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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


Congratulations! I have to ask, like I have to ask anyone who finishes Ao... (Ao spoiler)
Did Azure Demiourgos use the Great Space-Time Collapse on you?

Yes :(

Took a few tries before I got the preparations done. Tio's Master Art was helpful in that. I posted it before, there are quite a few things that are somewhat predictable (by sound logic) in trails. However it still has plently surprises and to me that's what makes it worth it going out of my way to play them for.

Now the long wait for Cold Steel 3 begins. I think I really like what they might do with Gaius. Maybe even beyond the Erebonia arc.

Wild predictions about Sen/Cold Steel 3 (All spoilers):

I'm guessing that Nord gets caught in quite a mess with Calvard. Not sure if Gaius develops a stigma or not. Whether there will be a thirteenth dominion (unprecedented!) or he takes someone's spot. He could also become a knight, enough possibilities.

Another thing on my mind is the frequent visits Barkhorn did. Besides being a travelling priest and guiding young Gaius, there might be another purpose. Namely the Sept Terrion of Wind :p.

I saw the card of wind with, I presume, a hawk's eye. So that made me think about the hawk Zeke that watches over everyone and Gaius. Kinda like Zeit and Ragnard. Well and wind is often a concealing art, so the divine animal might hide its true form. Considering Nord worships the wind and Aidios, there would be a connection. There are also traces of pre-Collapse monuments such as the giant statue, stone pillars and the ancient quarry.

There's a big question mark hanging around on how much CS3 will touch upon these matters. However considering animism is also a big part of the Erebonia, we might get a glimpse or two.

And for my two cents: I believe the Sept Terrion of Earth is in Calvard. Retrieving the Blaze might accelerate Ouroboros' Orpheus plan. We're 7 games in and they only got one (officially). I like to see that crazy insane batshit when they gather all the dragon balls and summon shenron.

Most is just wishful thinking of course. Either way CS3 might crack the series wide open again like 3rd and Ao/Azure did.

Sorry for the long post, I went from a short answer to writing this thing haha. That's what you get being hooked for life.
RPGSite's Cold Steel PC port impressions article:

During my time with Trails of Cold Steel, I encountered very few things to take my attention off of the game itself: gameplay remained 60 FPS throughout, and I could even tab in and out of the game without issue. I've not had the game crash or chug at any point. Some of the texture work and animations work don't betray that this is a simple PlayStation 3 game at its core, but the improved shadow work and resolution bump definitely bring out the best of what the game has to bring.

Visuals and menus aside, the best addition to this release is the inclusion of Turbo Mode. And boy, I love Turbo Mode. A whole lot. Essentially, Turbo mode is a toggle that defaults to the Right Trigger / R2 of your controller and will speed the game up without compromising the music or voiceovers. If you've played the recently released Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, the implementation is similar here. This trigger was selected as the button of choice because it does not have a standard purpose inside of battles or cutscenes: the areas where speeding ahead would likely be most beneficial. Grinding or crossing a large map area become a breeze and takes a fraction of the time with this option enabled.

The fact that dialogue is unaffected by this toggle means that even cutscenes can be watched when this is held down without the result sounding like a VHS tape on fast-foward, Even more neat, when holding the turbo mode toggle down during a battle, the implementation of this system is "smart" enough such that in battle it will automatically stop speeding things up when the link action prompt occurs. I would find myself go whole encounters without ever letting go of the trigger. Needless to say, I think Turbo Mode is a fantastic addition and playing without it enabled now feels like playing in slow motion.

The verdict? This is the best way to play this game.
Well that was Ao. So many barriers have been passed when making this game.

Final dungeon was great. That final boss was a pain tho.

I hope to see it localised :).

But with godly music like this I can bring down as many as you want!

Seriously, I get chills whenever I remember
boss fight. One of the best moments in my gaming experience.

1 hour for Cold Steel in steam.


But with godly music like this I can bring down as many as you want!

Seriously, I get chills whenever I remember
boss fight. One of the best moments in my gaming experience.

1 hour for Cold Steel in steam.

Yes, moments like that is when the music really shines. Like that moment in 3rd with
, holy moly.

I already loved inevitable struggle before I even got to playing it. Zero-Azure got my full scale of emotions. Learning the truth behind everything puts things quite in perspective.
Yes, moments like that is when the music really shines. Like that moment in 3rd with
, holy moly.

I already loved inevitable struggle before I even got to playing it. Zero-Azure got my full scale of emotions. Learning the truth behind everything puts things quite in perspective.

fight, another amazing moment. I really need to replay 3rd on nightmare, that was the most intense boss fight on hard, can't imagine on nightmare.

Overall, 3rd/Zero/Ao are top JRPG for me, and for different reasons each one. Playing then in order makes for a really special experience both story and gaming wise that few games have.

Which makes me sadder when I see people wanting to skip 3rd and jump directly to Zero or Steel. Not only is filled with incredible moments on its own, it enhances everything that comes after it.


