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Wii U Speculation Thread of Brains Beware: Wii U Re-Unveiling At E3 2012

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Ubermatik said:
This. I don't want old games launching as new ones on my shiny new system.
I hope Arkham City, BF3, Assassins Creed, Ghost Recon etc. are all canned.
Ports is not the way forward. Nintendo need to keep up with the multi-platform AAA titles, not play catch up.

If they move the gadgets to the touch screen, that alone will be an improvement. Selecting from 12 items with a rather mushy 8 directional d-pad was serviceable, but not ideal in any way.
AceBandage said:
Supposedly (read RUMOR) they'll be holding a conference before the end of the year that will highlight some Wii U stuff.
I have trust in bgassassins source...but if I get disappointed, who knows what will happen. I may go into a state of depression.
herzogzwei1989 said:
Now that Skyrim is out, what are your thoughts about a Wii U version, is it wanted here?

I still have to make out whether it is actually up to all the hype, by the way a definitive late edition on the WiiU, with all bugs fixed and a bunch of extra stuff, would be fine.

As for the already announced ports of Arkham city, Darksiders II, Metro: last night and Alien, I'm all for them; I will have quite a nice backlog by the time WiiU is out, provided that they will hopefully be enhanced superior versions and at a convenient price so it may be worth to wait a little longer.


If I'm right that's someone here that got the news?
But after Iwata comment, if we understand it well, I just see some teasers until e3, and that's as little "compelling" as monster hunter 3g textures.
Nintendo is in a tough bind because they only do gaming. Which means they have to constantly innovate because on a technical level they just can't compete. Companies like Sony and Microsoft can sell their hardware at a loss because they have other divisions and agreement deals to work with.

I don't see Nintendo creating a viable online network for example. Sony and Microsoft by comparison will invest heavily to what Nintendo will. Which is why they came out and said they are open to ideas from 3rd party publishers. As for the hardware itself once again they will be at a disadvantage later on. All Sony and Microsoft (and even Apple to an extent) have to do is copy what works with the Wii-U like they did with the original Wii but this time integrate it with their own system at launch.

Personally I think the Wii-U is sink or swim for the company. If they continue to take huge losses they may have to pack up and pull a Sega. I myself am a huge fan of Nintendo and have enjoyed their games throughout the years but I don't see a bright future for the company.
Louis Cyphre said:
Personally I think the Wii-U is sink or swim for the company. If they continue to take huge losses they may have to pack up and pull a Sega. I myself am a huge fan of Nintendo and have enjoyed their games throughout the years but I don't see a bright future for the company.
Continue? The 3DS is the first system since the Gamecube's price drop, that's actually taken a loss. So I don't know where you've been, but the Wii was a huge success and has sold 70+ million worldwide, its also common for hardware companies to lose money when they are making a new system.

EDIT: I feel like you're saying they've been taking a huge loss for a long time.
Yeah, my bad on the Assassins Creed argument, I totally read the news the toher day about the newest iteration coming to Wii U anyway, so i don't know why I listed it there.

Anyway, IceDoesntHelp, you're the minority, I'm afraid.

For the people that already own a 360/PS4, these games will be bought on release and enjoyed. No-one who is new to Nintendo consoles will buy the same game again fi they switch to the Wii U next year, even with additional DLC/content.

And I know that many others, including myself, who have never played Battlefield, Batman etc. won't buy the re-releases when the Wii U finally launches. I want the newest games to be playable, not last years edition.

By then I think it's safe to say that I will have read/seen enough about the games to warrant my disinterest, especially with a newer, hyped up game coming out in the near future.
Think about it, when the Wii U launches late next year, would you want to play Battlefield 3, a year old game that you've already played on a friend's last gen console, or the newest iteration, set to release in a couple of months time?
I know what I'd rather do. And no, I'm not saying a new BF will come out in a year and a half, but you get my point.
IceDoesntHelp said:
Continue? The 3DS is the first system since the Gamecube's price drop, that's actually taken a loss. So I don't know where you've been, but the Wii was a huge success and has sold 70+ million worldwide, its also common for hardware companies to lose money when they are making a new system.

