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NBA Jam's Trey Smith "We're trying to throw it all in there" (360/PS3)

Our local sports radio station in Toronto, FAN 590, has a video game show every weekend called Got Game, and today they aired an interview with NBA Jam's Creative Director Trey Smith.

Podcast of the show is HERE. Interview starts at 15:40. They talk about various topics including licensing, selection process of the roster, and Remix tour (length of Remix Tour is 38 hours at the minimum!). At the end (25:50) he had this to say about the next gen versions:

Trey Smith said:
I'll tell you, we're doing everything in our power to get as much on there as possible. I mean, we had online up. It was a really basic online feature set. We're trying to blow that out. And then you get Remix. We're trying to throw it all in there. Right now, I mean, we got this bomb dropped on us just a couple of days ago as well. So, we're shuffling to get everything together, but we got a great team. We got a lot of stuff up and working. We're going to polish it up, and we're gonna get it out there before holidays. And its really up to you. If you want to hang out with your friends and use gesture controls, you got it on the Wii. If you want to go online and you want that HD experience, you go on the PS3/360.


Ninja Scooter said:
goddamn it. I just wanted a simple little D/L'able HD Jam and now im gonna have to pay $50 for it, aren't I?

Of course not. You're gonna have to pay $60 for it.
Based on the interview, I'm guessing one of the things they may be adding is online co-op to Remix tour (It does have offline co-op). If they do that, I think this may warrant $50. In the interview they said Remix tour takes 38 hours to beat by their best testers. Thats a ton of content.

Its PURE speculation on my part, but thats the only thing that comes to mind when he says they are blowing out the online mode.


This is hilarious. EA's Wii support has always been near-throwaway, but to see the scrambling to make the PS360 version of this game leaps and bounds better due to online exhibition and online co-op is just crazy. No more pretending that they ever really wanted this to be Wii exclusive, now. :lol


awesome. since NBA Elite is so immensely awful, it's nice they're gonna try to make the NBA Jam PS360 the definitive versions. Honestly NBA Elite was so bad I was reconsidering buying it even though it was going to have NBA Jam in it because i didn't want to send the developers the message I actually liked that treasonous piece of shit

will buy


If you want to hang out with your friends and use gesture controls, you got it on the Wii. If you want to go online and you want that HD experience, you go on the PS3/360.


The achievements are already out for NBA Jam XBLA / PSN, so that was done. Sounds like they're bringing the whole thing retail now.

Wouldn't be surprised if they release it digitally as well. just at a later date. That way you get both audiences.


Amir0x said:
awesome. since NBA Elite is so immensely awful, it's nice they're gonna try to make the NBA Jam PS360 the definitive versions. Honestly NBA Elite was so bad I was reconsidering buying it even though it was going to have NBA Jam in it because i didn't want to send the developers the message I actually liked that treasonous piece of shit

will buy
I havent read any previews. what was so bad about NBA Elite?


Zonar said:
I havent read any previews. what was so bad about NBA Elite?

I don't know how many basketball games you've played, but just try the demo. Trust me, my words will fail me for this.


Amir0x said:
I don't know how many basketball games you've played, but just try the demo. Trust me, my words will fail me for this.

Come on, man. You can go apeshit on much better games, do it for Elite!

Do it for us!
Nabs said:
wii version sent to die.
I don't really know about that. If the Wii version dies, it's because of the virtues or lack thereof of the product itself (and at the $50 price point) with regard to the audience available for it. I don't buy the idea that there are all these careful comparison shoppers who would otherwise be picking it up. If anything, I could see both versions being sent to die, or both versions succeeding moderately well.


This thread will inevitably degrade into whining why the game won't be a $15 downloadable title.

All I know is if they get everything in there, I'll gladly pay the full retail price.


I honestly cannot imagine i can describe just how bad it is.

The demo was SO BAD and the fan reaction so dramatic, that EA delayed the game because the quality was so poor.

It had like a billion glitches every five seconds. Shit just outright doesn't work. Some videos of fan reaction playing the game are hilarious

watch this video. Watch the entire thing

"This dude is standing in the middle of the motherfucking court standing there like Jesus" :lol



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Amir0x said:
I honestly cannot imagine i can describe just how bad it is.

