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Max Payne is on my iPhone

Where are the screenshots?



What I really want to see are the people who're going to actually finish it on iOS.

But I guess that is irrelevant, revenue is the only that matters.

I don't know if that would be fair, most normal games on 360/ps3 don't get finished at all either. Maybe the stats would be even lower on ios due to the higher proportion of casuals on there but I still don't see how much completion % matters.


When I first played this game, my computer would just barely run it. Now you can play it on your phone, and it costs three bucks. Insane.


Guess this is the AAA games Remedy was talking about on iOS, just didn't say they would be 10 years later.
Is it on iPad too?

The controls for GTA III were actually good and playable so I might get max payne :D

As long as there is no sniping , in GTA III on iOS it was almost game breaking during the 8 ball sniping mission


help me!!!

How can I move or shoot?
you can't, you just stand there and think about how far we've come in the last decade.
I don't want to see Wario banned, he's often very funny, and nearly always helpful. I also don't give a shit if he's trolling, mods should be all over that. He's just got this slightly arrogant "class clown" persona, that kind of rubs people up.

Look, he's not the second coming of Amirox, spouting vitriolic venom all over the forum, I just wish he'd chill out with the "hey guys, look! I'm being a bawdy little monkey because I'm untouchable" act.
Oh man, this thread is heating up.
I can't wait for the resurgence of 10 year old games that I can pay $1 for and get my 15 minutes of nostalgia from before I realize the controls are laughable and move onto something more interesting and fun.

FYI I don't really care if iOS/Android "is the future of gaming" as long as I can still play games I want with the controls I want. Who actually sells me that doesn't matter to me.


What I really want to see are the people who're going to actually finish it on iOS.

But I guess that is irrelevant, revenue is the only that matters.

People will buy it for the novelty and play for maybe 30 minutes. Seems like the average lifespan of any ios game that requires more than two fingers to use.


The real flaw to the iOS version is that you can't play it with the Kung Fu mod on.
People will buy it for the novelty and play for maybe 30 minutes. Seems like the average lifespan of any ios game that requires more than two fingers to use.
blah blah EdMund McMundMullenEd blah blah Tiger handhelds blah
that looks just awful. virtual joysticks will never be a good input method.
That has got to work terribly on small screens. And how do you aim while shooting? You don't?

I'm glad the thing told me I didn't have enough space even though I did when I tried to impulse buy it for my ipod yesterday.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I don't want to see Wario banned, he's often very funny, and nearly always helpful. I also don't give a shit if he's trolling, mods should be all over that. He's just got this slightly arrogant "class clown" persona, that kind of rubs people up.

Look, he's not the second coming of Amirox, spouting vitriolic venom all over the forum, I just wish he'd chill out with the "hey guys, look! I'm being a bawdy little monkey because I'm untouchable" act.

Even the untouchable Amirox got de-modded eventually. Believe.

I do like following Wario on twitter though, he lets everybody know about free iOS games which I download and then never play.


Nah, you'll be fine. It's mostly standalone (and it is coming to PS3).

A quick wiki read on the basic premise of the franchise would work, though. Learning what happens in literally just the first 5 minutes of the first game would be sufficient.

Cool, thanks for the info. Will get 1 and 2 for PC as well in the near future.


Played the first three chapters. Well, it's an old ass game and it shows. It didn't age very gracefully. Still, there's some noir charm to it and I'll probably try to finish since I've never played Max Payne before.

Controls are allright if you turn auto aim on. It's not as satisfying as free aim, but it's serviceable. Free aim here is a no no, despite the option being there. Not only you can't aim and shoot at the same time like other iOS shooters, but the free look is very janky for some reason.

Unsurprisingly, 9mm has better controls despite being a terrible game.

At least the shooting controls aren't fucking broken like in GTA3. It's playable.

Anyway, it's time to bring Mafia to iOS!


I have been playi the first chapter and so far it controls great! The virtual sticks is absolutely nothing to worry about. It's cumbersome though, if you're trying to dodge while shooting at the same time. Thankfully you can enable "soft aiming", "light aiming", "hard aimi" etc. to assist you. Max Payne: Mobile is great so far.

If I have "tap to shoot" enabled can the shoot button be removed/hidden?


I have been playi the first chapter and so far it controls great! The virtual sticks is absolutely nothing to worry about. It's cumbersome though, if you're trying to dodge while shooting at the same time. Thankfully you can enable "soft aiming", "light aiming", "hard aimi" etc. to assist you. Max Payne: Mobile is great so far.

If I have "tap to shoot" enabled can the shoot button be removed/hidden?

Controls are abysmal to me. If devs are going to keep porting these types of game over to iOS, apple or someone really needs to release a bluetooth controller.


It's funny that Infinity Blade looks way better than this and GTAIII, but these two are the real "HOLY SHIT THIS IS ON MY PHONE?!" games. I guess it helps to have a reference point and remember paying full price for these back in the day.

But god damn, Max Payne on my mobile phone. God. Damn.


You missed my point. I don't care if he has an agenda, I don't care if he pushes iOS, I don't care if he likes cheap games, good for him. It would be nice if he just chilled a little. It seems like he feels like he always needs to make a show of himself. He's a decent poster a lot of the time, and as I say, often very funny and helpful. There is just the odd time when I read a post a go, "well most people would've felt the ban hammer for that." As I say, I don't want him banned, but that's not cool.

