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Family of Florida boy killed by Neighborhood Watch seeks arrest

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Are you seriously advocating that we be allowed to kill someone, claim self defense and then be allowed to go free until it's proven that our claim is false? Has there ever been another example of this happening?

Guilt is decided at the trial, not the arrest. Killing someone should always be probable cause that a crime has occurred.

It's a fairly controversial law:


For the first half of this decade, the state counted an average of 34 justifiable homicides a year, as few as 31 and as many as 43.

That continued in 2006, the law's first full year.

But the next three years brought these numbers:

2007: 102.

2008: 93.

2009: 105.

The first six months of 2010: 44.


It's not his job to approach suspicious individuals. It's explicitly not his job. The broad outlines of the two competing scenarios here are (1) Zimmerman approaches innocuously, kid flies off he handle, attacks him, is beating the shit out of him or about to, Zimmerman shoots in self defense; or (2) Zimmerman is playing Batman, is aggressive toward the kid, fight ensues, Zimmerman shoots. Based on what we know about the situation and the participants, 2 seems a lot more likely.

The question is, can he really be guilty of murder in either scenario? Yea, he probably shouldn't have approached, and shouldn't have been playing Batman, but both actions were perfectly legal and well within his rights. The fact that they happened to lead to fisticuffs and an eventual shooting/death were purely coincidental. 9 times out of 10 this wouldn't have amounted to anything, it just so happens this was that 1 time--the wrong place at the wrong time.

How on earth do you manage to squeeze so many logical fallacies and non sequiturs into a single sentence?

It was word play from my and Kettch's back and forth. In a legitimate case of self defense, there is no crime, and nothing to arrest or detain someone for. Kettch wasn't getting that, or doesn't agree with the law, I was just trying to explain it.


The question is, can he really be guilty of murder in either scenario? Yea, he probably shouldn't have approached, and shouldn't have been playing Batman, but both actions were perfectly legal and well within his rights. The fact that they happened to lead to fisticuffs and an eventual shooting/death were purely coincidental. 9 times out of 10 this wouldn't have amounted to anything, it just so happens this was that 1 time--the wrong place at the wrong time.

If you kill a person you should be put under arrest until you have a trial. People are arrested in this country for carrying a sack of weed. Seriously?


His facebook profile is fairly public...

If it ends up that he gets away scot free, I wonder if Anonymous will have at him . . . . .

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
The question is, can he really be guilty of murder in either scenario? Yea, he probably shouldn't have approached, and shouldn't have been playing Batman, but both actions were perfectly legal and well within his rights. The fact that they happened to lead to fisticuffs and an eventual shooting/death were purely coincidental. 9 times out of 10 this wouldn't have amounted to anything, it just so happens this was that 1 time--the wrong place at the wrong time.

It was word play from my and Kettch's back and forth. In a legitimate case of self defense, there is no crime, and nothing to arrest or detain someone for. Kettch wasn't getting that, or doesn't agree with the law, I was just trying to explain it.

This sounds like the Simpsons episode where sideshow bob kidnaps Bart, takes him to the 'five corners' and plans to kill him by doing a bunch of acts that are perfectly legal in each state, breaking no laws, but results in the death of Bart.

The fact if the matter is that those actions did not occur in a vacuum. They occurred together and it certainly makes the situation different. Also, judging by his past history with violence and some of images from his Facebook, the guy might have some anger issues.

The guy also seems fairly large. Maybe I only saw an old photo of the murdered kid, but I don't see how he could have overpowered him.


Neo Member
Again, was not saying or implying the black guy was involved in anything gang related. I only used that as an example of when a deadly armed Vs. unarmed altercations might be accepted/justified and cleared legally--particularly a case involving a teenager and adult (specifically in response to Prosthetic's earlier assertion that an unarmed 17yo could never poses a threat to an adult).

Your statement is false as I did not assert that an unarmed 17 year old could never pose a threat to an adult. Here's what I actually said.

Zimmerman, 20's, had to believe that a 17 YEAR OLD KID was going to either KILL him or inflict GREAT bodily harm on him in order to use deadly force. Can Zimmerman actually tell a jury that a 17 year old kid was going to punch him to death or otherwise inflict great bodily harm? Unless Zimmerman is physically disabled I doubt a jury would believe that.

