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Borderlands 2 To Use Steamworks (Have Functional Multiplayer)


Good riddance. I never did manage to play BL1 online without running in LAN mode through an external program.


Can we get the Mac version on Steam too (if there is a Mac version eventually) please? Sucks that you can only get Borderlands 1 via the Mac App store.


Steam trading would be excellent, though if it was implemented then weapons would have to be stored where users can't edit them (Steam Cloud), which probably isn't desirable if you plan on playing in single player.


Yes PC version will still support the 360 pad.

I hope they develop a PROPER PC HUD for keyboard and mouse (drag & drop, shortcuts, etc).

Don't care about gamepad. Is nice to have an option, but I want to feel like a solid PC game.


Gearbox, if you're listening... pretty please use Steamworks for the PS3 version too. I don't wanna see Gamespy there again :/


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Great news! I'm actually interested in the game now! The PC version of Borderlands 1 was awful.
oh Man, do I need a new pc or what?

Can we get the Mac version on Steam too (if there is a Mac version eventually) please? Sucks that you can only get Borderlands 1 via the Mac App store.

Unfortunately osx opengl support sucks monkey balls.

Bootcamp + win is the way for gaming
This was pretty much assumed to be happening in light of BL1's Steamworks patch, but still nice to hear it from the horse's mouth. PC version it is, mateys.


Steam trading would be excellent, though if it was implemented then weapons would have to be stored where users can't edit them (Steam Cloud), which probably isn't desirable if you plan on playing in single player.
Yeah, weapon trading will require server-side verification for every item that you get. All loot would have to be generated server-side otherwise a hacker could simply fake some. Basically always-on internet, Diablo 3 style.


Excuse my ignorance but I'd like a quick recap of what is wrong with gamespy ?

I have spent countless hours online with this game and I don't remember having any issues. The only trouble was the in-game voice chat was very bad and couldn't, to my knowledge, be replaced by steam.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Gearbox, if you're listening... pretty please use Steamworks for the PS3 version too. I don't wanna see Gamespy there again :/

I'd like to know if this is something others developers have explored. I can't see the complimentary PC/Mac version catching on, however Steamworks making cross-platform play relatively pain-free is surely something that other developers are interested in.
I'd like to know if this is something others developers have explored.

I'm pretty sure they have to collab with Valve if they want to implement this.

And I'm pretty sure that Valve considers Steam PS3 Integration a semi-failed experiment.


What a great day for news, first Sim City 5 was announced, and now Borderlands 2 uses steamworks? Awesome, just awesome.



Summary: Borderlands 2 PC Version will include... said:
-FOV Slider
-100% Mouse Usable Menus/Mouse wheel scrolling
-PC Specific UI
-Native Multiplayer Matchmaking
-Logitech Keyboard Support
-LAN Support (including OFFLINE mode)
-Control Pad Support
-Integrated V-Sync Option
-Support for high resolutions
-Mouse smoothing options (can be disabled completely)
-Cloud Save Support
-Achievement Support
-Friends List Support

So basically, it's going to be a proper PC game.


Shame they didn't give a fuck the first time.

Crunchtime happens to the best of them. Borderlands was a fantastic game, sloppy-ish port or not, and it's good to know that the PC version is getting the love it deserves.


Borderlands 2 will have TXAA and Physx support for water simulation, volumetric smoke, cloths and destruction.


However, bearing in mind the NVIDIA engineers' pedigree with anti-aliasing solutions we wouldn't be surprised if it does turn out to be the "next big thing". According to NVIDIA, TXAA is set to be included in the next-gen Unreal Engine 4, Crytek is also going to support it, plus we can expect it crop up in a number of titles with EVE Onlive and Borderlands 2 already confirmed.

NVIDIA continues to refine its PhysX technology, which worked so well in enhancing titles like Batman: Arkham City. The processing power afforded by the Kepler architecture opens up some intriguing possibilities. At NVIDIA's press event we were treated to a demo of Borderlands 2 with PhysX enhancements including some impressive water simulation, enhanced (destructible!) cloth physics and volumetric smoke trails from rockets, which animated beautifully.
Would've preferred GFWL here, or two versions to give us a choice; one Steamworks, one GFWL. I almost never use the Steamworks features for games and the achievements suck for Steam. If they add the Steam trading feature for the loot maybe it'll be worth it.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Would've preferred GFWL here, or two versions to give us a choice; one Steamworks, one GFWL. I almost never use the Steamworks features for games and the achievements suck for Steam. If they add the Steam trading feature for the loot maybe it'll be worth it.

need dem points lol


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I would have preferred Gamespy Comrade. It's the fastest way to play games online with my friends.
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