not fair. In fact, that's cruel.

All of that being said, because I don't wanna drone on any longer or repeat myself any more than I have, I had an interest in RE7 and will probably still buy the game... at some point. It certainly won't be a day one. I've never honestly beat an RE game, but with other series I love, or concepts, I've never had an issue with people changing formulas to keep things fresh, and despite this being first person was looking like a return to roots to being a horror survival game. That's what I wanted. My thoughts and opinions on the game from seeing the trailer to where I am now was the difference between me actually cancelling my preorder. I want to think Capcom will do good with the full game, but after this and the recent blunder of Street Fighter V, I don't think I'm ready to trust them again. I think they messed up. Maybe not entirely, it's hard to tell right now since we truly don't know what lies in those files, but I've lost a lot of faith in a company that I once loved, and this only helps perpetuate those feelings.

I probably did repeat myself a lot, and it's poorly written because I'm tired as hell, but there ya go. That's how I feel.
Fucking good post man. You did a good job of organising a thread that will surely go into the archive! Long live your Gaf account!



People have only themselves to blame for it. Rather embarrassing the amount of misinformation and lack of game dev knowledge displayed in that thread.
The victims (or creatures) born of the spoiler RE7 demo thread begin to emerge in GAF. :p

Seriously though, I do find it a little bit frustrating that we can't get a clear answer from Capcom 1 way or another as to what is there. I just watched the interview with Tim Turi of Capcom with GameInformer at E3, and some folks were using this interview to act as another piece of evidence in the debate as to whether or not there was anything more to the demo.

On the one hand, he says that the Axe is a sort of preview of the combat we'll be seeing in RE7 proper. Okay, great. On the other hand, he says that the demo is like MGSV: Ground Zeroes in that all the content of the demo is contained within the demo. Which begs the question - we have hints of cutscenes that take place in this environment that we haven't unlocked, scenes of characters from this demo (that we know from other interviews won't be featured in the main game) that are featured in places in this environment that we can't even access, and items that we can't even use!

Honestly, we've been bashing our heads against this demo for a week now. I don't mind putting in the man hours to solve the puzzle - I love a good puzzle. But at least tell us there is a puzzle there that we need to be solving. Thats all I ask. If there is, great, i'll be the first one to put on the coffee & get to work. Heck, i've already been doing that without an answer. But its easily gotten to the point where an answer to that question, at the very least, should be answered - is there more to this demo than we've already found or is that it?

Venom Fox

People have only themselves to blame for it. Rather embarrassing the amount of misinformation and lack of game dev knowledge displayed in that thread.
No. Capcom blatantly told people that there was more to it. I'm sorry but it's not our fault we were misled. And the lack of game development knowledge? one person I can recall. But feel free to point out the mistakes.


P.T. was cool and clever. If this is all there is to this demo, it's pretty lazy and disappointing, especially with Capcom insinuating there was more to it.
They sad it was a demo, they never said it has hidden endings that are really hard.

Players created this idea all on their own

It's not even that good and I think a developer should copy the PT formula, make it harder rather their game is good or bad it will sell gang busters.


No. Capcom blatantly told people that there was more to it. I'm sorry but it's not our fault we were misled. And the lack of game development knowledge? one person I can recall. But feel free to point out the mistakes.

I'd like to see those receipts please


No. Capcom blatantly told people that there was more to it. I'm sorry but it's not our fault we were misled. And the lack of game development knowledge? one person I can recall. But feel free to point out the mistakes.

Capcom Japan didn't outwardly hint at anything more.


There's no proof that that screenshot is even legit. Anyone could've made an account that looked like that. Go get confirmation before you go saying that Capcom goofed up.
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