The demo was SO BAD and the fan reaction so dramatic, that EA delayed the game because the quality was so poor.

It had like a billion glitches every five seconds. Shit just outright doesn't work. Some videos of fan reaction playing the game are hilarious

watch this video. Watch the entire thing

"This dude is standing in the middle of the motherfucking court standing there like Jesus" :lol

Amir0x said:
I honestly cannot imagine i can describe just how bad it is.

The demo was SO BAD and the fan reaction so dramatic, that EA delayed the game because the quality was so poor.

It had like a billion glitches every five seconds. Shit just outright doesn't work. Some videos of fan reaction playing the game are hilarious

watch this video. Watch the entire thing

"This dude is standing in the middle of the motherfucking court standing there like Jesus" :lol


hahahahah that video is epic. wow this game is garbage, and im glad they delayed it. i personally think they are better off waiting for nba elite 2012 than releasing a half fixed elite 2011.


Does the sixth foul give the other team a powerplay now? I'm interested to see how they go foward with NBA Jam's pricing. If they're scrambling to add features instead of making it a basic feature i'm starting to lean towards a full game with a possibility of it being less than 60. Wouldn't be surprised though if it does retail at 60 though.


This is such a cluster. I don't know why people are happy this ends up being a worse deal for gamers.

Buy NBA Elite for 60 plus pre order bonuses (10 dollar amazon credit at the very least), take the nba jam code and use it then sell elite for 40 to 45 dollars.

Now we gotta pay 60 for NBA Jam with a bunch of extra garbage added on top we really didn't need. No thanks.
Gravijah said:
How much money do you think EA lost manufacturing all those discs?

That's actually a really good question :lol

I'd like to see the original version they were going to ship to see why they pulled the plug. Were review copies ever sent out?

It's nice their sprucing up this version further rather than throwing it out there, but if there's no single player career with the special guest characters, I might just stick with the Wii version.


riceandbeans said:
That's actually a really good question :lol

I'd like to see the original version they were going to ship to see why they pulled the plug. Were review copies ever sent out?

It's nice their sprucing up this version further rather than throwing it out there, but if there's no single player career with the special guest characters, I might just stick with the Wii version.

Wow. What I don't get is why they didn't announce all this stuff until the Wii version had been out for a while. What's the point?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
So they were surprised and are now scrambling to present something that would justify the full retail price tag. Why not just sell what they were going to include with Elite via the download services?
Mooreberg said:
So they were surprised and are now scrambling to present something that would justify the full retail price tag. Why not just sell what they were going to include with Elite via the download services?
Because they're desperately clawing at recovering some of the staggering lost revenue missing one of their yearly sports titles entails. A $60 game with NBA and EA Sports slapped on the front has a better chance of doing that than a $15 downloadable title.


Ea pretty much was up shits creek with Elite so the best recourse from them was a sloppy quick throw togeather of a 15 dollar DD game and make it a 60 dollar retail game. At least they will bring in some cash. I dont expect either version Wii or HD to do much


Amir0x said:
I honestly cannot imagine i can describe just how bad it is.

The demo was SO BAD and the fan reaction so dramatic, that EA delayed the game because the quality was so poor.

It had like a billion glitches every five seconds. Shit just outright doesn't work. Some videos of fan reaction playing the game are hilarious

watch this video. Watch the entire thing

"This dude is standing in the middle of the motherfucking court standing there like Jesus" :lol

It's like the player suddenly went into some religious protest of some sort and refused to keep playing.


Nintendo really needs to work on its exclusivity deals.

Like, do they ever actually get something in writing or do they just kind of assume because a publisher says something is exclusive that it is going to continue to be exclusive?

This is kind of like the whole RE4 situation. It's a Nintendo platform exclusive, until a couple months before it comes out when the publisher goes NO NO DON'T WORRY IT'S COMING OUT WITH MORE CONTENT ON ANOTHER PLATFORM!


Htown said:
Nintendo really needs to work on its exclusivity deals.

Like, do they ever actually get something in writing or do they just kind of assume because a publisher says something is exclusive that it is going to continue to be exclusive?