Yes, moments like that is when the music really shines. Like that moment in 3rd with
, holy moly.

I already loved inevitable struggle before I even got to playing it. Zero-Azure got my full scale of emotions. Learning the truth behind everything puts things quite in perspective.

When the song kicks in for the (3rd spoilers)
triple enforcer
fight a bit after that. Incredible fight all around.


I've beaten Trails SC and damn, what a ride. Though I'm still trying to put it into words, I have to say that the final dungeon
the LiberArk
was a really nice change of pace from FC's final dungeon. The backstory behind all of it was just the icing on the cake
the data crystals on the Aureole are practically a must-read (also, the Walter and Luciola cutscenes with their proper matchups. Pretty bold of them to have those interactions take place in optional cutscenes.)

and now...

*TitS 3rd sits in my Steam library*

*Cold Steel 1 PC comes out today*

...I should probably get onto 3rd.


I've beaten Trails SC and damn, what a ride. Though I'm still trying to put it into words, I have to say that the final dungeon
the LiberArk
was a really nice change of pace from FC's final dungeon. The backstory behind all of it was just the icing on the cake
the data crystals on the Aureole are practically a must-read (also, the Walter and Luciola cutscenes with their proper matchups. Pretty bold of them to have those interactions take place in optional cutscenes.)

and now...

*TitS 3rd sits in my Steam library*

*Cold Steel 1 PC comes out today*

...I should probably get onto 3rd.
Both. The answer is both.


Does anyone here who follow Falcom promotion cycle closely feel like we're getting too little information about Cold Steel 3 in the same time frame compared to Cold Steel? We still don't know how the new seamless system works, we also haven't seen any town or dungeon in game. For Cold Steel promotion, Falcom held live stream and went to game shows with demo. Now we haven't even seen any substantial in-game footage. For CS2 the Chinese version got a simultaneous release, but not CS3, which indicates the script is finished later. I know most of you would say "finally Falcom learn to not spoil their game", but I don't think that's the case. Hope I was wrong but I'm expecting a delay announcement anytime.


Does anyone here who follow Falcom promotion cycle closely feel like we're getting too little information about Cold Steel 3 in the same time frame compared to Cold Steel? We still don't know how the new seamless system works, we also haven't seen any town or dungeon in game. For Cold Steel promotion, Falcom held live stream and went to game shows with demo. Now we haven't even seen any substantial in-game footage. For CS2 the Chinese version got a simultaneous release, but not CS3, which indicates the script is finished later. I know most of you would say "finally Falcom learn to not spoil their game", but I don't think that's the case. Hope I was wrong but I'm expecting a delay announcement anytime.
Falcom is clearly holding back on the media storm they're preparing right now. Once the trailer/demo movie hits -- which I expect next week but hope for tomorrow -- the hype train is going full force until the release date.


Falcom is clearly holding back on the media storm they're preparing right now. Once the trailer/demo movie hits -- which I expect next week but hope for tomorrow -- the hype train is going full force until the release date.

Yeah, my point is they are holding back longer than usual, which makes me question if they are behind schedule.


Trails 3rd

Star Door 3...



I mean, I was kinda expecting it when the requirements were stated, but to think they still took the time to resolve Kloe's feelings toward Joshua (and even gave you a postgame celebration to SC).

Talk about a game that cuts the fat and gets right down to the good stuff. Trails 3rd won me over quick, despite the initially weird gameplay structure (Kevin as the protagonist also helps).


Trails 3rd

Star Door 3...



I mean, I was kinda expecting it when the requirements were stated, but to think they still took the time to resolve Kloe's feelings toward Joshua (and even gave you a postgame celebration to SC).

Talk about a game that cuts the fat and gets right down to the good stuff. Trails 3rd won me over quick, despite the initially weird gameplay structure (Kevin as the protagonist also helps).

Joshua's answer was just great. Especially when
she brought up the scenario where she thought they could potentially be a thing but then he turned her down anyway.
This is the power of canon pairings, etc, etc...
Yo guys someone uploaded a clear file for CS on PC. Can easily start a new game in NG + mode, even utilizing as many clear points as you want (using cheat engine)

check the steam forums (if you dont mind wading through that cesspool)
guys...guys I'm dying



Started 3rd and played it for five hours. I like this much, much more than SC so far. It trims the padding, has much less rehash in general and has been compelling throughout. The battle system had gotten old way back in FC but at least Cheat Engine makes it bearable.


I'm looking for opinions on the difficulty level for Trails in the Sky SC. I played through FC on hard and it felt pretty much perfect for me. I think I skipped one chest fight at the beginning and there was one compulsory bracer job that you had to do at the mid point with only two characters that was fairly unfair, other than that it was a decent but fair challenge.

After a bit of googling it sounds like there SC could be considerably tougher than FC on hard. Is it really that bad?
Ok, tutorial for messing with the NG+ points.

