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Bernice King, daughter of Martin Luther and Coretta Scott King, posts wise advice.

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Key one is assigning everything to Republicans. Pinning it all on him makes them look like it's not the actions of the party. It should be republicans back policy X or the republican president announced and so on.

Like the 45. I kind of take the Voldemort view - don't be afraid to name him - but in this case it's a cute idea that undermines his narcissism.

But more than anything the Republican Party should be put right in the spotlight with 45 too.


45? Good god, democrats really really suck at this game. Remember what trump called clinton almost always? Crooked hillary. Use a descriptive name that highlights his horrible character or links him with something negative. Idiot-elect was great for example. Popular-vote-loser is a little bit too long but would counter the claims that he won.

the rest of her advices are sound and I respect her


45? Good god, democrats really really suck at this game. Remember what trump called clinton almost always? Crooked hillary. Use a descriptive name that highlights his charActer. Idiot-elect was great for example. Popular-vote-loser is a little bit too long but would counter the claims that he won.

the rest of her advices are sound and I respect her
I'd rather not stoop to 45's level...


I'd rather not stoop to 45's level...
Then continue to lose the pr-game
Key one is assigning everything to Republicans. Pinning it all on him makes them look like it's not the actions of the party. It should be republicans back policy X or the republican president announced and so on.

But more than anything the Republican Party should be put right in the spotlight with 45 too.
This is also important
I like this.

Also, is it right to call Trump - POTUS and The Leader of the Republican party?

Here in Australia the Prime Minister is also referred to as the Leader of the Liberal party. You cannot be Prime Minister if you're also not the leader of your party.


Or, just stop calling him Trump.

He hates being called Donald, his first name.

Call him Donald.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
On Facebook I just refer to him as "the president" so anyone reading what I'm saying can't forget that whatever idiocy I'm talking about is from the president of the goddamn united states


Hey look everyone. More toothless words.

The Republican party is hijacking democracy legally, by making their own rules. They have their foot on the throats of Americans, and native Americans currently.

This is what people mean when they say liberals or democrats have no backbone. There is a time for overwhelming protest and violence if need be. If you completely rule it out, you'll lose in life. But at least when the cattle cars are rounding up your neighbors you can sleep well knowing you took the high road.

President Trump and his band of white supremacists are running this country. Elizabeth Warren can't even read a fucking letter from correta Scott.

Republicans are working to make protesting "economic terrorism." Being the better people lost us an election and the Supreme Court for 40-80 years. Dems need to take control by all means allowed to them to stop fascism. Or don't bother. This is all moving very quickly.


45? Good god, democrats really really suck at this game. Remember what trump called clinton almost always? Crooked hillary. Use a descriptive name that highlights his horrible character or links him with something negative. Idiot-elect was great for example. Popular-vote-loser is a little bit too long but would counter the claims that he won.

the rest of her advices are sound and I respect her

Calling him 45 does a few things. It is a blow to his ego which he has already shown is fragile. He doesn't get addressed with the President title or his name/brand. It also a verbal reminder that he is just another one on the list; nothing special. He will soon (relatively speaking) be replaced. It takes away a lot of his power that his name has over the American public right now. It allows people to focus on policy rather than this fucked up persona he has crafted.


Putting blame on the republicans is good. I already see people trying to deflect the shit onto Bannon, like it's not 45's fault. The entire party deserves credit and blame for every shitty thing that comes out of the WH, for voting him in and not even blinking at trying to stop it.


All this good advice and the thread is focusing on what to call him...

The main thing is to not make it all about him and get across that all those in government not fighting him are complicit in this bullshit.


Tears in the rain
Holy shit at 45. This is perfect. He doesn't deserve a name. He'll get to be called by his, when his administration treats every human being like one. Until then....fuck off 45!


Calling him "45" is still too good for him. It recognizes that he's the 45th president, and that's the biggest reason he sought the position in the first place. He didn't want to be president so much as he wanted people to call him "President". His hyper-inflated ego would tolerate no less.

The rest is sound advice, however.


i really do like spreading the blame amongst the party, yeah - she's dead-on about it not only helping expose those hiding behind him, but also taking a bit away from his megalomania
Hey look everyone. More toothless words.

The Republican party is hijacking democracy legally, by making their own rules. They have their foot on the throats of Americans, and native Americans currently.

This is what people mean when they say liberals or democrats have no backbone. There is a time for overwhelming protest and violence if need be. If you completely rule it out, you'll lose in life. But at least when the cattle cars are rounding up your neighbors you can sleep well knowing you took the high road.

President Trump and his band of white supremacists are running this country. Elizabeth Warren can't even read a fucking letter from correta Scott.

Republicans are working to make protesting "economic terrorism." Being the better people lost us an election and the Supreme Court for 40-80 years. Dems need to take control by all means allowed to them to stop fascism. Or don't bother. This is all moving very quickly.
Great post.
Hey look everyone. More toothless words.

The Republican party is hijacking democracy legally, by making their own rules. They have their foot on the throats of Americans, and native Americans currently.

This is what people mean when they say liberals or democrats have no backbone. There is a time for overwhelming protest and violence if need be. If you completely rule it out, you'll lose in life. But at least when the cattle cars are rounding up your neighbors you can sleep well knowing you took the high road.

President Trump and his band of white supremacists are running this country. Elizabeth Warren can't even read a fucking letter from correta Scott.

Republicans are working to make protesting "economic terrorism." Being the better people lost us an election and the Supreme Court for 40-80 years. Dems need to take control by all means allowed to them to stop fascism. Or don't bother. This is all moving very quickly.

Exactly this. "The only thing they don't know how to handle is non-violence and humor"? Give me a break. They don't need to "handle" those things at all because those do nothing to challenge the system.


I actually think calling him 45 is pretty clever.

1. It reduces him to a number. Even non-narcisst people generally don't take that easily.
2. He doesn't get the gratitude to be called Mr.President or Mr.Trump
2. Simply calling him by a number is emotionally cold. It doesn't sound angry or frustrated as calling him 'senile orange turd' or similiar stuff, so it both prevents him from getting sadist joy out of his enemies rage nor won't it look to him as if he can get his opposition shook.
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