I stated that in order for Zimmerman to use deadly force he needed to believe the kid could kill/inflict great bodily harm and he needed to convince a jury of that. I said I DOUBT a jury would believe that. You brought up a valid point saying what if the 17 year old kid was stronger than Zimmerman and I AGREED with you, even though you did so by using the words "foolish" and "beyond stupid" to describe my assumption. I went on to say, "If I am wrong AND their sizes are equal or Martin was infact larger/stronger, then Zimmerman's chances in front of a jury look very good." I probably should have reworded that to say, Zimmerman would have a better chance convincing a jury he acted in self defense if Martin was equal to or greater than his size. I ended my reply by mentioning the Miami Herald reported the 17 year old was 140lbs.

You were right in bringing up the fact that the kid could possibly be larger, luckily for my argument the initial assumption appears to be correct.


lmao. This zimmerman guy made bad choice after bad choice and could potentially go free now. Irrespective of color, this is fuked up!


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
It was word play from my and Kettch's back and forth. In a legitimate case of self defense, there is no crime, and nothing to arrest or detain someone for. Kettch wasn't getting that, or doesn't agree with the law, I was just trying to explain it.

Anytime a person takes another person's life it should be treated like a crime until the proof says otherwise.

no guilt equals no crime makes zero sense at all


I wonder if they at least took the gun. Was it a point blank shooting, was there a direct angle? Are they even looking for stuff like that?

I'd do drug testing, etc. They probably just let the guy go back to watching episodes of COPS and the Crime channel.


If this is no guilt, there is no crime, and you can't be arrested and detained. How hard is this to understand?

This is the worst made-up armchair legal falsehood I've ever seen on neogaf, and that includes the psychopaths who say homosexuality is a crime like bestiality.



This is the worst made-up armchair legal falsehood I've ever seen on neogaf, and that includes the psychopaths who say homosexuality is a crime like bestiality.

Yea you guys are right on that one, it does read like nonsense. I intended the reverse "if there is no crime, there is no guilt", but posted too fast without any proof reading. Kettch was emphasizing at the time that he's guilty, he confessed, he cooperated. I was just trying to point out if there was evidence of justified self defense, there's no crime for him to be guilty of.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Yea you guys are right on that one, it does read like nonsense. I intended the reverse "if there is no crime, there is no guilt", but posted too fast without any proof reading. Kettch was emphasizing at the time that he's guilty, he confessed, he cooperated. I was just trying to point out if there was evidence of justified self defense, there's no crime for him to be guilty of.

You can be detained until that is proven... I know this first hand


I don't think the problem is that the man is still free pending investigation so much as that were the shooter and deceased reversed, there is no doubt the young, black shooter would have been arrested, charged, and bail set excessively high. In other words, this man is getting due process (which is good), but he is the exception in this country that receives it (bad). And the reasons he is receiving it are, in large part, race-based, which is obviously problematic. But the criminal justice system is nothing if not blatantly racist. Nobody seems to really care, though.

Uh huh. Go on.

And by all appearances, does about as good a job of it as the real thing.

Oh spare me.

I don't know if you were violated in some way or something that you're like this, but I assure you not everyone in the CJS/LEO is a "bad cop". If you keep thinking this way, and something happens, you may pull out an attitude and escalate the situation yourself. Guess what though, some cooks spit in people's food. Some lawyers get criminals off the hook. Some companies screw over consumers. Some millionaires collect food stamps. And even some Presidents screw over millions. There's bad apples everywhere, and free will/human nature is the reason of this. We aren't living in a Utopian society. Quit trying to degrade all law enforcement, as you're wrong, deal with it.

Watches are a great deterrent to crime, especially in areas with smaller LE budgets. It's a good way to gather information (LE witnesses 2% of crimes with their own eyes when one takes place), and puts more eyes on the streets. Of course they're not told be armed and shoot on site, but any non-felon/CR can carry a gun. If they happen to be carrying and shoot someone in self-defense legitimately, then there's no crime.

Regardless, where the person was shot is a typical spot for a defensive shot, "center mass". Pretty shocking that this guy has a criminal record, especially against a LEO and he's walking around free though.
There's bad apples everywhere, and free will/human nature is the reason of this. We aren't living in a Utopian society. Quit trying to degrade all law enforcement, as you're wrong, deal with it.

