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ideas to revive gaf

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We could hire out the accounts of the best posters from yesteryear.

Someone could have Wario64's account, someone could be blame space, bishoptl could ban people.

It would be like a little puppet show.


I have been a daily viewer of Gaf since 2004... I created an account in counter protest of the nonsense over the past few weeks... I honestly thought this would blow over but I'm not sure now...
How about a negative points system? Basically, if people dislike what you post they downvote/dislike it and that's it, there's no upvote/like option. There's also a leaderboard with the top members being whoever has the lowest amount of downvotes/dislikes per post. This ensures that posters post quality content only but also motivates people to post more frequently because the more you post the smaller your ratio gets (and therefore the higher your rank).



everyone moved on to resetera, this place will remain dead

Who is everyone? The biased garb mods that banned people because they didnt express the same view and hide behind the anonymous snarky ban message? Or the people who would attack people and get away with it because they had the same views as the mods?

If it's either of those two, good riddance to them. Turned this place so toxic it was disgusting. And they got away with it for years, attacking people while you couldn't defend yourself.


I check the other forum sometimes and GAF has all the same threads. Both sites are literally identical with the same news being posted.

So I don't think GAF is dead at all. Just keep slowly approving new members and let them be grandfathered into the site.


I check the other forum sometimes and GAF has all the same threads. Both sites are literally identical with the same news being posted.

So I don't think GAF is dead at all. Just keep slowly approving new members and let them be grandfathered into the site.

yeah you noticed this too huh? basically same threads... almost like.. some of the same posters are just cross posting on both forums.

As for what to do? Allow juniors to make threads but have mods be super aggressive on reacting to troll threads. Again maybe have sponsored OTS for things. Get the forum upgrades/redesigns going asap as well.
Since the other forum is purple, we could make this one pink to compete. Also to stand in solidarity with women and we're also good to go for breast cancer awareness all year.


we need new inside jokes. gafgold, $30 italian meal, green is noise, average gaffer penis, et cetera
or maybe we dont? did they foster an insularity that was ultimately negative for the longevity and inclusivity of the site?

I would propose ditching the ISP e-mail verification setup, but I can understand if that is seen as a bad idea.

For the time being, just accepting more junior members is fine.


Gaming side remains decent.

Off topic will depend on the subject really, you can't be surprised at a Rihanna thread not getting traction when most of PopGaf left and the vast majority of people replying to your previous RiRi thread had a clear dsidain towards her.


New newGAF reminds me of old GAF.

Just let it regrow. Just keep posting like you normally do, because that's what others want to see and adds to the discussion.

I pretty much stopped posting long ago because of others saying the same shit as me. I'd add little to the topic, so I've basically lurked for over a decade.


Who is everyone? The biased garb mods that banned people because they didnt express the same view and hide behind the anonymous snarky ban message? Or the people who would attack people and get away with it because they had the same views as the mods?

If it's either of those two, good riddance to them. Turned this place so toxic it was disgusting. And they got away with it for years, attacking people while you couldn't defend yourself.
Yea it was really really bad. It's pretty slow now yea but just seeing differences in opinions without the attack mobs has been nice.


It just takes time for a community to build. There are still a lot of familiar faces here, and even though discussion is more sporadic, it’s been pretty good in general.


It just takes time for a community to build. There are still a lot of familiar faces here, and even though discussion is more sporadic, it’s been pretty good in general.
Hasn't been remotely good, it's pretty dead IMO. Will take quite some time. But the most garbage-y posters seem to really like it so whatevs lol


It's definitely taking some getting used to, and I kind of like that a "slow" topic just doesn't get whooshed to the 2nd page within 5 minutes.

But NO to juniors making topics. It's great giving juniors training wheels first.


I say no to allowing juniors to make topics. The threshold for how many posts a junior has to make before becoming a regular could be lowered, though.


It'll take awhile to get activity back up, but I wouldn't expect pre-exodus levels even then. The place is tainted goods at this point.


Neo Member
Allow anyone to make threads. Remove the draconian registration requirements. Learn to respect the free exchange of controversial ideas.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I feel like I’ve already noticed a slight increase in activity compared to previous weeks. I think it will slowly but surely increase over time.

The forum may never be what it once was, but that is not entirely a negative thing.


Just keep talking and posting good stuff.

I see a lot of "it's dead" mentality, but it's only dead if you stop partaking in the discussion.
How about a negative points system? Basically, if people dislike what you post they downvote/dislike it and that's it, there's no upvote/like option. There's also a leaderboard with the top members being whoever has the lowest amount of downvotes/dislikes per post. This ensures that posters post quality content only but also motivates people to post more frequently because the more you post the smaller your ratio gets (and therefore the higher your rank).


Terrible, then there is no way of knowing if its a truly bad post, it could have 10 negative but 15 positive and you would never know


An updated/modern design wouldn’t go amiss, and a complete reshuffling of the staff. Don’t give juniors thread permissions as suggested, this is asking for trouble.
1. Get that site redesign, and hopefully mobile redesign, out ASAP. If this is to be a new chapter in gafs history then it needs a new/updated design to match it. It feels as if the corpses from the fallout are still rotting on the ‘streets’. This place needs to do a palette cleanser, and no banning people is only the step, not the solution.

2. Get the new QoL features rolled out as soon as. No need for releasing all at once, a gradual, timely and progressive rollout of features designed to make gaf feel modern will allow people to think gaf is getting back onto its feet and is here for the long run. I’d be willing to bet (nothing) that a significant number of long term, formerly active members are waiting this episode out. Very likely on the other place, who can be enticed to get involved again when they see this site is willing and ready to get back on the horse and invest in getting parts of the old gaf feeling again. This also works for new members, make posting easier and feature filed and newbies can contribute more.

3. Get the community to vote on threads that can be highlighted on a week by week basis that adds positively to the site, it’s rebuilding, the level of discourse on gaf and shows the community getting involved with quality threads can pay off. This can be done with both off topic and gaming. Sure this can be open to abuse, but with the overhaul to the modding system it can be minimised. This idea can drive engagement. I myself have ideas for threads but holding off, looking at how things are shaking out I feel like gaf still needs to kickstart the recovery phase, it’s a little despondent right now.

4. Get the modding team to full strength ASAP. Some of the stuff I have seen and read after the incident I would have never read before the firestorm. Un–ironic use of the term sjw, snowflake, open console warrism, and victim blaming is kryptonite when trying to rebuild. The modding team needs to be at full operational strength so a crackdown can happen at some of the more unsavoury elements that have popped up in the power vacuum.

There is probably more that I can add, but for now this should suffice.

Heath V


All I can say is after years and years of lurking I'm happy to be a member.

Even though I still can't post an avatar and I have no idea why!


The pace is definitely slow, even slower than when I first joined over 10 years ago, but I think it's actually refreshing. It was so difficult to follow threads previously as they would move so damn quickly. It also made it difficult to have a proper conversation because your post was burried among hundreds of others in a very short time.

We've had a mass exodus of posters so it will take time to grow the community again but I don't think we need to take any drastic measures, it'll just happen organically over time.


Even though I still can't post an avatar and I have no idea why!
Mine has vanished too! I can only assume this has something to do with the forum reboot/restructuring. Maybe us juniors have to hit a certain number of post before we get avatar privileges.
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