EDIT: I feel like you're saying they've been taking a huge loss for a long time.

And also, the 3DS does appear to be recovering from its previous setbacks, so Nintendo will probably began to get money from it next year. The reason Sega ended up leaving the hardware business was due to years and years of losses. Nintendo still has a ton of money, and Iwata stated that they are willing to put money into ensuring the Wii U's success.
Ubermatik said:
Yeah, my bad on the Assassins Creed argument, I totally read the news the toher day about the newest iteration coming to Wii U anyway, so i don't know why I listed it there.

Anyway, IceDoesntHelp, you're the minority, I'm afraid.

For the people that already own a 360/PS4, these games will be bought on release and enjoyed. No-one who is new to Nintendo consoles will buy the same game again fi they switch to the Wii U next year, even with additional DLC/content.

And I know that many others, including myself, who have never played Battlefield, Batman etc. won't buy the re-releases when the Wii U finally launches. I want the newest games to be playable, not last years edition.

By then I think it's safe to say that I will have read/seen enough about the games to warrant my disinterest, especially with a newer, hyped up game coming out in the near future.
Think about it, when the Wii U launches late next year, would you want to play Battlefield 3, a year old game that you've already played on a friend's last gen console, or the newest iteration, set to release in a couple of months time?
I know what I'd rather do. And no, I'm not saying a new BF will come out in a year and a half, but you get my point.

The thing is, though, there are still millions of people out there that won't buy it now, or will want something to get with a new system, and know it's a good game.
I mean, hell, even SSF4 on the 3DS got pretty good sales, and that was a port of a port of a remake that's been on like 5 different systems already.
For my part I would be very glad to be able to purchase my brand new WiiU along with a GOTY edition of Arkham city or Metro, enhanced graphics and phisics with all DLC included the deal, or Darksiders, these would make pretty a decent launch line-up along with one or two Nintendo games, let's say NSMB, Pikmin 3 and Wave race.

Even in a year these will still be great games and I think it's always the more the merrier.

Let us not forget the strongest titles in the launch window for Wii a few years back were Twilight princess and Resident evil 4 Wii edition, essentially two Gamecube ports taking advantage of new motion controls and little more - I bought both by the way - and no one complained about it.


Louis Cyphre said:
Nintendo is in a tough bind because they only do gaming. Which means they have to constantly innovate because on a technical level they just can't compete. Companies like Sony and Microsoft can sell their hardware at a loss because they have other divisions and agreement deals to work with.

I don't see Nintendo creating a viable online network for example. Sony and Microsoft by comparison will invest heavily to what Nintendo will. Which is why they came out and said they are open to ideas from 3rd party publishers. As for the hardware itself once again they will be at a disadvantage later on. All Sony and Microsoft (and even Apple to an extent) have to do is copy what works with the Wii-U like they did with the original Wii but this time integrate it with their own system at launch.

Personally I think the Wii-U is sink or swim for the company. If they continue to take huge losses they may have to pack up and pull a Sega. I myself am a huge fan of Nintendo and have enjoyed their games throughout the years but I don't see a bright future for the company.

It's a difference in allocation, Iwata knows this and it's been explained many times. Nintendo should avoid being overly aggressive in a market because it costs a ton of money but rather try to expand it (Blue Ocean). Sure if they went head-to head on just processing they would lose so they chose the path of interesting and unique hardware paired with Nintendo software. The same will probably be true of online. Rather than do the same thing everyone else does it's probably better they choose a few unique features to run with. Say what you want about Steam, PSN and XBL but Facebook is the real online platform of choice. There are plenty of options that aren't just XBL and could take less initial investment.

Also gaming only isn't that much of a problem because software is what ultimately runs the hardware market. Nintendo is so untouchable in software that it's hard to say they could really be unsuccessful even if the competition aggregates everyone else. It's like if Disney made their own movie format. Also Sony has a lot of businesses but they are in far deeper shit than Nintendo ever will be.


