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Bungie Day 2011 | Bungie Bids Halo Farewell

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Looks like all the store stuff is out, was hoping for one more poster. Bungie day is over for another year. Can't wait to see what next year's celebration is centered around.
Deadly Cyclone said:
Wasn't worth $30? They said they'd at least be worth that. What did you get?

Edit: ghaleon, I see you and squid on, you doing steak playlist?
We were Firefighting it up. After three mediocre games, I realized that the Bungie Day playlist wasn't my cup of tea. Armor Locking douchebags on Countdown might as well be BTB Snipers on Hemorrhage for all the enjoyment I get out of it.

PsychoRaven said:
Personally though I'd prefer all armor abilities gone.

I like your style, dude.


As I wrote in the Halo Reach thread:

While I'll acknowledge I have been disappointed in many things brought to Bungie's last two games in Halo 3 and Halo Reach, I was floored with the first two Halo games Bungie had released. So many countless memories and experiences from Halo 1 (co-op) and Halo 2 (multiplayer), it's going to be nearly impossible for anything to pass those up. I thank Bungie for those experiences, more importantly.

That said, I anxiously await how 343 deals out Halo 4.


<3 Bungie.
Halo has been my favorite FPS franchise since Halo1 on Xbox. So many great memories of LAN matches while in college. Halo2 blew me away and made me never want to play online without a party system. And now Halo Reach is, IMO, the best FPS on consoles.

I can't wait to see what Bungie has in store next for us.

WickedLaharl said:
holy shit i just got 30777cR.

Was this common? I only got in about 6 games last night, but I also hit the 30,777cR jackpot! In fact, I think I hit the jackpot twice...is there any way to check that on b.net?


urk said:
There are some storyboards for cut Halo 1 sequences in the gallery on B.net. The postmortem I was talking about was internal, not something being baked for public consumption. No clue what happened to Jeremiah's Megalo stuff. I assume the Bungie Day vortex sucked away all of his free time.


Very cool. I look through there every so often. I don't know how I missed those. Oh my god. I can't help but laugh at this. I so can just see it too. DAMNNN YOU MONITOR! The next page reads like an akward scene of will they or won't they. I love storyboards.


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
THANKS FOR EVERYTHING HALO BUNGIE! Thanks for my favorite franchise of all time, thanks for introducing me to hardcore gaming when Halo 2 launched and I first started college (grades not withholding), thanks for teaching me how to take an ass-kicking at the hands of my cousin who introduced my to Halo, and subsequently "screen watching."

I just want you all to know how much the fans appreciate everything you've done over the past 20 years, and how much we are anticipating not only 343's take on your baby, but the new universe you are developing for us.

Thanks to all of you who have taken time to come post here on Gaf (Urk, Frankie, Stosh, and numerous others). It is extremely awesome to be able to actually chat with those at the studio and get input and help when needed. I hope you all will continue posting here now, and when your new game is revealed.

Overall, this is a sad time, but also a new beginning. We get to see what Halo will become with a new studio and (eventually) will get a new Bungie universe that is even better than Halo, with games that still lead the genre in quality and 7's.

Oh, and a special thanks to Marty and the sound team for making (what I believe to be) the greatest video game soundtracks in the history of the industry.

Thank you, Bungie.

Great closing B-Day write-up on BNet by Urk.


Urk said:
Thank you for making our 20th Anniversary, and this year's Bungie Day, kick so much ass. As we prepare to become fans of the universe our studio began creating more than ten years ago, it's nice to know that we'll be counted among such esteemed company. Some might consider the upcoming transition a bittersweet occasion punctuated by a sense of loss and sadness. We feel otherwise. Halo is in great hands…yours.

These last two weeks have been a celebration for us – a reminder of just why these last two decades have been so uniquely special for Bungie. More than ever we are humbled by your dedication and your loyalty (and now, even by your Halo: Reach skills…ouch). To date, you’ve helped us raise a mountain of money for charity and we're still going strong. Items can still be purchased through the Bungie Store and Xbox LIVE Avatar items can still be purchased on the Xbox Marketplace through September.