The problem of rampant corruption and abuse of power in American law enforcement is not a case of bad apples. It's endemic to the profession, because there is no accountability and no oversight. The militarization of the police has contributed to an us vs. them gang mentality, which hasn't helped. Police, for example, lie with impunity every day in courtrooms across America, and, although everybody knows it, nobody can or will do anything about it and it continues unabated.
So Chief Lee and the Sanford PD have concluded their, uh, investigation. No charges against Zimmerman.

Saying he did not have enough evidence to make an arrest, Police Chief Bill Lee said the case will be handed over to the Seminole-Brevard State Attorney's Office for review. Locals demanded to know why watch captain George Zimmerman has not been charged.

“In this case Mr. Zimmerman has made the statement of self-defense,” Lee said. “Until we can establish probable cause to dispute that, we don't have the grounds to arrest him.”

The State Attorney’s Office did not return repeated requests for comment.

AFAIK, the 911 tapes have yet to be turned over.
So Chief Lee and the Sanford PD have concluded their, uh, investigation. No charges against Zimmerman.

AFAIK, the 911 tapes have yet to be turned over.



Neo Member
Well, pretty much exactly what I said a billion times explaining why they didn't arrest him. This doesn't surprise me. I'm not sure what exactly happens next but I guess the State Attorney's Office could charge him with something then they'll have a pretrial hearing to determine if he's immune from prosecution if they find he was justified.
Small update:
George Zimmerman has not been charged in the Feb. 26 shooting of Trayvon Martin, 17, who was walking home from a convenience store in Sanford, Fla., near Orlando. Zimmerman, who patrolled the Retreat at Twin Lakes development in his own car, had been called aggressive in earlier complaints to the local police and the homeowner's association, according to a homeowner who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

At an emergency homeowner’s association meeting on March 1, “one man was escorted out because he openly expressed his frustration because he had previously contacted the Sanford Police Department about Zimmerman approaching him and even coming to his home,” the resident wrote in an email to HuffPost. “It was also made known that there had been several complaints about George Zimmerman and his tactics" in his neighborhood watch captain role.

Jay Sosa

"What do the police find in his pocket? Skittles," Crump said. "A can of Arizona ice tea in his jacket pocket and Skittles in his front pocket for his brother Chad."

Didn't they have any time to plant some evidence on the boy? Usually that seems to work just fine as long as there are no cameras or too many eye witnesses around.


Could someone please explain to me how the police don't have probable cause in this case? Shouldn't finding a person dead with no weapon on them constitute some god damn probable cause that the shooting may not have been justified coupled with the fact that Zimmerman has had complaints against and that Zimmerman was told not to pursue?
Could someone please explain to me how the police don't have probable cause in this case? Shouldn't finding a person dead with no weapon on them constitute some god damn probable cause that the shooting may not have been justified coupled with the fact that Zimmerman has had complaints against and that Zimmerman was told not to pursue?

But Zimmerman is such a great guy.

Jay Sosa

Could someone please explain to me how the police don't have probable cause in this case? Shouldn't finding a person dead with no weapon on them constitute some god damn probable cause that the shooting may not have been justified coupled with the fact that Zimmerman has had complaints against and that Zimmerman was told not to pursue?

White guy shoots black kid. That should be explanation enough.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
So it hasn't got any nation wide media attention at all?

not that ive seen. my friends who are pretty up to date about this kind of news were shocked to find out about it when i brought it up in conversation.

this is not being talked about at all...it's disgusting.
Really? Nothing at all? This is soooo fucked. Hopefully someone at a decent sized media outlet gets pissed off with this result and champions it, something really needs to come of it.


is now taking requests
Zimmerman called police the evening of the shooting to report Martin as a suspicious person, police have said. A dispatcher told Zimmerman to stand down and an officer was on the way. Zimmerman confronted the youth anyway and Martin was shot in the chest with Zimmerman's 9 mm pistol, police said. Police questioned Zimmerman, then released him.

Well the police is offering a nice service to the taxpayers at least. I assume anyone can call and report a "suspicious person" and get a police sent out to investigate, despite the suspicious person having done nothing at all besides walking about in the public space and being black.

I assume it's a service available to anyone and not just people living in gated communities? =)


Neo Member
How the flying fuck can Zimmerman be allowed to follow the kid in this car, get out of the car with an armed weapon, kill the kid, and be free?

WTF at self defense? He has no business stalking the kid and killing him.

Imagine, someone follows you in my car, gets out and heckles you, shoots you dead..."Self Defense" Disgusting
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