Whilst sort of under NDA, I spoke to someone within a major games pulisher here in the UK recently who has spent plenty of time with the Wii U hardware, and they are less than impressed. As a Nintendo fan, I was disappointed to hear him say that the machine is under-powered compared to the impending competition, and no-one but Nintendo will bother investing the sufficient resources to capitalize on the second screen optimally. :(


Louis Cyphre said:
Personally I think the Wii-U is sink or swim for the company. If they continue to take huge losses they may have to pack up and pull a Sega.

This couldn't be further from the truth. Nintendo has made something like $15 billion in the last 5 years or so. They could lose $1 billion each year for a decade and still not be out of the money they've made just this generation.

I don't know where people get this idea of Nintendo being on the precipice of death. Really if anybody is in danger it's Sony's game division, who somehow squandered every penny they have ever made in video games in only 4 or so year. They're the ones who need to post numbers on the board soon, not Nintendo.

Seriously, this whole "Nintendo needs to go third party" crap is so unfounded and without any logical reasoning behind it that I have to assume it's being pushed rather than actually discussed as being a serious outcome.


Chopper said:
Whilst sort of under NDA, I spoke to someone within a major games pulisher here in the UK recently who has spent plenty of time with the Wii U hardware, and they are less than impressed. As a Nintendo fan, I was disappointed to hear him say that the machine is under-powered compared to the impending competition, and no-one but Nintendo will bother investing the sufficient resources to capitalize on the second screen optimally. :(

Sounds about right given this generation. It's all about the western Michael Bay school of development, as many explosions as the hardware will allow. I don't expect much innovation from third-parties, hell hundreds of devs still think pseudo-buttons on touchscreens are still an appropriate interface for their games.

edit: I think the expectation is that we'll get mostly the same games with additional TV-less modes.
Chopper said:
and no-one but Nintendo will bother investing the sufficient resources to capitalize on the second screen optimally. :(

According to Vergil, they said they had Darksiders II running on the UPad in no time and with little effort...

Anyway, bad news if true, especially if WiiU is that underpowered as you seem to hint at; I hope your source is wrong but let's wait and see.


Gianni Merryman said:
According to Vergil, they said they had Darksiders II running on the UPad in no time and with little effort...
Streaming to the controller is one thing. The more exciting prospect of using that second screen as a game-changing tool, that is not a touch-screen inventory or a map, is another.
Chopper said:
Streaming to the controller is one thing. The more exciting prospect of using that second screen as a game-changing tool, that is not a touch-screen inventory or a map, is another.

I'm excited about the idea of it being used as a revolutionary tool, I'm trying to think of awesome game modes possible with it, but it's too hard.

Oh aside from that D&D dungeon master thing someone mentioned somewhere. That idea was the best ever.
IceDoesntHelp said:
Continue? The 3DS is the first system since the Gamecube's price drop, that's actually taken a loss. So I don't know where you've been, but the Wii was a huge success and has sold 70+ million worldwide, its also common for hardware companies to lose money when they are making a new system.

EDIT: I feel like you're saying they've been taking a huge loss for a long time.

Not for a long time but sufficient losses as of late. The market has changed and sadly I don't think Nintendo knows how to or wants to adapt to these changes.
Chopper said:
Streaming to the controller is one thing. The more exciting prospect of using that second screen as a game-changing tool, that is not a touch-screen inventory or a map, is another.

Yeah, I know that they are two seperate things, but since streaming on WiiU is allegedly a no-sweat, I would not be tending to expect that programming the touch screen should be that tricky, it should not be that different than how it works on Nintendo DS.

I don't mean you're saying something wrong, since we have not any reliable source for now saying otherwise, but still.
Louis Cyphre said:
Not for a long time but sufficient losses as of late. The market has changed and sadly I don't think Nintendo knows how to or wants to adapt to these changes.