This is kind of like the whole RE4 situation. It's a Nintendo platform exclusive, until a couple months before it comes out when the publisher goes NO NO DON'T WORRY IT'S COMING OUT WITH MORE CONTENT ON ANOTHER PLATFORM!

Who cares though? I don't think Nintendo does.


Amir0x said:
I honestly cannot imagine i can describe just how bad it is.

The demo was SO BAD and the fan reaction so dramatic, that EA delayed the game because the quality was so poor.

It had like a billion glitches every five seconds. Shit just outright doesn't work. Some videos of fan reaction playing the game are hilarious

watch this video. Watch the entire thing

"This dude is standing in the middle of the motherfucking court standing there like Jesus" :lol


:lol :lol :lol Jesus, I haven't laugh so hard in a long time.


Momo said:
Interested to know the reason why people think the Wii version is sent out to die?

It wasn't before, but now it is.

Transformation in about a month:
Cool Exclusive Wii Title > Just a freebie for a game on other systems > The worst version out of all platform without online and HD

It's still your good old NBA Jam, but if I tell a Xbox owner that his Halo Reach can be found as a pack-in game for Wii Party on the Wii, and then later tell him that his Halo Reach doesn't even have online multiplayer while the Wii version has it, what would he think? I guess he can still 'enjoy' the campaign.


The Wii version is currently a fully fledged product while the 360/PS3 version is still being tweaked and added onto no? I don't own a Wii, but I find it odd that Wii owners are negative about a game which by rights should be better on Wii. (horrible online apart)


Momo said:
The Wii version is currently a fully fledged product while the 360/PS3 version is still being tweaked and added onto no? I don't own a Wii, but I find it odd that Wii owners are negative about a game which by rights should be better on Wii. (horrible online apart)

horrible online apart? That's a huge, massive, GARGANTUAN feature differentiation by itself.

But it's not just online - better visuals, of course.


Amir0x said:
horrible online apart? That's a huge, massive, GARGANTUAN feature differentiation by itself.

But it's not just online - better visuals, of course.
Granted, it's a big deal to me and you, but I'm thinking in terms of a fictional typical Wii owner.

I get the impression that people who primarily play Wii (more so Wii only gamers) doesn't see online as a huge thing. The only time I can really remember a Wii game taking off online was with Brawl. If the local multiplay (which I would assume would be how Wii players would multiplay) is up to scratch, it should be fine. And Wii gamers play mostly on SDTV anyway?

The rest of us would look to our PS360 for the feature bump and the added visual fidelity, I just don't see it being a concern for "regular" Wii owners.
Momo said:
Granted, it's a big deal to me and you, but I'm thinking in terms of a fictional typical Wii owner.

I get the impression that people who primarily play Wii (more so Wii only gamers) doesn't see online as a huge thing. The only time I can really remember a Wii game taking off online was with Brawl. If the local multiplay (which I would assume would be how Wii players would multiplay) is up to scratch, it should be fine. And Wii gamers play mostly on SDTV anyway?

The rest of us would look to our PS360 for the feature bump and the added visual fidelity, I just don't see it being a concern for "regular" Wii owners.
Ehhh....stereotyping Wii gamers is not right in this case (or ever). The only reason Wii owners don't go online is because the infrastructure sucks and not many games support it. Your Brawl comparison doesn't really work because the game actually had a laggy and severely lacking service. There was no effort on Nintendo's end to create an online community whatsoever.

And I seriously don't think the HD thing is important to most people....Hell, half of my friends who own PS3s/360s play on SDTVs....

Wait, are we really still debating these points?

Anyways, to me, this is just another example of a third party who pulled a "self-fulfilled prophecy" bit--with how they treat Wii owners, it's no surprise their titles don't sell well.


seady said:
:lol :lol :lol Jesus, I haven't laugh so hard in a long time.

Dribble Glitch - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99KQHo0aKp4

3 pointer hook shots! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTTKap_V0s0&fmt=22

First Jesus Now Ballerinas? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uDnOsAwe5c

Jesus Bynum rocket dunk from free throw line - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay6MSRHy4Gg&fmt=22

KG rocket dunk from the free throw line REEEEEEEMIIIIIX - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utBOZL7cJPo&fmt=37
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