First download cheat engine and the save from this steam thread

1) place save in C:\Users\*username*\Saved Games\Falcom\ed8 (If you havent opened ToCS yet then that save folder won't exist)
2) Open up Trails of Cold Steel and load the save. Since the save doesnt include a thumbnail it wont look like its there, but it is, click the 23rd save slot
3) you should be on the screen where you select which NG+ items you want to carry over
4) goto cheat engine
5) click the select a process to open button and open up the trails of cold steel process
6) in the value field on the right enter 0. Change the value type to 2 bytes and click first scan
7) Now go back to trails of cold steel and select an option or 2. Enter that value into the value field and click next scan.
8) Repeat this process until there is only 1 address left in the left bar (took me 3 tries, I did 0 > 5 > 3 > 1)
9) Right click on the address and click the first option to add it to the bottom pane
10) click the check box on the left of the address on the bottom pane
11) go back to cold steel and check everything you want

notice the 8/5 NG+ points usage
What does max bonding points do? Will the characters already be maxed or do you get to use 5 bonding points per day right from the start?

Nyoro SF

Thanks for the writeup. Will definitely use when I get a chance to play in the following weeks.

What does max bonding points do? Will the characters already be maxed or do you get to use 5 bonding points per day right from the start?

Basically you get to hang out with as many people as you want during free days as opposed to being limited to a select few. I highly recommend using this.

I'm not sure what you mean by "maxed", I assume you mean Link levels, but those are carried over separately, so you can choose whether you want those (maybe you want to start with clean links)
Thanks for the writeup. Will definitely use when I get a chance to play in the following weeks.

Basically you get to hang out with as many people as you want during free days as opposed to being limited to a select few. I highly recommend using this.

I'm not sure what you mean by "maxed", I assume you mean Link levels, but those are carried over separately, so you can choose whether you want those (maybe you want to start with clean links)

Thanks, that is awesome, I guess calling it unlimited bonding points would've been more accurate. I remeber the amount of bonding points increasing over the course of the game so I thought you'd get to use that amount from the start. Yeah, I was talking about link levels but now I've noticed that there's a separate option for that.

Nyoro SF

Re: the previous conversation regarding Falcom being behind schedule, just today on twitter they reinforced the 9/28 release date and even gave a number-of-days countdown. So it looks like they're sticking to their guns.

Maybe they have their reasons for not showing everything this time around. However, I'm pretty sure they're going to drop the most spoileriffic trailer ever soon, so I won't hold my breath.


It's gonna contain lots of spoilers, but that's nothing new :p.

Just look at the Cold Steel II and Ao ones. The one in Ao basically spoils both endings lol. However it's easy for those things to register later in your head.


So any chance of Estelle and Joshua apperaing in CS3? I haven't played Zero and Ao, so I don't know where they are and what they're doing, and if it would even make sense for them to appear, but my hype would go through the roof if they were in.


So any chance of Estelle and Joshua apperaing in CS3? I haven't played Zero and Ao, so I don't know where they are and what they're doing, and if it would even make sense for them to appear, but my hype would go through the roof if they were in.

I think the fact that the guild sent Agate means we don't see them. As far as I know they completed their tour around Western Zemuria and completed their objectives.

We might get to see some of Lloyd when Rean and his new class VII visits Crossbell City. Then again Randy and Tio are already at Reeves so yeah.

Welp and Kevin got his own mission I suppose. We might see him in the next arc.


Re: the previous conversation regarding Falcom being behind schedule, just today on twitter they reinforced the 9/28 release date and even gave a number-of-days countdown. So it looks like they're sticking to their guns.

Maybe they have their reasons for not showing everything this time around. However, I'm pretty sure they're going to drop the most spoileriffic trailer ever soon, so I won't hold my breath.

Hope so. I really don't want a CS situation where they migrate to a new system and have to cut the game in half.
I think the fact that the guild sent Agate means we don't see them. As far as I know they completed their tour around Western Zemuria and completed their objectives.

We might get to see some of Lloyd when Rean and his new class VII visits Crossbell City. Then again Randy and Tio are already at Reeves so yeah.

Welp and Kevin got his own mission I suppose. We might see him in the next arc.

Since Sen no Kiseki III is said to conclude the first phase of the whole Kiseki saga, I am kinda hoping that we'd get to see everyone, Avengers-style.


Since Sen no Kiseki III is said to conclude the first phase of the whole Kiseki saga, I am kinda hoping that we'd get to see everyone, Avengers-style.

What? I have never heard anything like this, or even the mention of the saga having "phases", and I follow this kind of stuff closely. Where are you getting this from? Are you confusing it with the conclusion of
the Phantasmal Blaze Plan, after which Ouroboros will move on to the next phase of Orpheus
? We have no reason to expect Estelle, Joshua or Kevin to show up.

Also, Turbo Mode is coming to the Sky trilogy.


Unconfirmed Member
Programmer from Xseed

That's a pretty big deal. I think the game speed is an issue for a lot of people - just see all the recommendations for using cheat engine to speed it up.

IMO XSEED needs to push this hard when the update hits. Put the games on sale and shout it from the rooftops.
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