Adapt to what changes, exactly?
Their games and hardware are still selling gangbusters.
They lost money because of economic changes completely outside of their control...
Somnid said:
It's a difference in allocation, Iwata knows this and it's been explained many times. Nintendo should avoid being overly aggressive in a market because it costs a ton of money but rather try to expand it (Blue Ocean). Sure if they went head-to head on just processing they would lose so they chose the path of interesting and unique hardware paired with Nintendo software. The same will probably be true of online. Rather than do the same thing everyone else does it's probably better they choose a few unique features to run with. Say what you want about Steam, PSN and XBL but Facebook is the real online platform of choice. There are plenty of options that aren't just XBL and could take less initial investment.

Also gaming only isn't that much of a problem because software is what ultimately runs the hardware market. Nintendo is so untouchable in software that it's hard to say they could really be unsuccessful even if the competition aggregates everyone else. It's like if Disney made their own movie format. Also Sony has a lot of businesses but they are in far deeper shit than Nintendo ever will be.

That is fine to take a different avenue, after all who wants all the game consoles to be the same? However I fear the only course now is to pigeonhole themselves as a casual and more affordable sytem. Problem is Nintendo wants no part in devaluing it's software. So will consumers continue to support $40 handheld games that can be easily attained on other smaller scale devices for $1? Sony's Vita seems to cater to a higher end handheld demographic but the main gimmick with the 3DS is the 3D but is that really all that appealing? So whats' really left is the IP's and only the hardcore will continue to support them at $40 a pop.

So where does that leave pricing for Wii-U software? $50? $60? I just think after the new XBOX and Playstation consoles get released that once again the Wii-U will be left behind with only Nintendo franchises holding the system above water. Trouble is we all know the constant draughts of software in between those major releases. Rumor has it Ninetndo plans on farming out those IP's like they did with Metroid. Maybe that will be key so Nintendo can concentrate on building fresh and new IP's.

As for Facebook yes, it does cater to the more mainstream market.
AceBandage said:
Adapt to what changes, exactly?
Their games and hardware are still selling gangbusters.
They lost money because of economic changes completely outside of their control...

Changes in the market and how one percieves value in software, especially in the handheld market. IOS devices have taken a huge chunk of the handheld market away from Nintendo just this past year.
Louis Cyphre said:
Changes in the market and how one percieves value in software, especially in the handheld market. IOS devices have taken a huge chunk of the handheld market away from Nintendo just this past year.

No, they haven't...
Smart Phone gaming has expanded the market.
Not taken away from Nintendo or Sony...
Chopper said:
Whilst sort of under NDA, I spoke to someone within a major games pulisher here in the UK recently who has spent plenty of time with the Wii U hardware, and they are less than impressed. As a Nintendo fan, I was disappointed to hear him say that the machine is under-powered compared to the impending competition, and no-one but Nintendo will bother investing the sufficient resources to capitalize on the second screen optimally. :(
What do they mean by "impending competition?"
Like the upcoming consoles or PS360?
AceBandage said:
Impending would imply upcoming (PS4/720).
Though, given rumors of the next XBox, I dunno how far apart they'll all be.
Alright thanks. I get brain farts here and there.
But, why would anyone think that the Wii U wouldn't be under powered compared to those two?


AceBandage said:
No, they haven't...
Smart Phone gaming has expanded the market.
Not taken away from Nintendo or Sony...

Yeah, all smartphones really did was put games within the reach of people who would have never bought any type of handheld gaming device to begin with.
AceBandage said:
Impending would imply upcoming (PS4/720).
Though, given rumors of the next XBox, I dunno how far apart they'll all be.
Dual GPU in the devkit with at least 2GB RAM. Sounds like MS is going for the maximum again.
AceBandage said:
No, they haven't...
Smart Phone gaming has expanded the market.
Not taken away from Nintendo or Sony...


