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Persona 5, Nioh, Horizon:ZD or Nier Automata, pick for me


Neo Member

Nioh is absolutely god tier. Feel free to not like it as much as me but why even comment on a game you didn't play.

As for OP: flip a coin, honestly.

Jesus, aren't you something. I never said I didn't like it, it's bottom of my list because I haven't played it.

Did you get your feelings hurt?
Horizon, thank me later. Big game, fun game, great level up system (in the sense that the skills are actually great unlike trash skills like in Ghost Recon Wildlands). Nice graphics, good combat (would say great if melee wasn't mediocre) and a good story.


Having finished all four of those games, Nioh is my GOTY so far.

Nioh > Nier: A > P5 >>>>>> Horizon

Nioh for gameplay, Nier for story.


Nier is the top tier story game that should be played. Few games are like it and will be ever like it.

Then as for the rest pick whatever seems interesting.

But do play Nier. Absolutely play Nier first. Aloy is scrub tier "oh look how righteous and non-complicated I am" vs. 2B and 9S. The Persona gang is fine but their story is a repeat each new chapter. Nioh dude is eh. Nier is where it's at. And even if you consider Persona 5, at least start with Nier because Persona is gonna take fucking forever and the sooner you can join the conversation how amazing Nier is the better. I have a roomie who have dedicated himself to Persona 5 and says he'll not play anything else until he is done (and probably will never have time for Nier after Persona) which is the equivalent of just shooting yourself in the foot with a shotgun of what he's missing out on.


Also, consider this, out of all the four games, I promise Nier will be the one that will be pinned to your brain with an nail gun for its story telling for a long time of your life. Most games people forget after a while, but I completed Nier a couple weeks ago and I still remember it vividly. It has true and serious impact

I have played all of them (not completed Nioh and Persona 5 yet but played a decent chunk of each to know what's going on).
I mean, Nier is like a 40-50 hour game depending on if you do the side stuff too, which is great in it's own right. Unless you game for 10 hours a day, it's gonna last you a while too.

Also, Nier is fucking amazing so play that ASAP
I haven't played persona yet because its length scares me a bit but I bought Nioh and didn't finish it which says something. Finished and almost platinumed HZD and just started Nier. From those three I would say HZD but Nier promises to be special.

What a great fucking year for video games.


I've played all of these but Persona, so first of all great choices.

If I were to go back and only be allowed to play one of those games, my choice would be Nier: Automata.
Yeah, Horizon is amazing. It has some of the most exhilarating combat encounters in gaming, the sci-fi plot is really intriguing, and Aloy is one of the best protagonists I've had the pleasure of playing as. I love her.


playing persona 5 now (finished 1st palace) and have played Nier, Nioh and Horizon.

I would say: persona 5 > Nier > Nioh > Horizon


love on your sleeve
Persona 5 and Horizon are both two of my favorite games of all time. Nier didn't really click with me, actually thought that game was quite bad.

I still haven't gotten to Nioh.


Nier is not good.

Horizon is nice.

Haven't played the other two.

Not even mad I'm just sad you didn't enjoy it as much as I did. Nier is a game that I'll be thinking about for years to come.

I'm in the middle of Horizon now but after the exploratory freedom of Zelda and the narrative/soundtrack of Nier I'm finding it pretty lacking.

Haven't been able to check out P5 yet (bought it at launch though), nor have I checked out Nioh. That game is also up my alley, there's just not enough time in the day, but clearly the game is excellent based off of the overwhelmingly positive feedback on here.

OP can't really go wrong with these options.


This is a REALLY close race because they're all beyond great games.

Persona 5 will last you the longest easily, but you have to be really in the mood for what it is going for. The gameplay isn't as gripping as the other two games you listed, but the atmosphere, story, and characters are the go to, it's a fantastic ride if you want a really polished and well told anime story. Plus it is over 100 hours while the other two are around 20-40 so you get more time out of it if that's a consideration.

Horizon is my favorite of the three, it has a fantastic world and the gameplay is so well thought out for what I thought would be a relatively generic open world title. It still has rudimentary stuff like collectibles, climbing towers, etc. like all open world games. But preparing for and fighting all the different machine types really feels akin to something like Monster Hunter sometimes, it's quite incredible. Gorgeous too.

Nier Automata is incredibly unique, has plenty of elements in it that you'll only find in a Yoko Taro title, and has that Platinum games polish I love. But I do think it's story falls a bit flat at points (many people seem to disagree with me though), and the gameplay isn't quite as deep as it seems like it might be at first. It strikes the balance between great gameplay and story but doesn't quite "master" either I feel. The end of the game is incredibly strong though and it has a ton of very interesting deeper meta commentary and philosophy.

Personally I'd go
Horizon > Persona 5 > Nier Automata

But this is still a really close race. Depending on my mood the list could easily change.


Old Member
Can't speak on Persona since I haven't played it and don't plan to, JRPGs and I don't get along well.

Out of Horizon, Nioh and Nier, I've enjoyed Nioh the most. The gameplay is the most polished out of the three and I really like the loot system.

True Fire

It's a good thing there is a clear GAFGOTY 2017 winner in BotW. Otherwise we might have had the bloodiest goty voting thread yet.

Nintendo votes are going to be split between Mario, Xenoblade, and Zelda. And there's the possibility of a Horizon vs God of War battle on the Sony side. It's going to be a bloody thread no matter what.
It depends on what you are in the mood for and how much time you got. Anime fans will all say P5 which is a great game but if you like a narrative driven, action RPG that's fun with amazing atmosphere and just the right length, go HZD.


Normally I'd say save the best so it won't negatively impact your experience with the others, but it'll be nice to be able to join the conversations about it sooner, so start with Automata.


Haven't played Persona but I loved Nioh and am really enjoying Nier. Can't go wrong with either of those two. I got bored of Horizon a few hours in.


Persona 5 and Nier:Automata are 2 games you cannot pass IMHO (unless you don't like the Action or rpg genre) .

Nier is shorter but you have to experience this game, believe me.
And Persona 5 is also up there with the greatest games I played in recent years.

I cannot speak for Horizon and Nioh because I have not played these games yet but they are on my backlog for this year .


Play all of them.

But in this order: Horizon, Persona, Nier, Nioh.
That way you don't get bogged down with two open world games in a row.


Horizon: if interested in fun combat and story
Neir: if interested in fast paced combat
Persona: if interested in story
NiOh: if interested in difficult combat

I think Horizon has a bit of everything for everyone. It's a good middle ground, so I'll recommend that.
Say I have equal interest in all of the above, but i want something that'll last me a decent while.


Persona 5 is also my first Persona game as well, enjoying it alot so far


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Say I have equal interest in all of the above, but i want something that'll last me a decent while. Never played a Nier or Persona game but ive heard great things about both. Ill probably get all of the above eventually but for now im only grabbing one.

Persona 5 for sure in this case. It's a very good meaty game and you won't be missing out on anything not having played any of the earlier games. The game has multiple difficulty options as well if you want to ease into it.


Persona 5 if you have a lot of time to burn

NiOH if you want a 40 hour amount of damn good time.

Havent played nier; Horizons was an enjoyable experience but i'd choose the above two above it.
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