While all profits from your generous purchases of Bungie 20th Anniversary swag and commemorative items are being donated to charity through the Bungie Foundation, for us the Blue Flames, the studio memorabilia, and even the swag from our own desks and filing cabinets were all part of a long overdue symbolic gesture. Halo is yours now. In many ways, it always has been. Its new caretakers will strive, just as we did, to be worthy stewards but you have the package. Hold these characters and stories and worlds to the same unflinching standards you did while we were at the helm, but allow them all to blossom and change and grow in the ways that they must.

We'll be undergoing a metamorphosis of our own. Very soon Bungie.net will change, culminating with the launch of our next universe at some unknown time in the future. The first small steps will be taken soon, with Halo playlist management changing hands on August 2nd, the very same day we plan to deploy our parting thoughts on the last twenty years through a ViDoc titled, "O Brave New Worlds."

Afterwards, we'll be going dark on our studio’s next major endeavor – the creation of a brand new universe. You'll still have a home here should you choose to stay, but our next project demands an unwavering focus. We owe it to ourselves to make something better than we ever have before. We owe it to you, as well.

So, this isn't a goodbye. It isn't The End. Instead, it's the very beginning of a new journey that will stretch the limits of what we are capable of. Ancient engines are now rumbling deep within the heart of our studio, and their energy will power us through the upcoming darkness. Like all dark times ours will be broken first by a single strand of light – a tether reaching out to bind us all together again. One day, we will awaken in a wondrous new place and we will remember just what it was that drew us together at the beginning of it all. We will look up to the heavens, and find hope.

Thank you for everything.

See you starside.


Urk's closing Bungie Day note got me a bit misty eyed. I have so many fond memories that Halo brought me. It was what I turned to after very nearly dying many years ago; I was released from the hospital after five days of emergency treatment just in time to hit a Halo LAN party (and rather unwisely stayed up all night at it). Playing Halo all night with friends was a vivid reminder of one of the things I didn't want to lose. I think of that time often when playing on Live; playing Halo with friends is one of my great pleasures, and those memories are tied quite closely to Bungie.

Beyond that, Bungie has been kind to me personally through their time with Halo, and for that I'm deeply grateful. Urk (and before him, Brian) are class acts and everyone I've had the pleasure of meeting from Bungie have kicked all sorts of ass; they love the Halo community and it shows in everything they do.

I can't wait to see where we're heading next.


Not much to say other than thank you. I was a fan long before Halo but to this day I remember the first time I played split screen coop on launch day. I will miss Bungie during the "dark times" but am patiently waiting for their evenual reveal.
I feel that Bungie was done with Halo, but Halo was also done with Bungie. Both entities needed a change, and I have absolute faith both what 343 will do to Halo and what Bungie go on to make.


GhaleonEB said:
Urk's closing Bungie Day note got me a bit misty eyed. I have so many fond memories that Halo brought me. It was what I turned to after very nearly dying many years ago; I was released from the hospital after five days of emergency treatment just in time to hit a Halo LAN party (and rather unwisely stayed up all night at it). Playing Halo all night with friends was a vivid reminder of one of the things I didn't want to lose. I think of that time often when playing on Live; playing Halo with friends is one of my great pleasures, and those memories are tied quite closely to Bungie.

Beyond that, Bungie has been kind to me personally through their time with Halo, and for that I'm deeply grateful. Urk (and before him, Brian) are class acts and everyone I've had the pleasure of meeting from Bungie have kicked all sorts of ass; they love the Halo community and it shows in everything they do.

I can't wait to see where we're heading next.

I'm not tearing up. I just yawned. I swear. I do agree though. Everyone at Bungie have always been class acts. Unlike some developers with them I get a genuine love of their fans. I hope that never changes too. That is what truly makes Bungie something special.

It really is a new day though. Hard to believe that it's been over 10 years since we had this feeling. I'm excited but I won't lie I worry too. I truly hope it does well. I am pretty sure I'll love it. I haven't hated a Bungie game yet. Even those in genre that I'm not a big fan of. Ah screw it. I'm just going to be honest with myself.

Hello my Name is PsychoRaven and I'm a through and through Bungie Fanboy.


PsychoRaven said:
Hello my Name is PsychoRaven and I'm a through and through Bungie Fanboy.

Me too. But the seat sniffer job here is mine. You can't have that. You can have creepy webcam stalker, though.