From 2009 to 2010, iOS and Android game sales grew from 5 to 8 percent market share in the U.S. That represents a change in revenue from $500 million in 2009 to $800 million in 2010. Most of the revenue was generated by iPhone games.

Overall, the total U.S. game revenue from the consoles and portables was flat last year, growing to $10.7 billion from $10.4 billion in 2009. But while console gaming’s share of that total grew slightly from $7.4 billion to $7.8 billion in 2010, portable gaming software sales fell. Overall portable game market share dropped from 24 percent in 2009 to 16 percent in 2010. That’s most likely due to the big gains by Apple and Android.
H_Prestige said:
Dual GPU in the devkit with at least 2GB RAM. Sounds like MS is going for the maximum again.

Which isn't like insanely better than the Wii U (based on what we know so far). Especially compared to 360 vs Wii.

Louis Cyphre said:

From 2009 to 2010, iOS and Android game sales grew from 5 to 8 percent market share in the U.S. That represents a change in revenue from $500 million in 2009 to $800 million in 2010. Most of the revenue was generated by iPhone games.

Overall, the total U.S. game revenue from the consoles and portables was flat last year, growing to $10.7 billion from $10.4 billion in 2009. But while console gaming’s share of that total grew slightly from $7.4 billion to $7.8 billion in 2010, portable gaming software sales fell. Overall portable game market share dropped from 24 percent in 2009 to 16 percent in 2010. That’s most likely due to the big gains by Apple and Android.

It couldn't be because they are 6 year old systems with successors coming out.
No, not at all...


IceDoesntHelp said:
Alright thanks. I get brain farts here and there.
But, why would anyone think that the Wii U wouldn't be under powered compared to those two?
Well, yeah, it's obvious. But what struck me was my source's lack of enthusiasm about the whole thing. He's also self-professed Nintendo fan, but is adamant they will really struggle to attract a market this time round.
AceBandage said:
Which isn't like insanely better than the Wii U (based on what we know so far). Especially compared to 360 vs Wii.

It couldn't be because they are 6 year old systems with successors coming out.
No, not at all...

And look at what has happened after the 3DS came out, Nintendo lowers its sales expectations and cuts the price.


VariantX said:
Yeah, all smartphones really did was put games within the reach of people who would have never bought any type of handheld gaming device to begin with.

I personally think that smart phone gaming will force the handheld market to regress back to pre-DS days, where Gameboy-like numbers will be considered successful. And I don't think that's a bad thing. I just don't see another gaming-focused handheld being the runaway success that the DS was. Not when a significant portion of the demographic that bought it will be more than happy with the cheap games on their smart phones and tablets. But only time will tell.

As for ports on the Wii U, I hope Nintendo understands that while ports alone won't make the Wii U successful right out the gate, they're still very necessary to round out a decent launch. I don't want to see ports in lieu of new games, but high-quality ports of the best games coming out now will be great as long as they don't stall new development.
Louis Cyphre said:
And look at what has happened after the 3DS came out, Nintendo lowers its sales expectations and cuts the price.

Because they were trying to charge $250 for it with no substantial software...


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
For what it's worth, I can vouch for Chopper as I know which publisher he is talking about. If he says he heard this, he did.


Louis Cyphre said:

From 2009 to 2010, iOS and Android game sales grew from 5 to 8 percent market share in the U.S. That represents a change in revenue from $500 million in 2009 to $800 million in 2010. Most of the revenue was generated by iPhone games.

Overall, the total U.S. game revenue from the consoles and portables was flat last year, growing to $10.7 billion from $10.4 billion in 2009. But while console gaming’s share of that total grew slightly from $7.4 billion to $7.8 billion in 2010, portable gaming software sales fell. Overall portable game market share dropped from 24 percent in 2009 to 16 percent in 2010. That’s most likely due to the big gains by Apple and Android.

That's pretty sad that every single iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android Phone, and Android Tablet combined only makes up 8% of the total games market.

And every iPhone and Android phone combined can only muster 34% of just the portable market despite there being a gajillion more cellphones out there than Nintendo DS's.