I wanted to give you genuine kudos on both your posts on this page, NinjaBoi, post 185 and this post. They're well thought out and I'm glad someone finally stood up to this whole Wario thing.

Look..I don't post on forums very often and I'll touch on that in a minute. The bottom line is-this Wario guy's an ass clown. Let's take a look at his recent "contributions", shall we? I sincerely hope the mods will pay attention to this part because the whole thing needs to be addressed. I've been raised on "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" adage so I'll try to write this as civilly as possible but the issue needs to be brought to the forefront period.

Recent "Contribution" number 1: He posts threads containing deals on games-or "bombas" as he likes to call them. Which IS a great contribution to a gaming forum but here's the problem: A vast majority of the deals he posts have already been posted hours before in other forums and places..you know, sites a lot of gamers I'm sure visit so they see those deals before he's posted them. At that point, it kinda makes it a waste of time and space in posting. I understand some may not have seen the deals, but the vast majority of the community here frequents other places online enough to where they've probably already seen the deals. Lately these "bomba" threads kinda reek of being solely attention grabbing posts.

Recent Contribution number 2: Here's the one that really bothers me and REALLY doesn't sit well with me. The ass clown had the nerve, and audacity to post a tweet to Mr. Yoshida about frickin iPhone of all things...a tweet that was genuinely un-necessary and he could have left it alone. But no, he pursued it..attempted to throw egg on Sony's face publicly..more or less failed...got an even bigger egg thrown back at him and then he comes back here essentially crying "waaa I got egg thrown on me!!!" What did he expect?! If you can't take the heat stay away from the fire. Look, Mr. Yoshida takes the time to answer fans' tweets and questions. On frickin SUNDAYS even! It's not something he HAS to do. It's a special treat, and courtesy Mr. Yoshida gives to his fans and isn't something that should be abused like that. The LEAST you can do, the VERY least is show enough respect to the point of frickin thinking out what you're gonna say before you're gonna say it! The kicker: The guy essentially gets rewarded for his tweets to Yoshida in the form of "wooooo yeah go Wario!!! You showed him!" Look, the whole thing may have been a joke and in jest but in this case I think he shoulda left well enough alone and refrained from doing it. That's what gets me..His stunts get attention, and replies while meanwhile some truly interesting threads and contributions go completely ignored and die out. Sad. I don't post on forums often, and posters like Wario who pull these stunts are why. How in the world can anyone contribute anything worthwhile and productive to a community when you have all this crap going on constantly? You can't and it just makes the whole thing frustrating when you want to contribute and make a difference in a community. I'd sure like to contribute but again how with all this going on?

Contribution number 3: I JUST saw this one last night..the "Vita FW 1.67 is up" thread The opening post.. writes along the lines of "the update is up and it doesn't do anything, suck that suckas!" I was like really? Really!? He felt the need to post that? If you wanna post that the update's live, great! A better way to handle that would have been "Just wanna let everyone know the update's live, no patch notes detailing what it does. Probably just minor bug fixes. Just thought I'd give a heads up." THAT would have been much more worthwhile and a much better contribution than "suck that suckas!" Again..just that extra little suckas comment shoulda been left out. Had he done that it wouldn't be in my "Contributions" list.

Recent "Contribution" number 4: This one's more general...if it's not "bomba" thread postings, or his latest adventure in trying to jokingly or not throw egg on companies/individual developer's faces he's making smart ass comments that just again...cool it. They're not funny and un-necessary comments. Or there's times I see him put others down JUST for wanting to contribute a thought or opinion!

My bottom line is: Shouldn't each poster be held accountable for his or her own actions? Shouldn't there be consequences when someone gets out of line and has truly done something disruptive to the community? The mods have done a MUCH better job lately, there's much fewer trouble makers..and those trouble makers are being held accountable for their actions, that's how it should be. I just...think there's times where Wario truly is disrupting the community and it's probably a good idea to get that in check a bit now before it truly does get to the point of hopeless.

Finally, I think what Wario needs to ask himself when posting a thread/comment is:

-Is this thread truly necessary and appropriate? Especially with the comments/putting down others he really should put himself in the shoes of the person he wants to comment to or put down. Think about how you would feel if you were in their shoes and some clown joker decides to call you out JUST because you wanted to share a thought or opinion.

-Will it truly be contributing something or is it something that would just be a waste of space?

-Is this going to be truly worthwhile and make a difference to the community? Or should I maybe just cool it for a while?

This is something that's bothered me for quite a while now when reading Wario's threads. I had THREE versions of what I just wrote in my mind. Mods, I chose the much more respectful, productive version of the 3. Believe me, the other two versions were way more critical. But the bottom line is it NEEDS to be addressed, but in a productive as well as respectful way. That's what I've chosen and I'm truly glad to see Wario's "schtick" is starting to wear thin a bit on the larger community.
Geez, it's not that big of a deal. If the mods thought it was bad he would have been banned or told to stop.

Or maybe he really is Suda51 and has a ton of pull on here.
The future of console gaming is here.

The reason that there will always be a need for real portable consoles is controls. iPhone does Cut the Rope and Bejeweled Blitz real well, but a game with actual console like controls that doesn't rely on swiping the screen to attack? No so much.
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