ChenK said:
I feel that Bungie was done with Halo, but Halo was also done with Bungie. Both entities needed a change, and I have absolute faith both what 343 will do to Halo and what Bungie go on to make.
Interesting point of view.
My swag bag has arrived!


-anniversary card
-Halo graphic novel in some Scandinavian language
-blue wristband (Japan Quake Relief 2011)
-2 figures (Halo Wars Sgt. Forge, Halo 3 EOD)
-sticker for floppy disc for Minotaur: The Labyrinths of Crete circa 1992
-sticker for Bungie Software Products Corporation with crest "Non Facete Nobis Calcitrare Vestrum Perinaeum"
-Oni sticker
-Hiring card
-Myth II Gold Master CD (wonder if it's worth anything)
-Halo 3 Essentials
-ODST long sleeved shirt (2XL)
-Halo 2 cup


Neuromancer said:
My swag bag has arrived!


-anniversary card
-Halo graphic novel in some Scandinavian language
-blue wristband (Japan Quake Relief 2011)
-2 figures (Halo Wars Sgt. Forge, Halo 3 EOD)
-sticker for floppy disc for Minotaur: The Labyrinths of Crete circa 1992
-sticker for Bungie Software Products Corporation with crest "Non Facete Nobis Calcitrare Vestrum Perinaeum"
-Oni sticker
-Hiring card
-Myth II Gold Master CD (wonder if it's worth anything)
-Halo 3 Essentials
-ODST long sleeved shirt (2XL)
-Halo 2 cup

Damn you are a lucky lucky SOB.
Neuromancer said:
My swag bag has arrived!


-anniversary card
-Halo graphic novel in some Scandinavian language
-blue wristband (Japan Quake Relief 2011)
-2 figures (Halo Wars Sgt. Forge, Halo 3 EOD)
-sticker for floppy disc for Minotaur: The Labyrinths of Crete circa 1992
-sticker for Bungie Software Products Corporation with crest "Non Facete Nobis Calcitrare Vestrum Perinaeum"
-Oni sticker
-Hiring card
-Myth II Gold Master CD (wonder if it's worth anything)
-Halo 3 Essentials
-ODST long sleeved shirt (2XL)
-Halo 2 cup
Very nice.

I'm still trying figure out if the ODST shirt I received is the "rare" version that only Bungie employees had.
Has there been a 1st party team that has went on to something multiplatform and been succesful this gen? I have yet to see it. Seems like Bungie is on top of the world in 360 land so I don't understand the need to branch out to be honest.


Reluctant-Hero said:
Very nice.

I'm still trying figure out if the ODST shirt I received is the "rare" version that only Bungie employees had.

I have the one with BUNGIE on the front and ODST on the back (came in my swag bag). Is it that one?
Blueblur1 said:
Interesting point of view.

The reason I came to that viewpoint is that creatively, ten years on trying to refine the same formula is long enough. 343 doesn't have that problem as it will approach Halo with a different philosophy and mindset. That doesn't mean that what they make won't be true to Halo, but it will be different to what Bungie created; simply trying to emulate what Bungie achieved in prior Halo games doesn't seem like the approach that 343 are taking, especially due to some of the talent they've hired.

In terms of Bungie, having a new IP gives them a chance to start afresh, think in ways that aren't possible in Halo (I'm not suggesting that Halo is a tired franchise, but like any IP, it is naturally limited in terms of stuff like setting and story), in the same way that 343 will find things in Halo that Bungie wouldn't do. By the time we got to Reach, I felt that Bungie has given the franchise all it can give, and what it needs is a new pair of hands, just as in the same way Bungie needs a new toy to play with.

And even if the Next Big Thing is a Sci-Fi FPS, take a look at Marathon and Halo; for every similarity, there is also a difference, and I'm looking forward to when we'll be playing whatever Bungie makes alongside Halo.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Here are the contents of my bag. Unfortunately most of the paper stuff was actually ripped, including the signature card. Overall decent haul, I am sad the posters and card was bent and torn though.



Thanks for everything Bungie. Lots of great memories from LAN parties, introducing me to Xbox Live, playing co-op in Combat Evolved during high school. I was lucky enough to meet a few members of the team at the Halo 2 launch party in Seattle the day before it came out, everyone was awesome.

Bungie, from all accounts, is a truly special developer in both the quality of their games and their interaction with the community.