I seem to remember when everybody said cellphones would take over handheld games about 7 years ago too.
I laugh when I read people talking about a lack of 3rd party support for Nintendo. The Wii has had a ton of 3rd party support, with many titles selling by the truckload. They may not be games the typical Neogaf member wants to play, but that doesn't somehow make them invalid.

If the Wii U gets no more 3rd party support than the Wii, it will still do fine.

One thing I think Nintendo have been very smart in doing is making the Wii U compatible with all Wii controllers. I can see parents who have a Wii with a couple of remotes, maybe a classic controller or a balance board being kind of "locked in" to getting a Wii U as they can still use all the stuff they have already.


Royalan has just reminded me, my source also said that to this day they are yet to see any convincing first-party software that sells the concept of the system. This is a major company too, so this news made me sad.
royalan said:
I personally think that smart phone gaming will force the handheld market to regress back to pre-DS days, where Gameboy-like numbers will be considered successful. And I don't think that's a bad thing. I just don't see another gaming-focused handheld being the runaway success that the DS was. Not when a significant portion of the demographic that bought it will be more than happy with the cheap games on their smart phones and tablets. But only time will tell.

As for ports on the Wii U, I hope Nintendo understands that while ports alone won't make the Wii U successful right out the gate, they're still very necessary to round out a decent launch. I don't want to see ports in lieu of new games, but high-quality ports of the best games coming out now will be great as long as they don't stall new development.

We will probably see rushed ports trying to take advantage of the Wii-U controller. Trouble is unless they were created from the ground up they will likey feel tacked on.


Chopper said:
Well, yeah, it's obvious. But what struck me was my source's lack of enthusiasm about the whole thing. He's also self-professed Nintendo fan, but is adamant they will really struggle to attract a market this time round.

Well that's disappointing. How long ago was this?

I suppose it's all relative too. Specs that I would be thrilled with might make another person disappointed. Do you know if he also has direct insight into the ps4/720 or is he just going off of what's expected or predicted?
IceDoesntHelp said:
I have trust in bgassassins source...

LOL. I use it for the entertainment value.

Deguello said:
Really if anybody is in danger it's Sony's game division, who somehow squandered every penny they have ever made in video games in only 4 or so year.

Yeah. They ate up the five peak years of PS2 hardware profits alone in less than two years.


Chopper said:
Streaming to the controller is one thing. The more exciting prospect of using that second screen as a game-changing tool, that is not a touch-screen inventory or a map, is another.

This is true, but we're already seeing some other potention. GRO uses also uses it as a drone spy came from what they've shown so far. Also how long ago did you talk to that person?

And that reminds me of a question I wanted to ask lherre if he's able to respond. lherre, did the SDKs look something like the picture below or did they change up the look?

AceBandage said:
Because they were trying to charge $250 for it with no substantial software...

This is true and now strong softwarer is upon us. The key is to keep the flow going and the momentum going. Trouble for them is that we now have a much stronger market to get our handheld gaming needs.


Chopper said:
Royalan has just reminded me, my source also said that to this day they are yet to see any convincing first-party software that sells the concept of the system. This is a major company too, so this news made me sad.
Yikes, that can't be good.

On the other hand, I expect Nintendo to show as little as possible regarding their own software.


Deguello said:
That's pretty sad that every single iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android Phone, and Android Tablet combined only makes up 8% of the total games market.

And every iPhone and Android phone combined can only muster 34% of just the portable market despite there being a gajillion more cellphones out there than Nintendo DS's.

I seem to remember when everybody said cellphones would take over handheld games about 7 years ago too.
I know this is the wrong thread for this discussion, really, but I did grill this guy for an opinion on the 3DS too. As far as they are concerned, the 3DS is not a platform they will be investing in heavily. Same goes for Vita. Apps will be their focus moving into the next gen. This news blew my mind.

guek said:
Well that's disappointing. How long ago was this?
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