Here's to the next 20 years!

Louis Wu

Reluctant-Hero said:
Very nice.

I'm still trying figure out if the ODST shirt I received is the "rare" version that only Bungie employees had.
I think there might be more than one that was Bungie-only, but one is actually quite simple - it's just a grey shirt with 'ODST' in some bulky san-serif font on the front.

Here's a (bad) shot from a vidoc of Jason Jones wearing one:



Here's the stuff that was on my bag, I'm pleased but there's nothing too special, disappointed in the fact that I didn't get any shirts :(




Sealed OXM with ODST cover


mint condition Graphic Novel poster

RvB dvd

hiring card


Ghost of onyx

SDCC2009 card (ODST controller config on the back)

Halo Graphic Novel in italian (love it!!!!!!!!!!)





2 dolls (ugh.. was hoping for none on my bag, would've preferred 2 shirts instead)

Character Key Cel



UNSC Belt Buckle (my favorite thing in the bag)


Thanks for doing this Bungie, fun little initiative.


Nice bag, letters.

Anyway, tried to go through both Bungie Day threads and the HaloGAF thread to see where I asked if someone who got the pewter Soulblighter figures would be willing to sell me one. Anyone still willing to do so?


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
AMAZON said:
Dear xxxxxxx

We're writing about the marketplace order you placed on 7/7/2011 with Bungie Store. Unfortunately, Bungie Store has not confirmed the shipment of this order, and we are not able to provide you with shipment details yet. Because of this, your credit card has not been charged.]

Anybody else got this email?


Read this morning on twitter that Marcus Lehto is leaving Bungie. This follow Jaime Greishemer. I'm honestly trying to think about who would be left on the team after Alex Seropian and so many others have left since Halo: Combat Evolved. Marty O'Donnell, Jason Jones, Joe Staten, Robt and Lorraine McLees. Anyone else?

Kinda makes me sad really.


PooBone said:
Read this morning on twitter that Marcus Lehto is leaving Bungie. This follow Jaime Greishemer. I'm honestly trying to think about who would be left on the team after Alex Seropian and so many others have left since Halo: Combat Evolved. Marty O'Donnell, Jason Jones, Joe Staten, Robt and Lorraine McLees. Anyone else?

Kinda makes me sad really.

Dang I'm really saddened by that news. I wonder if we will ever find out more details about his departure. It would be really awesome if he was joining the 343 team.

Hey You

sorta offtopic, but I think it would have been awesome if Bungie partnered with Rockstar as a publisher.

Both companies are involved with their communities, but has Rockstar ever published a game which they didn't own. It seems like they want to own what they publish.


PooBone said:
Read this morning on twitter that Marcus Lehto is leaving Bungie. This follow Jaime Greishemer. I'm honestly trying to think about who would be left on the team after Alex Seropian and so many others have left since Halo: Combat Evolved. Marty O'Donnell, Jason Jones, Joe Staten, Robt and Lorraine McLees. Anyone else?

Kinda makes me sad really.
This deserves its own thread.

So sad :(


butthole fishhooking yes
PooBone said:
I'm honestly trying to think about who would be left on the team after Alex Seropian and so many others have left since Halo: Combat Evolved. Marty O'Donnell, Jason Jones, Joe Staten, Robt and Lorraine McLees. Anyone else?

Kinda makes me sad really.

Mentioned it over in the community thread, but there are still 32 dessicated husks from the original Halo team working at Bungie.


I was saddened when Brian left as the community guy (pretty much the disappearance of their podcast if I had to guess) but this is making me think that I'm kinda getting nervous about this new IP or how the studio is faring under Activision now.


Just got my Bag O' Swag from the late international batch.
Here's what I got:


-Scout Halo 3 Spartan
-EVA Av-Cam Halo 3 Spartan
-CQB Halo 3 Spartan
-Halo 3 Brute Chopper
-Halo Graphic Novel
-Halo: Uprising Issue 1 of 4.
-Black Large Long Sleeve Shirt with printed Halo 3 combat in Narrows with a Bungie employee about to rocket two unsuspecting players.

Nothing overly impressive or that I didn't already have. The shirt is the prize for me in this one. I'm not a an action figure guy so I might just sell them and I already have the two comics, so those I'll try to sell as well!
Sweet deal!
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